What is the attraction for people to turn to islam and become Muslims.?
2009-06-08 03:38:36 UTC
Please don't preach to me.I'm just trying to understand.
I've read somewhere that Islam is one of the biggest religions in the world and I was wondering what was it that makes people convert to,what does islam have to offer its followers,especially with the world today and the bad press Muslims are getting.I don't get it.
Please don't get me wrong.I'm not having a go at anyone,I'm just trying to understand this religion as I know nothing about it at all.
36 answers:
2009-06-08 04:08:06 UTC
well, that burka would cut down on all the clothes i buy.

and i could save a ton of money on make-up and hair products by wearing one, come to think of it.

but alas, i love my little dog. and since dogs are haram...and i mean just ICKY filthy unclean animals in islam, i don't think i can convert right now. i just can't bear to part with her. burka or no burka.
2009-06-08 19:03:06 UTC
That is a good question. I believe that is because they take the time to spend some time to understand the religion that got every one's attention today. Instead of expecting answers from avarage people like me, I would recommend that you read and watch many tv programs from the unbiased research oriented media such as PBS. They have several DVDs that will tell you Islam is not the way the Islamic extremist thought it is or the way many western society thinks because of the actions of those getting so much attention. A simple example is when some of the video takes up the battle for Jeruselam. When the Third Kalifa conquered Jeruselam, the first place he visited was the holiest site of Chritianity, the Sepoca Church. He talked with the priest there and the priest asked him if he wanted to pray here (for it was a holly place). The second Kalifah, Omar, than said no because If I do, Muslims will also think this is their site. When Salah Deen Ayoubi conquered again, he actually assigned some one (A Muslim) to open the door of the church every morning for them to pray. No, would any of those Islamic zealots spare any such site in the slightest chance. They even destroy the Islamic shrines (see the Golden Mosque). This is just one example but they are countless other examples that will encourage you to read and know about Islam and its history more. Once people diffirentiate those sterio types from the real principles practiced by the majority of the people, it opens their heart to research more and may be they see something: something that fills the blanks.
2009-06-10 19:18:19 UTC
It is not about 'what is Islam offering'. It is that when people read the Quran, they see the truth in it that resonates within them.

That is the biggest way people enter Islam.

Islam has the answers. Islam says life is not for the gratification of our desires, but instead it is for serving the Creator, who in return will give the believer Paradise.

Islam gives a person a great sense of having a mission. The mission is to make the world a better place, to free people from the rule of dictators and allow them to choose their own beliefs.

If you have been in a really dangerous situation, or a really bad one, you'll stop and think, what is this all for?

I've read many stories of people who entered Islam after they realized how fragile life is, and how stupid it is if there is not afterlife.
2009-06-11 13:39:32 UTC
Hi there you've got a lot of replies from Muslims, so I thought I would add to the few from non Muslims.

What is the attraction? Islam is a way of life - it answers many needs in a person's life, and means they don't have to think about many things - Islam tells them what to do by way of their holy book the Qur'an, and the additional Hadith, even down to using the bathroom (I jest not, what foot to step into the bathroom with!!).

People that are of a certain mindset, that want to believe that a man in Arabia had oh so convenient revelations when ever he faced a tricky situation, and conned his family, friends and tribe into believing him, that want to have their life curtailed by a 7th century desert dwelling Arab and his sycophantic followers, that don't want to think for themselves - why then they'll follow Islam. Their right, their perogative.

It is indeed one of the biggest religions in the world

what does Islam have to offer? Well that rather depends on your point of view I think. Many people find peace and solace in it, others find anger and extremism. THere are all sorts. I personally don't believe that Islam the faith (as opposed to Muslims the people) is a gentle faith, it encourages intolerance of other view points, a certain narrow mindedness when someone criticises or points out something unsavoury about Islam (watch the thumbs down).

Islam gets a bad press because it hasn't grown up. It is still in the child foot stamping mode of a youngish faith on the world stage. I would like to hope that in time, it (collectively) will calm down and its followers will stop feeling the need to shove Islam down our throats, and let us criticise it if we please just as we do with every other faith. Islam is nothing special, just another faith in the world today. In my opinion it needs to learn that fact.

Undercover for Peace
2009-06-10 05:19:13 UTC
A Simple logical response:

- The Creator ( or Creating Factor, as science calls) deserves the most respect and love

- ILM ( Progressive Knowledge ) is the gift from Creator to Humans and Djinns ( possible reference to E.Ts )

- All material things are Creations (including, humans, animals, plants, stars, galaxies, djinns )

- Creations must live in harmony with each other is the Creator's message

- Every time when the creations go astray, Creator sends a Leader/Prophet to guide the humans

- Everyone is equal in the view of Creator, be it an amputee, or the most handsome, or the most ugly or the most rich or the wretched - all are equal

- The deeds/actions/thoughts would speak for you - once you die.

The feedback of what happened in the earthly life would destine you to hell (NOT eternal hell) or heaven

The greatest Sin is Not rejecting the Creator - but associating MATERIAL creations as the Equivalent

There are lines of similarities with the christianity and judaism, because Islam is not a Religion to be practiced, but applied in ever day life.
She said
2009-06-09 23:44:57 UTC
There are 1.6 Billion Muslims.

Its the second largest religion behind Christianity.

It is the worlds fastest growing religion.

Those are the facts and now I can only give you my own personal experience no one elses I speak for myself as regards to revertion.

Islam offers me a complete way of life, living and worshiping God how he wants to be worshiped. As a believer in God for me there is no other form of worship to consider.

I was raised Protestant have been a Christian and an Athiest and when I bought and read a copy of the Quran it simply answered every question I ever had. I felt my heart open to Islam and could do nothing else but revert to Islam. I did not want to live another second as a non believer once my heart opened to Islam.

Bad press does not effect my worship in any way. Anyone who really knows Islam knows its all rubbish and propeganda. Islam is not Muslims and Muslim are not Islam. A few bad apples does not mean we are all responsible or support the acts of a few.

Are all Catholics responsible or support the acts of the IRA who bombed my country for over a decade? No? Then why are Muslims not given that same curtosy? Propeganda, it suits the agenda's of many countries and governments to be negative about Muslims and Islam but that does not make it true.

I understand why you dont get it because you are only seeing Islam from a Media perspective, a stereotypical perspective. There are 1.6 Billion Muslims less than 0.05% are extremists of any description leaving 99,95% of Muslims living and worshiping in Peace. What is it that 0.05% are being taught if that is the case that the rest of us are missing? There agenda's are Political not religious. Those who know anything about Islam know its a sin to kill innocent people and a sin to kill oneself.

So a suicide bomber is a total oxymoron in Islam. But that is all you hear in the Media right? You dont hear about those apposed to it, those who demonstrate against it? Those who politically and religiously in every way try to irradicate it? Why is that? Hmmmmmm

Islam offers so much. Its about respect for self, respect for family, respect for neigbours, respect for society as a whole and above all respect for God.

Islam offers a healthy lifestyle inside and out. Islam offers so so very much and I for one having now been a Muslim for almost 5 years could never live my life any other way. For me Islam is the True Path.

Islam is about

1. Faith

2. Prayer

3. Fasting

4. Chartiy

5. Pilgramage

Its very simple.

I hope you do learn something more of Islam its not something to be feared or despised. Its a simple,respectful, quiet way of life and it should not be jugded by the minority but by the majority.

Peace to you, Scottish Muslim woman...
2009-06-08 04:05:05 UTC
Islam is a religion that is all about sense-making. Once you study it objectively, it will just get into you and you'll develop a connection that is hard to define before you know it. You'll an absolute calmness and comfort.

People have been attacking Islam and Muslims to the core. Attacking them in their most sacred figures, insulting them, terrorising them, making life hell for them, and to be honest, I don't why. I read such ignorant and hasty comments all them time which makes me feel terrible. I wish those people have read a bit about Islam before making their hate comments. The justification that Islam is the fastest growing religion is only because that Muslims reproduce many children, is not quite right. The main reason is because Muslims hardly leave their faith unlike other people of other faiths. Islam is a way of life. The faith of Islam is present in Muslims' life round the clock; once they wake up until the fall into sleep. It's done through praying, washing, eating, interacting and the littlest thing you can imagine. So that's why Muslims hardly leave their faith which is why it's the fastest growing religion in the world, not mention here that it the absolute true faith for Muslims. As a Muslim, I fully recognise Judaism and Christianity, and believe all the sacred figures such as Moses and Jesus. Whereas neither a Jew or Christian recognise or at least respect Mohammed, and that is just one beautiful aspect of Islam.

Edit: I could suggest you a great website that is thorough, objective and interesting in its information.
2009-06-11 23:13:36 UTC
What is the attraction for people to turn to islam and become Muslims.?

the merits of islam:

please, read it

1/The Muslim worships One God, Who has no partner, and Who has the most beautiful names and the highest attributes.

2/ The effects of Islaamic worship on the soul of the Muslim include the following:

Prayer keeps the slave in contact with his Lord; if he enters it in a spirit of humiliation and concentration, he will feel tranquil and secure, because he is seeking a "powerful support," which is Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted.

3/Zakaat purifies the soul from stinginess and miserliness, and accustoms people to being generous and helping the poor and needy.

4/Fasting involves refraining from food and sex. It is a form of worship, and a way in which one can feel the hunger of those who are deprived. It is also a reminder of the blessings of the Creator, and it brings rewards beyond measure.

5/Hajj is the Pilgrimage to the sacred House of Allaah, which was built by Ibraaheem (Abraham, upon whom be peace). By performing Hajj one is obeying the command of Allaah and the call to come and meet Muslims from all over the world.

6/Islaam commands all kinds of good and forbids all kinds of evil. It encourages good manners and proper treatment of others.

7/If we look at what Islam has prohibited, we will find that it is in the interests of both the individual and society as a whole. All these prohibitions serve to safeguard the relationship between the slave and his Lord, and the relationship of the individual with himself and with his fellow-man.

may Allah guide you to the correct way.

I am really very happy because I am a MUSLIM, if Allah didn't give me anything but Islam, i would never know how to thank him.
2009-06-08 16:40:27 UTC
Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people. For a fifth of the world's population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness, and the majority have nothing to do with the extremely grave events which have come to be associated with their faith.

The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred whether a person is Muslim or not. Racism is incomprehensible to Muslims, for the Quran speaks of human equality in the following terms:

'O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God 's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware'. ({49.13::qs49.13})

Freedom of conscience is laid down by the Quran itself: 'There is no compulsion in religion'. ({2.256::qs2.256})
2009-06-11 14:29:56 UTC

Islam isnt the religion of Paper, it is a religion of Life...It tells and shows us how to live a good life...

Every individual is accountable for their own deeds in Islam...

Islam offers the Truth, read and see it for yourself, dont judge by what people think...

if your mother killed somone, would your father be responsible or you?No, so not all muslims are the same and you always get blacksheeps in every society...Did you not remember the IRA Who are catholic terrorists..How about Hitler another christian terrorist...Or even the Tamil Tigers for Hindu's etc...

2009-06-10 01:03:41 UTC
News about people converting to islam or the growth of islam makes muslims feel secure about their faith because in terms of morality and virtues islam has nothing to offer. The reasoning is : there must be something in islam for it to gain converts. A classic emperors new clothes scenario !

Muslims love boasting about islam that is why you often hear chest thumping outbursts like:

Islam is the greatest religion / Islam is the fastest growing religion / More and more people are converting to islam etc

In reality intellectual muslims are abandoning it in droves. The rate of apostasy that started with a trickle a couple of decades ago is growing exponentially and will soon become a deluge. One of the reasons is the attitude of ex muslims towards their former faith. Whilst most ex christians or ex hindus are indifferent towards their former faith, ex muslims on the other hand despise their former faith. There is a growing movement of ex muslims that are hell bent on exposing the evils of islam. .

Another reason is only recently (last 20 years) with the arrival of the electronic media, internet etc have people really starting to learn about the real islam, before this islam would control/squash any criticism.

70% of those who convert to islam abandon it within 3 years.

I've yet to read a heart rendering testimony of anyone who converted to islam. Most women do it because of husbands and boyfriends (though many deny it), they often give reasons like "islam is a beautiful religion" without a straightforward explanation, others especially those from a christian past use "I found the trinity difficult to accept" yet they have no problem accepting the lone testimony of a bedouin.

Most women who convert to islam have low self esteem with no direction in life. Islam provides them a sense direction and purpose, i.e. instructions about how to live day by day. In some way islam does their thinking for them. Being part of this worldwide muslim Ummah provides them with a great deal of comfort and security like it is with members of cults or isolated groups.

Any astute person should be able to see the "death for apostasy" and other flaws of this ideology.

"Islam the fastest growing religion" is the fastest growing myth !
2009-06-11 01:19:48 UTC
Abraham and even the first man Adam were Muslims. That is because Islam is not a "new" religion, but Islam is the same religion given to Adam, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and all the Prophets sent by God. The Prophets were all were sent by God to mankind telling us the same thing: there is only 1 God and to worship nothing but Him, to believe in the next life, and to do good on this earth...The Torah, The Bible, and The Koran were all sent by the same God. The problems came when people began to re-write the words of the Torah and the Bible, so God sent the last holy book, the Koran as a guide and warning to mankind. The Koran speaks heavily of Moses, Jesus, King David, Soloman and amny Prophets mentioned in the Bible and the Torah. This is because God sent all 3 books. Islam is not a new religion.

"Say (O Muslim), "We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Abraham (Abraham), Isma’il (Ishmael), Ishaque (Isaac), Ya’qub (Jacob), and to Al-Asbat [the twelve sons of Ya’cub (Jacob)], and that which has been given to Musa (Moses) and ‘Iesa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam)". [Chapter 2: verse 136]

Because the word Islam means submission to GOD. And anyone who fully submits to GOD is a muslim. So what does that make Prophet Abraham (pbuh)...MUSLIM! What does that make Prophet Jesus (pbuh)....MUSLIM!
2009-06-08 06:09:05 UTC
peace to you Shane

Yep,there is a lot of bad news out there about Islam,but i converted,Islam was and still is a new way of life for me.i believe the words in the Quran are the truth,and God promised us that the Quran would never change(as the bible did,from man).I think the problem is,is that the people are changing in this world.We must keep our trust in Allah and the hereafter and not the money and enjoyment of this world

I do hope you read a few of my favorite sites,these are of some interest


50,000 French Accepted Islam In 50 Years: Intelligence - IOL

Thousands Of British Elite Embrace Islam: Study

America: Islam is finding a niche in the West

Islam spreading in Christian South Africa

Islam Attracting Many Survivors of Rwanda Genocide - Washington Post

Mohammed's religion finds a place in Haiti

Islam fastest growing faith in Australia
2009-06-08 06:44:28 UTC
Contrary to the absolutely absurd views of some people here, many people have read the Qur'an, realised it is the truth and converted.

What other reason could there be for a genuine conversion?

I have personally met an American Muslim, ex-Christian guy who told me 'Islam makes sense to me'. When I asked him why, he said 'I just couldn't accept the fact that Jesus is God'.

There are reports of many people who read the Qur'an after 9/11 to figure out whether it is as violent as they hear, and ended up converting. There are even many who opened the Book to point out fallacies, and finding none, converted.
2009-06-08 04:33:24 UTC
the following points cant be all find in any other belief or philosophy except islam

1-source preserved without word change in the original language

2-simple belief :one GOD sent one message with different messengers

3-challenges to find a mistake or make one chapter like the Quran (falsification test)

4-logic answers to our questions (make sense)

5-harmony with all fields of science

6-spirituals and moralities

my advice

try to read the booklet entitled the amazing quran by Dr Gary Miller (google it ) or the book The Bible, The Qur'an and Science. The Holy Scriptures Examined In The Light Of Modern Knowledge by. Dr. Maurice Bucaille


2009-06-09 14:42:02 UTC
As a convert to Islam, I can only tell you that I came to it because it is the truth. I'm sure I'll get a lot of thumbs down for saying that, but that's my personal experience.

Be careful looking into Islam, you just might convert! I looked into it as an atheist, and then three years later I converted.

God guides whom He wills.

As far as what Islam has to offer (for immediate benefit):

-a peaceful way of life (despite what the media says)

-the solution to every one of your life's problems

-alleviating all of your worries and stress

-the easiest way to live

Sorry, I know it wasn't a great answer, but I hope it helps! It's a hard question to answer.
sabeel alwosol
2009-06-10 01:33:03 UTC
thank you for asking about my religion ISLAM :

Islam , in spite of the shaky and precarious picture that the blind –hearted media propagates all over the world , is most acceptable religion all over the world now .In the time of the prophet , people were persecuted , tortured and even killed to leave it but never did they leave ....Now people from all different cultures , different mentalities have been guided by God to Islam , they have found their way , at last they have rested their doubts , they have found the doctrine that sit well with their logic . Islam is the only religion that answers the innate nature in the Human being . Islam is the only religion that contains over one thousand scientific Hadiths and verses that are in complete agreement with the recently discovered scientific facts with NO contradictions in the Quran . The Holy Quran is the only Book that remained unchanged , every letter , every word , every sentence are the same as were first revealed to the prophet . There are hundreds of glad tidings and prophecies in the Holy Book that speak about the coming of Islam , Islam is the only religion that first puts Human rights and supervised putting them into effect long ago before the magna carta , Islam is the only religion that gave woman her rights . Islam is the only religion that was fought and still is ,yet it remained unshaken , and remained and will remain deap seated in the hearts of its adherents .Islam is the only religion that will redress and rectify humanity way to God .

Prophet Mohummed says "This religion will go as far as the night and the day go , No place , be it in the desert or the city , but will be converted into Islam , so wonderfully is that Islam will be aided by different people , be it noble or humble

God says "When Allah's succor and the triumph cometh in the Holy Quran what means And thou seest mankind entering the religion of Allah in troops. Then hymn the praises of thy Lord, and seek forgiveness of Him. Lo! He is ever ready to show mercy." Surah 110. An-Nasr

Islam is a simple religion in its concepts, beliefs, books, messages and worship that suits the pure and logic nature of civilized human beings.

In other religions, people often approach God through an

intermediary. However, it is only in Islam that a person is required only to pray to God.

relationship with their Merciful Creator -- Almighty God.

Islam encourages knowledge ,so there is no contradiction between faith in God and building one's future .Morals of Islam helps the society live in peace. In Islam man is always satisfied and feels peace of mind. Without Islam man is always unhappy since he is away from God .Read about Islam and ask The Creator to guide you to the right way

please read this article

Why the world needs Islam today

scientific miracles of Quran :
Iagdim ya Haizoom
2009-06-08 03:52:16 UTC
Take it from me, you will get misinformed by the majority of people here on yahoo answers. They don't even know what the religion is all about, they can't tell the different between what is cultural and what is part of Islam. They also love to pull verses out of there proper context from the Qur'an (which is the holy book in Islam). However, the real appeals of Islam would have to be the oneness of god, it is a perfectly monotheist religion, with no intermediates between the believer and god. It also include many of the principles found in the old and new testament because as we Muslims believe all three religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are from the same source. Prophets like Noah, Arabram, Moses, and Jesus (pbut) are also all part of Islam.

Edit: Reading the answers above proves my point exactly.

Edit2: Star and Ben (above and below) perhaps being the most ignorant.

Anyway, the Qur'an to the Muslims is unlike any other scripture in that it is believed to be the literally word of god, unchanged. Now I know that might sound cliche but even from the early days of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) after he had received all the revelations from God, the Qur'an (a 500pg book) was memorized by hundreds of people, and although it was complied into a book several years later (about 30) the religion was rapidly grown and was still pure and it was cross referenced by some 50 living memorizers of the book when the first Qur'an was written, which is still in existence today.
2009-06-09 08:51:43 UTC
Yes Islam is one of the biggest religions, but Atheism is the fastest growing. Just matter of time, there won't be need of conversion or holy war, just some basic education and common sense.

I believe Islam attracts people deluded or alienated with their society and what's in it, including Christians.
2009-06-08 04:33:35 UTC
to most people who think bad  try reading the quaran and see why i have like 100s of friend that converted into islam dont judge a book by its cover there are many good thingd about it try reading 1 page of the quran it is so amazing that you oudnet even have a clue hat its saying
Abu Hamzah
2009-06-08 08:07:44 UTC
We follow the religion of God, to which He guided humanity by sending Prophets and Messengers like Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jesus son of Mary and last of them being Muhammad (peace and blessings be on all of them).

We believe that God alone is our Creator, Sustainer and Manages all affairs of Creation. We praise Him and express our gratitude by praying to Him alone, being kind to our parents and doing good deeds. We do not associate anyone in worship with Him, neither a prophet (like Jesus son of Mary) nor any angel, let alone anything else. We do not direct our supplications to anyone except our Creator. We do not believe in divinity of Jesus, nor do we believe that he was God or son of God, rather he was just a Prophet and Messenger like others who came to guide people to correct path.

Our belief is summarized in this saying:

"There is no diety worthy of worship exept Allaah (God Almighty) and Muhammad is His slave and Messenger"
2009-06-08 13:36:28 UTC
salam..its the biggest and the fastest spreading thats right....and im not preaching but its because its the truth....

the truth prevails and the falsehood perishes, and the falsehood is ( by its nature) bound to perish....Al Quran

its shear beauty, fairness and justice....its logic....and its not because its a new religion its always been the religion from God...the submission to God..... islam of the last prophet because of the final book which is and will be see all the books of God were sources of light and guidance for its followers....if they were not mixed with words of people.... and i dont say that we, the followers of the last prophet are the most honest people....its because Allah promised to guard the final book because it was supposed to be the final book and it was supposed to be for the whole how ever hard people try to tarnish islam by introducing false things.....Quran helps people who seek the truth...

about the bad publicity ...did you know taliban are blowing up mosques in pakistan....some muslims right! says in Quran.....they are plotting and Allah is planning and Allah is the best planner.
2009-06-08 11:06:44 UTC
islam is the only religion that claims absolute uniqness of God and really means it and thus islam is the only religion today that follow the first commandment of all commandments to moses and jesus and mohammed which is :

"For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, [is] a jealous God:" [Exodus 34:14]

and jesus said:

after one of the scribes asked him Which is the first commandment of all? Jesus answered him, "The first of all commandments is, Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord" [Mark 12:28to33]

and in Quran : " 1.Say, "He is God [who is] One, 2.God, the Eternal Refuge. 3.He neither begets nor is born, 4.Nor is there to Him any equivalent. " (112:1)

islam is simplicity , clearness , direct teachings , and absolute uniqness of God , no embeded paganism or multi Gods.
Syed Shanawaz
2009-06-09 06:15:31 UTC
People are converting to Islam because Islam has the solution to their problems. Whatever your problem is, whether personal or political or cultural, Islam has the solution.
2009-06-08 04:48:53 UTC
Muslims believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to them, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. Muslims make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone Muslims are submitters.
2009-06-08 16:29:56 UTC
Truth about God Almighty, and answer to all our problems.

Kindly visit following:
2009-06-08 03:47:45 UTC
people flock to it because of the number of muslims.

deep down most down truly believe in their religion. so the fact that a lot of other people are in the same religion with them serves as reassurement.

nobody has 100% blind faith in a religion. not even possible, and if someone says otherwise it's because they're just trying to convince themselves
2009-06-08 12:25:45 UTC
log on to
2009-06-08 08:52:47 UTC
Athєist's Nightmarє
2009-06-08 03:42:52 UTC
If you have to ask, you won't understand. It goes beyond reason.

Then again, I suppose it's true of any religion. People don't join them because of rational arguments.
2009-06-08 03:47:00 UTC
The novelty of something alternative to the status quo.
2009-06-08 03:54:35 UTC
Everything has a name which is supposed to tell us in brief what that thing is. If that is the purpose of a name, then the name Islam fulfils that purpose perfectly. It tells us the basic principle of this religion, what is required of its followers, and what goal they are meant to achieve by following this religion.

The Arabic word islam means 'to submit' or 'to surrender', and 'to enter into peace'. As the name of this religion, it means submitting and surrendering oneself to God and thereby entering into peace. But what is meant by submitting and surrendering to God?

Is it to blindly obey the instructions of a religious teacher, or the commandments given in a scripture, without the use of any thinking, sense or intelligence on our part? And is this submission and surrender forced on us by anyone? The answer to both is: No.

You submit yourself to God after having pondered and thought and realised that acting on His guidance will benefit you. And you surrender to Him willingly and cheerfully, not out of fear of a religious leader or a human authority, nor trying to please someone. You give up your desires and submit yourself to what God wants you to do. You should feel in your heart that what you are doing is right.

Islam teaches that the whole of the universe around us, the earth, the stars, the sun, the trees, everything is in a state of submission to God. The Holy Quran says:

"To Him submits whatever is in the heavens and the earth" (ch. 3, v. 83).

This means to say that everything in nature is working according to fixed laws and cannot deviate from those laws. Your own body, and all its parts and organs, are working subject to the laws of nature, and have no choice but to work as they are intended to. But God has given the human soul freedom whether to submit to Him or violate His laws. And then through His Prophets, God revealed what that guidance is, to which man must submit.

So, according to Islam, God sent His Prophets to various nations of the world. Each one of these Prophets taught man how to submit to God. They all taught the worship of the one and only God Who created everything and is above all creation. Nothing which is a part of creation can be God. No heavenly body in the sky, no huge mountain or river on earth, no human being however great and powerful, no man however holy and revered, can be God. On the contrary, all these things are subject to the laws of God. God has no material or human needs. He needs no son and had no father. Anything which is dependent on something cannot be God. Nothing can be likened to God.

So the Prophets who appeared in various nations, before the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, taught their people the Oneness of God and how to submit to Him. All Prophets were themselves mortal human beings, like us, but of a great moral and spiritual stature.

After a long passage of time, each nation, such as the Israelites, the people of India, etc. came to believe that only they had been chosen by God to receive His guidance. Each nation only knew about and believed in its ways and Prophets. Each nation thought of God as just their God who cared for them only. Moreover, they did not remain true to the original concept of the One God, but raised other things and human beings to the status of gods alongside the One God.

Then God sent the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may peace and the blessings of God be upon him) as the Prophet for not just his land and people of Arabia but for the whole world. He brought from God the message which restored the belief in One God in its fullest purity. The Quran says:

"God is one, He is the one on whom all depend, He depends on none, He begets not, nor is He begotten, and nothing is like Him" (ch. 112).

The Quran also says: "Allah --- there is no God but He. His are the most beautiful names" (ch. 20, v. 8).

Allah is the Arabic word for the One True God. It is a unique name of God because it has always been applied only to His Being. Words such as God and Lord, or any other word in any language for God, do not have this distinction, nor do any of them have the same depth of meaning as the word Allah.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad taught that the same One God Who had sent him had also sent the previous Prophets, to each and every country. He had sent Abraham and Moses and Jesus, and also the Prophets to other nations. All had come for their respective peoples with the message of the Oneness of God and submission to Him. They were all true and righteous. Now God sent the Prophet Muhammad with the same message, but in the broadest, the most complete and the most perfect form so that it could meet the needs of all humanity for all time. For example, it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, for the first time ever in human history, that Allah is Lord of all the worlds . This statement is placed at the beginning of the Holy Quran. Allah treats all nations, peoples and races equally, cares for their physical and spiritual welfare equally, and does not favour or disfavour any nations unjustly.

All nations have the same Lord, so why fight with one another, and why consider some nations as created superior and others as created inferior? Allah says in the Quran: "We have created the human being in the best make" (ch. 95, v. 4). All human beings have the highest potential. It is their use or neglect of that potential which makes them superior or inferior.

So Allah, being the Lord of all nations, first sent Prophets to each and every people, not neglecting anyone, for their guidance, and then to bring all nations together He sent the Prophet Muhammad for all the world with an all-comprehensive message. And He named it Islam to show that its teachings are not named after, nor attributable to, any individual or to any nation or to any geographic land. But rather this name tells us the principle of the religion. The Quran also teaches us that true religion does not consist of doctrines artificially forced on man, but rather it is in harmony with the inner nature of man. The Quran says:

"So set up your face for religion, in an upright way. The nature made by God in which He has created human beings --- there is no altering God's creation. That is the right religion." (ch. 30, v. 30)

The right religion is ingrained in human nature, and your inner self will testify to the truth when it sees it.
2009-06-08 03:49:04 UTC
the virgins and young boys they get in paradise
2009-06-08 03:49:09 UTC
Muslims are deceieved and there is no attraction in it at all.I am not a muslim and never will be Praise God for that
2009-06-08 03:44:13 UTC
You get to kill people in God's name and get a bunch of virgins as a reward.
2009-06-08 03:44:02 UTC
No person in their right mind would become voluntarily moslem.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.