Why do some Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to step foot inside a Church?
2015-10-08 22:28:19 UTC
Most of my family is Roman Catholic with the exception of my older brother who converted to the Jehovah's Witness faith.Ever since he became a Jehovah's Witness things have not been the same,he no longer celebrates Christmas,Birthdays,Thanksgiving,Halloween,Easter and it saddens the whole family to the core to realize that he has been distancing himself from us and rarely visits us and what upset all of us was that he did not attend my aunt's private funeral since it was being held inside a Catholic Church and he did not want to go inside the church and he did not want to hear anything the Catholic priest was to say. We all feel we lost our brother in life and he is no longer the happy, cheerful ,funny guy he use to be, it's as iff his new religion swallowed up his identity.When we talk to him he acts different and doesn't have the same personality.I hope to have explained myself since I have tried my best.
46 answers:
2015-10-10 04:40:39 UTC
It is not a rule. It is a conscience matter per individual. I am one of Jehovah's Witness and have been to different churches to attend funerals. So now the question is: why do some Jehovah's Witnesses step foot inside of churches? Or why do some people not listen to Jehovah's witnesses? It is simply a matter of preference.
2015-10-10 07:42:40 UTC
First let me ask you this: Have YOU ever gone to a meeting with him? Have you ever met any of his friends from the Hall? What about just having one on one time with each and just talk? Before you think something is wrong with him, ASK questions first. There is a reason Jehovah's Witnesses do not attend church or celebrate the holidays. Do realize that more than half the population knows that Christmas has nothing to do with Christ? Do you even know HOW Christmas started? People think that Jehovah's Witnesses are blind followers of Christ but that's not true. A lot of "holidays" are stemmed from pagan rituals. They have NOTHING to do with Christianity. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I can send you so many links that supports this but I would rather YOU do the research yourself so no one can claim you are being tricked or lied to by one of the Witnesses. But I will do this, look up the history of Christmas in Boston, MA (spoiler alert): Christmas was BANNED in the state of Massachusetts because it had NOTHING to with Christ and other states did as well. This will be the only link I will send you not because I cannot back up what I have said about the holidays BUT because I want YOU to do the research for yourself. If you want, ONLY if you want, I can talk to you some more about our beliefs. Do your research on the Puritans who came from England.
2015-10-10 15:10:49 UTC
The witnesses have their own church which they believe superior to all others. Therefore, they do not want to be associated in any way with other churches. Many are so fanatical about this that even for a funeral they refuse to enter other churches. While they surely would be right in not wanting to go to common church services, their own funeral services are seen as great opportunities to spread their concept of the gospel to non-wt people.

As to them refusing Christmas, well, so do I. It is a pagan rite, and Christ wasn't born that month.

Birthdays are another fanatical view that the Wt church uses to separate the adherents to this church from all family members not belonging to this church. They have little interest in family or anything not related to their church. I am reminded of what Jesus said,

Matthew 23:13, “Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men; for YOU yourselves do not go in, neither do YOU permit those on their way in to go in. ”

They convert people to their church and then forbid the common member from partaking of Christ during their Lord's supper. I hope God forgives their members who have been led astray, but surely the church is damned.
2015-10-11 12:57:23 UTC
Before I became a Jehovah's witnesses I tried others religions and researched others. I became dissatisfied with religion. I did know much about what the Bible taught, but I did know about morals. The things that was done in the name of religions from both Protestant and Catholic made me not to want to part of any religions. The blessing soldiers to kill each one on both sides in the name of God. The say the Lord's Prayer and still look to man's rulership to solve problems that they can solve.

When started to study the Bible, I learn the true statement from John 8:32: and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
2015-10-10 07:59:06 UTC
I answered this question yesterday. I'm not a Jehovah's Witness yet I am a student of the Bible and a follower of the Christ. For anyone who is interested, here is an example of exactly the attitude that the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses reflect so everyone can see that I was not exaggerating in my original answer.

This Yahoo! user name is "roamiblu" and this person obviously does not know the correct definition of an Apostate. An Apostate is a person who speaks against God and/or Christ and his holy word the Bible. This Yahoo! user "roamiblu" instead of providing an answer of substance, this Jehovah's Witness attacks my character and my anonymity, which is of no consequence, exactly like my original answer described the Pharisaical attitude of the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses reflect, at least many of them. The following comment is Jehovah's Witness member and Yahoo! user "roamiblu"'s comment on my original Yahoo! answer which follows immediately:

"roamiblu" wrote:

"Words of a TRUE apostate, that is you. Anonymous if you are going to say that you are a "True follower of the Christ to the glory of Jehovah God" then you should at the very least be proud of it and display your real name. Stop living in the past. Study the Bible then apply Proverbs 4:18."


It saddens me to see how unloving some responses have been towards your sincere question, specifically those coming from so-called Christian Jehovah's Witnesses. At the very least, they should be loving and caring in their replies. Instead they behave like the Pharisees, condemning and condescending. There are ways to give someone the Good News of the Christ and they fail miserably in their feeble online attempts.

Many of the festivals that are celebrated today do have origins in pagan customs, no disputing that. Celebrating many of them is not honoring God. But seeing how your brother has changed does not surprise me at all. The Jehovah's Witnesses while they do teach many biblical truths, at the same time, they sprinkle their own man-made teachings. And those man-made teachings and bible interpretations are not open to question whatsoever. If you question or go against their Governing Body arrangement, you will be kicked out or shunned.

The Jehovah's Witnesses have love-bombed your brother and more than likely have told him that ANY opposition or negative comments, specifically coming from relatives and friends, come from only one source; Satan. Therefore, your brother sees you and your relatives like demon-possessed people who are out to get him. So every time you or your relatives bring up ANYTHING related to his new found faith or that portrays the Jehovah's Witnesses in a negative manner, it reinforces the thought that has already been implanted in him.

And while the Jehovah's Witnesses would like to rightfully claim to be the only true-religion on the planet, sadly they cannot. Why? Their Organization or Governing Body has continually prophetically set 'end of days' dates and teachings which have had to be changed over and over and over and over again. And as they would say, they consider it "new light" or "refinements" or "clarifications" or "adjustments". They always point to Proverbs 4:18 in justifying these changes. The context of Proverbs 4:18 does not teach this. Biblical teachings are set in stone, they do not change with time, only human-origin interpretations will change. The fact of the matter is, without Holy Spirit humans will never be able to properly interpret scripture. Which only proves that God has never given this wonderful gift to the Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body otherwise how else would they be so wrong time after time? The correct teachings they do teach and have gotten right over the years have been a result of cross-referencing different scriptures. It's similar to how a detective would go about solving a crime. While the detective will have no diving help, he does have his training, education, and intuition. More than enough to help him solve the crime if all the evidence is right in front of him.

See, the thing is, the Jehovah's Witness Organization like to claim God's sole Channel of Communication for humans, yet when their interpretations don't come to fruition, they also do not claim infallibility. So they wish to have it both ways. And if they adhere to "what the bible really teaches", they would see that in Deuteronomy 18:22 Jehovah God calls these kind of people/organizations False Prophets.

I can almost say with 100% certainty that your brother does not know the Jehovah's Witness history otherwise, he would see that they are in fact what Jehovah God clearly describes in his word the Bible; a False Prophet.

The very best thing you can do is to patiently provide to him evidence on many of the Jehovah's Witness teachings where they are clearly in error, hence false prophets. Jehovah God deals with each person individually being that we will all be judged individually not collectively.
2015-10-10 16:57:59 UTC
It's a cult. I was born and raised as a Witness until I became an adult and could break away. They advise you to isolate yourself from non-believers and conform to everything fellow Witnesses have decided to do as a group. Individuality is discouraged.
2015-10-09 09:53:46 UTC
This is why JW's refuse to allow their adherents to celebrate innocent family milestones. Get a bunch of convivial people who share such a close family history together, yet are not JW's, and there is the possibility that the person will actually listen to those who know and love them for themselves, instead of for the money they donate to the JW's organization. Birthdays are simply too dangerous an affair, because love is SO much more powerful than brainwashing. If birthdays are dangerous, imagine what damage the truth would be to them if they heard it when attending another church other than the JW's? Frightful!

What they fear, they order their members to avoid as is promised in Proverbs 28:1 -- "The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion."
2015-10-09 12:24:46 UTC
Because they think the roof will cave in if they step inside. Or that someone will try to lead them astray. Or that they will somehow become tainted by stepping into a "temple of babylon the great" or some other off the wall reason. Can you tell I'm an ex-JW?
2015-10-10 01:06:20 UTC
Christendom is not the same as Christianity. Christendom is part of the apostasy and their churches represent that apostasy. Once safely removed from the false teachings, why would one return? It would be like being saved from a fully engulfed burning building and then returning to sit in it while it burned down around you. Would you expect to not die? Hear is what the Bible teaches about false worship:

(Revelation 17:5) On her forehead was written a name, a mystery: “Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes and of the disgusting things of the earth.”

(Revelation 18:8) That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong
Poя¢єℓαιη Vєѕѕєℓ (στην αλήθεια)
2015-10-10 06:52:34 UTC
I feel saddened that some have decided to answer your question with nothing more than a negative rant against Jehovah's Witnesses. Instead of showing empathy with you and your family situation they have displayed Pharisaic tendencies and used it to downgrade Jehovah's Witnesses.

Some Jehovah's Witnesses do indeed attend funeral services in churches (myself included) although not actively joining in we show respect for the deceased and the family. In fact, we offer council from the Bible as to the future of our dead loved ones and thus bring much comfort.

That said, each of us must be moved by our own conscience and that must be what your relative is doing.

Concerning your lack of association with him, maybe your attitude toward his beliefs might have something to do with that? I say this because I regularly associate with my non-believing relatives and love them very much. They are fully respectful of my beliefs. Maybe you could talk this matter over with him and air your views?
2015-10-10 05:32:18 UTC
He just doesn't agree with what the priest says. I also agree you know he dont celebrate holidays so invite him to things he will come too. If you feel you found the true God why listen to other people who don't agree with how you feel meaning the priest and preachers.
2015-10-09 20:53:57 UTC
The JWs are a cult, in every fashion of the word. They have even gone so far as to rewrite the Bible to reflect their ideas. Literally. They have their own Bible published. And they deny the Son of God. They will not go into another church probably because they feel that would be to endorse that church. Same with the holidays -- most of them were pagan creations that the Roman Catholic Church, in a bid at syncretism, brought into Christianity to appease the pagan's and try to make more converts among them (see we keep the same holidays?). Which Biblically speaking amounts to spiritual adultery.
2015-10-09 15:27:11 UTC
Well, firstly those celebratory days are totally pagan. However that said, the JWitness group is a cult. Best way deal with him: show him you love him, help him, mix with him and avoid attacking his cult. They've been trained to believe THAT proves 'em right.Often, listening to your brother will help, more than talking AT him. Some JW attend funerals etc at other churches, others don't. I am definitely NOT JW ; I choose to not attend their cult anything,anywhere at all, ditto for Pentecostal 'stuff.' Only in exceptional [to me] reasons would I transgress my rule in this regard. There are non JW with similiar views in this regard. RC are very discriminatory regarding [towards] many Protestant churches and towards the JW cult.
2015-10-09 10:22:07 UTC
"Ever since he became a Jehovah's Witness things have not been the same,he no longer celebrates Christmas,Birthdays,Thanksgiving,Hallowe... "

Hi there. Instead of inviting him to things he does not believe in doing, how about inviting him and the rest of the family for a BBQ on a monthly or even weekly basis. You will get to see him more.
2015-10-12 13:14:56 UTC
It is a conscience matter. Do you refuse to attend a Kingdom Hall meeting with your brother?
brother trucker
2015-10-11 23:13:29 UTC
The religion is based on ignorance and it is very necessary to keep their followers ignorant. When they study things like the Bible, other religions and logic they stop being JWs.

2015-10-09 11:53:33 UTC
There is no church for a jw... they have the kingdom hall which is NOT equivalent to a christian church. He's afraid possibly God could smite him
What, really?
2015-10-09 06:37:41 UTC
Probably because the devil is leading them and he's got them afraid of holy places, and truth. The devil has them very deceived. The father of lies has them convinced that true Christianity is of the devil, and that they are on the right path...but they're unknowingly being led by satan into the dark away from the light of Christ.
2015-10-09 12:50:35 UTC
Because they're a cult and know it. JW is a fake religion and know the God will strike them down for going into his domain, his turf, his crib.
2015-10-10 09:49:50 UTC
reading through these answers, i realize how ignorant most of you are about the true beliefs of JW's. .. Do your research people!
2015-10-08 23:52:32 UTC
I'm a former JW and can only speak from what I remember. I think it's because they think other Christians are all false and glorify anything but God. Kind of like the Pharisees in Jesus' day being all pious showing outward appearances of being a servant of God, but having their own agenda. It was the religious leaders of that day that wanted Jesus killed. To them, only JWs have got it right. While I'm no longer a JW, I think they do have some things right. Where they fall short is that they don't see how they also have interpreted the Bible falsely. Love is the main message. They don't understand that you don't have to be a JW to be saved or loved by Jesus, God ... and I'm Agnostic!
2015-10-09 08:17:12 UTC
They can't face the cross of Jesus as the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.
2015-10-09 05:11:40 UTC
The church funeral is really a religious service. It therefore is likely to involve a sermon advocating such unscriptural ideas as the immortality of the soul and that all good people go to heaven. It may also involve unscriptural practices such as making the sign of the cross and most likely the joining in united prayer with a priest. Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses do not take part in such, in view of the command at Revelation 18:4. However, each one must decide for oneself on the basis of circumstances and one’s own conscience.
2015-10-10 08:58:18 UTC
They are a Christian " cult group" like the jones town people.
2015-10-08 23:20:04 UTC
He has been taught to hate all religions. If he is caught sharing his love for God with others he will be shunned and all his new friends will disown him. The tactics of the watchtower. Just educate youself about this cult and remind him that you are his family.
2015-10-09 11:13:45 UTC
I was raise Catholic and CHOSE to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses after about 5 years of personal Bible study and then about 1.5 years of study with the witnessness from the Bible. My Catholic family disowned ME when I became a witness because of the same reasons you mention about your brother.

Everyone has the right to believe and worship God the way they choose and your brother CHOSE to be a witness he did NOT choose to be Catholic - it was your parents choice. If, because of his own personal study and conviction, he decided to research the origins of holidays and didn't like what he found - you should respect that. My Catholic family do NOT attend church, are always drunk at their "holiday parties" use foul language and then expect ME to think being Catholic is better than what I have chosen for myself. I don't distance myself from my family they distance themselves from me and when I do get together with them all they do is make critical, untrue remarks about my religion (though they really don't have one at all while professing to be Catholic).

I love my family. I don't love spending time with them because of the kind of life they lead and the hard time and lies they perpetuate about me. I attending my meetings regularly and actually practice my faith. That's more than what any of them do.

My life couldn't be happier and my children couldn't have turned out better. They are all involved in their religion and actually practicing something. They are good citizens and have been very successful in life. There's no reason to criticize my choices in life and time has proven what they all thought about me was WRONG. Now, in my parents old age I am the one taking care of them. They didn't want anything to do with me for 20 years but now I' m all they have. Their other (Catholic) children have walked away as have their grandkids. The NEVER come to see them

I would probably have turned out the same if I had stayed the way I was but because I chose to worship God in "spirit and truth" and I know the BIble's stand on taking care of elderly parents - I am the one who is there for them NOW.
2015-10-09 18:12:29 UTC
They are led astray by Satan, the poor things. We must pray for them.
2015-10-09 16:35:37 UTC
Because they know that many churches are involved in false religion.
2015-10-09 13:21:23 UTC
They might not like to go there because they might see it as wrong.
2015-10-09 01:05:31 UTC
Attending a funeral or a wedding in a false church is up to the individual witness since there is no bible direction against it.
2015-10-09 00:06:35 UTC
It's not just some JWs who refuse to step foot inside a Church - they are all taught that every church is controlled by Satan, and if they mingle in any way, and Armageddon starts, they will die, never to be resurrected.

Read these JW quotes in their literature to grasp why they flee from all religious organisations other than their own:

Watchtower February 15, 1983, p12 “Similarly, Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it.”

Watchtower September 1, 1989, p19 “Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the “great crowd,” as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.”

Watchtower September 15, 1993, p22 “But if we were to draw away from Jehovah’s organization, there would be no place else to go for salvation and true joy. “

Watchtower March 1, 1985, p14 “Only Christian witnesses of Jehovah who successfully pass this test will survive and come forth like fire-refined gold for God’s use in his precious new order.”

Kingdom Ministry, November, 1990 “Directing Bible Students to Jehovah’s Organization - They must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah’s organization is essential to their salvation.”

Kingdom Ministry, April, 1993 “Direct Interest Progressively on Bible Studies – The primary purpose of a Bible study is to teach the truth of God’s Word. It should also build in the student an appreciation for Jehovah’s organization and make him aware of the vital need to become part of it. ... The weekly Bible study should include instruction that will help students appreciate the organization...”

You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth, revised 1989, p255 “Do not conclude that there are different roads, or ways, that you can follow to gain life in God’s new system. There is only one. There was just one ark that survived the Flood, not a number of boats. And there will be only one organization- God’s visible organization – that will survive the fast-approaching “great tribulation.” It is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal . . . . You must be part of Jehovah’s organization, doing God’s will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life.”

Your brother now thinks Catholicism is the primary part of "Babylon the Great" and if you resist his attempts to 'share' his new JW faith with you, he will avoid you. He has now adopted the Watchtower Organisation as his new family and is devoted to them. Pray for him, and work out ways to point him to Jesus Christ and his need to have Christ as his only Mediator, for JWs believe Jesus only mediates for the 144,000 who go to heaven. Your brother will NOT be in that elite number, so he is not yet in the New Covenant Jesus established with all of His followers. This is what your brother needs to waken up to. The Watchtower Organisation claims to be his intermediary, and demands obedience to be saved. That is the satanic lie he has swallowed.
2015-10-09 00:11:40 UTC
While the RCC has abandoned using the Bible since the 3rd c.f. entity, Jehovah's Witnesses study to follow it closely.

The reason for not celebrating holidays or RCC events, is because the Bible orders true Christians to get rid of all forms of paganism. All holidays are clearly from pagan sources. Just because you out lipstick on a pig, it remains a pig. Not a role model and hopefully not your date.

We do not have a problem with families. In fact, our faith makes us appreciate our families more. In some cases though, families are so outrageous, that it is better not to be around them.

Now there is no Biblical law forbidding entering a church building. It is a matter of individual conscience. It is a mere wood, cement and stone structure. But what it represents is false religions made by Satan to confuse people from ever looking or finding the one religion having God's approval. For some, our conscience is clear if we go inside. Others It does bother them. So to keep a clear conscience with Jehovah, they refuse to enter. Both steps are fine and valid.

As regards the priest or any clergy for that matter, I share his revoltion. I can only tolerate the lies they tell for a few seconds. Never for twenty minutes. That is past an eternity. At funerals, the clergy preaches the d ess ad person is in heaven, in the coffin, in purgatory---all at the same time of his sermon. Then he is looking down on the family.

There is a certain amount of excrement we all must put up with. No matter who you are or what you do. That is mine. The Bible shows we all go to the grave, which is hell according according to the Bible.

Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 shows all dead, human and animal all return to dust. There us no thoughts any more. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 points out the dead can never feel, think, say, do it influence anything or anyone.

Now remind me again what Halloween celebrates? So should those who "claim" to follow Jesus be turned around celebrating something that never happens and the Bible is against?

Easter is unusual in that most holidays are pagan mashed together and relabeled with Bible names. Easter was stolen from pagans without any changes. Easterus was a fertility goddess, with eggs and rabbits also as fertility symbols. It is meant to celebrate Christ's resurrection of rebirth. Except Jesus told us to observe ONLY his death. That was what is if major importance.

We look at 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, where Jehovah God instructs us to make a clear distinction between pagan things and Godly things. Finally instructing "Separate yourselves from the unclean things and I will take you in."

Easter then is unacceptable in Jehovah's eyes. So are most of the things in the RCC doctrines.

Since you asked, I have told you why it us so difficult to get close with RCC teachings.
2015-10-09 05:43:09 UTC
Because they consider all Catholics and all Protestants to be part of false religion, Babylon the Great, the harlot of Revelation, soon to be destroyed at Armageddon. Here is an article I found on their official web site that tells them what to think about going into any church for either a wedding or a funeral service - it's from a 2002 Watchtower Questions from Readers asking if it would be advisable for a true Christian to attend a funeral or a wedding in a church:

"Our taking part in any form of false religion is displeasing to Jehovah and must be avoided. (2 Corinthians 6:14-17; Revelation 18:4) A church funeral is a religious service that likely involves a sermon advocating such unscriptural ideas as the immortality of the soul and a heavenly reward for all good people. It may also include such practices as making the sign of the cross and joining in prayer with the priest or minister. Prayers and other religious exercises contrary to Bible teaching may also be a part of a religious wedding ceremony held in a church or elsewhere. Being in a group where everyone else is engaging in a false religious act, a Christian may find it difficult to resist the pressure to join in. How unwise to expose oneself to such pressure!

What if a Christian feels obligated to attend a funeral or a wedding held in a church? An unbelieving husband, for example, may urge his Christian wife to be with him on such an occasion. Could she join him as a quiet observer? Out of regard for her husband’s wishes, the wife may decide to go with him, being determined not to share in any religious ceremonies. On the other hand, she may decide not to go, reasoning that the emotional pressure of the circumstances could prove to be too much for her, perhaps causing her to compromise godly principles. The decision would be hers to make. She definitely would want to be settled in her heart, having a clean conscience.—1 Timothy 1:19.

In any case, it would be to her advantage to explain to her husband that she could not conscientiously share in any religious ceremonies or join in the singing of hymns or bow her head when prayer is offered. On the basis of her explanation, he may conclude that his wife’s presence could give rise to a situation that might be unpleasant to him. He may choose to go alone out of love for his wife, respect for her beliefs, or a desire to avoid any embarrassment. But if he insists that she go with him, she might go as a mere observer.

Not to be overlooked is the effect our attending a service in a religious building might have on fellow believers. Could it injure the conscience of some? Might their resistance to avoid engaging in idolatry be weakened? “Make sure of the more important things,” admonishes the apostle Paul, “so that you may be flawless and not be stumbling others up to the day of Christ.”—Philippians 1:10.

If the occasion involves a close fleshly relative, there may be additional family pressures. In any case, a Christian must carefully weigh all the factors involved. Under certain circumstances he or she may conclude that no difficulties would arise from attending a church funeral or wedding as an observer. However, the circumstances may be such that by attending, the likely injury to one’s own conscience or to that of others would outweigh the possible benefits of being present. Whatever the situation, the Christian should make sure that the decision will not interfere with his preserving a good conscience before God and men."

That is why your older brother would not attend your aunt's funeral service in the church. Your brother now believes that all churches that believe the Trinity and who do not promote the use of the name Jehovah in worship are actually part of the antichrist. I read that in the public edition of the June 2015 Watchtower.

As a former Jehovah's Witness, you have my heartfelt sympathy.
2015-10-09 10:59:03 UTC
A MAJOR REASON IS BECAUSE--we believe that Jehovah God & Christ Jesus have an earthly organization: This organization have focused on matter of conscience. There are issues below that are not of conscience matters.Few of us may have strong concerns. of not entering in a church--

SOME POWERFUL REASONS for our beliefs is the fact that our worship has blessed us in issues of life such as:

Acts 15:28,29 Bible Citations


28 For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!


1. Immoral sex of every kind

2 Immoral use of blood ( mentioned 2 times)

Please note what has been said of our stand especially on blood issues!

*** g96 2/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***

“Blessed Are Jehovah’s Witnesses”

As in many other countries, a blood scandal has erupted in Italy. It is claimed that thousands of liters of blood were distributed to transfusion centers without adequate screening or without proper safety precautions being taken, thereby exposing thousands of people to the risk of contracting illnesses such as AIDS and hepatitis.

--Commenting on the shocking situation that put profits above personal health, Luigi Pintor, editor of the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto, began his article with these words: “Blessed are Jehovah’s Witnesses, who . . . refuse blood transfusions for religious reasons. As they read the newspapers these days, they will be the only ones who will not have to worry about what is going on . . . in the blood industries and clinics that sell and administer blood, plasma, and related derivatives to their fellowmen"

Note also what the Military recently decided concerning non-blood--surgery, non-blood medicine etc
2015-10-08 22:46:25 UTC
You have actually answered the question yourself! Your brother has found the truth from the bible and thus, wishes to have no part if falsehood ( sorry for being so blunt, but I too was raised a catholic and thus, know much).

How can you know he is unhappy if you never see him? I mean: isn't that your complaint? We never see him for family gatherings etc and yet, you know him to be unhappy? I suspect it is an ASSUMPTION that he MUST be unhappy, because he does not participate in those festivals.

Why not ASK your brother why he has taken this stance?

I, like your brother, will never step foot inside a church. You see: would you want to have anything to do with something that you found out was a lie?
2015-10-09 14:35:01 UTC
They know that god doesn't exist.
Hannah J Paul
2015-10-09 04:17:46 UTC
I will try to focus on one aspect of your question: let me ask you, please, at the funeral of your dear aunt, is it not so that there is the celebration of the funeral liturgy at a Mass? Is it not so that the funeral liturgy is an act of worship? I found this information: “At the funeral liturgy, the Church gathers with the family and friends of the deceased to . . . seek strength in the proclamation of the Paschal Mystery. The funeral liturgy, therefore, is an act of worship, and not merely an expression of grief.” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – An Overview of Catholic Funeral Rites.

Did you notice that the Catholic church describes this as “an act of worship?” This is quite serious for all professed Christians. Your older brother, having been Catholic, recognizes that he would be participating in an act of worship with those who, harsh as it may sound, are not worshiping God in harmony with His revealed will. It would be like the Israelites in the wilderness who participated in an act of worship (the golden calf and the festival to the Lord) that imitated the false worship of Egypt from whence they had escaped. It should be remembered that many of the Israelites worshiped falsely while in Egypt. Ezekiel 20:8; 23:3, 4, 8. But now that they had left, they needed to put away such false worship. Instead of doing so, however, many of them imitated the pagan worship and tried to use it in worshiping Yahweh.

However unacceptable and confusing it may be to you, your brother has learned that these acts are displeasing to God so he does not wish to take part. That is also the case with the observances of Halloween, Easter, Christmas and such. Have you ever had an opportunity to genuinely consider those holidays in the light of God’s word the Bible? It may prove to be enlightening to you.

Rather than judge your older brother harshly, approach him with your concerns and questions. Let him explain to you exactly what is going on in his heart. You love him, yes? And he loves you. Jesus’ relatives initially thought he had lost his mind because of what he believed. Mark 3:21. They came to learn differently later. Give your brother a chance.

Hannah J Paul
2015-10-09 18:46:52 UTC
If you ask him about J W he will try to tell you about it.

that is how you can get him to talk.
2015-10-08 23:06:17 UTC
If any members catch him in a church he'll be put on probation
2015-10-08 22:36:07 UTC
Jehovahs Witnesses have Gods VERY POWERFUL Holy Spirit and because of it ABSOLUTELY KNOW for sure they have the truth !

the Catholic and Protestant churchs were originally empowered and inspired by Satan himself and this has STILL HELD TRUE all these many centuries later !

so maybe the best way for u to understand ur close relative is to find out JUST WHY he feels this way and then hopefully make the SAME changes that he made in YOUR life !

2015-10-08 23:26:14 UTC
They shun anyone not of them
andy c
2015-10-08 22:45:06 UTC
JWs are an extreme cult that see Catholicism as corrupt. Pray for him, and keep praying for him.
2015-10-10 01:56:58 UTC
Rick G
2015-10-08 23:06:06 UTC
As a number answered, he has found the truth, and has no desire to return, even to go into a place that makes false claims about being the way to Christ. Even the Pope recognizes that what Witnesses teach is based on the Bible.
2015-10-09 06:35:47 UTC
First let me say I'm sure he is happy and it's his choice as to attend a funeral in a church and as for holidays they are all pagan based and the Bible is against paganism which we as Jehovah Witnesses follow the Bible and Jesus example. Check the background of the holidays which you can Check right in the encyclopedia. One sit and actually listen to what he has to say from him and not judge.
2015-10-08 22:29:06 UTC
churches are EVIL AND DARRRKKKSIDDDEEDDD. run by satan himself.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.