What has God made “pretty in its time”?
Some of the things that Jehovah God has made “pretty,” or appropriate and good, at the proper time are the creation of Adam and Eve, the rainbow covenant, the covenant with Abraham, the Davidic covenant, the coming of the Messiah, and the enthronement of Jesus Christ as King of God’s Kingdom.
The thought of our own death is always distasteful and it always will be. Why is that?
It is because God has infused us with the keen desire to live forever. “He has also put eternity in their hearts,” says Ecclesiastes 3:11
. The inevitability of death, therefore, has created an internal conflict in humans, a persisting disharmony. To reconcile this internal conflict and to satisfy the natural yearning to live on, humans have fabricated all sorts of beliefs, from the doctrine of the immortality of the soul to the belief in reincarnation.
eternal life will not bring us to the end of learning about God. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Think, then, of the prospect before us. After having lived for hundreds, thousands, millions, even billions of years, we will know far more about Jehovah God than we do now.
But we will still feel that there are countless wonderful things to be learned. We will be eager to learn more, for we will always have reason to feel as did the psalmist, who sang: “The drawing near to God is good for me.”
Have you ever noted that living forever is a natural human desire?
Why, is this desire for everlasting life so embedded in our thinking? Is it because “God has put eternity into man’s mind”? (Ecclesiastes 3:11,
This is a matter for serious reflection! Just think: Why would we have the inherent desire to live eternally forever if it was not our Creator’s purpose that this desire be satisfied?
And would it be loving for him to create us with the desire for everlasting life and then frustrate us by never allowing us to realize that desire?
if old age and death were natural and part of some master plan, wouldn’t we welcome them? But we don’t. Why not? The answer is found in the way we were made. The Bible says: “God has even put eternity into our minds.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11