((froufrou)) this is a hard question, I'm going hit you with a snowball:)LOL
Fall of man is an unequivocal refutation of the Darwinian hypothesis of evolution. I know some won't agree but we can all have fun trying to answer. We learn from that and I know I do.
Wouldn't you like to start at the bottom and work ya way to the top instead from top and falling to the bottom. To me that is what Darwin has taught.
Well so much for that, everyone has their own views.
Socialistic philosophers have taught that all the ills to which man is heir are solely attributable to heredity and environment. The conception is an attempt to deny that man is a fallen creature and at heart desperately wicked. We are told today that if our leaders will make possible a perfect environment, man will then be able to realize his ideals and heredity will be purified. But man has already been tested under the most favorable conditions and was found wanting.
With no evil heredity behind them, our first parents were placed in the fairest imaginable environment, an evironment, which God Himself pronounced "very good." Only a single restriction was placed upon their liberty, but they failed and fell. The trouble with man is not external but internal. What he needs most is not a new berth, but a new birth.Man is a responsible being, responsible to serve, obey and glorify his maker. Man is not an independent creature, for he did not make himself. Having been created by God he owes a debt to his Creator. I believe man is a responsible creature, and as such, subject to the Divine government. This is the great fact which God would impress upon us from the commencement of human history.
"But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: (Gen. 2:17). There was no other reason why the fruit of this tree should not be eaten save the plain command of God. This command was not given arbitrarily in the real meaning of the word, but gave emphasis to the relationship in which man stood to God. We are intelligent, responsible creatures, we are subject to the Divine government. But the creature became self-seeking, self- centred, self-willed, and as the result he disobeyed, sinned, fell.
The divine record of the Fall alone explains the mystery of death. Man possesses an imperishable soul, why then should he die? He had breathed into him the breath of the Eternal One, why then should he not live on in this world for ever? Reject the divine explanation and we face an insoluble enigma.
I know this will get thumbs down, but I'm not saying anyones wrong, this is just my view.
Blessings to ya