if the world was made in 6 days and adem and eve where made on the 6th day then what about the dinosaurs?
2010-02-23 21:09:19 UTC
ok when i was walking today i thought about how could the world only be made in 6 days.Since adem and eve were made on the 6th day, but scientist say that dinosaurs where hear before humans and they wher hear millons of years before us
23 answers:
2010-02-23 21:52:59 UTC
Consider the following;

Science only discovered dinosaurs in the 1820s.

The word "dinosaur" is a recent word (1840s).

Dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible in parts that were authored thousands of years ago (Behemoth & Leviathan)

The Bible also mentions "Dragons" which would be an apt description of a dinosaur (giant reptilian creature)

Almost every culture on earth has ancient stories about giant reptilian creatures.

Collagen has been discovered in T-rex bones. Observed science has demonstrated that collagen cannot remain intact beyond 3 million years - even under perfect lab conditions for preservation.

Yet "popular" science tells us that the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago - using dating methods that rely heavily on unjustified assumptions. So whilst this conclusion is widely accepted, it is far from scientifically proved.

The evidence could easily (and reasonably) be interpreted to conclude that humans have in fact seen dinosaurs. This would be consistent with the Biblical account of dinosaurs being created with all the other animals.

Notice that the discrepancy is not between the Bible and the scientific evidence. The contradictions are between the Bible and scientific "interpretations" or speculations regarding the evidence.


2010-02-23 21:28:53 UTC
The Bible tells us that all land dwelling creatures were created on the sixth day. This includes both dinosaurs and humans. Scientists view the data around them with a bias of millions of years while creationists view the data around them with a biblical bias. The evidence is explainable with a literal interpretation of the creation account and the flood account of Noah. A global flood would have created the pressure and layering necessary to produce the rock layering we see all around the world. Dinosaurs and man could have live at the same periods of history. There is a reason why nearly every culture has some sort of dragon lore. These tales are accounts of people's interactions with dinosaurs. There is even an account of Alexander the great fighting a dragon. The Bible also records examples of dinosaurs. There is a passage in Job that describes the behemoth which is said to be enormous and have the tail of a cedar tree. Isaiah also mentions dragons and flying serpents. Because the word dinosaur did not enter the English language until several centuries after the Bible was translated into English these could all be describing dinosaurs. Also there are ancient cave carvings and cave drawings in Utah that depict animals that look like brachiosaurus and pterodactyls. How could these drawings and carvings exist without our ancestors actually seeing these creatures? The biblical account of creation and the flood explain our world perfectly. The belief that the world is millions of years old is an incorrect interpretation of the data.

If you need more information and scientifically recorded data check out
2016-02-29 06:55:42 UTC
Yeah..... I have read a a study bible which suggest that the first account in Genesis is a general summary of God creating the world and what was in it. The account of Adam was a specific account of how he came to be, how the human species came into existance and how Eve came into being. According to Scripture Adam was the first Human. Eve came from Adam. These were very unusual circumstances because neither were born. According to the account they came into the world aas adults. Biologically a man has all the genetic components to make a woman. A woman does not have a Y chromosome and cannot make a man.
2010-02-23 21:17:39 UTC
Be prepared for the virile hippopotamus in Job to be called a dinosaur. Also mythical monsters mentioned in the Bible like a giant, multi-headed crocodile and fire breathing dragons.

I'm not saying that ancient peoples never ran across a fossil and based a monster off of it. There's speculation that griffins were first imagined after some Minoans found a Protoceretops fossil skull. So maybe Biblical myths of giants and other monsters were influenced by fossils. But there were no living dinosaurs.


I guess it's mostly OEC tonight. With the whole day-age model. What "day" was the sun created in Gen 1, and what "day" were plants created? How about birds and land animals? Ya... day-age doesn't match up either. Gen 1 explicitly says that a day is "daytime-nighttime". Not "indefinite period of time".
The Former Dr. Bob
2010-02-23 21:19:06 UTC
You ask a good question. But science may just have the answer.

As space stretches (and that's what it does as the Universe expands,) time slows. One astrophysicist, Gerald Schroeder, has looked at this time dilation factor and put a pencil to the numbers. His result is that he says the Universe looks much older at the edges than it does where we are. And if we divide our distance from the center of the Universe by the time dilation factor, guess how old Schroeder figures the Universe appears to be, at its starting point?

That's right: six days.

It may be that the Universe really is just six days old, and it only appears to be older based upon where in the Universe you're standing.

Personally, I think that's very cool. Once again, scripture gets support from science.
2010-02-23 21:22:16 UTC
Eve was a second attempt. Lilith was created at the same time as Adam and was his equal Genesis 1:27-28.

When she dared to ask for some control over when and how she was fruit filled and multiplied she was kicked out of Eden along with her kids!

God then took a rib of Adam's and made the less equal and more controllable Eve Genesis 2:20-23

So Eve had a built in flaw. She was unquestioning obedient not just to God or Adam but any talking snake that happened by...

So the fall wasn't through disobedience but mindless obedience.

Lilith wouldn't have fallen for the trick though she may have tried the fruit out of curiosity?

Wonder where Cain and Seth etc found wives? In those days angels descended to earth from heaven to "know" mortal women and there were already many fallen angels lurking about.

Lilith's kids. Some half sisters, some half Angels and some little devils

Pure assumption on my part but I think Lilith was a redhead and Eve a blond!

dinosaurs? in here before birds

20 Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.” 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

24 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so.
2010-02-23 21:22:41 UTC
I read somewhere that Adam and Eve

were 90 feet tall. Now I don't know if its true

or not. But if they were that tall,

they would be taller than dinosaurs,

and maybe dinosaurs looked like dogs or

something to them.

And as people got shorter and shorter over time,

the dinosaurs died out, so they wouldn't be a danger

to people and the "man rules over all animals of the

earth" would still be true. There are some dangerous

animals now, but none as dangerous as a bunch of

dinosaurs would be to us today.

Maybe people were once Taller than the dinosaurs.
2010-02-23 21:14:18 UTC
They were created the same day as all the rest of the land animals. The Bible even speaks of Leviathan which is a sea monster and other large animals. Got questions go to the answers in Genesis Website. Google search it.
2010-02-23 21:24:15 UTC
One must remember that the bible is a work of man(don't disagree with me on this I know it to be true and so do you) as a work of man it is subject to fault and change. The bible is meant to teach moral right not scientific right. Abraham believed, through virtue of the absurd although the bible can technically be said to be absurd in present light I ask was has not once been absurd to the general public. Time changes the perspective and the reality of truth. Read more into the non-canonical gospels if you really want to see what I meant in the bible is a work of man...
h nitrogen
2010-02-23 21:13:26 UTC
Its known pretty much that the timing tools available to science today does not match up with the biblical account. Of course science changes dates of things by 100;s of millions of years all the time, but its just one of those mysteries.
2010-02-23 21:14:16 UTC
The word "day" is used because of a poor translation; the same word in Greek can also mean "period of time." Make that substitution, and there is very little conflict between Genesis and scientists. Dinosaurs would be included in one of the earlier "days" (e.g. time periods), whichever covers land animals.
i aint know
2010-02-23 21:19:13 UTC
Adam named all the animals so the origional dinosaurs were called AHH....RUN AWAY...!!!
2010-02-23 21:15:04 UTC
The dinosaurs lived on old earth. Then God took it apart and put it back together again
2010-02-23 21:13:13 UTC
dinosaurs were probably in the first couple days......each day was like a few billion years. What a great way to make fossil fuel
Aaron Phillips
2010-02-23 21:11:57 UTC
Just ask yourself.

A book that was made by men thousands of years ago that didn't even know about dinosaurs vs what science is telling us now-a-days.

It shouldn't be too hard to figure out which one is not the best one to follow.
2010-02-23 21:11:26 UTC
Okay, brace yourself for one of the most ridiculous things EVER...

YECs think dinosaurs and man lived together harmoniously...REALLY bizarre.
2010-02-23 21:11:14 UTC
Those were really long days
2010-02-23 21:27:40 UTC
adam and eve had to wait for their dina credit cards
2010-02-23 21:11:21 UTC
The world was formed over 4.5 billion years*
2010-02-23 21:11:35 UTC
Dino's (Dragons) were made the same time as land animals. Cave writings show men and Dragons lived together
2010-02-23 21:11:39 UTC
That was on Thursday around midnight when he was smoking a joint.
2010-02-23 21:11:34 UTC
the bible does not include the dinosaurs.
2010-02-23 21:11:02 UTC
Don't ask questions! Jayzuss will kill u sinner!

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