Is magic real?
2007-08-22 21:50:12 UTC
This is the question that is bugging me since I was a kid, and also prompted me to learn Magic Tricks, lol, anyway there were supposed to be Fallen Angels that taught Mankind, Science, Math, Astrology and Magic although Magic is always condemned, there were executions of witches some long time ago, could that be a credible "evidence" I mean why would the people waste their time burning Women? And some of the women even confess that they practice magic, WTF? now there is this Wiccan stuff that some Brit dude made, and it has "ancient origins" it kinda sounds legit like most religions plus If you look at magic there are different versions of it around the world could all of those be fake? or real? Fellow Christians do you see the connection here? y'know the angels and stuff? does that mean magic exists? is there really such thing as that "ancient knowledge" that is passed down to us? could someone really make a claim that it is real? Wiccans around maybe?

Serious answers please
22 answers:
2007-08-22 22:06:50 UTC
2007-08-22 22:14:44 UTC
Okay lets see if I can answer all your questions one by one. First off, is magic real? Well that's a matter of opinion. Personally I believe in magic however not the kind you see on stage with card tricks and what not. Those are obviously illusions. Real magic doesn't work the way it does in harry potter where you say some fancy words, wave a wand and you blow something up or what not. It's more of a psychological effect(or at least that's how I view it.) It's very hard to define and differs from person to person so I would highly recommend researching the subject from a religious standpoint rather than a theatrical one and then drawing your own conclusions. Why waste time burning people? They did it to convert people to Christianity. Many confessed to practicing magic because back then you were basically guilty until proven innocent and as a result practically everyone who was accused was also tortured. I think it's pretty safe to say that you would confess to being a witch if you were getting whipped, poked with needles, or burned with hot iron or shoved in an iron maiden. Wicca is a religion created by I believe his name is Gerald Gardener and yes it is based on ancient religions of Europe. However remember that not all those who practice witchcraft are wicca and not all wiccans practice witchcraft. Again I would highly reccomend researching these topics so you can draw a more informed conclusion. Just google "Wicca" or "magic in religion" or talk to your local librarian or bookstore to see if they have books on these topics. And remember, in the end it is up to you to decide whether you believe magic to be real or not, just like it is your choice to believe God or heaven or hell to be real or not.
Cheese Fairy - Mummified
2007-08-22 22:04:42 UTC
Magic exists -it is the energy that is in everything and surrounds us daily.

The "Burning Times" propaganda so often floating around the internet is basically a bunch of conspiracy theory bunk. During the Inquisition - the burning times - HERETICS were most often killed, and yes, execution then was most commonly burning. Women were actually burned more often than men - men were killed by breaking on the wheel, pressing, drawing and quartering, and other such fun execution techniques. Burning was thought to be the most merciful. Now, a heretic is not necessarily a witch - it is anyone who speaks out against the state accepted faith, which was Christianity. That could be anyone who says bad things about his neighborhod priest, to muslims, to atheists, to even fellow priests.

Burning lost favor because of the stink and the mess;beheading then hanging became the popular methods.

Even during the witch hunts of the 1600s, only a few hundred died accused of witchcraft; only 19 in the U.S, - none of them were witches and none were burned.

Wicca isn't an ancient religion, it has no ancient origins; it was fully thought up and created by Gerald Gardner in 1951. They hold no ancient knowledge; they are mainly a religious practice. Some Wiccans may also consider themselves witches, but not all.

Most of what was considered witchcraft anciently and today is knowledge of medicinal herbs and heals, and ability to use what we currently consider mental or psychic abilities- pyrokinesis, telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, scrying, seers, psychics, etc. These are mentioned in the bible - one king consulted a seer. In Greek and Roman beliefs, seers were highly regarded but also highly feared for what they knew.

The bible is full of magic.

It is, however, fully up to you whether you choose to believe in magic.

EDIT - The Bog Nug also says the truth - anicnet cultures would find our world quite magical and scary as all get out.

Oh, and all the word "Occult" means secret and hidden knowledge. In other words, the practices and documenst within the Vatican could be considered Occult, so could the practices and beliefs of any private club. Occult does NOT and never has exclusively meant witchcraft and magic use as someone above suggested. But words can be twisted to mean anything, can't they? That's how propaganda starts.
The Bog Nug
2007-08-22 21:54:57 UTC
I find the word Magic funny. If anything was magic it wouldn't really be magic anymore would it? When someone performs magic it's only the spectators that think it's magical. The person doing it has some idea of what they are doing.

There is a great Arthur C Clarke quote that is something like, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Basically summing up that magic, as we imagine magic, cannot exist, because if it did exist, it would no longer be magic. It's just some technology that we haven't grasped yet.

For a simple example, it would appear like magic to someone 1000 years ago (or even 200 years ago) if you whooped out your cellphone and called someone on the other side of the world. Think about it. Absolutely nothing is connecting you to this other person other than a magic code and 'energy waves'. Of course, we don't call it magic. We call it satellites and radio waves.

Which doesn't make it unimpressive. It is impressive. Let's just not call it magic.
2016-05-20 10:47:38 UTC
No magic is not real which on the whole is rather a good thing. I dread to think what some of the people on here would do if they had magic powers.
Aunt Karen
2007-08-22 22:07:42 UTC
Wiccan stuff is constantly used by Christians every day. Ever hear of prayer? Ever wonder how it started? Christianity is just the newest variation on an OLD religion. the closer you are the the beginning, the fewer mistakes in translation. Magic is not an attempt to be like God, but an attempt to honor God and His creations. Those who are taught fear instead of faith will blind themselves to the similarities and that is how we get fanatics and terrorists. Ever see the magic of a live birth (in person)? It's a beautiful and powerful thing. True magic.
2007-08-22 22:01:24 UTC
It depends on what you mean by magic. Magic is kind of like science, it's just another way of understanding the world, and of relating to it. It's about understanding the world and revering it.

And the witch burnings were mostly done to innocent people. The few people who actually were 'witches' were just followers of a religion, not possessors of some secret knowledge.
2007-08-22 22:06:28 UTC
oh yes it is real. there are Wiccans, Druids, and other Pagans all around. we practice in secret for the most part. but thoes that are close to us usually know who we are.

if you were to see me on the street you probably would not be able to tell me from any other blue-collar worker. if i were to invite you into my home, you could not mistake what i was.

the ancient gods are becomming popular again. their religions are just as valid as your own. and we are hapy to be your friends and to live in harmony with you. i believe that we are all past the fear of the dark ages. and can live in peace together. but there are many on both sides that are either bitter, or still afraid. and we need to break that down with tolerance and acceptance of each other.

you say Bless you.

we say Blessed Be, or Be Blessed.

it all means the same.
Matthew P (SL)
2007-08-22 21:57:16 UTC
I find it hard to believe magick DOESN'T exist to be honest with you. Why do you think it's so condemned. It's an attempt by man to be as powerful as God. There are definately elemental and... well... mental forms of science that we could call magick such as divination, elemental energy, astrology, etc.
2007-08-22 22:08:25 UTC
magic is quite real, but perhaps not of the forms you are thinking of. There's the tricks that magicians do with cards, rings etc, then there are those that practice witchcraft (not only for females, but males too). This is extreamly dangerous, as it is calling upon the spirit realm to influence our realm. tarot cards and wiegie(spelling sorry) boards, these also contact a spirit realm. And allow demonic forces to influence our lives
2007-08-22 22:05:59 UTC
What you are searching for isn't called "magic" it is called "invocation." Magic is manipulations of matter to time and vision. (nothing supernatural) "That which the eye can not see/ also in the form of "illusions." INVOCATION is calling upon the spirits to invoke your will UPON matter be it flesh or material, generally at a PRICE.
2007-08-22 22:02:04 UTC
To the best of my knowledge it is Demonic powers. Demons love when people do magic, sorcery, and the such because they now God strictly forbids this.
2007-08-22 21:56:21 UTC
yes it is very real and also very dangerous. It has dealings with the occult which goes against God. These things are very real... magic, witchery, sorcery, black magic, white magic.
2007-08-22 21:54:17 UTC
Nothing more than parlour games & party tricks but fun all the same.
2007-08-22 21:53:38 UTC
nope, if it was, we woulda seen some warlock/summoner rizing to world dominatin by now... you know with 5000 years of written history n all... the odds that one would go power hungry is huge.
2007-08-22 21:57:16 UTC
it is real jus not like u think like magicians r not real but wicca is real
2007-08-22 21:54:24 UTC
well its more fun to believe that it is. Sure why not. To each his own!!
2007-08-22 22:02:21 UTC
magic is real, its all around us, love, hope, compassion is magical
2007-08-22 21:57:00 UTC
Magic is real but it's bad and sinful and can cause you death if you ask or do something wrong..
2007-08-22 22:00:36 UTC
Look at the lives of these famous occultists, and then decide if it's worth it:

Henry Cornielius Agrippa von Nettesheim: Despite all his occult knowledge, he died in poverty at age 41 in 1532.

Cagliostro did the most embarrassing things, like putting a teacup on his erect penis and telling women "This is the only Bishop you will bow to!" He died in the Bastille in 1795.

John Dee discovered Enochian Magick and tried unsuccessfully to get the spirits to bring him money. He spent the final years of his life stripped of his honors and income and was forced to live incommunicado. He died in extreme poverty at 81.

Paracelsus: Physician, occultist and astrologer. He died broke at the age of 48.

Edward Kelly: After failing to strike it rich with Enochian Magick, he was killed trying to escape prison. He had been imprisoned for his old hobby, counterfeiting.

Aleister Crowley had a nervous breakdown in spent 4 months in an insane asylum after trying to conjure a demon in a Paris hotel. In 1947 he died impoverished in a flophouse, forgotten by his family, a drug addict and alcoholic, despite strating out in life as a rich heir to Crowley Ale. He squandered it all on drugs and whores. "Success is your proof " - -Liber Al Vel Legis 3:46, Aleister Crowley

Gurdijef was a Russian con man who got involved in many money making scams. Once he dyed sparrows in peroxide and sold them as canaries! Even his biographers admit he had a "streak of charaltainism" about him. He created a system of bunk psychotherapy which is convoluted and even people who practice it can't clearly explain what is. In other words, it was the forerunner of Scientology.

Christian Rosenkrutz never actually existed. The whole Rosicrucian thing was started as a joke to make fun of occultists by a Lutheran minister named Valentin Andrea.

The Fox Sisters started the whole spiritist/seance’ movement in 1840. Years later they confessed the whole thing had been a hoax, but no one wanted to listen.

Samuel "Macgregor" Mathers Eventually all the members of te Golden Dawn figured out Mathers lied about the secret chiefs, which led to him being kicked out, & the Golden Dawn being disbanded. He died in poverty from Pnumonia in 1918.

Jack Parsons blew himself up in his basement, making nitroglycerin, which he sold on the black market to supplement his income (apparently his money spells didn't work, either!).

Pamela Coleman Smith painted the illustrations for Authur Edward Waite's tarot deck. She died penniless and alone in a London flat.

Paschal Beverly Randolph inspired people like Aleister Crowley, the members of the O.:T.:O.:., and Henri Gamache. His books are still in print. He committed suicide at age 44, leaving his wife and son to live in poverty.

They couldn't make the occult work, neither can anyone else.

Here's a quote from Wiccan Tradition Head Silver Ravenwolf:

"For years I couldn't afford to go to a hair stylist (still can't, it's shop and chop for me). I got pretty good at stying my own hair from looking at magazine pictures" [SOURCE: Teen Witch, Llewellyn Publications, 2003 edition, page 145]

She also wrote a book about Prosperity spells. Does she sound like she can make it work? She can't even afford a hairdresser! My wife just spent $100 at the beauty parlor and we're far from rich.

Here's another quote from that same book:

"A lot of people tell me how bad their lives have gotten after casting a spell and tell me they won't do Witchcraft anymore. I tell them their lives would have been much worse for not having cast the spell."

If you want to really have a good life, ditch the occult.
2007-08-22 21:54:08 UTC
Magick is as real as you are. How real are YOU?
2007-08-22 21:52:50 UTC
they are tricks

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.