Roman Catholics: If by 'Mystery Babylon' is to be understood ancient Rome...?
2007-07-18 12:19:57 UTC
If by 'Mystery Babylon' is to be understood ancient Rome, and if the Church of Rome claims to be the True Church left unharmed in Rome, why on earth does infallible Scripture predict that upon Rome's fall the sounds of Silence echo where once the True Gospel was proclaimed and voices with instruments were raised in praise to the true God?
Ten answers:
2007-07-18 12:22:28 UTC
i think the traits fit the US pretty good also .. but that just me i guess ...
Travis J
2007-07-18 19:56:35 UTC
It nowhere says any such thing.

Never does it say that there is a false Church, nor that the Church has anything to do with the state of mystery Babylon. Arabia and Constantinople are upon seven heights founded too.

We aren't told it is Rome. In fact, it is not the Roman empire, since in John's time of writing the Apocalypse, the Roman empire was the one present. He spoke of an empire that had been, was not any longer, while he wrote, and would be again. The Roman empire lacked many of the eatren countries that the former empires had all had. But islam had all those and more, and came after the Roman empire, including in it a Persian kingdom, a Mongolian one, an Arabic one, and a Turkish one - four horns that followed on that little horn that is not a man, but has the eyes of a man (muhammad, the author), is smaller than a man, being the size of a book, and called in Daniel the little qeren (quran).

The greatest Eastern Christian Cathedral, named Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia), was abominated and made desolate, in the city built upon seven hills (now called Istanbul), and four horns (minarettes) were placed all around it. The Mass was ended there, and since those days, no Christian has worshipped there. It was named Holy Wisdom, after the ONE WHO is GREATER than wise Solomon. Solomon at one point recieved a money sum to the sum value of 666. We are told that to calculate the mark of the beast takes "wisdom". The muslims (the beast) placed four medalions up in Hagia Sophia, on which was the blasphemous name of allah. The three letters in the earliest manuscripts of the Apocalypse of John were stylistically written in such a way that they closely resemble the crossed swords of islamic jihad banners, and a mirror image of the name allah,

Suleiman I (called the "magnificent") was the tenth and longest ruling sultan (ruling horn number ten) of Turkey. He frequented the Hagia Sophia in its abomination of desolation. He went to war against the Saints, overcoming many of them in war. The sultans established in the same city from which the Congregation of Hagia Sophia (which has a name like a Woman) were exiled into the wilderness, the great harem, the mother of harlots, to which women - even kidnapped nuns - from every ethnicity in the old world were forcibly brought to be ravished. The heathenized city, Istanbul, partook in the genocide of whole races of the Saints, getting drunk on their blood. It was only from the area of the later resulting Turkey that John's Apocalypse mentions seven cities, saying that satan's throne is in one of them. The sultan had Jerusalem a while, and even the ancient city of Babylon.

Like Nimrod, the founder of Babel, the muslims recognized no national lots from GOD, and imposed themselves on all else, recognizing no established authority. Out of Nimrod's kin came many of the first Arabic tribes. Like the Babylonians, muslims rejected the TRINITY, and worshipped satan (who is one selfish person, not wanting to share glory with another in trying to displace the TRINITY). he likes to be called "the god", not the devil.

The quran contains the blasphemies that Daniel heard the little qeren speaking. Only muslims ever took Christian nations. Barbarians like the Goths invaded, but were assimilated. Islam had the world in its hand. It had Sapin, Sicily, parts of France and Italy, all the countries that were once Asia Minor, Greece, all of North Africa, all of the near East and Middle East, and nearly all the Far East, the Balkans, and all that became the Soviet Union, and the former Persian empire, which Rome had never even dented in all its glory days.

Also, I must say that the Vatican Hill was not part of the city formed on seven other hills, which we call Rome, and that Constantinople, not Rome, was the merchant's gem of the world. The sultan could ask for cold sherbet from another land, and it would come to him cold. The Turks controlled the the trade routes, and even the mediterranean sea for a while.

Anyway, the Vatican has once again split off from Rome, and will never again be part of Italy whose capital is still Rome.
2007-07-18 20:06:06 UTC
Remember that Protestantism shares with Papal Rome for Protestantism is her child. Pagan Rome is also known as that great red dragon, Papal Rome is known as the beast out of the sea, and Protestantism is known as the beast out of the earth. These three persecuted the saints of the Most High God and the Word says that they loved


their lives unto death.

Enough said on this subject.
2007-07-18 19:31:11 UTC
The Temple of Fides,is on Capitoline hill in Rome the highest of the 7 Hills of Rome. Fides is not Faith.
2007-07-18 19:29:13 UTC
The city of Rome does indeed sit on seven hills. Vatican City, which is the place where the Pope resides, sits on just one hill.
2007-07-18 19:35:38 UTC
I"m going to give you a little and simple lesson on how to understand the Apocolypse. First and formostly you should see the "liturgy" of the Catholic Church in this . .. blood and fire . .. JESUS baptizes with THE HOLY SPIRIT and with fire and JESUS gives us HIS BLOOD for the LIFE of th eworld that we should be washed clean of sin . .. Secondly you'll see a direct correpsondance with the Gospels and the msyteries there in . .. the TRUE VINE, the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION . .. THE BRIDE AND THE BRIDEGROOM . .. JESUS calling our MOTHER "woman" and all of this is prefigured in the oldtestament . .. and since you can see the liturgy and the Gospel in this you'll see also Genesis, particularly the first 11 chapters and the rest of the Bible . ..

You'll see the TEMPLE JESUS built as a SPIRITual temple, for instance, in three parts the CHURCH triumpant or CITY OF GOD in HEAVEN, the TEMPLE of the Saints, and the prefigurement of the TEMPLE TO COME WHICH IS GOD . .. and the CHURCH suffering in purgatory . .. and the CHURCH militant on Earth . .. and you'll see the various judgements in regards to the beatitudes . ..

I'll leave it to you to continue to examine the Apocolypse with a good catholic reference in regards to this mode of thinking and attitude of prayer of th eheart . .. in TRUE communion with CHRIST.

LOVE your neighbor as yourself.


:responsorial edit: The references to Captoline Hill, show us a purpose and blessing in the fulfillment of Scripture through the apostacy of the protestant movement . .. And Babylon is a rich Capitalist Society at odds with the anti-christ but fulfilling the Scripture leading to last plagues, to the tribulation, and to the final second coming of CHRIST.
2007-07-18 19:26:54 UTC
The Vatican City, is on a hill, but on the other side of the Tiber and not considered part of Rome.
2007-07-18 19:27:02 UTC
Here we go again. Martin Luther said that the common man could interpret the Bible for himself. What he didn't say was that they would come up with interpretations fit for a commoner. You are talking, with certainty, about things that Biblical scholars aren't sure about.
Angels Hunter
2007-07-18 19:37:22 UTC
well the old city of babylon is not in baghdad, I raq

it is south to it

so check your information and the maps angain
2007-07-18 19:23:16 UTC
I think Catholics need to start R&S drinking games as well.

Y'all could drink non-alcoholic beer if you're worried about drunkenness.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.