I am 17 years old. I went to the same church for 8 years (from the time I was seven years old until I was fifteen). Then my family decided to go to another church. The current church we go to is awesome. I love it. But the youth group...Really sux. Mean kids, no youth pastor anymore (just a college intern who is derrogatory and degrading to some of the kids and plays favorites). So I've decided to quit youth group. But at the same time, I still miss it. I miss the social interaction (I'm homeschooled :P) and the spirtual learning and Bible lessons. SO....I wanna join a new youth group.I' thinking about trying the youth group at my old church. They have a youth blog on the web, so I know when yg is and everything,BUT...HERE'S THE PROBLEM... WOULDN'T IT SEEM REALLY AWKWARD AND WEIRD IF I JUST SHOWED UP..WITHOUT BEING INVITED? I mean like what would I say, "um, hey, I used to go to this church and I know you have a youth group cuz I've been like stalking the youth group blog?" LOL. ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO GET MYSELF INVITED OR GO WITHOUT IT BEING LIKE...WEIRD?LOL