If evolution is true, and we all came from apes or some other lower life form?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
If evolution is true, and we all came from apes or some other lower life form?
38 answers:
2009-09-07 21:41:17 UTC
Everybody misses the fact off D.N.A., science has not been able to change the dna into anything different, now when it comes to viruses all they do is kill the dna, if the dna is saved after it is infected then it is a gross mutation, not something that evolves to something better, it's deformed.

Scientist have tried to take the dna of one species, & cross it with the dna to other species, it dies, no matter how knowledgeable their efforts are it always ends up a failure.

Scientist have made this statement, the dna can not be altered, it will only re-produce its own kind.

*** w57 1/1 p. 7 Evolution Warps Religious Thinking ***

It will not bend to their will, it will not fit their scientific philosophy. The Bible cannot be made to say that man’s body evolved from lower animals, because each created family kind was made to reproduce only its own kind, “according to its kind.” Evolution says just the opposite, that one kind brings forth a new and different kind. But science has no proof, no evidence for this. Not only is the evolutionary chain missing its first link of spontaneous generation of life as a starting point, but it is missing thousands of links. This fictional chain is unsupported by the fossil record. Genetic changes, called mutations, cannot bridge the gaps between family kinds. Mutations supply great variety within the family kind, yes; but a new family kind, no. The compromising clergy may bed down with evolution, but the uncompromising Bible will not join such unscriptural relations.—Gen. 1:11, 12, NW.

*** it-1 p. 110 Animals ***

Jehovah God formed all the animals, each family kind having its own originally created representatives, for the record assures us that God made them each one “according to its kind.” (Ge 1:25)

Since all animals reproduce according to their own kind, this would include the ape, in all of mans recorded history the ape is still producing the ape, just as it is doing today, so along with scientific studies with dna & the apes still reproducing apes, this should prove the Bible accurate & evolution a farce, the brain child of delusional thinking.

Big Bang or evolving out of the sea has one BIG problem, both a male & a female would have to come about at the same time with the ability to pro create offspring, this is impossible, there's no odds of this happening, it would be easier for everyone that buys a lottery ticket ,wins a million dollars.
2009-09-07 09:52:07 UTC
I have several posts written in advance on this subject. This time let me give an explanation of what is meant by a "Genesis Kind".

Lit., "according to its kind (genus)." Heb., lemi·noh´; Gr., ge´nos; Lat., ge´nus. The term "kind" here means a created or family kind, its older meaning or definition and not as present-day evolutionists use it.

I would like to start by talking about how grammar relates to symbolism, and in this case the article which comes before the noun. It is the article which determines whether the noun is definite or indefinite. For an example I might ask the question " Am I sitting on "the chair" or "a chair"?" If I say "a chair" what I mean by the use of the indefinite article is that this is a type of chair; "type" meaning that this chair represents all members of it's group, or other chairs. If I say "the chair" then I am implying that this chair is identifiable unique in some way, so that it is separate and distinct from anything comparable. 

"Type" is something representative or symbolic of something else, and if you look it up in a dictionary "type" can also mean "kind" or "sort". Thus if I point to someone and say "He is a type of man", then what I am also saying is that this one human is representative of all others of his kind, or those related to some degree in a family. In this sense I would be very close to a "Genesis kind", for the kind mentioned in Genesis is similar to the modern scientific usage of the word "Family". Family is the entire available gene pool which can be combined by sexual reproduction, though there may be some damaged individuals which have a mutation that makes them unable to do so.. You can breed a wolf and a coyote, but not a wolf and a tiger. Some of these combinations are more stable or persistent than others and may do so for many generations, and in modern usage are referred to as "species", with "genus" being groups of species being most similar and a variant or variety is what results from species which are less stable.

Genotype is like the definite article, for it is the unique blueprint of each organism , the representation or symbol of the "Phenotype" which is both all the physical traits and the guide as to how it interacts with the individual environ. Similar plants which grow today may have reacted much differently to their environment in the past because the environment was much different. There is not enough surviving DNA contained in fossils to positively state that ancient organisms are a different genotype than those which survive at this point in time, if this statement were not true then it would be possible to clone ancient life forms, but so far even the attempt to clone mammoths have failed because even perfectly frozen DNA have been bombarded by cosmic rays through the centuries and have had too much accumulated damage.

So "type" is indefinite or representative of the antitypical kind , the "family" of which it is a part, and a genotype is the definite blueprint for an individual representative of the kind to which it belongs. Of course it does add to the confusion somewhat that if you look up genotype in a dictionary a secondary meaning is the larger group to which it is a member of, but I was using "genotype" in the more limited sense, for I referred to "the genotype inherited from both parents."

In recent years, the term "species" has been applied in such a manner as to cause confusion when it is compared with the word "kind." The basic meaning of "species" is "a sort; kind; variety." In biologic terminology, however, it applies to any group of interfertile animals or plants mutually possessing one or more distinctive characteristics. Thus, there could be many such species or varieties within a single division of the Genesis "kinds."
2009-09-07 09:56:50 UTC
1) If evolution is true, and we all came from apes or some other lower life form?

can you tell me when the process of evolution STOPPED.

According to the theory, it has not stopped. It is just very slow.

2) If evolution was real then we should see LIVING evidence of it everywhere today.

Well, not necessarily. Pretend, for a moment, that it takes 1 million years for a species to evolve into another species. What's the chances that we're going to see that? We've only theorized the possibility of such an event for a little over 100 years. There's about a 1 in 10,000 chance that we would have seen such an event in the time that we have been looking for it - IF it takes only one million years.

3) If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes in the world?

The theory of species evolution does not demand the replacement of the ancestor species - and most certainly does not specify the *immediate* replacement of an ancestor species, even if that species is being replaced by a "more evolved" species. In the previous example, we can imagine that it could take 500,000 years for a new species to completely replace the ancestor species.

4) Wouldn't they have all evolved into higher beings?

Not necessarily. The theory of species evolution does not demand that all species continue to evolve - though most scientists would probably agree that ongoing evolution is most likely. The answer to your question, though, is that evolutionary scientists generally believe that different populations of living things evolved differently. SO, apes in South Africa could evolve very differently from apes in North Africa, which could evolve very differently in comparison to apes in Southeast Asia. How those different apes evolve - and how *quickly* they evolve - is (in theory) dependent on several variables local to their environment.

5) Shouldn't there be "cave men" living somewhere on the earth today?

Modern scientific theory claims that Neanderthals took about 100,000 years to die out, and that humans existed during that entire period. The theoretical ancestors of modern humans, homo erectus, are believed to be ancestors of both humans and neanderthals - so (supposedly) homo erectus existed for at least 70,000 years during which their evolutionary descendants humans also existed.

6) If there is NO living evidence of evolution today, wouldn't that mean that we are created?

Well, there is no *proof* of species evolution. It is wrong to say that there is no evidence - as there is. However, even if there were no evidence, that would not be proof that we are created.

Q&A Queen
2009-09-07 09:38:33 UTC
This is a good question. With all due respect to evolution proponents, it seems to me that evolution is as much a matter of blind faith as belief in creation is said to be by those that deny the existence of a creator.

Let me back up my statement, if I may... and btw this comes in response to the comment about our not having "evolved" from apes but from a common ancestor. IMHO it is a matter of blind faith to believe in evolution when the bedrock foundation of the belief keeps shifting under it. When I was a child, I WAS taught that we evolved from apes. I remember seeing illustrations of what the progression would look like ... from ape to less apelike until you had "modern" humans. But NOW that's wrong. It's an unknown common ancestor. I was also taught that life began in the oceans. Oooops. Nope. That's wrong too. It was probably in lakes instead. That's just 2 out of several shifts that have happened over the years. But I'll refrain from including others. These are not just minor adjustments. These are drastic corrections in the foundation ... the core ... of the evolution theory. If the theory were a house built on these foundations shouldn't you at least be wary that the whole thing might come crumbling down around you?

About the slow process comment: Well, we're supposedly millions of years old. How much longer do we need to see some evidence of a nu-human?
2009-09-08 02:55:18 UTC
in fairness to "most" evolutionists they do say that man comes from a common ancestor not from apes.

i also have studied this subject in some detail and it has so many gaps its unbelievable. many of the answers given here say that its a slow process-ok if its a slow process you would still see something in mankinds civilian history to prove that, we havent seen that.

also in many of the answers by evolutionists they say things like "darwins finches" etc these answers are quite illogical. nobody doubts micro-evolution or adaption we see it all the time with mutations in the flu virus etc but its still a flu virus it doesnt change to become a tree.

there are many problems with evolution and evolutionists who support the theory by their answers, when challenged all it boils down to is a lot of hand waving and the use of the word "fact"
2009-09-07 10:17:55 UTC
Darwinism does predict that we should see evolution into new species today (and not simply the temporary flourishing of breeds with certain coloring or beak sizes). We should see some animals develop helpful mutations that create whole new organ systems or appendages, and then interbreed in ways that create new species, not simply improvements within a species.

We can breed thousands of generations of fruit flies or bacteria within a very brief time. Some are mutants (e.g., fruit flies with extra useless wings), but none have been observed to create new species. Extrapolated to larger animals like giraffes with long lives, the likelihood of mutating a useful organ or appendage and successfully interbreeding to make a novel species no longer able to mate with its former species is, effectively, zero.

Darwinism is a fun speculation for those who know little about probability.


2016-05-19 05:11:46 UTC
Sure... To be honest, it really feels to me that there is an increasing gap between the intelligent and the not-so-intelligent. Evolutionarily speaking, if you consider that intelligence is a genetic trait and intelligent people tend to mate with other intelligent people....then the rich get richer....right? So that would mean that the human race is evolving and the fundies are staying behind with the rest of the fall-in-line automatons that won't even be able to communicate with the rest of us in a few thousand years.
2009-09-07 10:26:29 UTC
Evolution never exist, we were all created in the image of JEHOVAH GOD. It's terribly sad that people are so blind that they cannot see that God created this earth and everything in it. notice this example about birds A thoughtful study of birds gives convincing proof of the Biblical teaching that they are of divine creation. While birds and reptiles are both oviparous, reptiles are cold-blooded, often sluggish, whereas birds are warm-blooded and among the most active of all earth’s creatures; they also have an unusually rapid heartbeat. The evolutionary view that reptilian scales and fins eventually developed into feathered wings is both fanciful and baseless. The fossils of birds called by scientists Archaeopteryx (or, ancient wing) and Archaeornis (or, ancient bird), though showing teeth and a long vertebrated tail, also show that they were completely feathered, had feet equipped for perching, and had fully developed wings. No intermediate specimens, exhibiting scales developing into feathers or front legs into wings, exist to give any semblance of support to the evolution theory. As expressed by the apostle Paul, birds are of a distinct “flesh” from others of earth’s creatures.—1Co 15:39.

The psalmist called upon the “winged birds” to praise Jehovah (Ps 148:1, 10), and birds do this by their very structure and their complex design. A single bird may have from 1,000 to over 20,000 feathers. Yet each feather is composed of a shaft from which branch out hundreds of barbs forming an inner web, each barb containing several hundred smaller barbules and each barbule having hundreds of barbicels and hooklets. A single six-inch wing feather of a pigeon is thus estimated to contain some hundreds of thousands of barbules and literally millions of barbicels. The aerodynamic principles built into birds’ wings and body design surpass in complexity and efficiency that of modern-day aircraft. A bird’s hollow bones contribute to its lightness, and thus the skeleton of a frigate bird with a 2-m (7 ft) wingspan may weigh only about 110 g (4 oz). Certain wing bones of large soaring birds even have trusslike supports, like the struts inside airplane wings, within the hollow portions.

Thank you.

good question brother, but my answer is actually to those who believe in evolution.

2009-09-07 12:05:20 UTC
Mr Dees, you really should get your head out of the ground!

Didn't you know that Evolution is all monkey business about us coming from apes?

Of course Evolution is based on facts.

Nature controls the process by natural selection.

If you stick around long enough, you will see it really happening when our future ddescendantswill be born with a gun instead of a hand on his left arm!

This "natural" selection" is , of course, asa result of all the violence we see around us, it will be natures way of protecting ourselves!

Just you wait and see, Mr Dees!
2009-09-07 10:11:08 UTC
Maybe the THEORY of Evolution is the same as The Trinity Doctrine?

Both a mystery, Both can't be explained. Both illogical. both humiliating to the person(s) involved. As though they cannot stand on their own.

You just must believe and if you don't, you are somehow too ignorant and should just die.


Do you perhaps think both of these "beliefs" stem from the same mind who loves to just start rumor to cover truth, because in both circumstances there IS NO ONE TRUE ALMIGHTY GOD?

Is there a God? No, how did we get here? we evolved from matter.

Is there ONE God? NO, there is a trinity, no one true God.

It is a mystery you just MUST believe, even if there isn't any proof and it doesn't make any sense. AS LONG AS YOU DON'T WORSHIP ONE GOD, MOST HIGH OVER ALL THE EARTH.
2009-09-07 09:23:59 UTC
It hasn't stopped.

There is evidence that humans have evolved in the last several thousand years and continue to evolve.

* Analysis of variation in the human genome indicates that genes associated with brain size have evolved over approximately the last 37,000 years and 5800 years (Evans et al. 2005; Mekel-Bobrov et al. 2005).

* Sickle-cell resistance has evolved to be more prevalent in areas where malaria is more common.

* Lactose tolerance has evolved in conjunction with cultural changes in dairy consumption (Durham 1992).

* Some humans have recently acquired mutations which confer resistance to AIDS (Dean et al. 1996; Sullivan et al. 2001) and to heart disease (Long 1994; Weisgraber et al. 1983).

Genome-wide sequencing shows evidence of much more positive selection as well (Sabeti et al. 2006). There is some evidence that human evolution has accelerated recently, since humans dispersed from Africa and developed agriculture (Hawks et al. 2007).

"If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes in the world? "

What an original question! I have never heard that one before.

No one said we evolved from apes, so I don't know where you religious nuts are getting that from. We evolved from a common ancestor.

EDIT: It is quite obvious that your claim that you have studied the scientific theory of evolution or any form of science is a lie due to to the fact that you don't know the scientific definition of the word "theory" and the fact that you fail to grasp the basic understanding of how science changes as new evidence emerges.

Theory (n): A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

Every time new evidence is discovered, it is used to make our scientific theories more accurate.

Religion, on the other hand, takes a different approach. When it's wrong, it stays wrong and tries to silence those who know it's wrong.
2009-09-07 10:30:13 UTC
It all comes down to a matter of faith or belief. One can put their "faith" into the possibility of trillions upon trillions of "miracles" from the sudden appearance of "something" that began the universe, then all the other trillions upon trillions, etc., etc., of spontaneous mutations or whatever that make up the theory of evolution, or one can put their faith and belief in one Creator, without beginning nor end, who started the creative process with his Son, whom we know as Christ Jesus.

Hmmm.... let me think a moment here. Believe in quintillions+++ of miracles or happenstance, or one source of energy and life. No brainer, but then ego trumps brain every time when it comes to the theory of evolution.
2009-09-07 11:18:52 UTC
Evolution is a lie, it's the lazy man's way of not having to read about the Creation account in the Bible, and to give glory to the ONE who made all things!

In the Bible, it makes no reference whatsoever that man came from animals or does however tell about the "creative days" where Jehovah and Jesus began the creation process.....from the formation of light,the land masses [earth], the expanse of the seas, vegetation, fruits of all kinds, the luminaries.[sun and moon and stars],the sea creatures and the birds of the heavens and their kinds.

Now here is where the truth is: Genesis 1:24-25..And God went on to

say, Let the earth put forth living souls

according to " their kinds", domestic

animal and moving animal and wild

beasts of the earth; according to their

"kind" and it came to be so. [25] And

God proceeded to make the wild beast

of the earth according to it's "kind" and

the domestic animal, according to it's

"kind" and every moving animal of the

ground according to it's "kind" and God

got to see that it was good.

As we can see by these two verses, the animal was created first, according to it's kind...all species and never once did it mention man until later, and NEVER did it say that the man came from the animal, but was CREATED by God.

Genesis 1:26..."And God went on to say, "let us make man in our image, according to our likeness......

I don't recall reading that God was of the animal species....

Isn't it sad that these human beings on this beautiful earth, cannot give credit to Almighty God for their very lives and all that they enjoy? Is it any wonder that Jehovah is so displeased with these ingrates! These ones who deny His Godship, deserve everything that's coming to them in the battle of Armaggedon!
2009-09-07 09:48:47 UTC







2009-09-07 09:42:21 UTC

This is a question asked in a VERY INTELLIGENT, (and kind, I might add) way to debunk the absolute absurdity of the arrogant and subversive THEORY Darwin concocted.

Interestingly, Darwin's visit to the Galapagos Islands;( where he decided that- because he saw one type of Finch on one of those islands, and not on another-there must be no God), was initiated by a rebellion against his religious parents!

Just think; the imaginative temper tantrum of a rebellious young man who had the means to spread his opinion quickly, has given all who are unconvinced of their dependence on The Creator, a morass of confusion to last them for a lifetime!

P.S. Apologies for the crankiness...Those are my feelings, nonetheless.

Edit to NATZO: Apologies for the derision (earlier). I just pray that you will wake up.**

To anyone else who read my earlier comment to Natzo; I apologize...

No need for disrespect...*

*For; "a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach, keeping himself restrained under evil, instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed; as perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowlege of truth,..."-Ephesians 2:24,25.

**Ephesians 5:14: “…Wherefore he says: “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and the Christ will shine upon you.”

Peace be with you.


TRUTH REIGNS!----"...God's word is truth."-John 17:17
2009-09-07 11:16:20 UTC
there are plenty examples of evolution, mrsa, colds, flus, viruses are very adapt, and change regularly, thats why we cant cure them

surely, you are aware of this
Dan -E-
2009-09-07 09:31:11 UTC
Evolution is not just speiciazation. Evolution is the change of genetic frequency of a population over time.

Clearly, you've never heard of "Darwin's Finch" which is an example of natural selection and Darwinian evolution that was occuring around 1831 at the Galapagos.

You could also take the example of "swine flu." H1N1 is a mutated form of influenza which has species jumped, and has evolved through natural selection.
2009-09-07 09:41:22 UTC
Calling other forms of life "lower" is simply a human conceit. The fact is, all life forms that exist do so because they adapt to their environment: enough individuals live long enough to pass on their genes.

Since there is no evidence for a "creator," it is intellectually dishonest to attribute anything to one.

Nothing real requires faith.

Pirate AM™
2009-09-07 09:32:26 UTC
You have at least 100 genetic mutations that neither of your parents had and they had at least 100 from both of their parents and so forth.

No, evolution has not stopped and there is evidence (the above being just one piece).

"Why do we still see apes" shows both an ignorance of how evolution works and that apes and humans share a common ancestor.

I would suggest that it is pointless to argue about something you don't have the least education about.
2009-09-07 09:34:11 UTC
Maybe some people did evolve from apes. Maybe they are better known as the New world Order / Satans secret society. There mentality could be considerd on the same level as apes for they are evil and barbaric. Have you encounterd satans secret society and how they are forceing people to recieve the spiritual mark of the beast and be taken into spiritual captivity to witchcraft demonic forces yet? Revelation 13,10.

Is Revelations 13, 10 referring to Satan's Secret society and spiritual captivity to Witchcraft?

Has the N.W.O. / Nazis Within the Order with its many branches, such as the "Free" Masons / Shriner's / Mafia / New Age Movement just to name a few, distributed occult paraphernalia into society to cause spiritual bondage / captivity to witchcraft? Is this how the N.W.O. places people into spiritually captivity Rev 13, 10? Are Games such as Ouija boards, tarot cards, even the "8" ball with its pyramid in the middle, forms of (divination)? Could role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons be another method used to take people into captivity? Is magic art a method to lead victims into spiritual bondage, (which is the precursor to Transcendental Meditation, the secret ceremony used for distributing the “Spiritual Mark of the Beast”)? Has Harry Potter witchcraft books been distributed into society to lure people away from God and take them spiritually captive to witchcraft? Deuteronomy 18, 9 strictly forbids these practices.

Is it by spiritual captivity caused from these “games” / practices that people / victims are forced with witchcraft to go through the “secret ceremony” performed with transcendental meditation? In said transcendental meditation state, the victims are forced to except the worship of one of “Satan’s Secret Society’s” many "Gods". They say that in accepting the worship of one you accept “all” there “Gods”. These are no Gods at all but demonic entities, one including the Devil! Is this the powerful delusion spoken of in the Bible 2 Thessalonians 11, and the method for enslaving society through means of witchcraft / demonic powers? Here are a few verses giving insight. “Those who go into captivity into captivity they will go” Rev 13, 10. "Who enslaved nations by her witchcraft" Nahum 3, 4. "By your magic spell all nations were led astray" Rev 18, 23.

There is a way out!!! "Those who overcame, overcame by the blood of the lamb and the “WORD” of their testimony, they didn't love there own life's so much as to shrink from death". "This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints" Rev 12, 11. Witchcraft / the powers of the Devil are real Job 2, 7. Are you aware that "the martyrs for Christ who don't receive, what I believe to be, the “spiritual mark of the Beast” will come to life and reign with Christ for 1000 years during the millennium" Rev.20, 4? Would you trade a short life on earth for a 1000 year reign with Jesus Christ, and then so much more? Amen Brothers and sisters!!! You no who you are!

Also, are you aware that this society has been in the process of being set up for a long time under the totalitarian / evil rule of the Devil! Look up George Washington / Free Masons and the location of the Whitehouse and associated government buildings. This is just one of many examples. NWO / “Free” Mason symbolism has been distributed across the land. Satan and his followers are quite boastful. The Devil has been preparing for the coming tribulation for quite some time, when God will give him authority along with the Beast for 42 months of living HELL! And we thought Hitler was bad!
2009-09-07 09:29:54 UTC
Well the cave men have died. But before they died their brains evolved. Then after many years they or we are still evolving today. Have you read a history book? And no that does not mean that we were ''created''.
A Modest Proposal
2009-09-07 09:26:55 UTC
It hasn't. For humans, it has merely slowed down because there are few opportunities for genetics to take the place of intelligence as a survival mechanism. For other animals, I guess you haven't bothered researching. Bacteria, viruses, birds, reptiles - all have clear evidence that they have evolved substantially, and very recently too.
2009-09-07 10:14:26 UTC
Come back in a million years and ask that question again.
2009-09-07 09:26:35 UTC
My thoughts?

I have no thoughts or words when questions like this are asked. A little more knowledge of evolution would help you understand a lot more. Evolution to our current state has taken MILLIONS of years, it's not something that can be quantified within a lifetime.
2009-09-07 09:32:12 UTC
did anyone says evolution happens in a day, a week, a year, a decade, a century or a millennium? your life is just too short to see changes~!
2009-09-07 09:31:22 UTC
Where is everybody getting that we evolved from apes? We evolved from a common ancestor. Its hasnt stopped, but it doesnt happen over night.

What happens is a gene mutates and over time, we evolve.
2009-09-07 09:30:48 UTC
Sigh. Is it worth trying to explain?

Well, first of all, it's a SLOW process. We wouldn't see any major changes in our lifetimes. Second of all, the evidence surrounds you. If you're too stubborn to notice it then so be it, but don't claim it's not there.
2009-09-07 09:30:01 UTC
"If there is NO living evidence of evolution today, wouldn't that mean that we are created?"

If evolution weren't true, why would a solution be replaced by one that seems just as likely untrue, being your god, when there isn't any proof of that either?

But evolution is a fact.
Robin Boomphase Honda
2009-09-07 09:27:49 UTC
First, we did not come from the apes. Rather we share a common ancestor. Evolution is a continuous process.

"Generation and annotation of human chromosomes 2 & 4", Hillier et al, Nature 2005
2009-09-07 09:33:56 UTC
Evolution never stops, D.

But do you say that trees don´t grow since you can´t SEE them grow?
2009-09-07 09:28:31 UTC
You have a very misconstrued idea of what evolution is.

Mutations still happen. Variation still exists. Natural selection isn't as present in our species due to technology, but of course it still exists.

"If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes in the world?"

-- that's where I lose hope for you.

"If there is NO living evidence of evolution today"

-- what rock are you living under?
Smoking Frog
2009-09-07 09:27:23 UTC
Your question demonstrates:

( ) insight and understanding

( ) a common misunderstanding among scientists

( ) a common misunderstanding among high school students

( ) a common misunderstanding among elementry school students

(x) a complete lack of familiarity with science

You have

(x) comitted a logical fallacy

(x) misrepresented the theory of evolution

(x) shown utter disregard for the scientific method

(x) been brainwashed by the institute for creation science

(x) appealed to the supernatural

( ) used spelling and punctuation correctly

(x) disregarded the rules of intelligent debate

of type

(x) straw man

( ) ad hominem attack

(x) non sequiter

( ) proof by assertion

( ) false dichotomy

Answers to this question

( ) will further scientific inquiry

( ) will not change your mind

(x) will involve a drinking game

(x) will beat the proverbial deceased equus caballus

For this question you should be:

( ) Congratulated

( ) Gently corrected

(x) Reprimanded

(x) Flogged

( ) Drawn and Quartered

(x) subjected to some social darwanism

(x) sent a third grade biology textbook
2009-09-07 09:27:15 UTC
The Darwin finch
The Paul
2009-09-07 09:29:39 UTC
If plate tectonics are real how come you can't see them moving?

The answer, of course, is that you *can* see them moving, but that requires paying attention, so creationists don't meet the prereq.
2009-09-07 09:28:29 UTC
Yeah you be right..all up in the house

bro i have tome incilatuation we all come dig
2009-09-07 09:27:37 UTC
because evolution isn't real and didn't happen
Gabby Johnson
2009-09-07 09:29:46 UTC
Please tell me you're not serious!
save the humans
2009-09-07 09:28:19 UTC
i'll agree with you

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.