I spoke to an old witness friend of mine a couple weeks ago... I asked after her younger brother, who had been disfellowshipped last I heard....
She told me he was still disfellowshipped. She spoke to him on occasion on "legitimate family business." Otherwise, she didn't associate with him, his wife, or children.
He had asked her why she would talk to their nephew, a few years younger than he (both in their 40s now), who had done things far worse than he had ever done. She told him that he (the nephew) had never gotten baptized so he was never disfellowshipped.
So her brother, treated harshly by their widowed mother since his father died when the boy was three years old, and bullied into baptism, is the pariah. (I was very close to this family, this is first-hand observation.)
Then my old girlfriend made this comment: "Of course, [congregation name withheld] was really disfellowship-happy back then. If he'd been in another congregation... " and trailed off. "Oh well," she said.
Apparently her brother has not felt the need to try to become reinstated. What his "spiritual" life may be, I don't know. Whatever it is, I suspect he's far more mentally healthy than had he let himself be manipulated.