Do you have to be Catholic to be saved?
2007-03-27 15:36:50 UTC
Can someone show me biblical evidence that says that one must be Catholic to be saved? All evidence I have seen comes from words spoken by popes, evil anti-popes at that. Pope Innocent III (Pope: 1198-1216) is responsible for the slaughter of thousands. I accept no authority from such a man. Pope Boniface VIII (Pope:1294-1303). He is now considered an anti-pope, so he also does not hold any authority. Pope Clement V (Pope: 1305-1314), was clearly corrupt. It was under his rule that that King Philip IV had the Knights Templar disbanded and murdered. Why should I accept the authority of any of these clearly corrupt popes? Some later popes were better, but they were quoting the policies of the corrupt popes that came before them. They did not have any biblical support for this belief. They relied on the words of their corrupt predecessors.

Does the blind faith in the infallibility of the church cause this? What biblical proof is there that the church and the pope are infallible?
43 answers:
livinintheword †
2007-03-27 15:54:57 UTC
The bible does not say you must be catholic for salvation.... that is what the denomination teaches tho. what it does say is that you must believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and confess your sins to God, accepting the gift of salvation that Jesus offers to each person.... for thru the blood atonement sacrifice on the cross, our sins have been forgiven. no need for men to make rules and guidelines... all you need to know is in the Holy Bible.... you can find salvation thru the Word.... and not thru a manmade religion.

no man or church should be considered infallible... for only Christ alone was perfect... all but Him fall short of the Glory of God....putting faith in men or denominations gives satan a foothold.... seek the truth in the Word of God alone
2007-03-27 15:52:47 UTC
Hi Smart Alec,

I think you're under more than a few misunderstandings about my church and my faith there, buddy.

No one ever said the church was infallible. The theology of papal infallibility does not mean the pope is never wrong.

It's a biblical teaching from what Jesus said to Peter. As above so below. What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. What you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Even Catholics don't say you have to be Catholic to get into Heaven. The Cathechism of the Catholic Church has a whole section on how people of other faiths might be saved.


842 The Church's bond with non-Christian religions is in the first place the common origin and end of the human race:

All nations form but one community. This is so because all stem from the one stock which God created to people the entire earth, and also because all share a common destiny, namely God. His providence, evident goodness, and saving designs extend to all against the day when the elect are gathered together in the holy city. . .331

843 The Catholic Church recognizes in other religions that search, among shadows and images, for the God who is unknown yet near since he gives life and breath and all things and wants all men to be saved. Thus, the Church considers all goodness and truth found in these religions as "a preparation for the Gospel and given by him who enlightens all men that they may at length have life."332


Jesus himself states in the bible that there are those who naturally, without any teaching, follow God's laws.

King Philip did not have the Knights Templar disbanded and murdered. That is a myth spread about by some really lame scholars. King Philip only went after the Templars in France. He wanted their wealth. The rest of the Templars continued until they were no longer needed. Most of them went off into monastic orders, many into the Hospitaller Order. A great many are still on the Island of Malta. One of the most Catholic places on the planet.

But back to your point - yes, there have been corrupt popes. The evil one weasels his way in when ever he can. Which is why I'm not ashamed of the bad priests being cleansed from my church at this time. I am saddened by the innocent ones condemned by mass hysteria. But I'm all up for a little house cleaning care of the Almighty.
Church Music Girl
2007-03-27 15:46:39 UTC
The Catholic Church does NOT teach that you must be Catholic to be saved.

To paraphrase, while the RCC has some decided beliefs on Catholics and Christians being saved, they also believe that salvation comes from God alone and it is not outside of God's power to save those who have not been baptized. Think about it - what kind of all-loving, all-merciful God would condemn someone who died before Jesus, who died before baptism, who never had the chance to hear the Gospel, or who just lived a good life the best way they know how?

As for Papal infallibility, that has only been enacted twice, and both times in regards to teachings about Mary. The Pope must proclaim a teaching "ex cathedra" for it to be infallible, and that probably won't happen again any time soon.
Dr. D
2007-04-01 11:44:07 UTC
If you want to find out what the position of the Catholic Church is then look it up in the Catechism. You will not find anything which suggests that only Catholics can be saved. In fact it will clearly state that you do not have to be a Catholic to be saved.

Regarding the authority of the Church.. What does the Bible say is the pillar and foundation of truth? (1 Tim 3:15) Hint: Its not the Bible... Its the Church! So, who speaks for the Church?
2007-04-02 09:50:26 UTC
The answers have gotten to the point of ridiculousness.

You don't have to be Catholic to be saved. The Popes do not speak infallibly on all things - only when speaking ex cathedra, and this issue "no salvation outside the Church" is often misunderstood.

In simple terms, someone who is Catholic and understands the Catholic Church to be the ancient and original Church of Christ on earth, but rejects the Catholic church, is condemned. On the other hand, someone who is raised to hate the Catholic Church (most call it "corrupt" and "unbiblical") will obviously not, even acting on the most godly desires of their own heart, join the Catholic Church. As such, they are God's Mercy, and the Lord judges the heart.

I assure you, any leader who claims Christ but leads his flock away from Him merits punishment. It is no different for Pope or peasant. Do not concern yourselves with them - they have already received their reward.

Instead, concern yourself that through your own ignorance (lack of understanding) of the Catholic Faith that you not lead young Catholics who are immature in their faith away, lest you suffer the same punishment.
2007-03-28 15:59:59 UTC
The ONLY thing one needs to do to be "Saved" is to make a concious effort to ask God to be the center of your life. This means you try every day to live a life that is Christlike and honorable, obeying His commandments and spreading His Word and His Love.

Religion has NOTHING to do with it. I am not a Catholic. I do not subscribe to ANY religion. I am a Christian. Christ did not care for religion if you remember. And since the Catholic church was not even in existance back during Christ's days, I'm not sure how exactly anyone can think one must be Catholic to get into heaven.

What are you going to do with the millions of Jews who died during the holocaust? Did they all go to hell? Is that what some people REALLY believe?
2007-03-27 15:49:26 UTC
there are NO SUCH words in the Bible. The words that are there for one to be saved are: Hear the word Romans 10:17, believe the word,Hebrews 11:6 repent of your sins,Mark 1:15 confess Christ,Matthew 10:32,33

be baptized 1 Peter 3:21(immersion) Greek word, baptizo should be translated "immerse." and remain faithful.Revelation 2:10
the good guy
2007-03-27 15:57:31 UTC
hello Alex, let me say this:

Youre right. We have to be realistic. Some Popes were sinful.

But "infallibility" doesnt mean to say that they were all sinless. What it means is that the dogmas - the official Catholic teachings introduced by the Popes, are infallable. Why? To maintain the church on the right path. Why maintain the church on the right path? To serve its people!

Catholicism survived for 2000 years on the original teaching. The teaching has survived even the bigest threat of all, the "evil Popes". But exactly these popes show a very important thing: its not the Popes who are in charge - but Christ Himself through His representative on earth, as he fortold to Peter.

Catholics can't say that a particulr individual will go to hell*. We have no authority to decide. When someone excommunicates himself from the Church we offer him to the mercy of God, whom we beleive, by the way, to be infinitely merciful.

*hell being defined as completely torn from God
Stephen C
2007-03-27 15:48:32 UTC
I believe its a big mis conception that you have to be this or have to that in order to be saved. Denominations aren't our final judge. Neither is what religion we follow for the most part. Look at it this way. There are tribes all over the world who have no idea about Jesus and there are entire nations who believe in something entirely different as a main religious belief and have for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years. I do believe Jesus is a very very good way to go about getting to heaven but I also think that is who you are that really gets you to heaven. I just don't see God damning billions of people because they have no knowledge or follow the Christian faith. I think God is much smarter than that. God surely knows that whats good for one group might not be good for another.
2007-03-27 15:44:54 UTC
I'm Catholic and I never heard any priests or the Pope say that. Probably the old Popes from years ago who had their own twisted version. Every Sunday at Mass, the priest ask all of us to join in harmony with our Christian brothers and sisters which includes Protestants, Mormons, Pentecostals, etc. I've never heard any Sunday school teacher say that, they teach love for one another and to respect other religions. I don't know what Catholics you've met but this is tripe. Those Popes don't represent the views of the Church and the Church has officially stated that you don't have to be Catholic to go to Heaven. Believing in Christ is enough.
2016-09-05 22:12:03 UTC
Like the apostle Paul Catholics are figuring out their salvation in worry and trembling (Phil. two:12), with hopeful trust within the guarantees of Christ (Rom. five:two, two Tim. two:eleven–thirteen). Jesus required the works of baptism (Mark sixteen:sixteen; John three:five), self-renunciation (e.g., Matt five:three, 10), repentance (Matt three:two; four:17; 18:eight-nine; Mark nine:forty two-forty eight), obedience to God, doing what's proper and simply (e.g., Luke 10:25-28; Matt 19:17; Matt 25), adopting the humility of a baby (Matt 18:three-four; 19:14), consuming the bread of existence (John 6:fifty one, fifty three-fifty four), and staying power to the top (Matt 10:22, 24:thirteen; Mark thirteen:thirteen, Luke 21:sixteen-18). Those looking to please God through religion on my own don't seem to be in obedience to all of the above specifications. Faith on my own is most effective recounted as soon as within the whole Bible, in James two:24: "You see that a man or woman is justified through what he does and NOT through religion on my own." Cheers, Bruce PS: Interesting admission from Chris that he's posting the identical cheating calumny over and over again, simply to get 2 features. I desire the truly evangelical Christians will distance themselves from this phony.
Stay C
2007-04-04 09:16:52 UTC
catholic means universal. If you are talking about the denomination named Catholic, than the answer is NO. No denomination is going to save you. We are saved only by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

Standing in a denominational church isn't making you a christian.

just like standing in your garage does not make you a car.

John 3:16- For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

That scripture does not mention a denomination does it?
2007-04-02 03:44:03 UTC
There is no biblical evidence that states you have to be a Catholic to be saved.But then,since they rely on their popes above the Bible,I don't suppose they need any.Where,for instance,do they get the idea that Mary was without original sin?Does'nt the Bible say ONLY Jesus was free of it?And if she was a virgin,where did Jesus' brothers and sisters come from?Were they also immaculately conceived?Or did they just drop out of the sky?Finally,the Catholics worship Mary as Jesus' co-mediator between God and men.But my Bible says,''For there is ONE mediator between God and men,the man Christ Jesus.''And again,''Worship the LORD your God ONLY.'' Not alongside Mary.

Catholicism biblical?

I think not.
2007-03-27 15:51:05 UTC
To answer your question, no you do not have to be Catholic. In fact, there is this misconception that the "Church" is merely Catholicism. The "Church" is Chrisitianity itself. There is no reason to believe that one denomination is a one and only organization and there is no biblical evidence that supports that conclusion. Jesus gave authority to Peter to begin his "Church," and that church was not defined as Catholicism.

So if you are looking to become "saved" (which in my mind means looking at Jesus' logic and agreeing with it) and Catholicism is your cup of tea and you feel fulfilled practicing as one, then by all means go ahead. If not, then you can find a denomination that does fulfill your spiritual needs. As long they are accurately portraying the picture of who Jesus was and explaining and acting out his teachings, then you're doing fine.
Dave P
2007-03-27 15:44:29 UTC
Let us change a few of your terms.

Do you have to be christian to be saved?

Can someone show me non-biblical evidence that says that one must be christian to be saved? All evidence I have seen comes from words in the bible. Yahweh is responsible for the slaughter of millions (flood, first born of Egypt, Sodom, Gomorrah, cities of the plain, etc.). I accept no authority from such a being.

Does the blind faith in the infallibility of the bible cause this? What non-biblical proof is there that the bible isinfallible?
2007-04-04 09:34:41 UTC
Pastor Billy says: I think the answer lies Al is your view of the end-times. How many remnant Churches do you see? How many differing Bodies of Christ are there? How many Churches did Jesus Christ institute led by the apostles?

answer only One. Catholicism teaches a true mark of the Christian Church is Oneness. Only Catholicism today is truly striving for oneness of Christianity. I had the opportunity to listen to numerous anti-Catholic preachers teach a doctrine which uses fear and calls any unity of Christianity as a one world government. In their fear of obedience I see novel teaching and disunity.

Catholicism teaches that ultimately God can save who he wishes in his abundant mercy, there is but one Church however, the Catholic Church.

Regarding the question, "What biblical proof is there that the church and the pope are infallible?" what biblical proof is there that they ain't? The doctrine of infallibility is related to teaching on faith and morals only.

When Christ spoke before the people before his cruifixion he spoke out on where to find authority of instruction. Christ taught on the authority of the seat of Mose, today as people of the New Convenant Catholics belief in the seat of Peter as head of the apostles. Jesus came to make all things new, Jesus made clear that these teachers know the truth although they might not always live it out themselves, we are to listen to them hence Christ instructed "do as they say, not as they do"

In another example St. Paul writes pastoral instructions to St, Timothy and instructs him to hold on to the traditions given him whether by word (by oral instruction) or by epistle (by letter). You assume in your demand of "biblical support that early Christians were believers in sola scriptura (bible alone) for final authority. Historically and biblically we know your assumption to not be the case.

The doctrine of infalliability is not a guarantee of impeccibility. I know numerous Protestant Evangelicals (recently one from Colorado) who have shown to be sinners and yet the entire congregation they once led do not now reject the communities teaching on what is right and wrong because of the sins of that one individual.
2007-03-29 09:29:46 UTC
The Authentic (i.e. "authoritative") Magisterium of the Church -- i.e., the teaching office of the Church exercised by proper authority -- has different levels of infallibility:

Extraordinary Infallible Magisterium ("Solemn Magisterium"): this is exercised when the Pope, as supreme pastor of the entire Church, speaks ex cathedra (from the Chair of Peter) and solemnly defines a dogma concerning faith and morals to be held by the entire Church, or when a Dogmatic Council convened and endorsed by a Pope formally defines a matter of faith and morals to be held by the entire Church. This is a very rarely excercised assertion of authority (only a few times in the past few hundred years). When the Pope teaches using his extraordinary infallible Magisterium, or when a Council dogmatically defines something and the Pope endorses that defintion, Catholics must believe what is taught de fide, as an article of faith.

Ordinary Infallible Magisterium ("Constant Magisterium" or "Universal Magisterium"): this is exercised when the Pope, Council, Bishop, priest or any authorized teacher teaches in accordance with Tradition, the Sacred Deposit of Faith, and what has been always accepted and taught by the Church in the past

Merely Authentic Ordinary Magisterium: any teaching by Pope, Bishop, priest, or any authorized teacher, that does not fall into the above two levels of infallibility is, quite simply, fallible, even though it may be part of the Authentic Magisterium (that is, it is "authorized" teaching). Teaching at this level is owed obedience -- as long as obeying does not harm the Faith, lead to sin or the loss of souls, does not contradict the Faith, etc. If what is being taught contradicts the Faith, it not only can be resisted, it must be resisted.

In addition to Magisterium, the Pope can, of course, simply act as a private person and offer his personal opinions on anything from current events to sports to food to movies. These may be of interest to us Catholics, who tend to sensibly love -- or at least respect the office of -- the Holy Father, but they are not "Church teaching" in any way. In the same way, a Council may be called that is pastoral and not dogmatic in nature (such as Vatican II).

Now, some Catholics forget the second level of the Magisterium, the "Ordinary Infallible Magisterium." They forget the Sacred Deposit of Faith, the unanimous agreement of the early Christian Fathers, and Sacred Tradition. These "Catholics" are the "liberal Catholics" or "modernist Catholics" you hear so much from in the media. They are the ones who root for the ordination of women, the eradication of the Christian view of homosexuality, etc. These are the well-organized, well-funded loudmouth "Catholics" who eat away at the Church's teachings and have become well-entrenched in various dioceses.

Another type of Catholic forgets about that third level of teaching that is not infallible at all. Any time the Pope teaches, he must be heard, his authority given respect, and the teaching given the benefit of the doubt because it comes from the Vicar of Christ. But if it contradicts prior infallible Magisterium, it is not infallible -- and it must not be obeyed if it proves harmful to the faith. Catholics who forget this level of Magisterium try very hard to be "orthodox" by being obedient, but they often have a false sense of obedience -- an obedience that sometimes borders on a pre-conscious papolatry ("pope worship"), though, of course, they know better and know that "worshipping the Pope" would be a terrible sin. They usually have a very healthy sensus catholicus, a desire for traditional Catholicism, and a virtuous patience, but they simply attribute to the Pope authority he does not have and they truly need to come to a better understanding of what the Magisterium is. These Catholics are often called "neo-conservatives," "conservatives," or "neo-Catholics" (they often think of and refer to themselves as "traditional Catholics" though they are not). You will see these otherwise wonderful Catholics tying themselves into knots trying to defend some of the novelties that followed Vatican II, or sweating bullets making excuses for some of the Holy Father's more scandalous actions (e.g., "ecumenical" services that include praying with Animists, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Protestants; allowing altar girls and "Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers", etc.), failures to act (e.g., lack of discipline given to Bishops), and opinions (e.g., support for the anti-subsidiarity, anti-life, anti-Christ United Nations).

Their desire to protect the Holy Father is understandable -- and laudable! -- especially since the papacy has been attacked so unfairly since the Protestant Rebellion and the ensuing secular revolution, most often with outrageous lies. But these Catholics have to wake up, study a bit, and defend true Catholic teaching as it has been known for 2,000 years.
2007-03-27 15:44:43 UTC
No you don't have to be catholic to be saved. Just because you may have had water sprikled on your head when you were born, does not mean you are saved. To be saved, you have to put your faith in Jesus. The bible does say that there wil be false prophets. Also there is no mention of the word catholic in the bible, No mention of appionting a pope, and no mention that you can save yourself by sprinkling water on your head. Its this argument that seperates some Catholics from other Christians. The if a Catholic belives in Jesus and a Christian believes in Jesus, there is no difference
2007-03-27 16:06:19 UTC
In fact the Catholic Church teaches no such thing, so you are attacking a straw man. There is however clear biblical evidence that Jesus Christ founded only ONE Church, and never authorized or desired the founding of ANY other churches in His name. The current doctrinal chaos of Protestantism clearly demonstrates why unity in Christianity was the will of God.

juanes addicion
2007-03-27 15:45:44 UTC
NO, all organized religions without the proper authority of God are an apostate form for which the scripture of Isaiah hold true

13 ¶ Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

all organized churches teach the precepts of man mingled with scripture...except for those who have the proper authority or keys in order to act in God's name, receive ongoing revelation and has a prophet of God who has been ordained as such by Christ's 12 Apostles.

as to say they have some truths but not all of Christ's truths

imagine if you will a 5000 piece puzzle...that lacks 3 pieces ....

it is simply not is an incomplete doctrine.
2007-03-27 15:50:42 UTC

What is your problem?

I don't see where you claim to be Catholic.

why bother ???

I'm Catholic & I don't care what you think

The Pope is still a powerfull political figure far better than you.

History and the scientific community has always been in conflict where belief sometimes is proven wrong and some [people will fight to stop the change to the simple obvious..
2007-04-03 14:29:44 UTC
okay first of all...the bible says in John 17:3 "This means everlasting life,their taking in knowledge of you and the only true god, and of the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ." and 2nd of all i dont know why people use the word saved. that doose not mean that you can never do any wrong. that really doosent mean anything. thats between you and god. once saved isnt always saved.
misty g
2007-03-27 15:52:53 UTC
No you don't have to be Catholic to be saved. the bible says in Acts 2:21. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. So it doesn't matter if your catholic or not.
2007-03-27 15:41:12 UTC
Papal infallibility is not found in the Bible. It was established by Papal decree. Not sure which Pope it was, but it wasn't that long ago if I remember correctly.

edit: it was Pope Pius IX in the 1860's.
2007-03-27 20:55:11 UTC

The Catholic Church teaches:

+ About Non-Catholic Christian Churches:

Furthermore, many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside the visible confines of the Catholic Church: the written Word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope, and charity, with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements.

Christ's Spirit uses these Churches and ecclesial communities as means of salvation, whose power derives from the fullness of grace and truth that Christ has entrusted to the Catholic Church.

All these blessings come from Christ and lead to him.

+ About Judaism:

"The Jewish faith, unlike other non-Christian religions, is already a response to God's revelation in the Old Covenant. To the Jews "belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ"; "for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.

+ About Islam:

The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day.

+ About other non-Christian religions:

All nations form but one community. This is so because all stem from the one stock which God created to people the entire earth, and also because all share a common destiny, namely God. His providence, evident goodness, and saving designs extend to all against the day when the elect are gathered together in the holy city.

+ With love in Christ.
2007-03-27 15:42:44 UTC
You don't have to be Catholic to be saved because you have to believe in God and repent to enter the gates of Heaven. Catholics can still be saved as long as they believe and repent, you don't have to be a certain religion or anything. Jesus doesn't even mention religion in the bible.
2007-03-27 15:46:21 UTC
Technically, you will be going to hell whatever you do =(

Most religions state that you have to believe in their God or you go to hell. As you can only believe in one, then you are doomed.

Sorry to put a gloomy end on life lol. But on the up side if there is only one end, then enjoy life !
2007-04-04 03:24:10 UTC
You dont have to be catholic you dont even have to be religious just believe Jesus christ died for your sins and you are saved. Next step is to be baptised
2007-03-27 15:42:42 UTC
I hope not, or else I'm really in trouble!

Jesus told us to follow him, not a man, and that the Bible was the ultimate authority.

Any religion that places the opinions or teachings of a man ahead of Bible doctrine obviously doesn't have Jesus' approval or blessing.
2007-03-27 15:43:13 UTC
being catholic is like being bundled up in sheaves ready to be burned.

the answer is NO.

catholic priests lost authority, if they ever had it, by the third century.

Mormons have the restored gospel and both priesthoods, at least thats what the claim is. See the testinmony of joseph smith and what God say when joseph smith at the age of 14 asked in prayer which church to join.
2007-03-27 20:57:41 UTC
I am not catholic and I am saved, and yeah its a lie out of the pits of hell
2007-03-27 15:46:35 UTC
I believe the word "catholic" literally means Christian.

Catholics view their very church the fullfillment of Scripture of God building his own church. And all else are fakes. They define the very essence of elitism.

Gods church is spiritual in nature and not confined to an earthly organization. It encompasses all believers of good character and holiness in all churches worldwide. We are the vine of Christ.
2007-03-28 11:34:10 UTC
Ahh. You got your question from MY answer:

My Y!A answer goes into your question: "Do you have to be Catholic to be saved"

I advise you and anyone reading it, to read it carefully. Don't skip a word, line, sentence.

Now, I will answer each of part of your question(s), so hang tight.

Innocent III, (Lotario de' Conti 1198) how is he responsible for the slaughter of thousands? Your logic and information is faulty. Innocent III wanted to reunite the Greeks to the Latin Church, he also wanted to return to the Holy Land. As a result he sent crusaders for that purpose alone. However, due to financial difficulty; they were unable to do it by themselves. They accepted assistance from Venetians who diverted the will of the Pope and sent those crusaders that were going towards Constantinople. This was absolutely against EVERYTHING the Pope asked. And he called them back, to no avail. Also, Innocent III was considered one of the Churches greatest Popes, yet you; in your failed attempt to malign the name of such a Pope with your vile, liable, and malicious hopes people will read what you write and not look up anything on their own. Clearly Pope Innocent III DID NOT slaughter thousands in his name, His God, or His Church. It is a Crusade gone amuk.

Boniface VIII was validly elected as Pope after Celestine V resigned. (For details of the election see Finke, op. cit., 44-54.) He is not one who is stated to be 'anti-pope'.

By the way, the "Innocent III" that is listed is not Lotario de' Conti).

In regards to your outrageous accusation that it was BECAUSE of some sort of idict that Pope Clement V ORDERED the torture of the Knights of Templar--here your ignorance of French history is apparent. It was a FRENCH King that ordered the murders of the Knights. Indeed it was the order of Clement to disband them in order to protect them

Please also read an excellent book by Malcom Barber. "The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple".

Please get your facts straight.

So far there is no corruption that affects the Faith and Morals of Christian life. That is what makes a Pope have infalliablity, in 'ex catherda' re: Faith and Morals ONLY!

Let's explain Papal infallibility this way: it means that the Holy Spirit prevents the Church from doing from formally teaching error. It does not mean sinlessness or that the Pope is a perfect man or that he’ll always say the right thing at the right time.

In 1 Timothy 3:15 (the Church is the) "pillar and bulwark of the truth"

Again, please say this three times: Infallability IS NOT impeccability (the inability to sin). Okay, do it one more time. Make it ingrained in your head.

The Pope has many duties. He has the duty of being leader of the spiritual world, he is the visible head of the Church that Christ founded, 'the Vicar of Christ'. He is also bishop of Rome, successor of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, primate of Italy, patriarch of the West, archbishop and metropolitan of the Roman Province, sovereign of Vatican City and Servant of the Servants of God.

Read: "Metropolitan of Roman Province"...this explains much of the actions particulary of medievel Popes. He as the steward in peace and the Popes of medivel times interjected themselves as 'peacemakers', a temporal duty that they may or may not, should or should not have gotten involved in. However, you, me anyone reading this was not there. So how can you make a call on history?

I emphatically suggest that you read up on some history lessons. Read up on the history of England, France in particular as this is imperative for you to understand the reasons of Popes. I also suggest that you read unbiased texts. One that is simple secular for the sake of you getting correct information. This requires reading books that are rather dry. But they are shooting for the truth, which you do not have, hold or know.

I also suggest that you get that acorn out of your butt...I doubt you will-- but your dripping hatred for all things Catholic is nauseating, ill formed, and full of ignorance of world history, Catholic history, Medevial history, Monarchist history, and Early Church father's history--i.e., text written by men who were there in the trenches of the building of Christ's Church.



You are the one that stated:"it was under the rule {of Clement V} that a King, Philip, [the Fair] disbanded murdered the Knights of Templar. You said it was in essence ALL Pope Clement's fault. If you don't agree, re-read your statement.

You further state: Pope Innocent III is responsible for slaughter of thousands "I accept no authority from such a man". By refusal to accept his authority at all, you decline to accept the 'ex catherdra' statement he makes. Notice that you do not come back and say "Yep, Michelle your right, I was misinformed in my question, he did not murder thousands"....hmmm.

You malign the reputation of Pope Boniface VIII with the smear of him being an anti-pope. When I proved that he was not, you still do not accept his papal authority in matters regarding "outside the Church there is no salvation".

After showing you proofs that these words that they wrote are therefore not a result of their corruption nor is it a 'piggy-back' of future pope's 'misunderstanding', it is yours.

The Papal infallibility is what you brought up in regards to "blind faith cause the church to do this", it was ably explained by me and others. In doing this, you did indeed 'accuse' that these Pope must be perfect, because you attempted to (and failed) to show their 'corruption'. Your logic is very very faulty.

The world hates Christians because that is what Christ promised us. I do not care if you hate me. People in this world hate two things the most: Getting what they really want, and the truth. You have shown very well that you do judge based on incorrect, biased and hateful misunderstanding or perhaps true malice.

If you feel this answer is a tirade, you are mistaken. The question you asked is loaded and it can not require a two paragraph answer. It was given with alot of thought, time, and consideration to you; in hopes that perhaps you asked it in complete humility and attempt to learn. It is NOW very clear that it was nothing but pathetic attempt to smear.
2007-03-27 15:50:30 UTC
Geesh - another moron posts...and 50 more answer.

If you had any balls you'd research just what the Church teaches, not what your anti-Catholic preacher boy preaches, or the chick tracts you'all read.
2007-03-29 09:21:55 UTC
The Only Church That Christ Established Is The Catholic Church. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be condemned." [Mark 16:16].

Christ gave to Simon Peter and his successors, the Keys to the Kingdom and the power of binding and loosing. To the Popes was given the authority to teach. To them, in this regard, was given the charism of infallibility. "Infallibility" is not "impeccability" -- the inability to sin. Catholics do not believe that Popes are sinless and never err. Infallibility is simply a gift that is expressed in very specific ways, limited by Sacred Deposit of Faith -- Tradition, Scripture, and the unanimous writings of the early Fathers. As put by Vatican I:

For the Holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by His revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles.

Or, as put even more bluntly by Pope Pius XII in Mystici Coporis Christi:

[Nor] may anyone argue that the primacy of jurisdiction established in the Church gives such a Mystical Body two heads. For Peter in virtue of his Primacy is only Christ's Vicar; so that there is only one chief Head of this Body, namely Christ, who never ceases Himself to guide the Church invisible, though at the same time He rules it visibly, through Church rested not on Him alone, but on Peter too, its visible foundation stone.

The Pope may explain doctrines more fully, he may go more deeply into them, he can extrapolate from moral principles to shed light on new situations that arise, but he cannot contradict what has been handed down by Christ and the Apostles and still claim infallibility for that teaching.


Protestants believe the first Pope possessed the charism of infallibility.

Now, they might not believe that Peter was the first Pope (which he was), but they believe that his Epistles are infallible. They also believe that Luke, Matthew, Mark, Paul, Jude and John wrote infallibly. They believe that Moses "was infallible," too. And Hosea, Micah, Nehemiah, Isaiah, David, Solomon, Zechariah -- any Patriarch, Prophet, Apostle, or Evangelist who wrote a Bibilical Book is deemed by Protestants to be infallible.

But somehow they see things as having changed, and the idea of the gift of infallibility being given to man is laughed off as "Popish superstition" at best, and as "Romish sacrilege" at worst.

Why they believe this, when since Israel's origins God has always provided authoritative leaders, I don't know. From Abraham to Jacob to Moses to David to Solomon, et. al., throughout the thousands and thousands of years of Israel's existence, God gave Israel earthly authority. But Protestants see this authority as having abruptly ended when the Old Testament Covenant was fulfilled and Israel's King of Kings took on flesh.

Malachi 2-7

For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.

Matthew 23:2-3

The scribes and Pharisees sit on Moses' seat; so practice and observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practice.

Did that earthly authorty pass away? If not, where did that authority pass on to?

Isaiah 22:21-23

And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah. And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house.

Matthew 16:18-19

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

The authority passed to Peter and to the priests of the New Covenant.

"But we don't believe that Moses and Jacob and David were perfect! Look at David -- he committed adultery! Just because they wrote infallible books doesn't mean they were perfect!"

Precisely. And Catholics don't believe that Popes are perfect and can't sin or that every word a Pope mutters is infallible. When David whored around, he sinned. When Solomon prayed to pagan gods, he sinned. When Peter denied Christ three times, he sinned. When Pope John Paul II kissed the Koran or failed to deal with heretic, Modernist Bishops and homosexualist priests, he sinned. Impeccability is not a part of the deal -- but all of these sinners had/have the charism of infallibility.
<3 muhh-lizzz-uhhh :D
2007-03-27 15:44:27 UTC
well im not sure but i am catholic and dont loose your faith on god just because of other non belivers:) if you do loose faith then you won't be saved. remember not everyone who answers ur questions are catholic so just keep praying cuz he does answer prayers. believe me, personal experience. :]
2007-03-27 15:42:23 UTC
why are you asking other people?

Don't be a sheep. Use your own intelligence and logic to find out what you want to believe.

If you ask a muslim, hindu, christian, buddist, you will get different answers from them all. What makes one opinion more valid than another?

I am an atheist and don't think any of them are correct, and i'm not trying to get you to disbelieve. Just to think for yourself.
2007-03-27 15:44:31 UTC
All you have to believe is that Jesus is the Son of God and trust on Him and believe he is the Son of God!
2007-03-27 15:43:39 UTC
A part of being saved is beliveing that you are saved. And Im not catholic and Im saved
2007-03-27 15:40:38 UTC
no. in fact you have less chance of being saved as a catholic as they teach false doctrine: baby baptism, praying to mary, purgatory?, etc.
Danny H
2007-03-30 08:26:06 UTC
These links might answer your question:

God bless.
2007-03-27 15:42:10 UTC
No, it's actually the opposite. Stop worshiping Jesus(a human) if you want to be SAVED and only worship G-D.
Mr Marc
2007-03-27 15:39:52 UTC
Nah, thats another lie right out of the very pit of hell.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.