Is science destroying religion?
2016-03-26 01:08:01 UTC
Is science destroying religion?
54 answers:
Space Wasp
2016-03-26 18:01:14 UTC
Yes and no.

The religious beliefs that many have adhered to in the past, and some still cling to today, such as the idea that the Earth is flat and that the Earth and all life on it were created in a literal 6 days (as well as similar beliefs) are gradually being shown to be false as science discovers more.

Like the religions of old, many religions will eventually be relegated to 'fictitious myth' as people become more educated, but some religions are able to adapt and 'absorb' scientific discoveries and new religions that accommodate known science will doubtless arise in the future.
2016-03-26 01:19:00 UTC
Education is destroying religion. Science isn't at war with religion, and would happily totally ignore it. Science seeks only to observe and explain the natural world around us. It's actually religion that is at war with science, since what we see in the real world often conflicts with the static mythologies taught by religion, at least when scriptures are interpreted fundamentally and literally. It's not science's fault that the evidence for an ancient Earth is overwhelming, it's religion's fault for not recognizing reality as it becomes clear to us. That's only a criticism of Young Earth Creationism, since most believers recognize that reality, but the point is that where the evidence is overwhelming it requires willful ignorance to cling to literal interpretations of religious scripture, and that inability to recognize flaws in its teachings is what will destroy religion, not science.




2016-03-26 21:29:06 UTC
Like most people today, you've gotten the idea that science is the opposite of religion. It is not. When people use the word "science" these days, they're always talking about people who investigate the physical world. What they overlook is that there are also metaphysical sciences, which most people don't seem to realize. When I've said that religion itself is a science, people roll their eyes because they immediately think of irrational, emotional Christians. So because of that, they can't believe that religion is any kind of science. Religion that isn't scientific isn't religion. Scientists who dismiss metaphysics and spirituality are not being scientific in their thinking. The people here on Y/A are largely non-thinkers. They jump to conclusions, they have no idea what the word "religion" means - and they have no idea what "science" means. Yet they get online and make insulting comments against religion. Is that rational? No, of course not. They'll get onto a forum and praise "science" without even knowing what science is. That means that most people are not capable of analytical thinking. And THAT is why there are so many ignorant anti-religion people online who praise "science." It is true that modern-day organized religious organizations have distorted the original teachings from ancient times. As a result, people who are brought up in those traditions very often walk away from them when they grow up. BUT ... they never bother to investigate and ask, "What IS religion?" And these are the people who end up praising "science" and laughing at religion for the rest of their ignorant lives. No, the physical sciences are not "destroying religion." Religion is doing just fine ... BUT ... many people are leaving their various churches/temples/mosques/synagogues because the people who taught them didn't actually know the origins of that particular tradition and couldn't answer all of the inevitable questions. And that's why so many people leave the religious life. But religion isn't going to die. Not completely. And those who believe that "science" is "better" than religion are among the non-thinkers of the world. No one seems to investigate anymore. They just get emotional, hurl some insults, and they believe that they've made a point. The modern physical sciences are full of people who refuse to investigate the non-physical. Doesn't it only make sense to say that a real scientist wants to know all of the facts of this life? Why, then, are there so many physical scientists who maintain such a narrow view of life, who talk about nothing but atoms, molecules, chemicals, and biology? Why do they refuse to look beyond all of that? I'll tell you: Because if they did, if (when) they found out that a non-physical realm exists, they'd have to publicly state, "I was wrong!" they'd have to re-write all of their books, they'd lose face, they'd lose credibility. That's why. Science is actually a part of religion. The ancients did not separate science and religion. The fact that modern people DO separate them means that they don't know what either science or religion is ...
2016-03-26 01:11:02 UTC
Scientists will suggest they are 'helping' religion - some scientists are quite religious and the two can fit together to some extent. I think science is generally helping explain many things that were previously only supported by religion. If that means some people, like me, tend to go with science rather than the doctrine of religion, that's understandable. People these days don't have to blindly follow what they are being told by religious leaders. And that can only be healthy?
2016-03-26 01:18:12 UTC
Science works alright. When science is applied you get things like vaccines, computers, and rocket ships none of which can be achieve by praying.

Science in many ways is ridding the way of the stupidiest superstitious beliefs, while religion will likely stay for a while. Science is here to get rid of the wackiest ones as quick as possible like worshiping a fruit or something.
2016-03-27 02:39:52 UTC
No, of course not. If anything, many forms of science actually build on and support religion. Remember that science is not limited to Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
2016-03-28 05:34:20 UTC
No, because it doesn't just come down and destroy churches or the faithful (well, maybe in a way it does) but there will always be believers, so science can'y destroy religion.
Think Different
2016-03-26 01:16:43 UTC
No, if religion is being destroyed it is religion's own self destruction. Science is just paving the way out of the ignorance that religion has made for itself with scriptures that were man made lies. Science is not out to destroy religions it is out to find answers. Science means simply 'to know'.
2016-03-26 10:20:09 UTC
Yes. More people are leaving religion, some are trying to claim religion is compatible with science but truthfully it's not. Science questions everything and tries to figure how everything was created and how life on Earth got here. Scientists, particularly astrophysicists and astronomers, actively try to disprove their theories. Religion and religious people say God created everything and God created life not trying to disprove it. Religion tries to umbrella many things accomplished by the scientific community to say it's compatible with religion (really because religion is a dying organization and does this to continue it's longevity).
the brick
2016-03-27 13:45:47 UTC
Actually science confirms the validity of the Bible. Those that would say the Bible claims the earth to be flat clearly don't know what the Bible says. The Bible, in the book of Job, talks about the circle of the earth that hangs on nothing. When this was written science , at the time believed the earth was flat, and no one had ever seen earth from space. So in this case, it proves the validity of the Bible. There are many such cases in scripture if one would take the time to research God's word. Find the truth and the truth will set you free...there is only one truth and it really has nothing to do with religion.
2016-03-26 08:14:25 UTC
As muslim I don't think so. If you study religion, you will find science in it. Every Religion teaches its followers how to lead their lives in a better and scientific way. So I don't think that science is destroying religion.
2016-03-26 04:09:56 UTC
Of course not since science is the search for truth and reality!

Truth and reality obviously makes people examine their beliefs but the thing that is destroying religion is nothing to do with science and all to do with the terrible intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution by Christians towards others!
2016-03-27 13:22:09 UTC
Science & Religion are not in opposition.

They are 2 approaches to study reality.

Science deals with the physical world.

Religion deals with the spiritual world.

Science studies how things came to be.

Religion explains why things came to be.
2016-03-27 02:12:54 UTC
Anyone who uses science to try and destroy religions is drifting from the very essence of what science is.
2016-03-28 02:31:43 UTC
in a sense science does destroy religion. science has debunked plenty of religious claims like the earth is the center of the universe, the moon is a source of light, demons are responsible for diseases, the list goes on. with every discovery and proof positive claims in the scientific community, religion looses its "magical influence" on thinking people. however, it is not the aim of science to destroy religion. science only aims to know the world around us using scientific methods. nothing more, nothing less.
Richard English
2016-03-26 04:04:10 UTC
Science is all about finding things out. The more science finds out the less likely becomes the idea of a deity and thus religion.
2016-03-26 17:35:41 UTC

*** g02 6/8 p. 4 How Did the Universe and Life Originate? *** NOTE A POWERFUL STATEMENT:

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”—Albert Einstein

COULD IT BE that Einstein was referencing both truths AND falsehoods in science // & truths AND false hoods in religion?

Is Evolution a Scientific Theory?

What qualifies a theory as a scientific theory? According to the Encyclopedia of Scientific Principles, Laws, and Theories, a scientific theory, such as Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity, must::

Note the subject "Is Evolution a Scientific Theory" From 13 min. audio/ article : "Your Cells--Living Libraries" @

1. Be observable

2. Be reproducible by controlled experiments

3. Make accurate predictions

In that light, where does evolution stand? * Its operation cannot be observed. It cannot be reproduced. And it cannot make accurate predictions. Can evolution even be considered a scientific hypothesis? The same encyclopedia defines a hypothesis as “a more tentative observation of facts [than a theory],” yet lends itself “to deductions that can be experimentally tested.”

RELIGION & its teachings can be revealed as true or false with scrutiny: As stated in the powerful principles as


(Hebrews 11:1) “11 Faith is the ASSURED expectation of what is hoped for, the EVEDENT demonstration of REALATIES that are not seen. . .” ---THOSE 3 powerful words high lighted can prove religious truth or false hoods!

3 of the notorious religious false hoods made such by the following doctrine not any where in the Bible:

Trinity, hellfire, immortality of the soul etc.

2016-03-26 09:59:12 UTC
Jews and Christians prove the validity of science or its mistakes. In the Bible it proves the earth is NOT flat because God sits upon the CIRCLE of the earth. He also names the stars and their functions and also the main planets... Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter and Saturn...Sun and moon. 7 are named. They are the ones that affect the earth.

Science changes all the time. They find out they are wrong and search some more. I am watching a program now on the Science channel called "What on Earth" and they are finding out how little they know. It is earth as viewed from satellites in space.
2016-03-28 02:09:22 UTC
Science doesn't destroy religion. People does.
2016-03-26 13:37:51 UTC
the religious right has started to affront the majority of society on three major issues: [1]religion vs. science, [2]. religion vs government, [3]religion vs truth.

the religion vs. government: recently, some catholic nuns were saying that they felt a moral obligation to force their religious views on others; while many good christians passed laws restricting bathroom use because they were afraid of gays using the rest rooms where they do. so, the ultra-conservative protestants were not far behind in attacking american democracy.

it seems a little late to say it, but the 98% of the country is already christian. this where "christianity vs. truth" is most active. the reasoning is that there is a true religion, yet christianity has about 6000-different religions in the USA all declaring theirs to be the only truth. when they get over themselves, then they might have a religious debate to establish the truth of christian religion.

religion vs. science is self-defeating since most religions have absorbed science into their religion (sociology or psychology) and only claim it is their religion. the others, like evolution-deniers' seemly wish to ignore the facts of life, like that would prove the truth of their religion. too bad, they wish to replace science with creationism in our schools. falls far short of intelligent science.

when you have 98% of the people being christian in the community, then 98% of the crime in the community is christian-on-christian. who are we trying to protect ourselves from, the 98% of the community that is christian. we probably need more police.
2016-03-26 01:14:04 UTC


Who Is to Blame—You or Your Genes?


SCIENTISTS are hard at work to try to find genetic causes for alcoholism, homosexuality, promiscuity, violence, other aberrant behavior, and even for death itself. Would it not be a relief to find that we are not responsible for our actions but are merely victims of biology? It is human nature to blame someone or something else for our errors.

If the genes are to blame, scientists hold out the possibility of changing them, eliminating undesirable traits through genetic engineering. The recent success in mapping the entire human genome has given such aspirations new impetus.

This scenario, however, is based on the premise that our genetic endowment is, indeed, the villain responsible for all our sins and errors. Have the scientific detectives found enough evidence to make a case against our genes? Obviously, the answer will profoundly affect how we see ourselves and our future.
2016-03-26 01:12:28 UTC
False religion
2016-03-28 06:51:22 UTC
No. In fact ; science is Proving the Bible correct. For example; way before Isaac Newton; the Bible thought us about gravity. Job 26:7 reads; "He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, Suspending the earth upon nothing." This is just one example for there are many others.
2016-05-29 08:02:17 UTC
as muslim i don't think so... if you study religion, you shall find science in it... every religion teaches its followers how to lead their lives in a better and scientific way... so i don't think that science is destroying religion...
2016-03-28 05:07:02 UTC
Shouldn't be if religion is strong enough.

Mo University Lecturer Atheist
2016-03-26 17:34:26 UTC made religion is just that

but make no mistake so is man made science

BOTH are contrary to the TRUTH

real science refutes the pseudo science you follow

and a Real GOD refutes man made religion
2016-03-26 23:39:25 UTC
No. In fact true science supports the Bible. Are you aware that most of the founders of nearly all the scientific disciplines were Christians? Want examples of the bias of modern mainstream science -- it lies in what they don't tell you ---
2016-03-27 01:00:49 UTC
If science is destroy7ng religion, then what good is faith?
2016-03-26 01:23:14 UTC
No, especially when it comes to Christianity.

The latest is C14 testing of dino bones showing them the same age as ancient human fossils, thus corroborating the biblical account of humans and dinos coexisting and therefore totally nuking evolutionism.

And athee-evos, don’t waste your breath commenting with your ad hoc explanation that for some inexplicable reason, technicians can routinely properly prepare mammoth and giant sloth fossilized bones for C14 testing, ensuring there is no contamination and thus get accurate dates, but when it comes to dino bones, they are simply clueless and can never seem to get the same decontamination protocols to work right, thus the bones are always contaminated giving false readings showing C14 in them. You guys believe that, and then accuse us YECs of having a credibility problem?
2016-03-26 02:51:09 UTC
Science doesn't destroy human spirituality because science explains the "HOW" and the spirituality explains the "WHY"...

"The heavens are declaring the glory of God;

The skies above proclaim the work of his hands.

 2 Day after day their speech bubbles forth,

And night after night they reveal knowledge.

 3 There is no speech, and there are no words;

Their voice is not heard" (Psalms 19:1-3. Bible).
brother trucker
2016-03-26 02:26:13 UTC
No it isn't but a highly imagined set of unfounded theories are destroying logic.
2016-03-28 02:20:20 UTC
I hope so.

Religion is slavery and death.

Science is life and truth.
2016-03-26 16:49:48 UTC
science and religion come from the same source, so no
2016-03-26 05:12:24 UTC
"There remains a vast store of knowledge that is beyond human perception and understanding. Admittedly, the words of the apostle Paul,written nearly 2,000 years ago,still hold true: “O the depth of God s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments are and beyond tracing out his ways are!”—Romans11:33"

This quote comes directly from the article linked below and could help with this question:

Happy reading!
2016-03-26 15:25:38 UTC
religion and science went hand in hand before the dark ages(christianity)
2016-03-26 13:21:55 UTC
Watch all the smart people in this world who think they have all the answers and are more clever than God are about to find out otherwise.

This is going to happen soon and take everyone by surprise.
2016-03-26 01:25:06 UTC
maybe. on the other hand, religion is also destroying religion. one person may have cherished religious ideas which to another person are nonsense unworthy of consideration.
2016-03-26 01:08:58 UTC
2016-03-26 01:14:46 UTC
It is. We need to keep our traditions so that we can hold our communities together and respect the elderly. Godlessness is increasing disrespect and more science is increasing godlessness.
2016-03-26 17:32:44 UTC
Religion still grows, check your facts!
2016-03-26 01:53:06 UTC
Hardly. Science is the study of what God has created.
2016-03-28 00:06:00 UTC
science brings comfort to work and in every prospects.
2016-03-26 08:39:18 UTC
No but science is more and more proving the bible to be true
2016-03-26 01:15:07 UTC
Not really.. the religious will take what is said to be literal in the bible to be metaphorical if proven otherwise
2016-03-26 01:32:02 UTC
No.. Sin is destroying it.
Brigalow Bloke
2016-03-27 05:15:31 UTC
Not before time either
2016-03-26 13:39:39 UTC
2016-03-26 08:35:46 UTC
It sure doesn't look like it.
2016-03-26 21:31:24 UTC
Not fast enough
2016-03-26 06:00:31 UTC
2016-03-26 13:15:31 UTC
I hope so
2016-03-26 07:18:22 UTC
NO- its CULT'S such as JW!!!!!
2016-03-26 01:10:44 UTC
allah wont permitt it
2016-03-27 02:14:16 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.