Is it "POSSIBLE for "CHRISTIANS" to "PROVE" their "GOD" EXIST ? examining the claims of Christianity . perhaps the question should be to PROVE their GODS ( plural ) or that one of their 3 a Man ONCE existed .. in the time possibly with DNA ... because the word "GOD" is used as both a TITLE and an IDEA
they do not call themselves "YAHWEHIANS " so they adopted from others the IDEA of the YAHWEH god . which was adopted by other and other a mix and blending of ideas and names applied
they also asserted the "GHOST" SPIRIT god ... and then PEOPLE promoters VOTED a MAN named JESUS "Divine " in 325 AD under the direction of one of 3 newly appointed regent of the Roman Empire Constantine in the region of Nicaea TURKEY , who wanted to use RELIGION as a Tool to firm up his rule ,
,,, interestingly another man was from TURKEY "PAUL" aka SAUL of TARSUS ( Turkey ) ( 5 AD to 67 AD ) a roman citizen a Jew and a TENT maker ... finds conniving people about his IDEAS and ability to Direct behaviors he finds profit and power and authority in , way better and easier than TENT making
. the term "CHRISTI" is a reference to the TRIBAL custom of anointing a PERSON ones ruler "King" and also a practice in JUDAISM to make a person a "PRIEST" a ritual of purification so one had supposed power or authority to do "SACRIFICES " to the god IDEA .
. so the CHRISTI part would be an example of "ANCESTOR WORSHIP " that one could talk to DECEASED persons same IDEA as "SAINTS " actual people that lived and have died and supposedly you can talk to them "pray " and they had some supposed power of Influence the living people fortune ..
. the Ancient Egyptian which predates both Judaism and Christianity expresses this same IDEA . that the dead are VENERATED ... and set up an elaborate system called Mummification . Pharaohs ( rulers leaders ) mostly MEN occasionally women are Also declared or become GODS
Archeology shows they also supposedly talked to deceased parents and siblings husbands and wives .
. goes to BEHAVIORS and Funeral practices many Caverns filled with skeletons and deceased persons bodies in glass alters like " Mother Cabrini " . multiple statues of the DEAD with the Protestant REFORMATION some leaders probably were very aware the statues bone relics and Ritual Behaviors and focus was OBVIOUSLY Venerating the DEAD aka ANCESTOR worship
, so to DISTRACT . wanted to just simplify to the THOUGHT part the mental aspect because ALL IDEA are a product of human thought and wanted to exploit human Imagination to avoid questioning evaluation and investigation
.. my evaluation is the Jesus focus goes more to " ancestor worship " veneration of the Dead the BELIEF that the dead have continued existence and one can communicate with them as as some claim have a "RELATIONSHIP " .
. which leads us to the unifying element of RELIGION
Religion being a cultural system of DIRECTED behaviors and practices , world view ( cognitive orientation ) Text sacred places ethics of societal organization that promote IDEAS termed "SUPERNATURAL and or TRANSCENDENTAL ( with or without god/deity IDEAS )
All will have a Human founder the person who presents the IDEAS convinces other to accept the promotion and proceed to CONDITION their behaviors ( with further claim of either the carrot and or the stick rewards or threats ) and adherence various names for these people who will many times they are SPECIAL and have powers .. priest shaman prophet dreams interpreter have visions ( usually by ingestion of a substance alcohol or herbs or hallucinogenics gases or just imagination and trickery )
the Egyptian ( even in Moses day ) consumed Beer 3 times a day and had the feast of Drunkenness to get in touch with the gods ) Booze was a big industry ... in roman and Jesus times the beverage of CHOICE WINE
, generally without question or to assert QUESTIONING is WRONG
goes to TRIBALISM . defined as LOYALTY obligation WITHOUT question to a tribe or a group with strong negative emotion for those outside the group
so even if they demonstrate a Jesus once live it will still only come down to a TITLE and an IDEA they promote