The Sabbath day questions ?
2013-01-19 04:54:27 UTC
Okay so here are my questions and no stupid answers please :)

Q.1 because God wants as to have the day off what are we suppose to do ?

Q.2 bit of question 1 but it says in the bible that God wants us to rest (i think) so is it okay to stay home and entertain yourself with movies, games and what not and than put 3 hours aside to worship God ?
Q.3 What is the thing about Paul in the bible i herd some one say christains don't have to follow the sabbath day just pray on sunday ?

or i have i got it all wrong ???

So any answers would be awesome :) just trying to learn more :) thanks for any answers. !
Eighteen answers:
The Lightning Strikes
2013-01-22 19:22:13 UTC
At first glance, the question “What is the Sabbath day?” seems fairly simple. According to Exodus 20:8-11, the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, on which we are to rest, in remembrance that God created the universe in six days and then “rested” on the seventh day. However, due to the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of some Christian groups, the meaning of the Sabbath day rest has been confused.

Some Christian groups, such as the Seventh Day Adventists, view the Sabbath as the day of worship, the day on which Christians should attend church / worship services. While these groups typically also teach that no work is to be done on the Sabbath, the concept of the “day of worship” is sometimes more emphasized than the “day of rest.” The problem with this is that the Bible nowhere commands that the Sabbath be the day of worship. In Exodus 20:8-11, “keeping the Sabbath holy” is defined as not working on the Sabbath. Nowhere in this passage is the Sabbath described as a day especially set aside for worship. Similarly, other Scriptures command against working on the Sabbath, but say nothing of the Sabbath being the ordained day for worship (Exodus 16:23-29; 31:14-16; 35:2-3; Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Nehemiah 13:15-22; Jeremiah 17:21-27). In the Old Covenant, there was not one day set aside for worship. Sacrifices were made daily at the tabernacle / temple. The “worship” was continual. The idea that the Sabbath day is the God-ordained day of corporate worship is not biblical.

Now that is not to say the Sabbath was not set apart for worship. The New Testament records Jews and converts to Judaism meeting in the synagogues on the Sabbath (Mark 6:2; Luke 4:31; Luke 13:10-16; Acts 13:14,27,42-44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4). Obviously, with no work being done on the Sabbath day, the Sabbath day would be the ideal day to have organized worship services. However, again, the Bible does not command that the Sabbath day be the day of worship. The Bible describes worship on the Sabbath, but does not prescribe organized corporate worship on the Sabbath.

Further, once the New Covenant was established by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Bible nowhere describes Christians setting aside the Sabbath day as the day of worship. The only Scriptures that describe Christians in any sense meeting on the Sabbath are in fact pointing to evangelistic efforts at Jewish synagogues, which met on the Sabbath day. Acts 3:2 records the early Christians meeting every day. The Bereans studied the Scriptures every day (Acts 17:11). Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:2 both mention Christians meeting on the first day of the week. There is no evidence in the New Testament that the Apostles or the early Christians in any sense observed the Sabbath day as the prescribed day of worship.

Traditionally, Christians have held their primary corporate worship services on Sundays, the first day of the week, in celebration of Christ’s resurrection, which occurred on a Sunday (Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1). It is important to understand, though, that Sunday is not the commanded day of corporate worship either. There is no explicit biblical command that either Saturday or Sunday be the day of worship. Scriptures such as Romans 14:5-6 and Colossians 2:16 give Christians freedom to observe a special day, or to observe every day as special. God’s desire is that we worship and serve Him continually, every day, not just on Saturday or Sunday. Please read our other articles on the Sabbath day and Sabbath keeping to explore this issue further.

It is our contention that the Sabbath command, which, biblically speaking, is to rest on the seventh day of the week, is not binding on Christians, but is rather a matter of grace. However, even if the Sabbath command does apply to New Covenant believers in Christ, the command would be to observe the Sabbath as the day of rest, not necessarily to set aside the Sabbath day as the weekly day of corporate worship.
2014-12-07 05:35:03 UTC
The Sabbath day questions ?
2013-01-19 19:40:38 UTC
The sabbath was an old covenant point of law where the Israelites were commanded to cease from all work on that day. Christians are not a legal party to the old covenant. Christians are not required to rest from labor on any day.

Sunday was originally chosen as a day for corporate worship and prayer, where even the Jewish Christians, who kept the law and rested on the sabbath, could participate on corporate worship the next day.

2013-01-19 05:17:18 UTC
We are required to do Zero work and keep our minds on God and Jesus ALL of the day, sunset to sunset! If we want to watch a movie,... they need to be of God. Like films made of/with the Bible. Or ones of history and Christianity; perhaps of Constantin that was the first Roman Cesar to become Christian, during the fourth century. The Bible also requires us to NOT read fiction. (I'll admit I'll sometime watch a fiction if it is very aimed at God. ) We are required to Not cook, Not make another person work for you on the Sabbath. So meals made the day before. We are to put ALL of the Sabbath day to God!

Some very lazy person is making up the Lie your third question asks.
No Chance Without R
2013-01-19 05:05:32 UTC
1. Sabbath is a holy day of rest to cease from worldly cares and turn our thoughts toward God.

2. Anything that can be done on other days should be avoided on Sabbath.

3. Sabbath is a memorial of Creation. So keeping the Sabbath keeps erroneous theories about man's origins, like evolution, away.

4. Sabbath commandment is part of the Ten Commandments. It is as valid as the other nine. Jesus and the disciples/apostles all of them kept the Sabbath.
2013-01-19 15:27:30 UTC
1 & 2 God said not to do any servile work. This would include, house work, schoolwork and actually going to the office.

However, health and safety trump Sabbath any time. Jesus himself healed on the Sabbath ... and got in trouble for it with the priests but he basically told them to p i s s (why this word is blotted out I don't know. God himself uses this term in the Bible. It is NOT a swear.) off.

Things to do on a normal Sabbath day would be to spend times with friends/family/church and just all around take a 'time out'. Go to the beach or something like that in nature. (Horse riding/spend more time with your dog(s)/other pets)

Of course if there is disaster or whatever, this takes priority. I myself have spent one Sabbath manning the one and only gas station around here for 14 hours straight ... and that only after helping some neighbors move all their horses to higher ground due to a massive flood from a broken dam. Our whole town went under for over a week. If thoses priests Jesus had problems with were there, I'd probably have been dragged out and hung. However if Jesus was there....he most certainly would have been outside bagging sand all day with the rest of them.

As to part 3, I have no idea what you're talkig about with Paul but I can assure you he never broke the true laws of God. Sunday keepers break the 4th law (Remember the Sabbath day) and unfortunately for them, there is a piece in the bible in Hebrews that states very clearly that if the Sabbath day had changed from the 7th to another, Jesus would have told us so. As it stands, Jesus NEVER mentioned another day but always spoke of the 7th day. That would be Saturday looking at your nearest calendar. This piece goes on to say that only those who keep his 7th day will go on into heaven so keeping Sunday as the rest day .... not good.

Furthermore, people who keep Sunday claim they do so 'because Jesus rose the first day of the week" This is neither true and does not make any sense. First off, everyone and anyone gets up every day of the week. It doesn't mean that oh you will go to church today or oh you will go to work today. It merely means that you got the fk outta bed/grave/whathaveyous and that's the end of the story.

Secondly, this is untrue. If you read the account of the women visiting his grave in either Matt. Mark Luke or John (or all of them) you will notice two things: there were TWO female visits. mary Magadeline went by herself first while it was still dark ... so in between Sat/Sun....then all of them went in the early dawn while it was still dark/just barely getting light.

Jesus however was ALREADY gone since before that first visit so he obviously rose on Sat ...his usual fav (So why would he ever miss it seeing as how he had NEVER before missed one of his days before?) day of the week. Not Sunday. (This means that counting back 3 days--he was supposed to be dead three days--Sat (1) Fri (2) Thurs (3)---he died on a Thrusday. The first and last day of the week of Passover are also called Sabbaths (Sabbath means rest day) and this is what people were referring to when they say Jesus died Sabbathevening. This is also why when God speaks about his usual weekly Sabbath, he would say 'the 7th day Sabbath' to differentiat from weekly and 'feastly' (yes I made a new word no I don't care lol) rest days.)
2013-01-19 05:38:00 UTC
And the Sabbath is from Sundown Friday until Sundown Saturday; it is not on Sunday. For a full explanation of the Sabbath, it's requirements, and validity, see the source listed below:
Brandon F
2013-01-21 10:48:51 UTC
I'll post a couple of links for you to get more info, but I'll summarize here.

Think of the Sabbath as a date with God. He created the 7th day and filled it with Himself. Find out what gets you closer to Him and do that. For me, it's getting out in nature and walking my dogs. I like to pray and talk to Him as well. I also usually take a nap, because that helps to recharge my batteries for the next week. I spend time with family, talking about scripture.

Entertainment isn't really what God wants from us on His holy day. Try to just slow down and listen to God's still small voice. There aren't many specifics on HOW to keep the Sabbath on purpose. God created the Sabbath for us, not us for the Sabbath. It's one specific day, set aside to keep us specially connected.

You pray and worship God EVERY day. You don't rest every day. The Sabbath is for rest from your everyday life. Do what gets you closer to God and gets you rested. It's that simple.
2013-01-19 05:51:57 UTC
From Friday night Sundown to Saturday night Sundown, true followers of God and Jesus, are suppose to relax, rest from our regular jobs and give praise and glory to God. the 4th commandment is a memorial of God's creation.

Revelation 14:7

Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgement has come; "worship Him who made the heavens, and the earth, and the sea"

Exodus 20:8, 11 (God's 4th commandment)

8 Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy, 11 For in six days "the LORD made the heavens, and the earth, and the sea", and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy

Ten Reasons why the Sabbath is not Jewish

Written in stone! - lesson 6 (about the 10 commandments)!.aspx

Lost day of history- lesson 7 (about the sabbath)
2013-01-19 05:01:45 UTC
The sabbath is the day that God gave to us to rest from labor, and to worship him.
Rock N Roll, Hoochie Coo
2013-01-19 05:01:33 UTC
First, ALL of our answers are absolutely first rate.

1. Enjoy yourself, but don't be naughty.

2. No movies. They might make you either a) think or b) randy.

3. Paul is a theme that winds through the Holy Babble. Work it out.

--glad we could help.
2013-01-19 04:57:18 UTC
Don't forget to add that "It would be nice to actually know which day it is supposed to be".


@Dawñ - but, I thought Old Testament Laws were for Jews? Can't you guys make up your minds?

@Isaiah 40:31 - So, which day is it? Friday? Saturday? Sunday?
2013-01-19 04:57:55 UTC
keeping the Sabbath is one of the ten commandments .. i think to start with follow exactly what it says .. cease from doing any work .. media entertainment is evil in and of itself and a distraction from doing anything worthwhile .. i can see it being easy to get confused in this day and age, people dont really know what it means to work ..
2 Shepherds
2013-01-19 05:06:41 UTC
Jesus came to change the covenants. The 10 commandments were for the newly freed slaves who needed parameters as to how to live with God in their lives in a free society. Christians are under the new covenant of grace Jesus ushered in. We are indwelled and led by God and are with Him 24/7, so any day chosen for corporate worship is fine, be it Sunday, Monday, etc.

The day you mention is for corporate worship, and that's spiritually beneficial because believers are strengthened by being together and sharing being God's.

The first thing you would need to to is learn about Jesus, who is God, and His way of life and love. Then, you would need to understand what it means that Jesus is Savior and Jesus is Lord. Reading the gospel of John is a great start because John was the one who was relationally closest to Jesus.
2013-01-19 04:57:54 UTC
I submit that you have it all wrong, friend. Not just you personally, but all those who fail to see that the "Sabbath day",and all other aspects of the Law, are superseded and nullified by Christ himself, and are no longer required.

You will find in your study of the New Testament, especially from the teachings of Jesus and Paul, that the first Jewish converts were in a virtual prison under the "school master" of the Law of Moses. Jesus offered to set them free, to let them out of prison, and the first thing that fledgling Christianity did in the first two centuries was to create another "prison" of rules, regulations and ritual.

It is what Paul refers to when he speaks of a dog returning to its own vomit.

To address the "Sabbath" question directly, Jesus is now our "Sabbath rest". A literal day of the week is irrelevant. One may corporately worship him on any day, all days, or no days. Having the relationship is the priority.
2013-01-19 04:56:59 UTC
The "Sabbath" is BS and nothing about it makes any sense.
2013-01-19 04:59:16 UTC
God doesn't have a day off He rested not the same thing......

Jesus was Lord of the Sabbath and He fulfilled the law now once you step under Hid blood covenant as opposed to the covenant of law you no longer HAVE to observe shabbat
Adrift Feline®
2013-01-19 05:24:56 UTC ¢:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.