Noah's ark. Isn't it fun?
In my opinion, Noah's ark was dinosaur. Not a ship.
Ark of Noah is a medium through which data of the gene is transferred.
Genesis 6:19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.
Evolution of species doesn't have a linear time till mankind open eyes.
Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Pitch / Bitumen / Crude oil / Where could we find them, today? It's fun, too.
Genesis 6:14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.
Today's annual rhythms begins "From Genesis 9:13". (This is my assumption.)
Today's light speed begins from Genesis 9:13, too.
People can make an answer but there is no a reason. (This is your so-called free will.)
God can make a reason but there is no an answer. (This is your so-called destiny & chance.)
Sometimes I say, newton's apple is more clever than newton.
Let's go!
Time has two properties.
Progress(related to evolution) and Event(related to Creation) by turns.
and Probability exist between two properties.
Mobius strip explains it very well. (one progress, one event, one probability)
Look at this!
Chicken (event) Egg (progress) & Egg (event) Chicken (progress)
Schrodinger's cat was placed between one properties, just event. So, probability can not exist.
The reason, Wave-particle duality of light. I think so...
Progress / Event / Probability is a time. This is my trinity.
Does time have the shape? Does soul have the shape?
Everything has the shape but these two in the world.
So, I made a great assumption "Time is soul(thinking, knowledge, memory, etc.)".
It was the beginning of my UNIONTERA.
We know...
To our great discouragement, these doesn't have one way by us.
Time walked to the way of science. Soul walked to the way of religion.
Now, I propose a great reconciliation.
Light up candle for a second. A second of light exist permanently or not?
Einstein deceive our world. Where is our common sense?
I mean, why he didn't tell us this so easy common sense.
The only base which can be the cause of Einstein's assumption...
[Assumption] "principle of constancy of light velocity".
[The only base] "Time of light is different from the starting point time."
This base is not an assumption but a common sense. Can you see?
In my opinion, he already knew this base.
This common sense is a certain evidence for me.
This is my uniontera.
Existence is the time expressed by light itself.
- Key Point -
1. Arrow A is the laser work. (Same time work)
2. Arrow B is the reason of gravity. (also, Higgs boson individually / Different time work)
3. The rose line is the beginning light. (result from Bible)
4. The existence of different time. (result from relativity of light)
5. 2 dimension is not a space. (result from 2-axis, math)
6. Universe came from nothing. (result from No.5 / cf. Playing with bubbles)
6-1. A barrier[posititon] exist between the inner and outer bubbles. But universe do not have that barrier. (Cause of Inertia)
6-2. Nothing is not a no existence. No existence is a zero dimension. There is two zero dimension. One has a position. The other doesn't have a position. These different positions were connected by something. That "something" is not a what but a way. (Cause of Light)
7. Progress / Event / Probability is a time. (This is my trinity.)
8. Wave-particle duality of light, creation & evolution, uncertainty principle, etc (result from No.7)
9. Coalescing of different time (Cause of Rotation / Equator has plenty of time.)
10. Your so-called black hole is a wholly condensed time. (cf. Kerr spacetime, math)
11. The reason of "your so-called magnetic field" (result from step3 and 4)
12. The reason of "your so-called electric field" (result from the crack of time / Same time's crack is a different time's coalescing. / Cause of Static electricity)
13. Your so-called "space" is a crack of time. (result from No.12 / Cause of Lightning)
14. Boundary is a crack of space. (result from No.13 / Same space's crack is a different time's contact. / Cause of Superfluid, cf. Fractal)
15. Boundary is nothing. Your so-called hole is a boundary itself. Also, nothing is K=0 temperature. (result from No.14 / cf. Calabi-Yau Space, math)
16. This is a wall of your so-called fire. (result from No.15) - copyright ⓒ uniontera
Our nonsense have come from one time. Uniontera is a key.
English is not my first language, sorry!
If it is difficult to understand, just remember & enjoy "Hand touching everything is a time". This is the only one result of uniontera.