Hebrews 11
By Faith We Understand
11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.
3 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.
11:1–40 The 11th chapter is a moving account of faithful OT saints and given such titles as, “The Saints’ Hall of Fame,” “The Honor Roll of OT Saints,” and “Heroes of Faith.” They all attest to the value of living by faith. They compose the “cloud of witnesses”(12:1) who give powerful testimony to the Hebrews that they should come to faith in God’s truth in Christ.
11:1 This verse is written in a style of Heb. poetry (used often in the Psalms), in which two parallel and nearly identical phrases are used to state the same thing. Cf. 1Pe 1:7—God tests our faith in the crucible. assurance. This is from the same Gr. word translated “exact representation” in 1:3 and “assurance” in 3:14. The faith described here involves the most solid possible conviction, the God-given present assurance of a future reality.
conviction of things not seen. True faith is not based on empirical evidence but on divine assurance, and is a gift of God (Eph 2:8).
11:2 men of old. In this context, the term refers to all saints, both men and women, under the older covenant, a select few of whom are described in vv. 4–40. gained approval. Lit. “were testified to” or “had witness given about them” (cf. vv. 4, 39). God bears witness on the behalf of these saints that they lived by faith and divine approval is granted to them.
11:3 By faith. Each example of faith in vv. 3–31 is formally introduced with this specific phrase. True saving faith works in obedience to God (see notes on Jas 2:14–25). we. This refers to the writer and all other true believers, present and past. worlds. The physical universe itself, as well as its operation and administration.
were prepared. The concept involved in this verb (used also in 13:21) is that of equipping so that something might be made ready to fulfill its purpose. word of God. God’s divine utterance (see, e.g., Ge 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14).
not made. God created the universe out of something which cannot be seen. There is the possibility that the invisible something was God’s own energy or power.
True saving faith is supernatural created in the believer as he accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for the forgiveness of sins. This is only possible after haveing got the gift of true repentance.