One should read a good tranalation of the Holy Qur'an unless one is already able to read the same in Arabic. A. Yusuf Ali's tranlation is very nice and well done.
One should go on line or acquire copies of the Sunnah al Hadiths, especially Buhkaries (spelling is incorrect, apologies) and Muslim as these represent how you will be expected to live your daily life and tye cover how you will dress, eat, sit, toilet, bathe, what is haram and what is halal, the length of your clothes, hair, mustache, finger and toe nails, what places you may enter, how you will conduct your social life and contact with the opposite sex, et., etc., etc.
You might want to read "Towards Understanding Islam", by Abul A'la Mawdudi, as well as "In the Footsteps of the Prophet" by tariq Ramadan.
Two other books of interest might be "Muhammad, a Prophet for Our Times" and "Islam, a brief history", by Karen Armstrong. "The Battle for God" by the same author would also be worth reading.
There are many online sources that will tell you about the Five Pillars of Islam (belief in the Oneness of God as Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala, belief in the prophets, salaat/prayer, zakaat/ charity and fasting, make the hajj etc.).
Some of these sources will also explain how salaat is performed as well as assisting you in learning surahs or chapeters from the Holy Qur'an that you will recite during salaat and the other associated prayers, all said in Arabic.
Find the nearest mosque/masjid through and go and speak with the imam. Muslims are extremely kind and polite and you will be welcomed with open arms and all of your questions will be answered as fully as they are able to answer the same remembering that they have a pre-existing bias towards the mythology of Islam.
They may ask you to attend some classes to help you to learn to read the Qur'an and to learn your prayers but you will be expected to do most of this on your own.
When you believe you are ready to make a committment to Islam, you will make the shahada or profession of faith before the brothers and sisters at jumaah or Friday noon salaat.
There are five manditory prayers per day, every day even when you are ill beginning before sunrise and ending after sunset, spaced throughout the day.
During the month of Ramamdan you will fast each day from sunrise to sunset.
You will be expected to donate to charity so as to help the poor and the needy, support the masjid, etc.
The Rules of the Sunnah al Hadith are extremely restrictive, contradictory, go against the teachings and supposed revelations of the Holy Qur'an and make this beautiful religion a heavy burden, so much so that no one can actually bear it and when one tries they become hard hearted and judgmental yet only Allah, subhanna wa ta'ala, has the right to judge.
If you are a male and have not yet been circumcised, you will be expected to have that done.
You will also be expected to shave your pubic hair and your underarms at least once every forty days.
You will need to learn how to perform wudu, or ritual abolution which is done after everytime you toilet, pass wind, and before each salaat.
You will also need to learn how to bath correctly.
The Qur'an is beautiful in Arabic, English and French and it is truly inspirational in its scope and social dimensions however, following the death of the Prophet Muhammad, salaahu 'alaihi wasalaam, the interpretations have become twisted and filled with fear, superstition and hate.
Sunnis are the most dominate, Sufis the most loving and kind., with Shiites being the most philosophical.
As with all religions, it is a valid path for those who are called to follow the same and in the practice of such you will find times of elation and times of despair.
may god, by whatever name you address the ideal of the same in, guide you to the path that is correct adn right for you so that you learn to live in harmony with all that exist.