Evolution is a lie, it's the lazy man's way of not having to read about the Creation account in the Bible, and to give glory to the ONE who made all things!
In the Bible, it makes no reference whatsoever that man came from animals or vice-versa...it does however tell about the "creative days" where Jehovah and Jesus began the creation process.....from the formation of light,the land masses [earth], the expanse of the seas, vegetation, fruits of all kinds, the luminaries.[sun and moon and stars],the sea creatures and the birds of the heavens and their kinds.
Now here is where the truth is: Genesis 1:24-25..And God went on to
say, Let the earth put forth living souls
according to " their kinds", domestic
animal and moving animal and wild
beasts of the earth; according to their
"kind" and it came to be so. [25] And
God proceeded to make the wild beast
of the earth according to it's "kind" and
the domestic animal, according to it's
"kind" and every moving animal of the
ground according to it's "kind" and God
got to see that it was good.
As we can see by these two verses, the animal was created first, according to it's kind...all species and never once did it mention man until later, and NEVER did it say that the man came from the animal, but was CREATED by God.
Genesis 1:26..."And God went on to say, "let us make man in our image, according to our likeness......
I don't recall reading that God was of the animal species....
Isn't it sad that these human beings on this beautiful earth, cannot give credit to Almighty God for their very lives and all that they enjoy? Is it any wonder that Jehovah is so displeased with these ingrates! These ones who deny His Godship, deserve everything that's coming to them in the battle of Armaggedon!