Nowhere. Trinity is the great lie in christianity. Its not Logical, unscientific and brainwashed theory!
Genesis 1:26 mean trinity?
lets see what the meaning of "Our Image" "Our likeness"
The Likeness of God is not of the physical appearance, but rather having the knowledge of Good and Evil. This is clearly stated in Bible
"..And you will be like Gods(Elohim), knowing(plural) good and Evil"[Genesis 3:5]
"..See the the man has become like one of us(plural), knowing good and Evil"[Genesis 3:22]
"..Created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness"[Ephesians, 4:24]
"..I have made you(Moses) like God to Pharaoh.."[Exodus 7:1]
"..And the house of David will be like God.."[Zechariah, 12:8]
No one like of God...
"Tomorrow," Pharaoh said. Moses replied, "it will be as you say, so that you may know there is NO ONE LIKE THE LORD OUR GOD"[Exodus 8:10]
"..I am God, and there is none like me"[The Bible, isaiah 46:9]
"Our Likeness" only and only means knowing Good and Evil in Bible.
"But After they had moved it, THE LORD'S HAND WAS AGAINST THAT CITY..."[1 Samuel, 5:9]
The Verse obviouly are not talking about Gods physical Arm, Hand and fingers
"...How should WE answer these people who say to me.."[2 chronicles, 10:9]
"..That WE may return answer to this people.."[2 chronicles, 10:9 from Kjv]
See Solomon used himself as "WE" because Old days King to refer to himself and only Himself as "WE" Its Plural royalite.
"in the beginning God (Elohim, plural) created the heavens and the earth" [Genesis 1:1]
God used Plural in Genesis 1:1
"..And God said, let us(Plural) make man in our(plural) our Image, after our(plural) Likeness.."[Genesis 1:26]
read Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:26 both used in plural
The Hebrew word usually translated God, Elohim, is in Plural, and The plural pronoun "us" is used.
Note: El is God in Hebrew, its singular. Elohim is Gods in Hebrew, its Plural. Many times God referred himself as Elohim. Its plural royality. There have nothing about Trinity. Old days king referred himself as plural. God is KING of kings.
People called Jesus as "Lord" so Jesus was God?
He is called "lord" in the same way as Prophet Abraham called.
"Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?" [Genesis 18:12 from Kjv]
"So Sarah laughted to herself as she thought, "After I am worn out and my master is Old, will I now have this pleasure?" [Genesis 18:12 from Niv]
"Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughter ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement" [1 peter 3:6 from Kjv]
"Like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her Master.."[1 peter 3:6 from Niv]
Also like Issac son Easu
"..Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Easu.." [Genesis 32:4 from Kjv]
He instructed them: "This is what u are to say to my Master Easu.." [Genesis 32:4 from Niv]
Like Joseph
"And we send unto my lord, we have a father, an old man...."[Genesis 44:20]
like David:
"She fell at his(David) feet and said to David: "My lord, let the blame be on me Alone..." [1 Samuel, 25:24]
Holy spirit is God?
According to Bible God have many spirit. Even God have evil spirit and laying spirit
"Now the Spirit of the LORD had departed from Saul, AND AN EVIL SPIRIT FROM THE LORD tormented him"[1 Samuel 16:14]
Saul's attendants said to him, "see, AN EVIL SPIRIT FROM GOD is tormenting you"[1 samuel 16:15]
read >>"see, AN EVIL SPIRIT FROM GOD is tormenting you"
"Then God sent an Evil Spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem.."[Judges 9:23]
"And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from God came upon saul.."[1 samuel, 18:10]
"..Behold the Lord hath put a LAYING SPIRIT in the mouth of all these thy prophets.."[1 kings 22:23]
"'I WILL GO AND BE A LAYING SPIRIT in the mouth of all his prophets,' he said." You will succeed in enticing him,' said the LORD. 'Go and do it' [2 Chronicles, 18:21]
If God spirit himself is God then evil spirit and laying spirit also God!
Jesus was Son of God so he was God?
Bible have many Son of God name. Its not mean literally God have any Son!!!
"..Adam, which was the son of God" [luke 3:38]
"..Israel (jacob) is my son, even MY firstborn"[exodus 4:22]
"For i (GOD) am a father to israel, and Epharim is My firstborn"[jeremiah 31:9]
"..The lord hath said unto me (David): 'Thou art MY Son: this day have i begotten thee"[psalms 2:7]
So David is also Gods begotten son. The meaning of "Son of God" is not literal but metaphorical.
It can be anyone who is beloved by God.
Jesus also said that God is not only his Father but also ur Father(Matthew 5:45, 48)
"that you may be sons of ur Father in heaven..."[Matthew 5:45]
"Be Perfect, therefore, as ur heavenly Father is perfect"[Matthew 5:48]
"For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God"[Romans 18:14]
"He (Solomon) shall build a house for My Name, and i will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I WILL BE HIS (SOLOMON) FATHER AND HE SHALL BE MY SON"[1 chronicles 22:10]
You will see in many passages of the Bible "Son of God " which signifies Love and affection, nearness to God, not applied to Jesus Alone.
You will see sons and daughters of God in 2 corinthians 6:18