I understand what you're asking, I think, but let's be clear that "religion" is mostly man's invention of tradition and custom. To me, Christianity and religion are not the same thing. Jesus spent much of his time and energy lambasting religion and the vile practices of the Pharisees. We have to define the difference between a false religion and true religion.
No religion other than Christianity has a book like the Bible that tells us about the origin of everything, and who we are, where we came from. Any religion or practice that disagrees with the Bible is a false religion/practice. Through the New Testament, Jesus becomes the Temple. Any religion that exemplifies the teachings of Christ, that strive to be like Him, is the one true faith, openly worshiping through religion. Religion is more of a means to Christianity, in my personal opinion, because Jesus didn't have much good to say about religion, or is my bias showing?
There is something in true religion which is its essential root. It has fundamental matters which cannot be dispensed with under any circumstances. There is something which is vital, without which there is no spiritual life. This has nothing to do with tradition and custom and societal hem length.
C. H. Spurgeon said it beautifully:
The root of the matter is firm faith in the Redeemer; it is to be able to say from the innermost heart, “I know that my Redeemer lives.” Not I think so, but “I know”; for saving faith is certain, and the true believer is a positivist. Faith abhors conjectures, it will not put its foot down upon fictions, but rests upon matters of fact. Faith never deals in the imaginary goods of opinion, theory, speculation, and probability; she searches for the priceless pearl of certainty; she needs to know. Such was the faith of Job, and he expresses it in firm, decided, clear language, saying — “I know that my Redeemer lives.”
This is the only true religion that relies on the only Word of the one true God.
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