Will all professing Christians attempt to answer this question?
2010-03-15 08:54:38 UTC
Please review the scripture and answer the question that follows.

Matthew 24:4-5,11
4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

What are some identifying factors that will reveal the "Many" who are deceiving many others?

Please give references
Nineteen answers:
2010-03-22 11:22:56 UTC
Ok, no man deceive you, when I think of that I think of people, regular people without the Holy Spirit. So dont be fooled by not having or asking the Holy Spirit in your life. The Holy Spirit will make you a child of longer a mere mortal man. Because Paul talks about the Gal 4:19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.

We are all suppose to be Christ. There are more scriptures on the subject. So that may be an answer.
2010-03-23 02:44:57 UTC
Christ, meaning 'anointed one' or 'holy one' has many pretenders. We went to

a free music evening that turned out to be a 'holy man' of an Eastern religion.

He had a lot of followers. And this event was held...get an Anglican

Church on a very main street downtown. Some people were outside the

church handing out slips of paper. We spoke to the woman doing this.

She really looked harried, almost mentally unhinged, and she said

as much to us how being in this group almost did her in. We went

in and sat down and once the music started, we didn't feel good.

It was that strange eastern music, and the women were dressed

in the sari type dresses all sitting cross legged on pillows. We

looked at each other and nodded, got up and left, and they tried

to stop us. They blocked the door, but we just nodded to them

and indicated we were leaving. These 'Many' claim to have

'the answer' to peace, happiness, 'bliss', joy, and yet when

you learn about the people, their actual lives don't line up.

They are into force also, maybe subtle, but it's there.

The people in that group all gave up everything and

followed this 'master', and were presumably taken care of.

The woman outside said the younger girls all had sex

with the master, and there were offspring from this.

There's pretense. So we have the many who say

they are 'the way', and then there are false prophets

and we see this with all these end of the world

2010-03-15 09:05:55 UTC
The identifying factor is that the deceivers' work does not ultimately glorify God. They may say it's for God, but in reality, they have their own selfish reasons: fame, power, money, etc. The only way to identify them is to study the bible so you know God's truth and His will, and in doing so, you will be able to see through the deception. If they say/do anything that strays from the Bible, you will know they are liars. There's a great national Bible Study program if you're interested. They have classes throughout the country and even internationally:
2010-03-15 09:27:31 UTC
If they deny Jesus is God.

If what they say disagrees with scripture.

1 John 3:7-10 Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. (8) Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. (9) No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God. (10) By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.

1 John 4:1-3 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (2) By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, (3) and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
2010-03-15 09:08:30 UTC
I wonder if some of the bible translations are being written by false prophets. It's a good idea to compare translations with the original tongues when possible. The King James version is my reference bible along with Strong's concordance when one of my other bible's verses conflict with the KJV. The Amplified SEEMS to be one of the more accurate translation of the original tongues.

All it takes is someone to mix in a lie with the truth to deceive many. Why? Because if you don't know the truth, you are subject to follow a lie.
2010-03-15 09:25:17 UTC
The "many" shall deceive "many" by pretending to be the Christ; and "many false prophets" shall also deceive many.

The true Christ shall be known by "the doctrine."

John 7:17-18 - "If any man will do his will, he shall know of THE DOCTRINE, whether it be of God, or [whether] I speak of myself. He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same IS TRUE, and no unrighteousness is in him."

A false prophet shall be known by unfulfilled prophecies.

Deuteronomy 18:21-22, "And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it PRESUMPTUOUSly: thou shalt not be afraid of him."

But I do not profess to be a Christian; neither do I attempt to answer your question. Just thoughts about what might be at the right place.
2 Shepherds
2010-03-15 09:03:53 UTC
1 John 2:22 says:

"Who is a liar but he who denies Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son."

Verse 23 says:

"Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also".

Verse 26:

"These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you"

Some identifying factors are that Christ is not preached,and personal opinions and outright lies are preached as opposed to biblical truth and fact.
2010-03-15 09:04:20 UTC
that's why God gave us the Bible. we are to test everything (against scripture) and hold fast to what is true. if a person teaches falsely (against Scripture) obviously, that's a good sign right there. if there are things in their ministry, such as "slaying in the spirit" (which is unBiblical) that's another good sign.

of course, discernment through the Holy Spirit is invaluable. and yet the Bible tells us even the elect might be deceived, so that's why we need to stay in Christ via worship, prayer/fasting, and Bible study, making Him the center of our lives.
2016-10-21 05:06:47 UTC
One one hand all we want is Jesus is quite real, look on the thief on the bypass subsequent to Jesus, he became saved in the direction of the Grace of Jesus and him in basic terms truly asking. on the different hand, questioning we are able to assert the sinners prayer (or the different) and then we are able to flow on sinning without repentance and questioning we are going right now to heaven is ridiculous and not scriptural. So on an identical time as we don't need "Works" for salvation, (no be counted how many circumstances David or Chris says we do) without works and repentance for sin after our salvation we are in hardship.
2010-03-15 09:00:07 UTC
Deceived means fooled. You don't know who is fooling you until time goes by or experience convinces you. At the point of contact, you must be cautious and discern based on more than a single Bible verse.
Servant A
2010-03-15 09:45:06 UTC
Peace be to this house (Luke 10:5)

I am the Christ, the Christ was before Jesus. Therefore this verses is talking about a time before Jesus the true Christ walked the earth.

It has been written that the false christ shall come before the true Christ. Jesus the Christ has come therefore the false christ came before Jesus the true Christ.

A true messenger of God, it is written, that all that is spoken by Him must come to and end, that it is all spoken of the Christ must come to pass, must be fullfilled.

Jesus fulfilled all things spoken by Moses and the Prophets CONCERNING HIM. Many view these prophecies that were fulfilled as inconsistancies in Jesus words as written, they were not, because they were spoken by the prophets, they still had to be fuflilled. Jesus told you in Luke 24:25, that some of the things that the false prophets spoke were lies.

Jesus told you that the false christ was Moses, but you did not, would not believe Jesus.

The Christ was "created" before the spirit called man was created. The Christ was created before the flesh body called Jesus was created. Therefore the Christ spans all Time. When Jesus speaks of the Christ He is speaking of A Time before the Christ became Jesus. When Jesus speaks of the Son of God He is speaking of A Times before the Son of God called the Christ was given the new title of LORD God. When Jesus is spoken of as He came came unto His own, it is A Time when the Christ became LORD GOD and "MADE" the first HUMAN flesh body and BREATHED the spirit called man, in English known as

The first flesh body "MADE" inwhich the spirit of man (adam) was joined was that of a HUMAN FEMALE.

Revelation 13:5 is speaking of the Times the 42 generations from Abram (Abraham) until the birth of Jesus at the beginninng of the 43 generation, the beginning of the 7th Season of REST also known as the 7th day of REST as told in Matthew 1:17.

Moses is the false christ who did come before the true Christ Jesus, and is the man that is spoke of in Matthew 24:4-5 and Revelation 13:11-17, for Moses worhiped the second beast, the SERPENT, in the wilderness OF SIN, and in the moutains OF SIN as Jesus told you in John 3:14 and John 4:20-22, but you would not believe Jesus.

Remember Mary for she anointed Jesus at the hour of His death. (Matthew 26:13)
2010-03-15 14:15:14 UTC
There are men who actually claim to be Christ. One example is Sergei Torop, a traffic cop who claims to be Jesus. He said, "It's all very complicated," he starts quietly. "But to keep things simple, yes, I am Jesus Christ. That which was promised must come to pass. And it was promised in Israel 2,000 years ago that I would return, that I would come back to finish what was started. I am not God. And it is a mistake to see Jesus as God. But I am the living word of God the Father. Everything that God wants to say, he says through me." He has followers. Jesus warned us that there will be people saying, "Look here is the Christ" but not to believe them. When He comes every eye will see Him. He would not be in one location. His coming will be visible. Another false Christ is Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda who believes that he is Jesus Christ incarnate. He too has a following. One believer thinks that he is God and she lavishes him with money and gifts.

False Christs are being taught in churches and on television--the Christ who is only a Man; the rich Christ; the born again Christ; the Christ of the Jehovah's Witnesses; the Christ of the Mormons; the Christ of Islam; the Christ of Catholicism; the Christ of the Pentecostals and the Christ of the "New Age" and the Christ who married Mary Magdalene. There are Christians who believe that in a Jesus who does not condemn the homosexual lifestyle because He loves everybody. Some Christians have the wrong idea about Christ. They believe that because He loves, He will look the other way but according to the Bible this is far from the truth. Jesus loved the adulteress but He told her to stop sinning. Jesus loves the sinner but not the sin. There are two Jesus--the One in the Bible and the One created in the minds of men--which one is being taught at our churches? Which one are we following?

Many will be deceived by pastors because they have turned aside from the truth. Those who are deceiving others are the pastors who preach feel good messages instead of the truth. Paul warned us about this. "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Timothy 4:3, 4). They do not want pastors who preach, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine (verse 2). Those kind of pastors make them uncomfortable so they find ones who make them feel good. The Word of God is supposed to be a two-edged sword not a dull knife.

There are ministers and pastors who are leading the flock astray with erroneous doctrine. We have members of a church claiming that their church is the true church. We have some saying that a person cannot obtain salvation outside of the church. So, Jesus is no longer our only Source of salvation. We need to be a member of a particular church in order to be saved. We have those who claim to be Christians but all they have is the form of godliness. They do not have the love of God in them nor do they have the mind of Christ. People are persuaded that they can be saved by works. Others believe that because they are under grace, they are no longer required to keep the law. Others believe that they can live as they please because they are under grace. Some neglect the Old Testament and hold only to the teachings in the New Testament. Some do not take the time to read their Bibles. Instead they rely on the pastor, believing every word he says because he is an ordained minister who knows his Bible. Well, I used watch certain television ministers but have stopped when I searched my Bible like the Bereans and saw that their teachings were not in harmony with God's Word.

The Bible tells us what we can do to protect ourselves from wolves, false teachers and prophets. We must search the scriptures like the Bereans, we receive the Word in readiness but we must also search the Scriptures daily [to find out] whether these things were so (Acts 17:11). We must not believe every spirit. We must "test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1). Peter warned us about false teachers. They will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words (2 Peter 2:1-3). One heresy is that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was not enough. We must also work for our salvation. Some ministers even encourage the thinking that Jesus is not the only way to the Father. Others are more interested in pleasing men than God like the ministers who perform same sex marriages. One pastor who appeared on the Oprah even told young gay man that being gay was a gift from God--that God had made him that way. Other false teachings are "once saved always saved"; the rapture of the church before the great tribulation and the state of the dead.

There are some ministers who encourage New Age thinking. They focus on self a lot. They talk about self-esteem. One minister said that the problem with the Christian church is the church's problem is that it has had a "God-centered theology for centuries, when it needs a man-centered one". This same minister also inferred that Jesus had a big ego with this remark: "Jesus had an ego. He said, 'I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.' Wow, what an ego trip He was on!" He is not seeing Jesus as One who humbled Himself or the One who became a curse for us because as Paul said, "Cursed [is] everyone who hangs on a tree" (Galatians 3:13). We have many ministers out there who are preaching a different Gospel than what is in the Bible and a different Christ. They are the ones who are deceiving many. The identifying factors are the large following these people have and their fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Billy Ray's Mullet Says...
2010-03-15 08:56:50 UTC
The many means followers of religions other than Christianity, atheists, those who claim to be Christian but are decieved by the anti-christ since they did not know scripture, non-believers in general.
2010-03-15 09:24:02 UTC
In less you see them come down on clouds then they are not Christ.
2010-03-15 08:59:44 UTC
Take a look at this page.

This is from the first listing: lots of info here.
2010-03-15 08:55:50 UTC
they will lie and elevate themselves to the position of God and deny the TRinity...examples Jim Jones, David Karesh, Joe Smith
2010-03-15 08:58:39 UTC
they point to themselves, and don't point to God. Or how to learn this with a relationship with God.

They point fingers at others, and also claim they have insight that only they can understand.

I give understanding so people can have the choise to see differently then what they have herd, I open minds,.. while others will show conclusions without how they got to those conclusions.

I invite people to broaden my perspective so that I can take it into consideration, and I ask others to be the same.




The big bang theory is outdated. The scientific method is a man made philosophy that is highly fallible.

___fallible [fælɪbəl]


___1. capable of erring

___2. liable to mislead


___You see, the big bang theory says that the spreading of the universe is slowing down. Thus soon it will suck back into itself. Then maybe create a new big bang.

___Does this take into consideration that light on the outside of the universe is just being shot into deep space without the possibility of being sucked back in? No.

___Look at this… every solar system and galaxy is similar in that all of the planets or stars are getting in sync with each other according to equators and/or centrifugal centripetal force. In fact this slowing down that they witness is probably the universe getting in sync with itself. …90% more likely than the big bang theory.

___Secondly, they have shown that black holes will stop feeding on the galaxy they center of. The older galaxies are shown to stop the horizon event which shows it’s sucking in mass of the galaxy. It has been suggested that the black hole simply doesn’t have enough mass to reach the rest of the galaxy. And this is probably evidence of perpetual motion once things get in sync with each other.

___THIS SHOWS that the universe has a definite beginning, but no definite ending.

___Scientific fallacies… Butter is bad for you eat margarine, noo noo no, we changed our mind, Butter is better than margarine. Our scientists could see all of butter and margarine, but changed their mind by the witness of one simple fact. Now how can we trust and teach people big bang and evolution when that is highly fallible also.


___The human brain was constructed to react to spiritual energies. Every section of the human brain was created to react to different spiritual feelings. Thus we can better understand that depression is really the lack of hope. But stimulating endorphins can change your view on life. Too bad it would make you better at working in a cubicle without due cause.

___Evidence… We witness ghosts by measuring the side effects of their energy. I propose what everyone felt before science was used to brainwash people (brainwashing by limiting perspective). I say that spiritual energy is independent of matter, but has side effects in matter. You see people have been saying this for years by using their brain. Some brains had focus and perception, while others where impulsive and not deep. It is merely point of views that we choose.

___Look here, when you feel love, you feel it where the person hugs you, not from within like all other hormones. Yet, there are physical side effects in the brain. Also unlike all hormones, no matter what you feel about that person, you feel their love, such as when you are disgusted by someone and repulsed by them loving you; you still feel it but react differently. Love and the soul is forever abstract to the physical world because it is from a parallel dimension, the spiritual world. This spiritual world is independent of matter, but has side effects in matter. And maybe matter is independent of the spiritual world but has side effects in the spiritual world. How else ghosts could be locked to locations.

___The case for God… If everything comes from nothing, then everything equals nothing. This has often been theorized. Look at matter, and anti-matter. Anti-matter has been witnessed as electrons acting unlike electrons and having the exact opposite in mathematical measurement. So if you divide nothing into several unequal proportions, the chances of them falling together so that they cancel out would be almost nil. While the nature of gravity can finally be explained by “opposites attract”, instead of the theory that says, space is like a sheet of rubber with a bowling ball on it. Things fall toward the bowling ball. (ohh so deep).

___How can you possibly manipulate time, by all rights time should be a constant, unless space and time were a side effect to the creation of matter. Thus God could more than likely exist outside of space and time.


___I am not closed minded.

2010-03-15 09:24:59 UTC
"Many" antichrists and "many" as in a great multitude.
Worry Man
2010-03-15 08:57:30 UTC
blah blah blah i pity you, because all that awaits you when you die is eternal hell.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.