Ahh. You got your question from MY answer:
My Y!A answer goes into your question: "Do you have to be Catholic to be saved"
I advise you and anyone reading it, to read it carefully. Don't skip a word, line, sentence.
Now, I will answer each of part of your question(s), so hang tight.
Innocent III, (Lotario de' Conti 1198) how is he responsible for the slaughter of thousands? Your logic and information is faulty. Innocent III wanted to reunite the Greeks to the Latin Church, he also wanted to return to the Holy Land. As a result he sent crusaders for that purpose alone. However, due to financial difficulty; they were unable to do it by themselves. They accepted assistance from Venetians who diverted the will of the Pope and sent those crusaders that were going towards Constantinople. This was absolutely against EVERYTHING the Pope asked. And he called them back, to no avail. Also, Innocent III was considered one of the Churches greatest Popes, yet you; in your failed attempt to malign the name of such a Pope with your vile, liable, and malicious claims...in hopes people will read what you write and not look up anything on their own. Clearly Pope Innocent III DID NOT slaughter thousands in his name, His God, or His Church. It is a Crusade gone amuk.
Boniface VIII was validly elected as Pope after Celestine V resigned. (For details of the election see Finke, op. cit., 44-54.) He is not one who is stated to be 'anti-pope'.
By the way, the "Innocent III" that is listed is not Lotario de' Conti).
In regards to your outrageous accusation that it was BECAUSE of some sort of idict that Pope Clement V ORDERED the torture of the Knights of Templar--here your ignorance of French history is apparent. It was a FRENCH King that ordered the murders of the Knights. Indeed it was the order of Clement to disband them in order to protect them
Please also read an excellent book by Malcom Barber. "The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple".
Please get your facts straight.
So far there is no corruption that affects the Faith and Morals of Christian life. That is what makes a Pope have infalliablity, in 'ex catherda' re: Faith and Morals ONLY!
Let's explain Papal infallibility this way: it means that the Holy Spirit prevents the Church from doing from formally teaching error. It does not mean sinlessness or that the Pope is a perfect man or that he’ll always say the right thing at the right time.
In 1 Timothy 3:15 (the Church is the) "pillar and bulwark of the truth"
Again, please say this three times: Infallability IS NOT impeccability (the inability to sin). Okay, do it one more time. Make it ingrained in your head.
The Pope has many duties. He has the duty of being leader of the spiritual world, he is the visible head of the Church that Christ founded, 'the Vicar of Christ'. He is also bishop of Rome, successor of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, primate of Italy, patriarch of the West, archbishop and metropolitan of the Roman Province, sovereign of Vatican City and Servant of the Servants of God.
Read: "Metropolitan of Roman Province"...this explains much of the actions particulary of medievel Popes. He as the steward in peace and the Popes of medivel times interjected themselves as 'peacemakers', a temporal duty that they may or may not, should or should not have gotten involved in. However, you, me anyone reading this was not there. So how can you make a call on history?
I emphatically suggest that you read up on some history lessons. Read up on the history of England, France in particular as this is imperative for you to understand the reasons of Popes. I also suggest that you read unbiased texts. One that is simple secular for the sake of you getting correct information. This requires reading books that are rather dry. But they are shooting for the truth, which you do not have, hold or know.
I also suggest that you get that acorn out of your butt...I doubt you will-- but your dripping hatred for all things Catholic is nauseating, ill formed, and full of ignorance of world history, Catholic history, Medevial history, Monarchist history, and Early Church father's history--i.e., text written by men who were there in the trenches of the building of Christ's Church.
You are the one that stated:"it was under the rule {of Clement V} that a King, Philip, [the Fair] disbanded murdered the Knights of Templar. You said it was in essence ALL Pope Clement's fault. If you don't agree, re-read your statement.
You further state: Pope Innocent III is responsible for slaughter of thousands "I accept no authority from such a man". By refusal to accept his authority at all, you decline to accept the 'ex catherdra' statement he makes. Notice that you do not come back and say "Yep, Michelle your right, I was misinformed in my question, he did not murder thousands"....hmmm.
You malign the reputation of Pope Boniface VIII with the smear of him being an anti-pope. When I proved that he was not, you still do not accept his papal authority in matters regarding "outside the Church there is no salvation".
After showing you proofs that these words that they wrote are therefore not a result of their corruption nor is it a 'piggy-back' of future pope's 'misunderstanding', it is yours.
The Papal infallibility is what you brought up in regards to "blind faith cause the church to do this", it was ably explained by me and others. In doing this, you did indeed 'accuse' that these Pope must be perfect, because you attempted to (and failed) to show their 'corruption'. Your logic is very very faulty.
The world hates Christians because that is what Christ promised us. I do not care if you hate me. People in this world hate two things the most: Getting what they really want, and the truth. You have shown very well that you do judge based on incorrect, biased and hateful misunderstanding or perhaps true malice.
If you feel this answer is a tirade, you are mistaken. The question you asked is loaded and it can not require a two paragraph answer. It was given with alot of thought, time, and consideration to you; in hopes that perhaps you asked it in complete humility and attempt to learn. It is NOW very clear that it was nothing but pathetic attempt to smear.