they point to themselves, and don't point to God. Or how to learn this with a relationship with God.
They point fingers at others, and also claim they have insight that only they can understand.
I give understanding so people can have the choise to see differently then what they have herd, I open minds,.. while others will show conclusions without how they got to those conclusions.
I invite people to broaden my perspective so that I can take it into consideration, and I ask others to be the same.
The big bang theory is outdated. The scientific method is a man made philosophy that is highly fallible.
___fallible [fælɪbəl]
___1. capable of erring
___2. liable to mislead
___You see, the big bang theory says that the spreading of the universe is slowing down. Thus soon it will suck back into itself. Then maybe create a new big bang.
___Does this take into consideration that light on the outside of the universe is just being shot into deep space without the possibility of being sucked back in? No.
___Look at this… every solar system and galaxy is similar in that all of the planets or stars are getting in sync with each other according to equators and/or centrifugal centripetal force. In fact this slowing down that they witness is probably the universe getting in sync with itself. …90% more likely than the big bang theory.
___Secondly, they have shown that black holes will stop feeding on the galaxy they center of. The older galaxies are shown to stop the horizon event which shows it’s sucking in mass of the galaxy. It has been suggested that the black hole simply doesn’t have enough mass to reach the rest of the galaxy. And this is probably evidence of perpetual motion once things get in sync with each other.
___THIS SHOWS that the universe has a definite beginning, but no definite ending.
___Scientific fallacies… Butter is bad for you eat margarine, noo noo no, we changed our mind, Butter is better than margarine. Our scientists could see all of butter and margarine, but changed their mind by the witness of one simple fact. Now how can we trust and teach people big bang and evolution when that is highly fallible also.
___The human brain was constructed to react to spiritual energies. Every section of the human brain was created to react to different spiritual feelings. Thus we can better understand that depression is really the lack of hope. But stimulating endorphins can change your view on life. Too bad it would make you better at working in a cubicle without due cause.
___Evidence… We witness ghosts by measuring the side effects of their energy. I propose what everyone felt before science was used to brainwash people (brainwashing by limiting perspective). I say that spiritual energy is independent of matter, but has side effects in matter. You see people have been saying this for years by using their brain. Some brains had focus and perception, while others where impulsive and not deep. It is merely point of views that we choose.
___Look here, when you feel love, you feel it where the person hugs you, not from within like all other hormones. Yet, there are physical side effects in the brain. Also unlike all hormones, no matter what you feel about that person, you feel their love, such as when you are disgusted by someone and repulsed by them loving you; you still feel it but react differently. Love and the soul is forever abstract to the physical world because it is from a parallel dimension, the spiritual world. This spiritual world is independent of matter, but has side effects in matter. And maybe matter is independent of the spiritual world but has side effects in the spiritual world. How else ghosts could be locked to locations.
___The case for God… If everything comes from nothing, then everything equals nothing. This has often been theorized. Look at matter, and anti-matter. Anti-matter has been witnessed as electrons acting unlike electrons and having the exact opposite in mathematical measurement. So if you divide nothing into several unequal proportions, the chances of them falling together so that they cancel out would be almost nil. While the nature of gravity can finally be explained by “opposites attract”, instead of the theory that says, space is like a sheet of rubber with a bowling ball on it. Things fall toward the bowling ball. (ohh so deep).
___How can you possibly manipulate time, by all rights time should be a constant, unless space and time were a side effect to the creation of matter. Thus God could more than likely exist outside of space and time.
___I am not closed minded.