pagans: herb bag questions?
Lady Godiva
2008-09-30 15:29:01 UTC
okay. . . question about herbs and storage/use of.
1. I store my current stash of herbs (that are done drying) in glass seal tight jars, is that okay? I'm go to the good will shops in my ton and pick them up, are there any other storage ideas that one could find as well?
2. herb bags: can you make your own? and are there patterns they sell? I can figure out how to do the basics, but it's the draw string close that I'm having a harder time figuring out how to achieve successfully. any suggestions or sites with patterns would be helpful.

3. herbs and oils, I was thinking that you could infuse herbs into oils and that'd keep them longer, but someone said you have to becareful in what oils you use, any suggestions on what types of oils can be used?

thanks for the help in advance. and please dont answer with answers that dont pertain to the topic (aka spelled out: no christians telling me i'm going to burn in h3ll for working with herbs). thanks.
Seven answers:
2008-09-30 16:00:45 UTC
1. Yes, glass is a very good way to store herbs, but I would keep them out of direct sunlight. I also use plastic jugs (you can find them at the store, many use them for keeping pasta and cereal in) and keep them out of direct sunlight. But glass is best.

2. as for the drawstring on the bags, this is what I figured out (not very easy) Unless you can find a long plastic 'needle' with a hole big enough for the cord, you'll have to place the cord first then sew below it. My advice is to look for a plastic needle, much easier. I don't know of any site, this I figured out on my own.

3. You can make infusions with herbs and oil and they will last a long time providing that you keep them in a dark, glass, airtight container out of direct sunlight. The best oils to use is Grape seed oil and Almond oil or if you can't find those, use Extra Virgin Olive oil. You should use these because they don't really carry a taste/aroma of there own so you get the full effect whatever you add to it.
2008-09-30 15:49:58 UTC
1. They need to be in dark glass jars, in a dark cold and dry place. For ritual purposes, the colour of the glass may be significant too. As a herbalist, i use tinctures of course - the herbs steeped in an alcohol/water mixture for a month, which last a lot longer. You can also use glycerine, vinegar, ether, propylene glycol and a few other solvents, each of which probably has other significance spiritually.

2. I'm not sure what you mean by that. However, if you're referring to something like a teabag, you can replace that with a tea ball, which is like two strainers joined together by a catch, or woven from wicker. Muslin might also be good.

3. Almond oil is probably your best bet. A lot of people use that, but olive oil and others also work well. The preservation wouldn't work above a certain concentration though.

I would say looking at things alchemically and astrologically would be very helpful with all of this, but i can't really comment on this as i'm not strictly a pagan.
tomato soup
2008-09-30 15:39:36 UTC
1. Glass jars with a good seal are perfect for herb storage, I would suggest dark colored glass though, to keep the UV rays out, the herbs will last longer that way.

2. Sorry not sure on this one, I am sure you could google a pattern for an herb bag.

3. Certain oils go rancid faster than others. I always use Canola oil as it goes rancid at a much slower rate than the others. Canola oil is also gentler on sensitive skin if you are making infusions that will be applied to skin.
2008-09-30 16:46:43 UTC
Autumn said : "2. as for the drawstring on the bags, this is what I figured out (not very easy) Unless you can find a long plastic 'needle' with a hole big enough for the cord, you'll have to place the cord first then sew below it. My advice is to look for a plastic needle, much easier. I don't know of any site, this I figured out on my own."

A workable 'plastic needle' could be a heavy gauge cable tie. A.k.a. a 'zip tie'. There is a point on one end and an eye on the other. Any hardware store will carry them. You need the larger size though for the stiffness.
2008-09-30 15:42:42 UTC
Glass jars a perfectly fine as long as the sun doesn't hit them. Amber, blue or green jars are preferable. I keep my clear jars in brown paper bags.

Bags are simple... and cheap to buy.

What you end up doing is extracting the essential oils from the plant matter into the carrier oil. Depending on the carrier oil, you may then need to refrigerate it to keep it from spoiling.

My suggestion is you treat your herbs as if they were produce, any herb will (over time) become stale and lose its potency.
2016-12-14 20:59:37 UTC
the biggest concern right it is that of definition. "Paganism" isn't a faith. that's a decision of diverse religions. so which you would be able to not supply it an age (some pagan religions are very previous, yet some are very new) and you will't state that particular ideals or practices are especially "pagan," when you consider that diverse pagans have faith and do extensively particularly some issues. "Lived by applying the earth"? everybody does that. except you have been to a various planet. confident, pagans lived by applying agricultural seasons. So did Christians. Following the seasons is something that enables you to reside to tell the tale. it is not religiously pushed. that's a straightforward component to existence for *everybody*. Wicca is surely one in each and every of the pagan religions. All Wiccans are pagans, yet maximum pagans are actually not Wiccans. in basic terms because of fact somebody makes use of a few aspects of Wicca does not lead them to Wiccan. Circle casting comes from ceremonial magic. Many non-Wiccan communities do it. Many neopagans have fun some or all the sabbats, whether not constantly interior the comparable context as Wiccans. This the two because of fact Wicca became into influential interior the form of neopaganism and because Wicca itself borrowed older holiday trips (whether placed them in a sparkling context). "Doing magic" isn't Wiccan. lots of folk from various of religions and cultures do magic. maximum religions use altars. Ever been to a Christian church? there is rather much constantly an altar on the front of the sanctuary. that's an particularly common non secular device. finally, appearing like a Wiccan does not make you a Wiccan, in basic terms as me going to church does not make me a Christian. Her practices might resemble Wiccan ones, yet in her recommendations she for sure is familiar with them in a various way or makes use of them in a various context or is conscious of she rejects a honest volume of Wiccan ideals. She feels that's perfect to label her ideals eclectic pagan, and you ought to appreciate that. 'Wicca" possibly incorporates suggestions or practices she disagrees with, even nevertheless she does proportion some suggestions with Wiccans.
2008-09-30 15:35:22 UTC

Like weed?

Nice, I wonder what pagan-pot is like...

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