evolution is fact y cant christians get there head around that?
2006-09-25 15:05:07 UTC
for this reason i dont buy the whole god thing dont see anything wrong in it brings people together and generally does good in the community that is(across the world another matter but i wont get in to that ).makes me laugh how christians would rather beleive in adam and eve and all there insestuous down syndrome children than facts and logic if they admitted to this would that mean its all a sham i want some decent answers not ignorant stuff please .
29 answers:
2006-09-25 15:46:42 UTC
There arn't any facts, just theories. The best theory will fit the evidence. Empirical scientific theory can predict a set of results from an experiment or effect to extremely high degrees of accuracy, if the theory is good i.e. Einstein's Theory of Relativity has survived gruelling examination for nearly 100 years and has been proved to be greater than 99.95% correct. Newtons' Laws of Motion are extremely accurate for relatively slow moving objects (sub light speed) and are the laws used to calculate the necessary parameters to send objects into space. Newton's Laws have been around for over 350 years. The science of Quantum Mechanics has been around for almost a century and without it we wouldn't have lasers, electronics, the Internet, computing etc etc On the other hand we have the various established religious doctrines that prove nothing, and are forever changing beliefs to suit the climate. Arguments by various established religious groups generally consist of sophisticated word play and semantics. However, despite my waffle, I can't honestly say I'm a true Atheist, but I certainly have no patience with the organised religions that are on offer.
2006-09-25 16:55:40 UTC
Evolution, like Creation, is a theory, not a fact. To ridicule those who have a different opinion or belief than you is unnecessary. People on both sides of the argument can lay out pretty convincing evidence for their sides. For me, my faith makes more sense to me that scientific THEORY. That doesn't make me wrong or ignorant, it is what I choose to believe.

However, if you do want some actual facts...FACT: Down syndrome is not caused by incest. I appreciate that you somewhat apologized for the remark, but I think you may actually believe that there is a correlation between Down syndrome and incest, and if you check the SCIENTIFIC FACTS, you will see that simply isn't the case.

I really don't understand why people get so angry over a difference of opinion. My faith and belief in Creation doesn't hurt why get so riled up about it? Put that energy into something positive and you'll feel much better.
2006-09-25 15:39:18 UTC
I don't think that this is generally true of Christians, in fact. Most Christians do believe that the scientific explanations are correct. It is only a few crazies who think that the Bible is literally true. These people do not even read their own Bible, for if they did they would realise that it cannot be read in that way.

It is just that the fundamentalists are the ones who shout their heads off all the time. These people do not in general do any good for the community or human kind in general. They go to third world countries and preach at kids with boxes of chicken dinners piled up behind them to make sure that the kids at least pretend to listen. They do eye operations on poor old people even though they aren't qualified to do them, and go back leaving the people in a worse state than they were. They are ignorant and cruel. They are terrorists who kill in the name of Life. These are the people you should be questioning, not the average Christian, who is not like that.

I think you are also wrong to bring Downs syndrome into the question. I don't know what that has to do with your question, and you should not link it to incest. Downs syndrome is NOT caused by incest. It is a genetic condition, which is more common among the children of older mothers. I think that what you wrote could be quite hurtful.
2006-09-26 04:34:42 UTC
I am a Christian but I am also very open minded and I want to find the truth regardless of what that is. I am not overly well educated but I am fairly intelligent and certainly don't just accept what I am told without question ( in fact I am known as the frustrating question lady by my fellow church members). I wonder why you think evolution is fact, actually last time I checked even the scientists still called it a theory because it was unproven, One of the biggest questions I have about evolution is that if all things evolved to better survive in their environments then why things evolved with such variaty, why are there elephants, zebras, monkeys etc that all exist in the same environment, why did they all evolve so very differently? there is macro evolution, which is what you are talking about and micro evolution which is a proven fact, things change minorly to adjust to their environments, I think this explains why people, although genetically the same creature look diffirent according to where they are from. It actually amazes me how people think creation is so hard to believe but they accept the big bang theory and evolution is taught in school in such a way that people who don't ask questions think it is a proven fact when actually it is not, I wonder if thats because if God is not true then we can live our lives without accountability, look around you, use your mind and ask questions don't just let people spoon feed you crap.
2006-09-25 15:57:58 UTC
Decent answers? Do you mean answers that suit your opinion?

Evolution? I have seen many attempt to prove the facts, but all have fallen. Did you ever see a half human-monkey or ape? Have you ever seen a fish walk out of the water and breathe through something other than its gills? The list can go on.

Science, i.e. secular science even disproves much of its own theories. The Big Bang - well the universe is still expanding according to a TV programme I watched today. But a few months ago scientists on TV were saying that the Big Bang has too many difficulties and cannot be a representative model.

Remember the rock from Mars found at the south pole? Hoe did they know it came from Mars? Was it stamped "Made on Mars?" A couple of months later it was discovered that the bacteria found on that bit of rock was not from Mars, but from human contamination. Was this 'fact' spread all over the TV and newspapers? Was it heck! But it is still a fact.

Non-Christian geneticists have stated that they can prove that all human life can be traced back to one pair of humans. Is this humbug because it does not fit your theory?

Do your own independent research and form your own conclusions rather than much of the wrong information found on TV and the net. I've done my own research into weird things and found the evidence for myself.

I don't care in what you believe, but try to present some facts that can be verified rather than some sweeping statement. You sais that evolution is fact, so go ahead and provide the proof!
good tree
2006-09-26 01:57:42 UTC
Nobody can 'prove' evolution, not can they prove creation, as there is nobody who has seen either of these forces at work, whatever the scientists say. However, this shouldn't be an issue at all, christianity is not based on belief in creation but belief in Jesus. It's far more honest to look at the claims Jesus made about who he is and explore that than to hide behind the evolution/creation debate. Christianity is about the loving and selfless act that Jesus did for us, to take us back into a relationship with God. How you got to be where you are today doesn't matter, it's how you respond to Jesus that does.
2006-09-25 15:21:57 UTC
Much as I hate the fundamentalist Christian nonsense, evolution is not fact, it is theory.

It is the best explanation we have of the observations we have made of life on Earth, but as scientists we accept that should new observations contradict our theory, we would have to modify it.

That's where we differ from the fundamentalists - they would rather deny any new evidence rather than modify their explanation.

If you don't want ignorant stuff as answers, perhaps avoiding prejudiced nonsense like "Adam and Eve's incestuous Down's Syndrome children" might get you taken seriously. And some grammar in your question might help.
2006-09-25 15:16:05 UTC
I am a Christian and I believe in evolution. I just don't necessarily believe in a big bang to begin life. You cannot prove to me that God did not create before life evolved. On the other hand, I have seen evidence in my own life that He does exist and I have yet to find one word of the Bible that can be conclusively disproven. God is the creator, period. That doesn't mean evolution is a hoax. It just means that human understanding, to date, has not fully reconciled the true chain of events. I don't think we will because then choice is no longer an issue. If the two ever came together fully, facts would be the choice instead of faith. Can you prove to me that God did not create before evolution?
2006-09-25 15:09:15 UTC
Christians don't deny evolution as a scientific fact, they just believe in more like all things began from a creator.

Not from nothing. Which was scienticifally proven is impossible. Christianity and evolution are both theories, and both have the same amount of evidence. Tell me; can you tell me right now with every bone in your body that evolution did occur? No. Because it was in the part, and no amount of "evidence" can prove it without you being there, in the present.

Now it is time to get your facts straight, evolution can in no way be proved, niether can Christianity.
Mr Glenn
2006-09-25 15:09:17 UTC
I can't add much, I agree with you.

How anyone can ignore the facts and accept a book instead, that was written over a period of 1600 years, I just cannot understand.

Do you think they believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy too??

I just read someone else's post....the two points Creation and Evolution DO NOT have the same amount of evidence in any way.

It is impossible to debate this issue with morons who simply have 'faith'....and they say "it's true because I believe it"

What complete $hit.
2006-09-26 01:04:07 UTC
So you believe something you can't see. You believe something that is written in books. You believe something that is declared by man. You believe something that has only a few facts to back it up. Wait a minute. Doesn't that sound a lot like us Christians? What you have is faith. Faith in something that you really can't prove. You where not there millions of years ago, so you can't prove that we had a big bang, that we came from apes, that dinosaurs lived millions of years before mankind. You only have what mankind has said and written. Sounds to me what you have not real facts, only faith. PROVE IT!
2006-09-25 15:37:17 UTC
So whats prejudiced about stating that adam and Eve's children were incestuous - it seems to be obvious from the bible and our very existance that they were - Unless of course the bible was mistaken in some way and evolution had something to do with us being here
2006-09-25 15:13:05 UTC
Be careful not to not group all into one would do better and be more convincing if you had facts on both sides of the question.....I am agree with you that evolution is fact...I disagree with you that because a person is Christian they do not get that....your statements are a strong example of prejudice which makes your statements weak at best....
2006-09-25 15:14:05 UTC
What if God exists, and man was created through the Process of Evolution, as thought has only limited effect in a physical reality.

The Bible was written to keep the child minds occupied; living in their world of ignorance and happy la la hand clapping...

Once old enough (about 8 or 9) you give the bible up and live your life in accordance to to moralistic stories you learnt as a Child...
Alex P
2006-09-25 15:16:09 UTC
do a web search for the prominent scientist . sir antony flew. i think you will find the newspaper articles interesting. also if you really have an enquiring mind order the book - ' shattering the myths of darwinism ' written by Richard Milton , published by park street press. probably you are just on the wind up though, i doubt you will have the courage of your convictions to buy the book i just suggested it would probably damage your 'faith'
2006-09-25 15:49:32 UTC
I have yet to hear evolution and fact in the same pronouncement. Whenever I hear about it it's always been labeled a "theory". There's a really good reason for that. They can't prove it!
2006-09-25 15:10:30 UTC
yes i understand but i think people need something more to believe in, you see its what makes people want to live a good life and do the right thing if that makes sense to you, and i agree did you see that thing in the paper about the apes, the evidence is there! xx
2006-09-25 15:13:14 UTC
Evolution is a fact. Evolution is still going on and that's a fact! can you get your head around that ?
2006-09-25 15:09:19 UTC
because it goes against the bible. although there are some christians who accept a form of evolution.
2006-09-25 21:52:21 UTC
I agree with you so much, and i'm even an american! there are so many people who are still religious here compared to europe.
2006-09-25 15:10:51 UTC
religious nutters are hellbent on preaching the word of "ahem" God.

What a load of cr@p that is.

If they want to keep it to themselves that's fine by me, but don't keep going on about it to people like me who just do not want to hear it
2006-09-25 15:18:44 UTC
i don't understand that either considering how much evidence there is to show how we have evolved and still are evolving
2006-09-25 15:07:32 UTC
because they are in denial with their heads firmly jammed up their own arses
2006-09-25 15:10:13 UTC
You believe what you want and I'll do the same.
2006-09-25 15:43:17 UTC
sorry, I can't even get my head round your spelling.
2006-09-25 15:11:02 UTC
I agree - they don't want to deal with reality.!!
2006-09-25 15:08:38 UTC
evolution is not fact, for indeed it is a myth
2006-09-25 15:12:22 UTC
WRong then why are you in here at all???
2006-09-25 15:07:28 UTC
because it is not necessary for their faith?

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