The problem especially here on the forum is asserting your opinion as fact w/o support. When you assert a fact of truth, then by your claim you also accept the responsibility and duty to provide support for the integrity of your claim, otherwise your claim fails and you are left with mud on your face and if done repeatedly, a reputation as a loser liar.
The scientific/philosophical reality is that you do not need to present an argument against an assertion (God does not exist) that cannot produce any evidence or logic in its defense! Since it cannot sustain what it brings to the board, not anything need be said in refutation. Its own lack of evidence/logic is sufficient to scuttle the 'argument' before it even begins!
Bottom line, evolution, with or without Common Descent is inconsequential to the question God, or Creation, or a literal interpretation of the Genesis account.
Asserting a universal negative as a fact can only be done one of two ways.
1. One has universal knowledge (omniscience). Which is an absurdity.
2. One has proven an exclusionary affirmative proposition that renders the negative proposition impossible.. Which so far no atheist had done.
Since no atheist is omniscient, and no atheist has proven an exclusionary affirmative proposition that makes all gods an impossibility atheism is a faith based claim.. Nothing more than ones opinion and no more authoritative than theists claims or opinions.
Atheists tend to insist their position is the absolute truth (but based on unfounded opinion -- I have yet to meet an atheist that has confirmed their starting assumptions) and anybody who does not agree with them is an idiot. In this respect they make the most hardcore religious fundamentalist look like a wishy washy liberal.
Their opinions are BS because they hold a presupposition of materialism.. Without that presupposition, what I present is consistent with the evidence. When you or somebody else actually gets around to validating the assumption of materialism, we will start to take you seriously...
Atheism is a culture of denial and deny any source that makes a claim they don't agree with, even prominent scientific journals.
This is just another example why atheism is a self-limiting phenomenon. The neo-atheists are so driven to attack and discredit others, they make ignorant statements that make them look simple minded and naive.
If atheism or evolutionism could stand on its own, why the need to attack and ridicule those with a differing opinion, like Hitler or Stalin or ISIS or atheist/evolutionists, etc., using venomous attacks to eradicate dissenters; just another form of terrorism (truth terrorism).
Seven Evidences for a Young Earth
Evolution or Creationism?
Creationist Christians who deny Darwinian evolution?
Do you believe the great flood actually covered the whole earth?
Where do scientists get dates for evolution?
How do creationists arrive at the conclusion that the Earth is 6000 years old?
What percent of creation scientists know deep down that everything they're doing is a lie?
Big Bang is dead. Cosmology
Why cant we live in a world where people accept facts and theory's like the big bang?
Do Christians deny all science or just the science that shakes their world views?
What percent of creation scientists know deep down that everything they're doing is a lie?