This was part of a larger movie someone else posted. There are flaws in that movie, and I really wonder how much is true.
"Don't trouble yourself over this seemingly informative video that was only made to discredit God. It is riddled with errors. Most of it is made up information. Examples of error.
1) Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th which makes the statement about the 3 wisemen stars that align on Dec. 25th being the basis of the Nativity story false.
2) Horus, was not said to be the "sun" god of Egypt. He was said to be the god of the sky. Later he was said to encompass BOTH the sun AND moon as well.
3) Set was not the god of night. He was the god of upper Egypt.
4) The mother of Horus was never said to be a virgin and her name wasn't "Mary" it was Isis the mother goddess of Egypt.
5) They give Horus' birthdate as Dec. 25th but his birthdate was in fact never calculated.
This is just for starters. All this is just in watching the first 2 minutes of it. Look it up for yourself in Wikapedia." -Kayne
Note it compares the term God's sun to God's son when the Bible wasn't originally written in English. That is the dumbest video I've seen, and I fell for it the first time.
Also, look at my last source.
I haven't looked this up, but my friend told me that there was three gifts, and no specific number of wise men.