You've got several things going on in your question. First of all, there really is no "Judeo-Christianity". Judaism is PROFOUNDLY different than the replacement theology of Christianity. To address that in detail could max out the space here. I'll give a link at the bottom of the page for you to look at later. I'm not keen on using Wikipedia for learning about Judaism. "Vandalism" to pages about Judaism is an almost every day occurrence. For about a year I nearly drove myself crazy removing bizarre things on that "encyclopedia" about Judaism, from someone insisting that Jewish funeral custom included sniffing a sock of the deceased to people posting outright quotations from the New Testament and Quran as either Jewish belief or to insult Jews.
There can be good references found there, but it is also sometimes hard to know the difference for the layman, and that's just one reason universities and most schools do not allow it to be used as a reference for term papers.
Now onto evolution and God belief from a Jewish perspective ( mine )
While the Torah teaches us that God created everything in six days, and the literal interpretation means precisely six solar days ( the word yom means a day, not an eon, but a day) most Jews accept that creation has never really stopped. God refrained from further creation on the 7th day..he didn't suspend or cease it entirely. One can believe in a Creator and not have that conflict with the reality we SEE of how life works.
As long as there is reproduction with exchange of genetic material, evolution happens. "creation" essentiallly is ongoing. It doesn't require "believing in" but accepting the observed and tested reality. There has been absolutely NO debate in scientific circles over the reality of evolution for nearly 70 years. What IS debated in Biology are various means and methods and intricate details of the many processes at work IN evolution. We know more about how evolution works than we do about GRAVITY. This "debate" between fundamentalist literalists and the scientific and medical community is NO different from the early medieval church condemning astronomers who put forth the notions of a heliocentric solar system.
Creationism and Intelligent Design are not science. The ideas at work cannot be applied to scientific method. They are not falsifiable, they make no predictions. This is why it fails in court EVERY time as an "alternative" view in a science curriculum.
Science is a method and not an entity. Scientific method does not address God belief, so it is only atheistic to the aspect that it does not address any faith in any deity one way or another. That is because we have no objective physical evidence to apply to the steps of scientific method to determine one way or another the reality of an Omnipotent Creator. Until that time, faith, belief, religion...are outside of scientific method.
There is no belief, meaning faith, required for evolution to be accepted as real.
Neither is it the case that evolution as a biologic theory, threatens or denies the existence of an Omnipotent Creator Deity. Scientific method does not apply to this issue because we have no objective data to put to the method to determine one way or another.
Evolution isn't a threat to belief in an Omnipotent Creator. It is a threat to the SELF-CONCEPT held by people who accept a fundamentalist narrow view. My faith in God is not threatened by scientific method. My faith teaches me to test what I know to make sure it is real. If there is an aspect of dogma that I accept and it becomes threatened by objective evidence, perhaps that is an aspect of belief that should be challenged.
Biology shows us that rather than life appearing on the planet *poof* in six literal days, as long as life exists, creation continues!
Biology does not support or negate a God.
The same Torah that the Genesis creation story came out of is the same Torah those fundamentalist literalists deny in their commandments! They will argue viciously for the creation story but just as harshly argue that the "Old" (eternal it says in the scripture) Testament has been "done away with" or "nailed to the cross".
Torah teaches Jews that we are to test and challenge something to make sure it is real. Scientific method doesn't threaten our faith in God.
Religious dogma has no place in a science class.
IMHO it is NOT faith in God that is *threatened* in the fundamentalist literalist, but their SELF-CONCEPT! I tested this over a number of years in chat rooms. ONLY VERY RARELY (and only after they heard my rationale) would any "Creationist" say YES to the following Yes or NO only simple question.
Are you an animal?
Most people will of course, say YES. Sometimes they will qualify it that our soul or spirit is different or that we have greater abilities, etc..but we are still animals. Almost all Creationists will give a knee jerk reaction that NO, we are human, we are above animals.
When the very rare Creationist said "yes", it was ALWAYS with the qualifier that we are above and separate from all other animals. Well that wasn't the question..but at least they recognized they were animals.
Our psyche is a wondrous thing. If our self-concept is threatened, the self-protective mechanism of DENIAL kicks in to prohibit the shattering of self to be replaced by one that is unacceptable to them. That EXPLAINS why they simply cannot see the literal mountains of observable, tested, verified, physical evidence that is SO VERY PLAIN to see to those whose self-concept is NOT threatened to KNOW that they too are an animal affected by the same biologic processes at work in all life. They are unable to consciously process things that would replace their self-concept with one that is degrading to them. So many of them are completely revolted by the notion that they are an animal. I do not see it as degrading. In fact, I can find spiritual wonderment and awe in knowing I am connected to all life on the planet. Nevertheless, that is just my own personal bent, that opinion has no bearing on the science involved to show me that connection.
If you are indoctrinated to believe that humans are SEPARATE and ABOVE ALL other life and NOT connected to it..then THAT is why you cannot appear to grasp evolution (that is if you ever tried to learn what it is rather than what your preacher told you it was) Evolution shows that humans are all related, related to one another and to all life forms..we are bipedal primate mammals and we are still evolving as a species. That is a fact, not up for debate.
Sometimes that self-protective mechanism is very helpful; in this instance, it impedes knowledge. There is NOTHING degrading about acceptance of our biologic mortal physical self. Our very thoughts are electro-chemical processes. I believe that an Omnipotent Creator set every process at work in the universe in place. That isn't my place in a science course to try to teach that, it makes no difference if one is atheist or theist in a science classroom; objective data is something that can be seen and tested by ALL.
Scientific method is the best method yet devised by the human mind to determine if something is real or not. This is why theories change when new evidence comes into play. That is what makes it SCIENCE. Creationism/ID is religious dogma. It cannot be tested, it cannot be changed, and to do so is heresy. It is religion.
Religion is belief in a deity with dogma and a method to seek to find meaning beyond our mere mortal life existence and find connection on a spiritual level and to fulfill purpose of existence. Science is a method, steps to discover knowledge of the universe. It primarily answers questions of why and how, not who.
One may seek and find knowledge by using both in their life. I do and I understand their differences and their limitations to connect to one another.
Homo sapiens has become Homo technos. We have lost something since we have gained technology. Our human ancestors once recognized our connections to all other life. Now we separate ourselves, and not to our psychological benefit, I might add. I try to look at this from a holistic perspective.
Since we do have greater technologic capacity and ability to manipulate our environment, it makes the case for damning the human species all the greater. With our greater skills, we should be greater caretakers of this earth we have "dominion" over. A good ruler cares for those under his care. Humans are not even taking care of each other, much less our other ape relatives. There is nothing demeaning in recognizing your relation to other animals.
It can, in fact, empower you with empathy and understanding and perhaps let you realize how we as just one species on this earth have such a great impact on all our relations.
" Our technology has exceeded our humanity", Albert Einstein
edit: on perusal of that WIKI page I did find one obvious mistake.."and his tremendous following remains largely committed to that position, though individual Chabad Hasidim may hold different views." with regard to the followers of the late Rebbe Schneerson's followers not accepting evolution. Orthodox Judaism comprises a little more than 10% of all Jewish believers, and of THAT number, less than five percent are Hasidic and not all Hasids reject biology. So the qualifier "tremendous following" is extremely misleading there. I've personally, never met a Jew that didn't accept the objective reality of biological evolution. It requires no faith. One day in the future, the people who now argue against it will appear to ALL humanity as NO different than those who called the astronomers who taught a heliocentric earth "heretics"