Can you define soul......?
anil m
2009-07-15 08:32:32 UTC
What exactly is your understanding when you use the term? Is it what you consider the real self? Does soul as you understand it have awareness?
21 answers:
2009-07-15 10:00:31 UTC
Soul is the light of God present in all of us ;

God is one , absolute , manifested throughout his creation yet independent of it ;

Soul is to god as a drop is to Ocean ;

We all are souls origination from god ; However after coming in this world , we get stuck in the Five vices - lust , anger , greed , attachment , ego ;

These 5 vices keep us from realising God ;

If we are unable to see God its because we are somewhere less ;

Because God is ever pervading , revealed throughout the universe ;

Thats why Guru Gobind Singh ji said

" ki zaahar zahoor hai

ki haazar hazoor hai "

which means " O God , You are present everywhere , manifested ; There is no cover that hides u "

According to my religion Sikhism , entire universe originated from one word " Onkaar " ( which hindus call as OM ) ; So if we came through this sound , we can also return to our lord through this sound ; The key is to meditate on it ;

See , the voice starts from navel area in the form of wind ; which then comes out of ur mouth as voice ; The challenge is to take this sound & take it back to its origin which is only possible through deep hearing ; This is extremely difficult as its is like turning a river to its origin ; God is our destination ; we will only have peace when we reach god ;

May waheguru bless u
2016-10-03 16:08:07 UTC
What if neither defines the different. The brains develops and controls thoughts that are cut loose the soul. It shops memories and makes calculations in line with good judgment. In Christianity the soul is the essence of the guy no longer the alternative maker. that is totally like a guy or woman making use of a working laptop or laptop. The ideas is programmed with the aid of existence studies. the innovations that the ideas makes consequences the soul. The soul itself does not be in a position to make such judgements. And interior the afterlife the soul is given an incorruptible physique to apply a s a clean gadget. So perchance faith isn't unfair? Christiainity has provisions for people who can not think of wisely. For "the place there is not any regulation there is not any sin" in case you may no longer understand or obey the regulation (with the aid of fact of incapacity) then u can not sin.
2009-07-15 12:26:31 UTC
You must read the book called JAIVA DHARMA. It is brilliant.

No other book I know of goes into so much detail explaining the soul.

Of course Bhagavad Gita speaks a lot, more than any other book but Jaiva Dharma is based on Bhagavad Gita and Vaishnavism and brilliantly elaborates on it..

It was written more than 100 years ago by a very well known Bhakta Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in West Bengal, India.

You can download the English version for free here:

along with several other spiritual books, all free and quick to download.

I will try to come back here tommorrow and elaborate with some of the book's concepts. Now is too late at night.

Anil you are kind that you leave your questions open almost 'eternally'.

It is a bit annoying when we research to write an answer then find the question quickly resolved.


(((Here I am again)))

'Jaiva' means 'of the soul'. 'Jiva' means soul or actually, Living entity, the living force in the body.

From the 15th chapter of this book:

"Just as many tiny sparks burst out from a blazing fire, so the

innumerable jivas are like atomic, spiritual particles in the

rays of the spiritual sun, Sri Hari (meaning God). Though these jivas are

non-different from Sri Hari, they are also eternally different

from Him. The eternal difference between the jiva and

Isvara (God, the Supreme controller) is that Isvara is the Lord and master of mäyä-sakti, (the external energy, illusion)

whereas the jiva can fall under the control of mäyä, even in

his liberated stage, due to his constitutional nature".

(Dasa Mula 5)
2016-04-13 19:46:29 UTC
The reality is that the most answers are pure guess work and assumption. Humans are triune beings, body, spirit and soul. We understand the body. The five senses See, Taste, Smell, Hearing, and Touch. There are five senses of the spirit. Conscience, Memory, Love, Reason, and Imagination. The five senses of the spirit enhance the five senses of the body for us to understand and experience the three dimensional world we live in. We still don't understand what material or structure the spirit is made of. Although my thoughts are that there is some type of form to the spirit. But to my knowledge there is ne way at this point to prove this line of thought. The soul is even further misunderstood. But my thoughts are that there is only one sense there and it's what I would call "free will." The driving force directing the other ten senses.

The Bible in Genesis says ( and this is not a direct quote ) GOD created us in HIS image (spirit) then took the dust of the earth and made our body then breathed the breath of life into this and man became a living soul. Although religion takes the body, spirit and soul to a different place and is misleading in the fact they use their beliefs as the backbone of understanding.

Death is the separation of the body and spirit. The senses of the spirit can not operate with the body alone. My point is remove the spirit and there is no Conscience, Memory, Love, Reason, or Imagination. The five senses of the body are only operable with the connection of the body and spirit. So in death none of the senses are operable.

So in my assessment the soul is the most inner part of man. The control tower (so to speak) of all the senses of man.
2009-07-15 09:10:48 UTC
I define it by the Bible's use of the word. The original-language terms, "nephesh" in Hebrew and "psykhe" in Greek, uses soul to describe a person, an animal, or the life that a person or an animal enjoys.

We are human souls (Genesis 2 v 7 "man became a living soul"), a soul can die (Ezekiel 18 v 4 "the soul that is sinning - it itself will die"), animal are souls (Leviticus 24 v 18 "The fatal striker of the soul of a domestic animal should make compensation for it, soul for soul").

So, yes, your soul is you, and of course you have awareness.
udaya k
2009-07-15 14:38:37 UTC
Soul is differentiated consciousness.

Details: Awareness is a very lower state compared to consciousness. Awareness though corresponds to higest cognition point of mind. At the same time Awareness is a higher level than seeing, finding,perceivng, observing,cognizing and the like. Whereas consciousness as I defind do not pertan to body or five senses or mind. It pertains to the Cosmic Existence Consciousness Bliss which is called as God. Soul is a differntiated form of Undifferentiated Brahman, and the Soul undifferntiates to return back to Undifferentiated Brahman which is known by the name God.

i.e. infinite removed from infinite, infinite remains. Infinite joining back to the infinite then also infinite remains. Whole removed from whole, whole remains, and whole joining back to whole, whole remains.

That is the difference between differentiation and separation and the differnce between undifferntiaton and joining together. In differentiation the even though there are two separate existence for sensory organs to cognize, they are one and the same. it is the illusion of the senses that we perceive them as differnt. Same principle apply to undifferntiation. The seemingly different joins to become one so there is no difference to the Whole. The Whole remans constant.

Anne: The simile of the fire is same with all gross elements. A stream hitting on a rock sends high in the air droplets of water, coming back to join the main stream agan. Air passing through the holes and woods and the like and joining back to the main breeze. Thus the souls differentiate into individuals and return back to the source. The whole removed from the whole still the whole remans.
2009-07-15 15:09:29 UTC
Theologians of every religion have written massive amounts of volumes of books on this topic. Why not read what theologians say instead of ask on Y!A. Do you think you will find theologians here? Each person will give his or her own definition, and you will have a different explanation for as many people as answer, and they will all be different, so you will not be able to learn an answer. You should go to people who know instead of asking here, but since you did ask, I have been taught that the soul is the seat of the Kingdom of God within us. It is the Throne of God within us, and as God is in His Kingdom, He is within us too, in our souls. The soul is not physical, but it is housed within our physical body as long as we are alive and breathing on this earth. When we are no longer breathing, the soul goes to stand before the Throne of God which is not contained within this physical body. Only God knows for sure where that is. It is the most of what the real self is. The soul absolutely has awareness. It's awareness is the only thing we take with us to eternity.
2009-07-15 08:55:39 UTC
the soul is mind, will, emotions and body. Awareness would be to separate the self from others. The spirit is the part of man that asks the question, "Is there life after the physical body dies?" , "where did I come from?" and "why am I here?"
2009-07-15 08:53:05 UTC
Does 'soul' have awareness? Yes I do. I am my soul, just as you are your soul. You are the soul, you do not possess one. In Scriptures there are times when soul means a person or persons, and times when it means the breath or the of life that every person has been given by God, which returns to Him at that persons death. It is Not the awareness or personality of that person, we do not have any awareness of anything in death. As Christ put it, Lazarus sleeps. We 'sleep' in the grave until we are resurrected.
2009-07-15 09:00:44 UTC
Soul is something which differentiates the living being from non-living. Is it what gives life ? Is it the conscious and awareness ? Even in our deep sleep we are are present without body. What is that ?

Soul is that metaphysical entity which is responsible for life, awareness and also the cause for the physical entity. It also is a facilitator for the living beings for birth cycles towards final unmanifestation or moksha.
Azure Horse
2009-07-20 12:14:45 UTC
To me a soul is the spark of the divine, a part of me that can not die. The part that stores every memory and life I have ever had. The part of me that knows right from wrong. The part that sings when it hears the truth and dances in the stars.

May you be blessed.
2009-07-15 11:47:50 UTC
an enegy that has evolved to have a consciousness

be it fuly aware or semi conscious i dont know, maybe we all have different levels of conciousness, or maybe we are semi and will evolve in teh future

the soul does have an awarness to it as i understand it, but i also believe in souls that dont have an awarness, the less evolved ones

2009-07-15 15:47:30 UTC
It is your spiritual core, your essence.It has awareness in as much as you allow and give attention to it.That is where your free will comes in.It is the most important aspect of what defines who you are in the heart of hearts.This is my opinion of this issue.
2009-07-15 08:37:21 UTC
We need to know what we human beings are comprised of?

A living person is made up of the following bodies.

The Physical Body

The Vital Energy Body (Praan-deha)

The Mental Body (Mano-deha)

The Intellect Body or Causal body (Kaarana-deha)

The Subtle Ego or Supracausal body (Mahaakaarana-deha)

The Soul or the God Principle in each of us (Aatma)

2009-07-15 16:05:02 UTC
It is you , remember when god breathed into adam the breath of life, he became a living soul.
sylvia c
2009-07-15 11:19:02 UTC
its that part of a human being that knows when sorrows overwhelm you, when you are not exactly telling the truth, when someone hurts you, it grieves and knows when you are planning to do something which isnt kosher It is the life giving spirit.
2009-07-17 07:45:46 UTC
Blessings........ Yes Anil.... Your soul is your real self and yes our soul understand his use a word to define our sense of self, the word attribute to “ourselves” is “soul”, another word we could use for it would be “mind”. This is similar but not exactly the same

So how do we define a soul? A soul is the only thing which we can know for certain in this world, the fact that that little voice in your head is real. Descartes said ‘Cogito Ergo Sum’ , I think therefore I am (with untranslatable emphasis on present tense, something which coincides neatly with this theory. You can’t actually know anything other than this for certain – you could after all be a brain in a jar, or a person in the matrix. This concept is called the Mind-Body problem. However, generally we must accept the things around us to be true (and empirically they appear to be so) Within this empirically grounded world we know that minds exist (or at the very least your own mind), in some form or another. But what actually constitutes a soul?

How does the soul exist?

So you know for certain you exist, but how can we rationalise the soul in the world around us? There are two main ways you can look at the existence of the soul ). The first is that the soul is “divine” and the second is that the soul is “emergent” it is perfectly acceptable for a religious person to accept an emergent soul in addition to their faith, the word ‘divine’ is used gere in a qualitative and not categorical sense).

A divine soul is a soul which comes from outside our realm of understanding, it is gifted by God or is a piece ofBrahman or is made of magical Dust or a wizard did it or it transcends everything we know about the universe around us. This option is certainly possible and many would hold it to be the truth. However there is no empirical proof for this type of understanding of the world – and many different divine soul “theories” are different to each other on important points. Thus in this case we cannot easily assess the results of our teleportation theory. If we do not know how or why the soul inhabits the body than we cannot easily understand how teleportation would affect it. In other words, we just cannot know the answer.

An emergent soul on the other hand is one which is grounded in the realm of empirical science. An emergent soul is not one which comes from a divine unknowable force, but one which we can rationalise fully. The emergence of this soul comes from a certain configuration of information storing devices (in our case, neurons) over time. The mind is not separate from the brain, it is the higher order function of the brain itself. This does not mean the mind is not special, merely that it comes from a pattern. The mind is in fact a pattern of information – this pattern makes you…. you. We run into a couple of problems if we look at it this way however. You may have spotted the first already, the fact that we are a pattern of “information” in “information storing devices”. What does that actually mean? Isn’t everything in the universe in fact an information storing device of some sort – as long as it is read in the correct way? The second is that a pattern is a static thing and the patterns in our brains are constantly changing at an extremely fast rate – yet we observe our “souls” as existing over time. How can we rationalise this?

Discrete Patterns and the Illusion of Continuity

I’ll begin with the second problem to the emergence theory and work towards the first. So we have a discrete pattern of information (stored in neurons in the brain, of course there is no reason why it could not be stored in a computer, but that is a whole different blog) which must include our “soul”. But this pattern exists for less than a nanosecond, it is very quickly changed to something else. The patterns are discrete (even if time may be continuous) because if we reduce them to their lowest speed we can divide them into frames of information, where each frame represents different information (ever so slightly different to the last, eg. a single neuron firing)). The distance of time between these frames is irrelevant (in humans it would be almost unmeasurably small), but what is relevant is that we cannot “think” in a single frame – thinking requires multiple consecutive frames. So is it the case that we( ie. our soul) “lives” for this one “frame” in the slideshow of our lives before being replaced by another similar yet fundamentally different soul?

By our original definition of the soul this cannot be true – we observe ourselves as existing over time and thus we must exist over time under this definition. The above reasoning however is extremely important, because it changes the nature of the soul in our empirical world. It means that the “soul” that we are defining (something which occurs over a period of time and not just a point) does not exist in an empirical way. soul can only exist as we ourselves define it, it is our own sense of self which we hold so important but the soul does not “exist” as a real entity.

So how can we have a sense of self and continuity in a discrete information system? A few possible ways we could define “ourself” over time come to mind; proximity in: material or space or time or pattern. Proximity in material can be immediately dismissed from our minds, the body replaces every cell within it every seven years – do you perceive yourself as a new person every seven years? of course not. Proximity in time and space is a little more difficult, but using some analogies we can examine them. Lets imagine we freeze time and move you to a new place. When time starts up again are you the same person? Intuitively we would think you are (notice that this example is similar to yet still different from the teleportation question). Furthermore if we were to freeze you in space, and speed up time around you, then wake you in the future – you would also intuitively think of you as alive. This intuitive reasoning is fine to use as our definition of the soul in the first place is intuitive. This means however that our sense of self and continuity over time is determined by proximity in pattern – this occurs through memory.

Memory and self awareness is the key to the existence of an emergent soul. Not all memory is important for the soul, merely memory of the soul in the past. So what we have is a special subset of information systems, this is an information system which contains within it information about itself in its last frame, and the one before that and on and on. The amount of information about your past you have does not matter too much, as long as you can remember your existence in past frames. This almost recursive type of memory creates the illusion of continuity and thus connects the discrete frames into one self defined “soul”.

The Problem With Information Storing Devices

We can now come to the first problem we had, how do we define information storing devices? For an information storing system to exist there must be something which can read that information and make sense of it. This is an interesting situation as we could conceive that every configuration in the universe could be considered an information storing device, if only we had the right system for reading it (a compiler if you will). In effect, this means that there are information systems everywhere – although they are incomprehensible to us. However an important thing to note is that these information sets are by and large unorganised. It is only through the extreme structure that biology has evolved that we see proper memory systems and self awareness which create a soul.
2009-07-15 08:47:43 UTC
It's the very essence of man. It combines the body (the physical world) which is finite and the spirit which is eternal.
elgen er pa frifot
2009-07-15 12:22:46 UTC
The spiritual essence of a human being that connects us to GOD.
2009-07-15 08:40:27 UTC
at the second coming of Christ all those who dead in Christ will resurrect and will be transformed .This is soul.
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2009-07-15 10:18:51 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.