Is it possible for christians to prove their god exists?
Stevan The Heathen
2018-01-02 20:49:46 UTC
Is it possible for christians to prove their god exists?
97 answers:
2018-01-05 06:48:52 UTC
Look around you. Does the sun not rise EVERY morning, without exception?

Does the wind not blow invisibly?

Look at all the life on planet earth.

Look at the beauty of rainbows.

It's all a miracle, because without Him we wouldn't be here, and neither would the earth itself.
2018-01-05 01:03:16 UTC
It sounds to me like you are using the word "proof" according to a particular paradigm which has been taught as though it was fact: namely that the only way to find evidence is by testing material things which can be accessed by the five senses. This is "materialism". Using this framework, it is difficult to prove that God exists, unless He does miracles before your eyes and makes changes to physical matter. This has happened. However, by the same token, you could not prove He doesn't, anymore than you could prove that the mind, love, thoughts or feelings do not exist through science. There are other spheres of existence other than the physical but if your question is limited to the materlialistic perspective, then there are certain areas which you can never touch with it.
2018-01-04 00:58:14 UTC
God has proven his existence to me. That's all I care about.
2018-01-03 23:28:44 UTC
It is not possible to prove God exists, I say this a Christian who believes in God 100%.

I cannot prove God exists to you because only God can prove his existence to you. Not only that but he can’t unless you let him.

I could show you miracles, and you would claim they are fake.

I could show you evidence, and you would dismiss it as false.

I could show the personal experiences of millions, and you would call them all delusional or liars.

God could appear to you in a burning bush, show you his presence, your very ears could hear the sound of his voice. And you would tell me I drugged you and your high.

Until you open up your heart to the possibility that he might exist, and start searching for him with the intention of discovering he’s real. You’ll never know for sure wether he is or not.
2018-01-03 18:04:16 UTC
2018-01-03 07:48:06 UTC
I am 74 y/o and God proved to me that He exists by showing Himself to me. All of my life He has shown me miraculous things. But you would not believe any of them.
2018-01-03 06:01:52 UTC
No, and all they do is spout lies and excuse for their imaginary god thingie. One even rues to claim dip$hit is proof of his imaginary god thingie. All they have is a god thingie addiction.
Dr. D
2018-01-02 21:16:34 UTC
Christianity stands, or falls, on the person of Jesus Christ. Was Jesus really God? Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

Historians generally agree that Jesus existed. The spread of Christianity immediately after the death of Jesus is often used as evidence that something significant actually happened.

Is it possible prove that Jesus was God and rose from the dead? Well there is evidence to support the Christian position and you will have to make up your own mind. What is this evidence?

1. Jesus fulfilled dozens of Old Testament prophecies about the coming Messiah.

2. There were witnesses to the miracles Jesus performed.

3. Personal testimonies from people who change their lives as a result of their faith in Jesus.

You might think that miracles would be nice if you were one of the witnesses, but you cannot accept the word of others. Okay, then please take time to study the Shroud of Turin. Keep an open mind and study all sides to the authenticity of the relic.
2018-01-02 20:55:02 UTC
NO religion can objectively prove its validity. That is why it is called "faith."

Referring to a holy book is NOT empirically objective.
2018-01-02 20:54:45 UTC
“But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12:39‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Jesus had the Romans to destroy all evidence of him.
2018-01-04 21:09:36 UTC
No. Even if He existed, it would be impossible for Christians to prove their god exists. However, it would be possible for Him to prove He exists.
2018-01-04 15:35:18 UTC
I am both amused and dismayed by all of the atheists demanding that Christians prove that God exists, despite what is plain to see by the naked eye. The Christian is not compelled, nor required to "prove" God's existence, beyond the way in which God has already manifested Himself to everyone. This demand for "proof" is a proverbial red herring. The atheist is on the outside looking in because of choice. In contrast, the Apostle Paul wrote of the Christian, "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known" (1 Corinthians 13:12). In other words, even the Christian, despite being filled with the Holy Spirit, to some extent cannot fully know everything about God and the life after death. Therefore, imagine being an atheist, whose continuing quest is to "disprove" and reject the existence of God, thus resists what God has already revealed. Why should God accede to their further frivolous demands of "proof"?

Atheists are themselves the key proof of the wisdom of Romans 1:18-22, to wit: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools."
2018-01-04 05:29:19 UTC
What was there before everything? If the Universe created Earth, and God created the Universe, then who created God?

Can we really PROVE anything? No. Perhaps agnosticism is the right way to go..............
2018-01-04 02:50:37 UTC
Christians shouldn't need to prove the existence of God to you when you should be able to open

your eyes and see all of the beautiful things of nature. Even you are one of his creations.

You can't possibly believe that all of the fine tuning of your body functions came about by chance.

If you were to do some proper research you would realize yourself that some one greater than

man put all of this together. All the proof you need is out there, so don't wait for someone else

to show you.
2018-01-04 01:44:38 UTC
no just like i cant prove he dosent...
Den B7
2018-01-04 00:38:48 UTC
2018-01-04 00:09:50 UTC
No, no one has any proof of "god's" existence. Only way to know is to die and see what happens, the stories of "I've died and gone to heaven then came back to life" are false.
2018-01-03 17:09:29 UTC
2018-01-03 15:29:12 UTC
The largest flaw of God claims is that there isn't a consistent, testable hypothesis and they move the goalposts and insert loopholes.

For example, there is a claim that God answers prayers. That is an easily tested claim. But, when studies compare people who pray to people who don't we do not see see a significant and consistent benefit to prayer... we just don't. So, believers say, "God isn't a performing animal, he isn't going to respond just because you ask him to." The conclusion is that the hypothesis that God answers prayers is not testable (because now it appears he sometimes doesn't) and they make excuses for God rather than acknowledge that their claim failed.
2018-01-03 15:09:42 UTC
nope but u can taste my left...
2018-01-03 12:57:11 UTC
The Bible itself proof jesus doesn't exist. It's impossible that the author of the Bible know they great great great great great great grandfather name and records few thousand years ago. There's no history proof Jesus exist from outside the Bible.
2018-01-03 09:10:40 UTC
No, because christians are f’ucking retards with a mental disorder. PERIOD!
2018-01-03 00:24:20 UTC
How could this possibly matter to a non-believing troll without a civil attitude to other members here?

God proved His existence to me 32 years ago and many times since, when His Spirit is active doing

something. It's been entertaining, sometimes funny, sometimes astonishing ~ with more to come.

How about you explain your real motive in asking for what's really none of your business? That's a big

ask, isn't it !! A frank answer is unlikely to come from you, because your antichrist spirit forbids you.
2018-01-02 23:45:55 UTC
No, it isn’t possible. There is no proof. That’s what is so magical about faith. Faith is the ability to believe whole-heartedly in something despite the total lack of physical evidence. I know people who worship in church & read the Bible have their head in the clouds a little, but how can you not be envious of them? When life knocks them down they just turn to God. Each day of their lives has meaning because they believe in life after death.

It’s a shame that people of faith can’t coexist with non-believers because we’re too busy trying to force our beliefs on each other. Instead of just being friends people get into heated religious fights, when the truth is, none of us are going to know until we’re dead.
2018-01-02 23:33:19 UTC
Yes !
2018-01-02 21:36:07 UTC
No, there is no proof for any god. Everything they believe has to be accepted on faith alone.
2018-01-02 21:24:40 UTC
To those with an open mind, yes.
🤔 Jay
2018-01-02 21:07:32 UTC
Christians not only can't prove their God is real.

They can't prove that any of the other Gods are not real.

They deny Thor and Re just like I do. And Quetzalcoatl too.

And without proof.

2018-01-02 20:52:20 UTC
2018-01-02 20:51:59 UTC
Of course it is possible, but not through words (printed or spoken) and not through pieces of toast, all that needs to happen is for God to show himself.

Still waiting...
2018-01-04 20:58:32 UTC
god exists
Ken Rosie
2018-01-04 19:03:28 UTC
If you don't have instructions, If you don't have information no biological life would exists.not even the universe.
2018-01-04 04:17:22 UTC
Not so far.
2018-01-03 21:43:32 UTC
This post is pointless
2018-01-03 20:27:34 UTC
For starters, it is NOT our position to "prove" anything... Have you not heard others speak as Thomas spoke? “Give us,” they say, “the empirical evidence. Prove before our very eyes, and our ears, and our hands, else we will not believe.” This is the language of the time in which we live. Thomas the Doubter has become the example of men in all ages who refuse to accept other than that which they can physically prove and explain—as if they could prove love, or faith, or even such physical phenomena as electricity.
2018-01-03 19:58:00 UTC
The God Zeus exists, the proof is that he sends down lightning and thunder.
2018-01-03 15:59:51 UTC
Jack 12:52 ...and so he saith that if it is written in a book it must be true.

Arnold 2:11 ... anecdotal proof is all which is necessary

Buff 7:5 I called the witch doctor and this is what he said. He said oooo eeee ooo ah ah Chang Chang walla Walla Bing bang
2018-01-03 15:41:21 UTC
There is proof all around you but is up to you if you want to believe it. God does exist, time is running out for all those will not accept his Godship.
2018-01-03 15:08:32 UTC
If they could prove their god exists, there would be no need for faith.
2018-01-03 13:14:23 UTC
Is it "POSSIBLE for "CHRISTIANS" to "PROVE" their "GOD" EXIST ? examining the claims of Christianity . perhaps the question should be to PROVE their GODS ( plural ) or that one of their 3 a Man ONCE existed .. in the time possibly with DNA ... because the word "GOD" is used as both a TITLE and an IDEA

they do not call themselves "YAHWEHIANS " so they adopted from others the IDEA of the YAHWEH god . which was adopted by other and other a mix and blending of ideas and names applied

they also asserted the "GHOST" SPIRIT god ... and then PEOPLE promoters VOTED a MAN named JESUS "Divine " in 325 AD under the direction of one of 3 newly appointed regent of the Roman Empire Constantine in the region of Nicaea TURKEY , who wanted to use RELIGION as a Tool to firm up his rule ,

,,, interestingly another man was from TURKEY "PAUL" aka SAUL of TARSUS ( Turkey ) ( 5 AD to 67 AD ) a roman citizen a Jew and a TENT maker ... finds conniving people about his IDEAS and ability to Direct behaviors he finds profit and power and authority in , way better and easier than TENT making

. the term "CHRISTI" is a reference to the TRIBAL custom of anointing a PERSON ones ruler "King" and also a practice in JUDAISM to make a person a "PRIEST" a ritual of purification so one had supposed power or authority to do "SACRIFICES " to the god IDEA .

. so the CHRISTI part would be an example of "ANCESTOR WORSHIP " that one could talk to DECEASED persons same IDEA as "SAINTS " actual people that lived and have died and supposedly you can talk to them "pray " and they had some supposed power of Influence the living people fortune ..

. the Ancient Egyptian which predates both Judaism and Christianity expresses this same IDEA . that the dead are VENERATED ... and set up an elaborate system called Mummification . Pharaohs ( rulers leaders ) mostly MEN occasionally women are Also declared or become GODS

Archeology shows they also supposedly talked to deceased parents and siblings husbands and wives .

. goes to BEHAVIORS and Funeral practices many Caverns filled with skeletons and deceased persons bodies in glass alters like " Mother Cabrini " . multiple statues of the DEAD with the Protestant REFORMATION some leaders probably were very aware the statues bone relics and Ritual Behaviors and focus was OBVIOUSLY Venerating the DEAD aka ANCESTOR worship

, so to DISTRACT . wanted to just simplify to the THOUGHT part the mental aspect because ALL IDEA are a product of human thought and wanted to exploit human Imagination to avoid questioning evaluation and investigation

.. my evaluation is the Jesus focus goes more to " ancestor worship " veneration of the Dead the BELIEF that the dead have continued existence and one can communicate with them as as some claim have a "RELATIONSHIP " .

. which leads us to the unifying element of RELIGION

Religion being a cultural system of DIRECTED behaviors and practices , world view ( cognitive orientation ) Text sacred places ethics of societal organization that promote IDEAS termed "SUPERNATURAL and or TRANSCENDENTAL ( with or without god/deity IDEAS )

All will have a Human founder the person who presents the IDEAS convinces other to accept the promotion and proceed to CONDITION their behaviors ( with further claim of either the carrot and or the stick rewards or threats ) and adherence various names for these people who will many times they are SPECIAL and have powers .. priest shaman prophet dreams interpreter have visions ( usually by ingestion of a substance alcohol or herbs or hallucinogenics gases or just imagination and trickery )

the Egyptian ( even in Moses day ) consumed Beer 3 times a day and had the feast of Drunkenness to get in touch with the gods ) Booze was a big industry ... in roman and Jesus times the beverage of CHOICE WINE

, generally without question or to assert QUESTIONING is WRONG

goes to TRIBALISM . defined as LOYALTY obligation WITHOUT question to a tribe or a group with strong negative emotion for those outside the group

so even if they demonstrate a Jesus once live it will still only come down to a TITLE and an IDEA they promote
Space Wasp
2018-01-03 12:56:50 UTC
I would consider the replies to your question that have come from Christians to be very clear evidence that the answer is: No.
2018-01-03 10:35:19 UTC
Here the come the athiests looking to start drama and taking more time out of their lives to complain over and over about someone they claim they dont even believe in. And as long as ppl answer your question thats enough christian or not they dont owe u or anyone else who doesnt believe in God an explanation.
2018-01-03 02:41:36 UTC
Yes. As a matter of fact, anyone wither the ability to hear, touch, taste, see or smell can.
2018-01-03 01:49:12 UTC
No, otherwise everyone would believe the same thing.

(They don't)
2018-01-03 01:10:26 UTC
Yes there God exists but not in the way they think dear God is nothing but the Bible
2018-01-02 21:06:26 UTC
YES, they can see him when they drink to much Fireball whiskey.
2018-01-02 21:04:09 UTC
You are proof.
2018-01-02 20:53:29 UTC
Well that depends on how bad you want proof

All you have to do is stop breathing for 20 minutes

(in my best Dirty Harry impression)

But considering that this is an issue of of eternal life and eternal death and all hell fire awaits those who reject Christ, you have to ask your self question....."Do I feel Lucky"

Well do ya....punk?

Just how bad `do you want proof?
2018-01-02 20:52:31 UTC
They have one problem to get past.

There is no god to prove.

That is a big problem for those who wish to prove otherwise.
2018-01-02 20:50:22 UTC
No, because they will disagree with your picture.
2018-01-06 05:58:54 UTC
Praise be to Allah..

There is no such God as s Christian God a Hindu God a Muslim God etc.There is ONLY ONE Almighty God for All of Creation.You call Him God in English and Muslims Call Him Allah In Arabic.

Because the Christian Theology on God is Based on The Roman man made concept of God They will NEVER be able to Prove that That there is a Christian GOD !!!!

And Allah Knows Best.
2018-01-05 15:51:32 UTC
Nobody and no religion (of any kind) can prove or disprove the existence of God.
2018-01-04 16:20:50 UTC
Should anyone wants evidence about God then they should take a deep and realistic look at existence.

Through existence we can understand that our life over here is a 'mirage' and not true. When we realise this we try and understand what the 'truth and love' is.

Along those lines one is bound to come across God who loves us and is the 'Truth',
2018-01-04 04:19:24 UTC
2018-01-04 03:27:10 UTC
nah but is it possible for anyone to prove anything ever exists. probably. but who gives a ****. im gone to make out with my cousin, or whatever
2018-01-04 01:27:35 UTC
Look at it the other way and its a lot more harder and unbelievable to argue for NO God, force, emotion or whatever so more supreme being.
2018-01-03 23:35:45 UTC
That's like saying to prove Gravity without using the argument that objects fall to the ground
2018-01-03 22:21:14 UTC
It can be for people that love god.
2018-01-03 19:44:24 UTC
Everything that Exists had to come from somewhere .

To accept that the Universe just,"Always Existed" and was not created ,makes no sence at all. ...

To consider the" Big Bang" as just a random happening ...

Or as a Cycle of Explosion ,Expanding, and then Collapsing upon itself to reapeat the process ...makes even less sence .(from what is know of how ,Black Holes are made).

" Empty Space" itself, is a creation that can be distorted by the Extreme Gravitational pull Of Black Holes.

The Proof of God is there.
2018-01-03 18:53:42 UTC
Prove he dont exist
Adullah M
2018-01-03 14:28:55 UTC
How can they prove that when they believe as such of 1+1+1=1
2018-01-03 13:55:48 UTC
Nope, there's no God.
Yorkshire Lass
2018-01-03 13:51:55 UTC
When I learned about Jesus from the Bible when I as young the truth of it all impressed me -as a whole story, as told in the 4 Gospels - amazing yes, but it made sense. Then there was the day I asked Jesus Christ into my heart and life and from that point God started proving his promises and inspired me in a powerful way with his Love and Glory, and similarly to those around me who had invited Jesus (the second person of the three-person Godhead) into their lives.

A real experience of God through Christ is a world-wide experience by all believers of all races and nationalities; we share the same Peace, Joy and Assurance and excitement, of God's saving and protecting Love.

Christians now are being massacred ALL THE TIME rather than deny the wonderful exhilarating eternal Truth of God's Fatherly Love, real through Jesus Christ..

I have had some serious trials in my life and made wrong decisions which have caused heart-ache, but my faith has been upheld by interventions by God in my life, and many others, including wonderful answered prayer.

God is actually felt and experienced by many mature Christians, sometimes by brand new Christians. Some have vivid dreams or visions which are more real than physical experiences. Some of us have known miracles - of healing, provision and protection. The spiritual Realm is eternal and unchanging, A Christian becomes part of that spiritual reality.

This earth as it is will change dramatically. Features of the earth are always on the change. God of spirit, never changes.
2018-01-03 01:54:06 UTC
No, because Christianity is a big lie.
Vincent G
2018-01-02 22:54:36 UTC
No, of course not.

Mostly because you cannot prove the existence of something that does not exist in the first place.
2018-01-02 22:08:30 UTC
Yes it is possible IF the a person will honestly consider the evidence.

If a person will not honestly consider evidence, nothing can be proven, no matter what field of study is presented.
2018-01-02 21:08:57 UTC
Further proof is found when you trust God and do his will
2018-01-02 21:08:52 UTC
No. All religions are based on faith and faith is the belief in something that can't or hasn't been proven as fact. The bible isn't a book of science, it's just a book of faith.
2018-01-02 21:00:00 UTC
Christians have no need to prove that God exists, as they believe that he does. If you don't believe that God exists, but you want evidence, then you must search for it.
2018-01-02 20:57:27 UTC
To someone who is being drawn to Christ by God, sure. All that is necessary is to provide a witness the person with believe and begin to trust in Christ and the promises of God. What people miss is that most people aren't chosen. God only chose some, only a remnant will be saved.

Your attitude towards what I just told you can tell me whether you are chosen or not. Not that I trusted God the first time I was witnessed to. I didn't. But God can be convincing.
2018-01-05 00:29:21 UTC
Not to those who do not trust. I have never needed proof, never sought it, because there is no objective proof. I know God because I chose to believe on faith. He has shown Himself to me more times than I can count. Blessed are those who do not see, yet believe. That may or may not be in the Bible, but it a truth. It’s called faith.
2018-01-04 20:47:09 UTC
No. God values faith, there is no proof nor will there ever be. If there was proof , everyone would believe, then there would be no value in faith.

We are required to believe without proof, Hebrews 11:1: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
2018-01-04 16:36:00 UTC
yes; easily, just look at the night sky.
2018-01-04 16:12:58 UTC
To ask for "proof" in such a context is to subscribe to the fallacy that there is such a thing as "universal truth". The only universal truth is that there is no such thing as universal truth.

It's ironic that many atheists demand universal truth!

There is only personal truth, that is truth you believe in or what is truth to you.

So when an atheists demands universal proof of God all they are actually saying is that they have not seen any evidence that they consider personal truth.... in other words they just don't believe any of the evidence provided.

Ironically in demonstrating this they provide their own evidence for the non-existence of universal truth. Things that others see as evidence of God they dismiss and remain unconvinced whilst they evidence they believe shows there isn't a God is dismissed by those who believe in Him.

In other words, the question is really stupid and anyone of above average intellect would consider it so, be the theist or atheist.

We know where you stand!
2018-01-04 15:26:05 UTC
Live in your way and dont keep depending your life to the so called god ur life is yours and your own you should live your like to the fullest instead of wasting your time in life given by the beloved god u call it
2018-01-04 15:16:34 UTC
Can atheists prove that God doesn't exist?
2018-01-04 07:39:08 UTC
let's use the seeing is believing phrase, how do you prove air or wind exist? Has anybody see what air or wind looks like? And no, drawing a picture of it is not proof. You can feel it, but you can't see it. So prove to me that air exist. I want to see air with my own eyes. You get my point. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there.
2018-01-04 03:41:48 UTC
He's as real as unicorns.
2018-01-04 03:10:46 UTC
I think natural disasters are proof of god. Massive hissy fits. Doesn t seem out of character.
2018-01-03 21:42:01 UTC
Jughead Hogwash
2018-01-03 18:03:10 UTC
Impossible. Christians cant even prove they live by the Word of God.

Epic fail. 😶😶
2018-01-03 11:44:32 UTC
The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.
2018-01-03 07:55:37 UTC
Of course not. It isn't possible to prove the existence of something that doesn't exist.
Black Sabbath
2018-01-03 06:55:24 UTC
I contend that we are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours
2018-01-03 03:47:27 UTC
Let me ask you, have you ever felt your brain, tasted your brain, smelt your brain? Have you ever had any sensory perception of your brain?

There's a high chance that you've never had any sensory perception of your brain.

So here's my question: How do you know that your brain exists?

You could've seen the brains of other people, but how to you know that you certainly have one?
2018-01-03 00:57:47 UTC
Sure--they could persuade God to appear unequivocally to everyone on the planet at once. That would constitute pretty convincing proof to me, and I would begin to believe in (though, I'd like to think, not worship) God immediately. It would also spread the "Good News" to those parts of the planet that still haven't heard of it after 2000 years, which has always struck me as a serious omission for what is purportedly the most important message humankind has ever received, but I digress.


2018-01-02 21:20:16 UTC
It's possible to prove a god exists, but none have done it yet.
2018-01-02 21:05:24 UTC
Probably not to you. You've closed your heart and mind. Until you seek the truth with open mind and heart you will not see the evidence.
2018-01-02 21:04:26 UTC
No it is personal, you must prove it for yourself.

By faith there is always hope in Jesus Christ for those who will repent of their evil ways

and believe in Jesus Christ, John 3:16-18, receiving the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
2018-01-02 21:01:43 UTC
to themselves and each other yes - to you - not unless your mind is open or God chooses to favour you
2018-01-06 11:13:47 UTC
"only the foolish says there is no God" Psalm 14:1
2018-01-05 16:17:58 UTC
2018-01-04 20:17:26 UTC
2018-01-03 18:48:04 UTC
What you believe is up to you. The same goes for me. I CHOOSE to believe He exists and created me and the whole universe. No matter what I or any other Christians would tell you, you will not believe. Not until this happens.

Rev 1:7  See, he comes with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those by whom he was wounded; and all the tribes of the earth will be sorrowing because of him. Yes, so be it. 
2018-01-03 15:44:25 UTC
I can without a doubt. God is our Creator, in which he created all things.

Isaiah 45:18 brings out that the true God, is The Creator of the heavens, as well as The One who formed the earth...

just look around..everywhere you look is evidence that God exists..the Sun, The moon, The stars, mankind, etc
brother trucker
2018-01-03 04:30:26 UTC
Of course its possible to prove a creative energy exists. That creative force is my God.

Why? Because I want Him to be. When I make every logical deduction using all the actual scientific data available a wall of evidence emerges.

In logic as in law that wall of evidence is the most valid source of knowledge we have until other evidence emerges that contradicts the evidence we now have. When and if that happens we follow the evidence from there that is the best established.

Thats how its done. Thats how I did it after 24 years of research as an agnostic that never thought he would find that evidence of a Creative energy or at least accurately identify it.

No scientific evidence exists that this energy, this First Cause is not the Creator God. Lots of evidence exists that points to this as the best conclusion. Logic always accepts the best conclusion.

I call this creative force God. I will continue to call Him, It , Her God until someone comes up with a more difinitive form to describe it. No one has to date.

I dont understand this force but when I look at the outcome of His creative work I realize it employs a power and intelligence well beyond my comprehension. I comprehend Him in honesty as well as I can without making up anything about Him. I certainly dont have to make anything up. I just need to continue to endeavour to understand Him better.

Other than that all I have is a personal relationship with Jesus who I now consider the physical manifestation of God. that I certainly cant show evidence of, I wouldnt try. Its evidence for me. At this point you will have to go and discover your own evidence. I cant do anymore for you at his time.

If anyone out there understands God better than I do I would love to see your evidence. I want to see evidence though not theory and I have no use for faith other then faith in established findings. Blind faith is another term to describe ignorance. God Bless.
2018-01-02 22:35:26 UTC
not entirely, i HAVE "proof" that God exists, ive seen an angelic type being who appeared in my bedroom one day after school, ive seen hundreds if not thousands of spiritual experiences. i tested God with His power and i have had 2 halos appear on my head. i have stood in the presense of Jesus, at least in 3 visions. and i had two conversations with a VOICE that could be visionary and with the Lord himself. if i saw God anytime soon, it would only be his face that needed to be proven to me. i think ive had dream visions of all the faces of teh apostles and a few from the book of mormon, but that doesnt mean anything unless i actually am introduced because its been my quandry to see hundreds of faces as spectres or visions. i think ive see a tall man appear beside a throne, and i have seen several different ideas of a throne but not like one that the book of Enoch described. it is more like something from an lds painting. sometimes i think i see the heads of angels and men in white but its never clearn and plain enough to know if they are the things of angels as described by john in his revelation. ive had many fake dreams with false imaginations too, woven into the dream, and my mind will make its own images in dreams that are not the ones like sleep walking. ive been dreaming since i was ten years old and in more than 40yrs of dreaming i think ive only seen one black and white dream and one brown and white dream. for the most part i remember all my dreams if only sometimes for a few minutes. and i never hear words that are spoken unless its a more sure word of revelation. lke the spoken words of Jesus own lips.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.