Is the Devil real or symbolic?
2008-07-11 12:08:40 UTC
And if you are saying he is real, dont say cos its in the Bible have other evidence please. Thanks x
53 answers:
2008-07-11 12:13:40 UTC
Think of it this way- there are hundreds and thousands of ANTI-CHRISTS Meaning they are against God, the Bible etc...

Now as you know there is always a king over good and evil- God over Good and Satin over the Evil. Its so funny to say not to use scripture as a reference lol.

As far as evidence besides scripture, look at the sin of man, you have rape, drugs, sexual immoral, murder, abuse etc.... They have to act this way for a reason- they dont have the GOOD- GOD they have the EVIL- and evil comes from the devil.
Robert K
2008-07-11 12:27:40 UTC
This is a very interesting questions. At the very minimum, most of us have the concept of good and evil as very real things. We call those things "good" that we approve of, and "bad" that we don't, and it does seem that for any dichotomy to have meaning, it must have an opposite side. For instance, if everybody was exactly 6 feet tall, the concept of tall and short, at least as applied to humans, would have no meaning. Many of us who believe in God...and I do...apply the concept of "good" to what God represents, and "evil" to that which is represented by the devil. However, are God and the Devil beings as we conceive of them, or could they be symbolic concepts? If it should turn out that God was not a being, but, instead, a pervasive, powerful consciousness that created all in existance, it would not in any way diminish by gratefulness or appreciation of God; it would just mean that I had to alter my perceptions a bit. As for the Devil, real or symbolic, well, there really are people in the world who act with very bad intentions, and, unfortunately, some of them do it and say they're doing it in God's name. From what I can tell, we really do have free will, and we really are responsible for those decisions we make and the repercussions that come with exercising our ability to choose. In my experience, if you love God and yourself...and there's no inherent conflict in doing will live a much better life than if love the Devil and put meanness and hate into the world. Here's hoping you're having a good day!
2008-07-11 12:16:54 UTC
There's no one spirit that is THE Devil. There are a lot more spirits than there are people who have ever lived, and all spirits are at various stages of their growth. Some are stuck on punishing people, or tricking them, or controlling them. Some are helpful and nice. A few are wise and beneficent. And above them all is the Supreme Being.

If you don't think spirits exist, look at a street person who is talking to himself or talking to the air or who has sudden violent mood swings. Think he could use an exorcism?

And when people talk about their "Angels", that's what they're talking about. However, a lot of people assume that just because it's a spirit, it's helpful and nice and looking out for their best interests. That's not always (not even usually!) the case. So trust yourself, trust your own goals, and be who you want to be!
2008-07-11 12:16:12 UTC
As a Christian, I live and abide by the rules in the Bible, the Devil is real because he was first name Lucifer when he was in heaven with God, then Lucifer got so jealous of God that God expelled him out of heaven. Lucifer is now name

Satan and he's a Devil. You don't see the Devil, but the Devil sees you 24/7. Im not trying to scare but it's all a fact. He trys to mess with your mind and make you disobedient. The only way to get rid of him is to plead the blood of Jesus. Just say these words " I rebuke the Devil in the name of Jesus Christ".
2008-07-11 12:42:52 UTC
You really do ask a great question. The nature of the Devil, much like the nature of God will never be known nor fully understood by a mortal man. Presumably after we die, perhaps we will find out, but that is up to each persons beliefs. I personally belive that Satan is just an emination of God, but many of my fellow Catholics would refute that.

Theologically, the devil is a bit of a shadow. Nobody, that I have read anyway, has done a good job exploring evil and the Devil.

The Devil does, however, carry a lot of weight historically. Christianity and Jeudiasm grew up among polytheistic religions. And with a few exceptions, polythisitic religions tend to not focus on good vs. evil, more often they focus on order vs chaos. The main exception is Zoroastrianism which started in Persia, modern day Iran. Zoroastrianism was a dualistic faith, split between two opposing sides, The Truth or Ahura Mazda (good), and The Lie (evil). Well this religion had major impacts on the Jewish and Christian worldview, and one could argue that the Christian sence of dualism and the Devil come from Zoroastrianism.

As for the Devil himself, he tends to be a figure of art. Often goatish with horns and hooves. A trident in one hand, and wings on his back. Well this seems to be a collection of pagan gods. The trident symbolises Neptune or Poseidon. The horns and hooves likely represent a stayr, creature in Greek mythology known for trickery and sexuality. The wings could either represent Mercury or Hermes, also known for trickery and sexuality, but they could also represent Charun, an Etruscan God of Death.

The Pagan influences really have two rationalities. Cast the Pagan gods as evil and missguiding, thus discrediting the religion. And to some extent that is right. But also, early Christians would cast Pagan Gods as similer to Jesus Christ. For example their is a bible that was translated into a Gothic language that casts Jesus as a Warlord and similer to Oden. So I tend to think of it as presenting Christianity by using ideas and charictors that Pagans would be familiar with. Probably a little bit of both.

Unfortunatly, the Bible is fairly unspecific when it comes to the Devil. Much of what we think we know about him comes from Art or Literature, Dante's Inferno is a prime example. My advise it to read a bit about it and come up with your own conclusion.
2008-07-11 12:15:23 UTC
By Devil do you mean Satan?

I don't know if he/It is real but Evil certainly is, and so is Evil spirits (I know this from personal experience).

Proof/Evidence are hard things to get when you ask about the supernatural.

I have NO evidence, but I am not trying to convince anybody.

Real or not it has the same influence -be a good boy or girl.....
Melody M
2008-07-11 12:16:17 UTC
My husband had 4 heart attacks at th age of 23 because of drugs, He had to have open heart surgery, before this he would make fun of my beliefs write 666 on my stuff until he woke up from dying. His description did not seem symbolic to me it was very real, he even went into counselling for it, what once was an acclaimed atheist is now the biggest believer and followere of christ I know!
2008-07-11 12:21:21 UTC
I know the devil is real from personal experience. Devil means destroyer. And I have heard demons & have rebuked them in Jesus Name a number of times.

The devil is a slanderer, false accuser, murderer, thief, destroyer since the beginning.

The devil would be that thought that would tell you that you are good for nothing, ugly, etc... Or that so & so hates you, etc... Or tempt you to lie or take drugs, etc... Or even tempt you to hurt someone seriously, etc...

To discern the deceptions & destructions, one needs to study Gods Word & discern life over death. Better, speak life, not death.
2008-07-11 12:27:04 UTC
If God is real, then so is Satan.

Reasons include:

*God doesn't lie, and spoke of Satan's existance.

*Temptations & compulsions experienced by everyone to do things God definitely doesn't want us to do, or not do things God definitely wants us to do.

*Everyone will not go to heaven (where God reigns). For those who don't, there will be hell (where Satan reigns).

*Exorcisms are preformed to free individuals "posessed" by the devil.

*Satanic followers exist, who make a conscious decision to worship & serve Satan the same way theists worship & serve God.

*Some of these Satanic followers have abandoned this practice of worshipping Satan - interestingly, not because they no longer believe Satan exists, but have discovered the benefits of worshipping God instead.

Hope this helps.
Loyal Servant
2008-07-11 12:21:42 UTC
He is very real . Aside from what The Bible teaches, Look around you . You cant have a one sided coin , now can you ? You also cant have good without evil . Therefore You cant have God without Satan . I experience them both in my life everyday .

If you want Physical evidence , I dont know what to tell you . Satan is spiritual and therefore without looking at it spiritually , you cant see it . Although his works can manifest into physical realms . You have to be able to see the spiritual side before you can recognize the Physical side . This is the exact reason he is so decietful . Because he can fool anyone who isnt looking at him spiritually
Josh K
2008-07-11 12:14:50 UTC
The devil is symbolic in a way that scares the hell out of people into believing that if you do not follow the Christian god then you will be forever cast into a fire of hell.

It's psychology at it's best.
2008-07-11 12:14:00 UTC

And as someone said before me .. Have you seen an exorcism

I've been to real ones .. And you can see stuff happening breaking laws of physics and biology .. And You can talk to them .. Not the devil .. but demons ..

So assuming that the devil is a demon .. or you were kinda asking about this too . so I guess I answered
2008-07-11 12:34:15 UTC
its symbolic. all religion is symbolic.

everything that has been created will eventually be destroyed, whether it is a 'god' or nature (which i believe are one in the same) that created it or not.

in fact- i personally think that the very first gods were all destroyer gods, not creator gods...because in order to have a creator god...homo sapiens must have first had time to contemplate their existance in the first place. we exist, it is simple to understand- a creator god does not exist until you question that. now a destroyer god could possibly exist much earlier, because as a hunter-gatherer it is evident that things die, things are destroyed...and nature can be spiteful. eventually superstition comes in to play and people start making offerings to these destroyer god(s) to keep them happy. food makes people happy, so offering the thing that destroys them food will temporarily make htem happy. this is where the horse sacrifices of the kurgan burial rituals came from.

it is not until they make the steps from egalitarian pastoral society to agrarian that their superstitions move on to crop harvests. since rain is extremely important in early agrarian societies, they begin to make offerings and sacrifices (out of superstitious beliefs) to the god that was once a destroyer god, to ask for its help in production. this is actually what is depicted in the "proto siva" artifact from the indus river valley civilization. it is not until later that people begin to question this god as being so bi-polar. it only makes sense it must be two or more gods. if you notice that artifact, the proto shiva figure, which is surrounded by cattle and other offerings also has three faces, much like the creator god brahma.

these beliefs also spread (initially from the steppes, then down into india) into ancient iran, where it developed into zoroastrianism. zoroastrianism then birthed judaism, which later birthed christianity.

this is mostly theory, so do not take offense to it...but it is my personal belief that this is where it all comes from.
2008-07-11 12:18:40 UTC
Well if you are religious he is real, otherwise there would be nothing special about heaven would there?

For Atheists he is symbolic, as a symbol of evil
2008-07-11 12:13:33 UTC
Here is an interesting article entitled

The Devil more than just superstition

It list several bible scriptures to help you get a true understanding of who Satan is and how he is misleading so many.
2008-07-11 12:23:01 UTC
The native American people used stories of monsters in the water to keep the little children away. These stories of monsters and devils and demons are used in all cultures to scare and control the people.Once learned in childhood it stays with them in later years, but this does not make them true!
2008-07-11 12:13:34 UTC
Dear Friend,

I have had and know people first hand who have had experiences with demons.

Satan hates you and I. All humanity. He came to kill, steal and destroy. He will trick you into thinking things are good and of God...but in the end, it will have turned out WRONG and NOT good like we thought. Just think about that.

The Devil is the father of...LIES! He is a counterfeit!
2008-07-11 12:13:26 UTC
no, the devil is real. Well, evidence outside of the Bible is the world we are living in today. Look at how much the world has turned away from God.
Uncle Thesis
2008-07-11 12:14:20 UTC
The Devil is real.

What's wrong with saying its in the Bible?

Whatever, the personality of the world, in general, is one of violence, strife, selfishness, cruelty and immorality.

That is not a reflection of God.

So, it reflects whose personnality, whose influence?
Vivian D
2008-07-11 12:37:14 UTC
How can you look at all the crime and sinners in the world and say there is no devil(satan)?? rapists, murderers, perverts, liars, thieves,etc. If you believe in God at all,He is not the creator of all this evil, satan is! I see this world getting worse and worse on a daily basis, teenagers stabbing or shooting each other, kids being shot in schools, kids murdering kids in schools,taking God's name out of everything, including schools..all works of satan. If you want to fit in with him, go for it, but you will end up in the lake of fire with him on judgement day, its your choice, we all have free will you know :)
2008-07-11 12:14:02 UTC
Real. And it takes the shape of a woman as it walks the earth. It hasnt been cast into the lake of fire yet. When Jesus was in hell for those three days hell was empty.
2008-07-11 12:12:28 UTC
Although he has persuaded many people that he doesn't even exist, Satan very definitely is a real, personal being, the fountainhead of all unbelief and of every kind of moral and spiritual evil in the world. He is called by various names in the Bible, including Satan (meaning, “adversary”—Job 1:6; Romans 16:20; etc.), the devil (i.e., “slanderer”—Matthew 4:1; 1 Peter 5:8; etc.), Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), the serpent (2 Corinthians 11:3; Revelation 12:9; etc.), and many others.

To the Christian, the existence of Satan as a real person is proved by the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ recognized him as such. He referred to him frequently by name (e.g., Luke 10:18; Matthew 4:10; etc.) and indeed called him “the prince of this world” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11).

The Apostle Paul called him the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4) and the “prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2). The Apostle John said, “The whole world is under the control of the evil one” (1 John 5:19) and that he is the one “that leads the whole world astray” (Revelation 12:9). These could hardly be the descriptions of a force or a mere personification of evil.

The Scriptures teach that, before man and the world were created, God had created an “innumerable company of angels” (Hebrews 12:22), a heavenly host of spiritual beings, of great strength and intelligence. The highest of these beings are the cherubim, who are attendants at the very throne of God, and the “anointed cherub” at that throne was originally Satan himself (Ezekiel 28:14). He was “full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.”

God did not create Satan as an evil being, however. The angels, like man, were created as free spirits, not as unthinking machines. They were fully able to reject God’s will and rebel against His authority if they should chose to do so.

The root of all sin, in both man and angels, is the twin sin of unbelief and pride—the refusal to submit to God’s will as revealed by His own Word and the accompanying assertion of self-sufficiency which enthrones the creature and his own will in the place of God. This was the original sin of Satan, rejecting God’s Word and trying to become God himself. He said in his heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God . . . I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:13,14). Again, these could hardly be the actions or motivations of an impersonal force.

Jesus also told us of some of the characteristics of Satan. Christ said he was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him, and that when he speaks he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44).

It is crucial that Christians recognize the reality of Satan in this world and understand that he prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). It is impossible to overcome sin and temptation from the devil by ourselves, but Scripture tells us how be strong. We need to put on the full armor of God daily to be able to stand our ground against temptation (Ephesians 6:13) from the very personal being, Satan.
2008-07-11 12:16:47 UTC
Completely symbolic.

It was a method that the early Hebrews (the one's who wrote the Bible) and present-day Christians use as a reminder that if you do bad you'll go to hell and Satan will torture you for all eternity etc. etc.

But, in my perspective, it is a method of fear that people use against the gullible to control them.

example: If you don't go to Church on the sabbath day you go to HELL

If you don't pay charity or give church large donations you go to HELL

If you start questioning authority and god you go to HELL.

Do you see where I'm going with this?
2008-07-11 12:14:07 UTC
Like you or anyone else that says the word 'cos' would ever understand any other evidence.
2008-07-11 12:21:02 UTC
depend on who you are asking

we can Satan symbolic as the voice in your head telling you to take the world for yourself or as an actually root of all evil fallen from grace here to tempt mankind

or it was kevin spacey all along

(you know like ''the usual suspects'')
victor 7707
2008-07-11 12:16:24 UTC
Our own conscience says He is real, he represents everything that is evil in the world, for most of the world, there is no doubt that he is real.
2008-07-11 12:13:21 UTC
I know they are real...I have felt them and stood up to them in the name of Jesus and they have fled, this doesn't mean they leave me alone, it just means through Jesus I have power to overcome.....

my husband has physically seen them.

This thing is more real than anyone knows.
2008-07-11 12:13:25 UTC
The Devil is symbolic of how we are when we choose to live lives that are detrimental to our fellow human beings. Hell is the place we live in when we act out in ways that hurt or are hurtful toward others and the environment. Unfortunately, we as a species have created a Hell on earth by exploiting it's resources to the point where the balance that is nature is being disrupted irreparably. PEACE!
Michael L
2008-07-11 12:12:47 UTC
"And if you are saying he is real, dont say cos its in the Bible have other evidence please. Thanks x"

You want me to prove, by natural means, that which is, by its very definition, supernatural?

Satan is very real. If you're looking for a YouTube video of him caught on camera to prove it, however, you may not want to hold your breath.
2008-07-11 12:14:15 UTC
i think he's completly symbolic

i don't have any proof


but i believe he is a symbol of temptation and sin
Equinoxical ™
2008-07-11 12:25:15 UTC
Do humans really need outside help for us to be evil? Why would God, with his omni-benevolence create such a being?

Our potential for greed and destruction is epic, but it is not supernatural.
2008-07-11 12:14:33 UTC
"the greatest trick the devil ever did was convince the world he didn't exist"
2008-07-11 12:19:36 UTC
Real and the reason is that the Testament, Bible and Quran say so. I dont need any further reasoning.
2008-07-11 12:15:15 UTC
i beleive there is an evil spirit that is satan, but not how people or hollywood portray him as .

BESIDES the bible, i think he exists because of people getting posested, and bad things that happen. etc.
2008-07-11 12:11:56 UTC
Real what evidence do you need but to look at the destruction and hate and sex crimes of today, but the bible Qu'ran and all holy books prove that satin is amongst us xxx
Servant of Allaah
2008-07-11 12:12:40 UTC
Not saying it because in the bible but because it is in the Qur'an and because I can feel and think how sometimes he does his job so he is real.
2008-07-11 12:24:37 UTC
He is real. My mom has died and she saw hell, she was revived and when she was back, her life changed because of what she saw.
2008-07-11 12:14:46 UTC
devils are real. they r spirits. they r made of fire, like we r made of clay and angels made of light. We cant see em but they can see us and its real.
2008-07-11 12:15:31 UTC

You fools!

2008-07-11 12:14:59 UTC
As real as your shadow!
2008-07-11 12:12:00 UTC
I have had personal experiences to suggest he is real.
2008-07-11 12:13:46 UTC

She lives at 222 Y****a walk.
2008-07-11 12:12:45 UTC
2008-07-11 12:14:14 UTC
2008-07-11 12:11:08 UTC
Symbolic only. Re-arrange a few letters in the word satan and you get santa.
2008-07-11 12:14:16 UTC
He's real......
2008-07-11 12:31:23 UTC
Um ... look around sweety ...
2008-07-11 12:13:49 UTC
2008-07-11 12:13:30 UTC
have any lived,devil hiden
2008-07-11 12:13:29 UTC reasons are my own.
Priรciℓℓα ✟
2008-07-11 12:11:27 UTC
real... have you ever seen an exorcism?
2008-07-11 12:12:31 UTC
Well I have never seen a photo of him, so I'd say not real.
2008-07-11 12:11:43 UTC

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