As JR said Masonry is not a religion, although religious in nature. In the fact that all members are required to have a belief in a Supreme Being. It is none of the Lodges business what Supreme Being or how you worship, that is for your (insert religious institution here) to dictate. Freemasonry offers no path to salvation, nor dogma.
Freemasonry is or cannot be a cult as it defies the basic premise of a cult. A cult is easy to get into and hard to get out. Freemasonry is the exact opposite, it's hard to get into and easy to get out.
So you heard speculation, but offer none of it to be debated or refuted. You would be better off speculating about how to solve one of mankind's great dilemmas, like renewable energy.
In the hundreds of years of Freemasonry's existence, mankind has benefited from it. Freemasonry is a philanthropic and benevolent fraternity. They seek to make good men, better men. What is wrong with that? Should not this be the goal of all social groups? In fact I would go so far as to say, Freemasonry, the world's original social network.
So you may find that Masons believe all sorts of different things. They will never discuss religion or politics in Lodge as these are topics that divide men, Masonry seeks to unite men.
So please educate yourself beyond the UBoob videos and Internet kook sites. If you really want to know visit a Library. There is one in practically every American town. I am sure you will find authoritative 'books' there on the know those funny rectangular objects that open, made of paper. With that, remember, that no one man speaks for all Masons. What every you read, especially by a Mason is his opinion and does not constitute a belief system across all Masonry.
As far as not admitting to anything well that's a stretch and a generalization that cannot be supported by evidence. Every Freemason is an individual with different views (religious and political), aspirations, goals. Also admitting to what? What was the question that you think Freemasons won't admit to? Ask a specific question and I will offer my opinion or if I can provide a fact I will point to the authoritative source so you can check it yourself.
In fact what I find funny about your "question" is that Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus can gather together in peace and brotherly love and work toward a common goal, seems to infuriate Bible thumpers. I wonder why?
I suspect it's just another troll and have completely wasted my breathe on this one.