A few questions for Atheists?
2011-04-03 22:59:59 UTC
I'm just bored felt like asking...

1.If humans evolved from chimpanzees, why are chimpanzees still around?

2.The Big Bang Theory proposes that everything in the Universe started from something called singularity which is smaller than an atom. How can you stuff everything in the universe in that? It's hard enough to stuff four suitcases in the trunk of your car!
3. If the earth really revolves around the sun, then why when we look at the sun we can see it plainly revolving around the earth? (And if the earth was moving around the sun, wouldn't we all fly off into space?)

4. If women were not created from Adam's rib, why is it that men have one fewer rib than women?

5.How do scientists know stars are "millions of light years away"? Have they been there and back? Do they have a tape measure that stretchs that long?

6.Scientists say all our genetic information is coded on DNA. But DNA is an acid! How can you write information in acid? You can write information on a hard drive, but not a liquid!

7. People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years. Why haven't our bodies evolved natural clothes that come out of our skin then?

8.If there really are millions and millions of species, then how could have Adam named them all? Obviously, there's not that many species then! (Gen 2:18-22)

9.If our brains are just a mishmash of biochemistry, how come chemicals like gasoline or bug spray can't think?
Einstein said that if you approach the speed of light, time slows down. Once you hit the speed of light, time stops. If that is so, how come light can travel from point A to point B if time is stopped for light?

lol, enjoy
33 answers:
2011-04-03 23:44:53 UTC
Anti atheism is doing so much damage to Christianity that it is in reality anti Christianity – David Manley

Note that says anti-christian!

The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

Nice that christians and atheists can agree and laugh together even if it is at fundie expense!

But behind the laughter is the despair at the fundamentalists striving so hard to destroy christianity by turning it from a religion to an ideology!

Surveys suggest that 29% of American christians are so extremist in their beliefs that they fall well outside of the accepted bounds of christianity!

Please state which sect you belong to so that GOOD christians can disassociate themselves from you!

But better still why not try to discover the nidea of a loving god and act like it?
2011-04-03 23:35:16 UTC
O.K. but atheist is not shorthand for repository of all knowledge/master of all the sciences. Just sayin'.

1.If humans evolved from chimpanzees, why are chimpanzees still around?

Different apes, same common ancestor.

2.The Big Bang Theory proposes that everything in the Universe started from something called singularity which is smaller than an atom. How can you stuff everything in the universe in that? It's hard enough to stuff four suitcases in the trunk of your car!

Black holes also have singularities which contain the mass of many suns, how it's done I'm not sure. I'm an atheist but not a physicist.

3. If the earth really revolves around the sun, then why when we look at the sun we can see it plainly revolving around the earth? (And if the earth was moving around the sun, wouldn't we all fly off into space?)

The universe is not entirely WYSIWYG, if you look in a circus mirror you don''t suddenly become fat!

4. If women were not created from Adam's rib, why is it that men have one fewer rib than women?

They don't.

5.How do scientists know stars are "millions of light years away"? Have they been there and back? Do they have a tape measure that stretchs that long?


6.Scientists say all our genetic information is coded on DNA. But DNA is an acid! How can you write information in acid? You can write information on a hard drive, but not a liquid!

DNA is also a complex molecule, it is this attribute of DNA that allows for the storage of information.

7. People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years. Why haven't our bodies evolved natural clothes that come out of our skin then?

Anatomically modern humans have only been around for 100,000 years. This is not a long time evolutionarily speaking. Regardless, the Kalahari Bushmen have survived quite comfortably in the African Savanna without clothes for thousands of years. It was in this type of environment that modern humans evolved.

8.If there really are millions and millions of species, then how could have Adam named them all? Obviously, there's not that many species then! (Gen 2:18-22)

He didn't, it's a myth.

9.If our brains are just a mishmash of biochemistry, how come chemicals like gasoline or bug spray can't think?

Your gut is complex too, it can't think either.

Einstein said that if you approach the speed of light, time slows down. Once you hit the speed of light, time stops. If that is so, how come light can travel from point A to point B if time is stopped for light?

Once again, I'm not a physicist. I've heard of time dialation, don't know exactly how it works.

Because I don't know exactly how it works this does not mean therefore God!

Ask these questions in the science section please.
Kreeos Kren
2011-04-03 23:11:46 UTC
1. We didn't evolve from chimpanzees. Humans and chimps are cousin species that both evolved from a common ancestor long gone extinct.

2. That argument is retarded. A singularity is infinite mass in a near infinitely small space. Read some physics textbooks and you'll realize that how much mass you can pack into a space depends on the density of the objects.

3. Of course we orbit the sun. The reason why it looks like the sun orbits the Earth is because the Earth is also rotating on an axis. No, we wouldn't fly off. Despite the fact that the Earth is moving at approx. 350 miles per second around the sun the mass of the Earth is great enough as to cause a sufficient gravity field to keep everything firmly on the ground.

4. Men don't have one less rib. That's a myth that any first year medical student could tell you is false.

5. Scientists can calculate the distance of a star from Earth because the speed of light is a constant. Learn calculus and you can prove it for yourself.

6. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Genetic information in DNA isn't digital. It's not like what you store on a hard drive. Different molecules mean different things. Do more research.

7. That's not how evolution works. Evolution is the adaptation of creatures to ensure survival in their current environment. We don't need to evolve natural clothes because the ones we make and wear do the job perfectly well.

8. Quoting bible verses isn't proof of anything, especially if that quote comes from the Book of Genesis.

9. Because it's BIOchemestry. Organic chemicals behave differently. Pay attention in school.

10. It's because light has no mass. Also, Einstein never said that time stops once you hit the speed of light. What happens at the speed of light can only be hypothesized since the equations Einstein came up with in the Theory of Relativity don't work at the speed of light or greater.
Sean M
2011-04-04 00:04:54 UTC
1. For the same reason that lizards and alligators still aer in existance.

2. I guess we believe in that the same way you believe some magical being created itself, then the universe.

3. Because the earth spins in a circle over and over while it revolves around the sun..... genius

4. Maybe for the same reasons men have different chromosomes then women.

5. Is this a legit question??

6. How can the molecules for essential proteins be encoded in amino acids (the basis for human life)?

7. Because PEOPLE made clothes, and clothes are NOT a necessity for survial in many parts of the world. You can walk around naked for your entire life anywhere around the equator.

8. Well, becuase the bible is fiction. It's a made up kids book just to scare the weak minded like jack and the Beanstalk or Goldilocks and the 3 bears.

9. Because Gasoline AND bugspray have manmade chemicals in them.

What Einstein stated was just a theory. Theory's are not fact. Until we can find something that travels the speed of light, we can't know for sure.
♥ Introvert, Deep Thinker ♥
2011-04-03 23:30:26 UTC
1. I am not an atheist that believes in evolution, I would say..atheism is as diverse as christianity with these ''branches'' you have, such as lutheran, protestant, catholic, episcopal, etc...But form what I observed an evolutionist would say, ''we are related to them, we didn't evolved from them''.

2. Well I don't believe in the big bang either, I believe that this universe is actually a neighboring one. What I mean is, it was a wormhole, not a pin-drop of energy that started THIS universe. The wormhole, or more relevantly hole (since wormholes don't really pull that much) was created because of a nebulatic explosion a huge huge huge distance from here. Think of it as.....your cells, your cells are able to copy and multiply themselves, so in a way, the universe is a ''cell'' which has done the same thing, and I'm sure there is a copy of this universe somewhere else, probably a little difference of course.

3.The sun does revolved around something, but not the earth, it's revolving around the center of the galaxy which takes 255,000 earth years to completely go around the whole galaxy (hence the Mayan calendar), then WE fling around the sun because the sun is larger and more dense and has a larger gravity field and it is able to pull us around it without pulling us into it totally.

4. Well I've just felt all my ribs (I'm really thin) and I really don't notice any missing ribs but I guess biology has proven that men have one less rib, and well I can't really rely on the ''fact'' of a religions creation story, many religions could have a similar stance.

5. They use telescopes and based on how far one star is they compare it to another...I'm not sure really since I'm not an astronomer

6. I don't think we have the technology capable of writing information on DNA, just because we, at our current level of technology do not have the means to carry it out, does not mean it's impossible, besides we are going further and further into science so we will probably be able to do it one day.

7. Humans weren't meant for any kind of cold what so ever, we didn't evolved from anything, we were created by other humans from another planet. We are meant to be naked, it is natural, you are born naked but still people find it ''disgusting'' when they see the beauty of the human body naked.

8. And well the language of Adam is close to Hebrew, but I'm sure Adams language is more ''root structured'' words then modern Hebrew. For instance like Latin, Latin is capable of giving a name to any species it comes upon based on it's features and colors and environment it comes from.

9. You don't seem to have a clear understanding of how our brains work. The brain is an amazing complex organ, it's possibly the most advanced computer in the universe. It has a bunch of matter and connection throughout it, it's like again with the DNA thing you asked, we just do not have the technology to create it. We are still too primitive.
Vincent P
2011-04-03 23:19:53 UTC
1. Because you don't understand evolution. We didn't evolve from Chimpanzee's. Chimps and Humans evolved from a common ancestor. I'm not going to go into detail here, but no, we did not evolve from the currently living Chimp. To rephrase the question to you - If you came from your father and mother, why are they still around?

2. The singularity prior to the Big Bang is not terribly well understood yet. However, we do know that gravity can compress a huge amount of mass into a very small space. There are stars that are so heavily compressed, a spoon full of their material would weigh tons. Black holes are collapsed completely by gravity, essentially crushing mass into nothingness.

3. I almost feel like this question is a joke. The sun isn't moving around the Earth. It looks that way because the Earth is spinning on its axis. As the Earth spins, the position of the sun relative to the observer on the surface appears to change. If you place an object in front of you, and slowly spin yourself around, you'll notice that according to you, that object seems to be moving across your field of vision, even though it's stationary.

4. This is just simply not true. We have the same number of ribs. I've no idea where this misconception came from.

5. Scientists know the size of the Earth's orbit around the sun. Using that number, and the relative position of a star in the sky as we orbit the sun, we can triangulate the approximate distance of the object. It's not rocket science, actually, it's relatively basic mathematics.

6. First of all, "Acid" does not mean "liquid". Secondly, I'm not going to go into extreme detail on how DNA works, but it definitely stores information. Essentially, it uses groups of parts in different combinations (these parts make up the DNA strand) to store information, just as a computer uses groups of 1's and 0's to store something that shows up as text or a picture on your monitor.

7. Animals evolved hair, which is essentially the same thing. Humans have actually evolved in the opposite direction. The reason this happened is because we were foragers, and needed to travel long distances in harsh (read: hot) climates. With all of that fur and no way to dissipate heat, long distance travel was deadly. So those who survived were the ones who had less hair and sweat more. Clothing is a societal thing. If you left a group of humans alone in a frigid climate for millions of years, you would certainly see them evolve to have more hair.

8. I'm not answering this question because it's claiming that a phrase from the bible is true. Most of your questions were legitimate, but not this one. The answer here is that Adam (a man for which there is no proof), did not necessarily "name all of the species". You're asking about something in a story book, like saying "why did the Grinch hate Christmas so much if it's such a nice holiday?" I can't answer that question, because the Grinch isn't real. See where I'm going here?

9. The first part of this question is silly. A mishmash of biochemistry can do a lot of things, but they don't all do the same thing. No group of molecules and atoms does the same thing. Why can our brains think? Because they have the right combination of molecules to do it. Gasoline doesn't. You could just as well ask (by your own logic), why bug spray can't feed a village, or why gasoline isn't useful for freshening your breath. The use is entirely different. Secondly, time is a perception of people. It exists as a part of space-time, but the way we "feel" time is most likely uniquely human. The behavior of time is not something that any of us can really understand. That said, I'm relatively certain that Einstein was referring to a conscious person approaching the speed of light, and what it would appear like to that observer. He was not saying that time stops for everything including light itself, just that this is the way it would appear to a human should he find himself in this admittedly impossible situation.

I did enjoy, thank you.
Vincent G
2011-04-03 23:15:42 UTC
1- we are not evolved from chimps. We evolved from some common ancestors. If you are the descendant of your maternal great grand parents named 'Smith' but your name is 'Willis', how come there are still people named 'Smith' around?

2- the universe manages to do that. Black holes manage to do that (on a smaller scale). That you have an issue with your luggage does not mean your experience translates to other things.

3- Are you for real? I mean, are you really that uneducated?

4- They don't. Have you ever even looked at a skeleton?

5- There is something called parallax used fro stars less than a few hundred light years. Beyond that, other techniques called 'standard candles' are used to assess distances to galaxies.

6- And what happens when you freeze your liquid acid? It turns to ice. Ice is a solid. Different acid have different melting point. DNA actually would have a melting point that is higher than the temperature that would cause it to decompose. I would like to bring back my point #3 here.

7- And how would you be able to take a bath then?

8- Newsflash: Adam never existed. If you take your info from the bible, you are gravely mistaken. Again, question at my point #3 is pertinent.

9- Brains are an organized mishmash of biochemistry. Gasoline is a collection of relatively small molecules that are not held in any specific position relative to one another.

10- (even though your number is not showing) Time is indeed stopped for light. A photon does not decay and does not experience the flow of time. Accordingly, a photon would 'feel' (if that has any kind of meaning) like it moved instantaneously from point A to point B.
2011-04-03 23:33:50 UTC
1.If humans evolved from chimpanzees, why are chimpanzees still around?

The conditions the chimps humans evolved from were different from the normal conditions chimps were used to. It's like moving an animal from one lush island to an island with harsher conditions and the animal in the harsh conditions will evolve and adapt while the animals on the lush island remain the same.

2.The Big Bang Theory proposes that everything in the Universe started from something called singularity which is smaller than an atom. How can you stuff everything in the universe in that? It's hard enough to stuff four suitcases in the trunk of your car!

That is just one of many theories and it hasn't been proven yet (hence it being called the big bang THEORY). No one really knows how the universe began.

3. If the earth really revolves around the sun, then why when we look at the sun we can see it plainly revolving around the earth? (And if the earth was moving around the sun, wouldn't we all fly off into space?)

Because we can't see the earth move since we are moving with the earth. It's walking in a circle around a box - the box looks like it's spinning, but it's really staying in place. We don't fly off into space because gravity keeps us on earth. The earth doesn't fly off into space because the earth is moving forward but the sun pulls on it a little bit so the forward direction curves, hence the circular-ish rotation around the sun.

4. If women were not created from Adam's rib, why is it that men have one fewer rib than women?

That's a genetic thing, not an atheist thing.

5.How do scientists know stars are "millions of light years away"? Have they been there and back? Do they have a tape measure that stretchs that long?

Have you ever been to a star? Have you been into space and realized they are not as close as the sun? The earth is about 150 million km away and you think the other stars are closer? If they were closer, we would see them during the day.

6.Scientists say all our genetic information is coded on DNA. But DNA is an acid! How can you write information in acid? You can write information on a hard drive, but not a liquid!

DNA is a nucleic acid, there is a difference. Maybe you should go back to school. The information on DNA is nothing like putting information on a hard drive. It is more like a code or recipe for the person.

7. People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years. Why haven't our bodies evolved natural clothes that come out of our skin then?

Why haven't we evolved to gain wings? Why haven't other animals evolved to human intelligence? Why haven't we evolved to shoot houses and food out of our butts? Because it is not necessary. Since clothes already exist to help us, we don't need to evolve to make them out of our skin. Plus, evolution takes millions of years (not thousands) for a change that big to occur.

8.If there really are millions and millions of species, then how could have Adam named them all? Obviously, there's not that many species then! (Gen 2:18-22)

That's because he didn't. As more species are discovered, the scientists who discover them name them. Go to google, type in animal species, and be amazed at the amount of wondrous creatures of this world.

9.If our brains are just a mishmash of biochemistry, how come chemicals like gasoline or bug spray can't think?

Because gasoline and bug spray are not the right combinations of chemicals. And if you take our brains out of our bodies, they don't function. Our brains need the rest of our body and organs to think and function.

Einstein said that if you approach the speed of light, time slows down. Once you hit the speed of light, time stops. If that is so, how come light can travel from point A to point B if time is stopped for light?

Light travels so fast, the world around it moves slow. Think being able to live your life out in the time it takes another person to tie their shoe. Einstein is referring to time seemingly stopping for everything that's not moving at the speed of light from the perspective of something moving at the speed of light.
2011-04-03 23:35:14 UTC
1 - we actually evolved from outer space aliens. The whole chimpanzee theory is just for the masses so they don't freak out upon learning their ancestors were from another planet.

2 - You can stuff an infinite number of clowns into a small car, and innumerable rabbits into a magician's hat. How hard can it be to accept that all matter was once condensed into a singularity?

3 - Have you ever tried to jump off the earth? I doesn't work because space is pressing down on all of us, keeping us on the earth, even as the planet rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. If it wasn't for the weight of empty space keeping us on Earth, we'd all fly off.

4 - That missing rib evolved into man's penis, not into women.

5 - There is no tape measure that long. But they can throw a ping pong ball at the stars and time how long it takes the ping pong ball to bounce back to Earth. From those calculations we know stars are very far away.

6 - DNA is tightly wound into a helix, which spins a 10,000 rpm, allowing information to be written and read off it just like a hard drive, but on volumes much, much smaller. Someday maybe humans will evolve ever faster rpm DNA molecules!

7 - That already happened in the past. You think you are naked if you take off all your clothes, but in reality you are wearing ancient clothes. It will take a long time for us to incorporate new clothes into our bodies. To speed things up we should all wear the same clothes every day, 24 hrs a day.

8 - Adam was bored senseless before god created Eve to nag him. He had plenty of time to name all the species, write this all down, lose the list, then make up a story to cover his @ss.

9 - They can think. Where do you think your dreams come from. Your head? No, they come from other thinking chemicals that you inhale or absorb into your skin every day.

10 - Light photon don't actually move since time is stopped for them. The universe moves around the photons at the speed of light. (which is ok since it's the universe moving). If we were moving at the speed of light we'd see all the photons standing totally still. But since we are moving much slower, the universe moves us around the photons making it appear they are moving. Kind of hard to wrap your head around, but it's true!
2011-04-03 23:18:21 UTC
1. americans evolved from europeans, why do europeans still exist? same answer applies to humans & chimps

2. it is believed that everything 'in' the singularity was energy which requires zero 'space' to occupy

3. its all about perspective. google parallax and see how the geocentric model was refuted hundreds of years ago. you're going to say that the earth is flat because it doesn't look round when you stand on the street too, right?

4. you're mistaken here again. men and woman have the same number of ribs.

5 yes, they have a giant tape measure.

6. information is not the same as binary code or anything else you're current hard drive is going to hold. the 'genetic information' is in the structure of the acid itself.

7. men have had nipples for hundreds of thousands of years, clearly with no function, that disproves evolution too? evolution does not work like that. evolution makes a species better suited for the habitat. could that eventually lead to built in argyle sweater vests for the future hipster humans, sure. its not likely but its a possibility. evolution has no goals in which it is striving to reach, it is just trying to make the organism more survivable.

8. but of course. this is embarrassing. it took until question #8 for me to realize that you were a troll. i feel like drinking a bleach cocktail.

9. i am going to continue since i am this far anyway. there is no 'bio' in gasoline. no life in bugspray.

YAY relativity!
2016-09-16 01:06:26 UTC
Hi to you, too. Like your avatar/display identify. OK, I'm sixty seven, my dad used to be catholic so went to mass as a rule however no longer a lot past that. Then went to a catholic university and hit the entire theology categories and I'm going "you imply I'm meant to feel THIS stuff?". Ended up Pentecostal for a even as, then usually out of faith for decades. Discovered buddhism in jail my moment time and eventually acquired what Jesus used to be speakme approximately. Bounced via a pair extra protestant religions and eventually ended up in my present church. They are my household now and so they be given that I don't do dogma and I'm referred to as the Resident Heretic, they are OK with that. Studied the historical past of the early church (satisfactory location earlier than the literalists messed it up) and the historical past of the bible. If you know the way that used to be written, you might be amazed. Both the OT and NT had been liberally plagiarized from previous and/or brand new pagan myths and practices. There is nearly not anything usual in "christianity". Also found out that my dating with the Universal Consciousness didn't require any style of supernatural being, so I am atheist-agnostic. I might be given the life of (a) god if I noticed any empirical and repeatable evidence in their life. So some distance I have no longer. (Sorry for the lengthy reply, however it is been a protracted travel to arrive this factor, too.) My proposal to you is to impeach the whole thing. I'm a historical past nut, however it is handy to google plenty of stuff just like the "apocryphal" gospels - there is a few eighty + of the ones - or gnosticism. Try Osiris-Dionysus-Mithra for the tale of the Jesus mythology. It will get very intriguing.
2011-04-03 23:13:28 UTC
1) We didn't come from chimpanzees they are our cousins, we evolved along side each other. The best example I can think of is the language Latin. Spanish and Italian are both languages derived from Latin. Now there was no Latin mother that gave birth to an Italian kid and a Spanish kid, some people stayed in Latin and still spoke Latin, some groups of people moved to Spain and their language gradually changed to Spanish, and some people moved to Italy and their Latin gradually changed to Italian. That is what common ancestry is, there was a common ancestor that both chimps and man shared and we evolved from it, but on separate evolutionary paths.

2) Gross misrepresentation of the big bang theory.

3) Wow do you also believe that the earth is flat?

4) I think I'm done at number four.
2011-04-03 23:19:05 UTC are seeing chimpanzees, left overs of great APE


3. YOU can LOOK only 12 hours NOT 24 HOURS


5.BECAUSE YOU ABLE TO VISUALIZE "millions of light years that light traveled.

6.liquid flows easily and stores (it is organic) are rightly seeing EVOLUTION of HUMAN skin


9. THEY HAVE NO FORMATION of inorganic matter.

10. time & speed are different .Think TIME AS DIMENTION!
2011-04-03 23:07:57 UTC
I stopped after question 1.
2011-04-03 23:15:18 UTC
"If women were not created from Adam's rib, why is it that men have one fewer rib than women?" => um... no that's not true. Why would you spread false rumors like that? I don't think Jesus would have approved of what you just did.
2011-04-03 23:07:46 UTC
By the fifth question I knew this was either a troll fail or a waste of my time to answer. If you are serious in your questions, I would suggest retaking your high school sciences.
2011-04-03 23:04:25 UTC
Atheism is the lack of evidence belief in Gods.
2011-04-03 23:03:22 UTC
You really think the Earth revolves around the sun?
2011-04-03 23:10:16 UTC
True science actually compliments religion, since it is the study of God's Earth. Pope John Paul II actually deemed Darwin's theories of evolution to be factual, also stating that it has nothing to do with the soul. I don't think it's fair to be totally against science. I also believe that by posting stuff like this you are fueling the fire between atheists and Christians. If you want to help them, try expressing your beliefs in a way that doesn't totally offend them. Of you can't do that, I would suggest praying for them. I don't think that posts like this are going to help atheists find God.
2011-04-03 23:29:45 UTC
I'm stumped, that's the first time I've ever been unable to decide if a user is a troll or not.

Either way...

(((Camzyheartsyou))) I think your lovely.
2011-04-03 23:12:27 UTC
I suggest you grab a book next time you are bored. Your understanding of every topic you question is nil.
2011-04-03 23:09:19 UTC
I read the first question and decided this wasn't worth my time xD
Butterfly Christie :~:~:~:~:
2011-04-03 23:02:55 UTC
Holy canoodles, I'm not going to answer that many questions for someone that is just bored lol.
2011-04-03 23:06:53 UTC
It is amazing that people think atheists equates to scientist when it doesn't, we just have no belief in gods. You are just upset that we dismiss your god, and equally as we dismiss all the gods you think are false.
2011-04-03 23:02:59 UTC
Alright, am I supposed to take a *drink* for each of these individually, or do I take one *drink* for the collective question as a whole?
2011-04-03 23:02:44 UTC
FYI: the big bang is a theory by a Belgian Catholic Priest.
2011-04-03 23:05:40 UTC
It's getting harder to pick whether these are troll questions or the asker is really that stupid.
2011-04-04 05:18:14 UTC
Good laugh!
2011-04-03 23:05:24 UTC
Are you trying to kill me by forcing me to drink to all of that? I'll barely be coherent!
2011-04-03 23:06:46 UTC
Haha I can see you're bored

Made me laugh though


Labyrinthine Anghellican
2011-04-03 23:04:06 UTC
Go do your own homework and quit being lazy..
2011-04-03 23:02:44 UTC
Wow some of those questions are just goofy... no hate though.
2011-04-03 23:06:20 UTC
I bet you think you're cute.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.