I really don't see any problem with it because it's always good to get another opinion or two (or 30 :) BUT, ALWAYS compare it with the Bible so you don't stray from what God wants and expects you to do.
I believe God wants us to share our knowledge with others but don't confuse knowledge and wisdom. There is deceptive knowledge (Gen 3:5), sinful knowledge (Gen 3:7) and puffed up knowledge (I Cor 8:11) so study God's word so you don't fall prey to any of those.
One can have all the knowledge from book learning they can muster, and we are told to gain knowledge (Isaiah 33:6; II Pet 1:5; II Pet 3:18) but without life's experiences, the wisdom isn't always there if it isn't God based (Jer 8:9) and people end up giving their opinion which can, many times, lead us astray if we follow it.
And personally, I think a person who doesn't ask questions ends up at a loss because they don't gain the knowledge they need to handle life's problems and we can't bear good fruit without it (Jms 3:17). I worked with a woman like that who never asked questions and we all joked (her, too) about the funny things she said, where I was always inquisitive and observant, so she was surprised that I was younger than her but had so much knowledge about things.
Life is what you make it and you can sit back and float along with others or you can dig in and learn all you can. I like your inquisitive mind, your wanting to learn from others and your "gentle soul" and concern for others, so keep up the good work and if I could, I would give you a bunch of my points because I don't get on this forum much anymore to use them :)
God bless you