What would have happened if Adam and Eve would not have eaten apples off the tree?
2017-02-12 16:06:39 UTC
What would have happened if Adam and Eve would not have eaten apples off the tree?
108 answers:
2017-02-14 16:23:25 UTC
They didn't eat an Apple. They ate a Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Had they not done that then the World would not have known Sin.
2017-02-14 15:55:21 UTC
Eat figs? Still have incest though.
Vinegar Taster
2017-02-14 15:49:08 UTC
It's a made up story , so nothing , unless it was rewritten ...
2017-02-14 10:58:39 UTC
Hello read Autobiografy of Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda Yogananda is soul of wisdom and say very Story of man and this book say Sri Yukteswar say Story of Adamo and Eva Real Story
2017-02-14 09:44:59 UTC
The same thing. It is a story and it was supposed to happen just that way.
2017-02-14 05:51:04 UTC
the christians would have to come up with a different myth.
Happy Hiram
2017-02-14 03:26:46 UTC
They would have lived for all eternity in a paradisal garden. Or maybe they didn't have free will to choose not to. What do you think?
2017-02-14 02:09:22 UTC
We would not be living in sin.
2017-02-13 16:46:41 UTC
Women might have some respect is this ****-hole called Earth.
2017-02-13 06:49:05 UTC
Since before eating that fruit there was no death or hunger, the immunologic system, digestive system and all the things God put into us would be useless, and Earth might be super overpopulated, no one would have to die or even eat to survive so I am really sorry to say this Creatisonist-Christians but... God wanted us to eat that fruit!
2017-02-15 09:03:12 UTC
Well let's think about this logically nothing because it's an old wife's tale. Who would of written that part of the bible?
Random Guy
2017-02-15 00:15:12 UTC
Those aren't apples.

They never did specify what fruit it was.
2017-02-14 19:33:39 UTC
we would all be naked and happy
2017-02-14 14:59:21 UTC
If Adam and Eve would not have eaten apples off the tree then today you and I would not be existing.
2017-02-14 13:18:43 UTC
Nothing really, the metaphor would not be created
2017-02-14 09:55:10 UTC
They would have lived heavenly life.
2017-02-14 07:12:41 UTC
Like an acquaintance of mine says, "Ignorance is bliss." But is it really?
2017-02-14 07:02:02 UTC
They would've gotten sick and died.

According to the Doctor's Bible page 6:

"An Apple a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away"
Mir Quasem
2017-02-14 04:34:37 UTC
Only God knows.
2017-02-14 04:07:11 UTC
they would have had a pair instead
2017-02-13 11:26:32 UTC
They could eat all the apples they wanted. The tree of good and evil knowledge was listening to the fallen angels. The sin was Adam's only. Woman was created at the same time as Adam (Genesis 1: 27). She is not named in Scripture but her name was Lilith. She was the first women's libber. God gave Adam a divorce. Then he made Eve (Genesis 2: 22), and she listened to the serpent and "partook" of the evil knowledge source. She offered it to Adam and he accepted. There was the sin. He could have refused and he would have been a double divorcee. The God would have had to make a 3rd woman (each new model gets better).
2017-02-12 23:19:12 UTC
there are several ways to interpret this story, but first you MUST look at it from the hebrew point of view because of mistranslations.

there is physical interpretation,

first of all you need to make a distiction between hebrew bible and translated bible.

in hebrew bible (original) they lived, before apple, in "gan eden" or "garden of eden".

it is a fruitful, beautiful place. some believe for it to actually be around mesopotamia.

when they disobeyed god and ate the fruit of the "etz hada'at" or "the tree of knowledge", they were banished from this beautiful place and lost their holiness.

there is also the spiritual interpretation,

where "gan eden" or "garden of eden" was not actually a place but a state they were in.

both were the first humans and extremely holy, they are said to have immortality and was naturally as close to god as possible, but once they ate from the forbidden fruit, they lost everything and became normal.

some refer this entire story to humanity itself.

there are also others but thats the most general i can think of.


what would happen if they did not sin ? that is depends on the interpretations you are going for.

whatever it is, they would still be [probably] immortal and holy.

they probably wouldn't have children and humanity would have stayed just the two of them forever.
2017-02-12 21:35:21 UTC
The earth will be today a paradise !
2017-02-12 21:12:33 UTC
They would still be here and the earth would be a paradise, no sickness death or old age. People would live forever. THAT was God's original purpose.
2017-02-12 20:14:26 UTC
Adam and Eve and their descendants would have extended the paradise earthwide a and lived forever. Even if one of their descendants sinned that person would have been put to death without effecting all of mankind like the sin of Adam did.

(romans 5:12)

Romans 5:12

That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned.
2017-02-12 16:48:05 UTC
They would have lived happily in the Garden of Eden.
2017-02-12 16:41:32 UTC
God would have won the war between Him and Satan. It was not until AFTER they ate the fruit that God announced His plan of Salvation through Jesus.
2017-02-12 16:38:05 UTC
They would have kissed for hours, had oral sex, and then proceeded to f~ck like wild bunnies.
Den B7
2017-02-12 16:14:30 UTC
Nobody ever said that they were apples.

Had they not eaten the fruit of the tree, they would still be alive and happily living in the Garden of Eden and the rest of the world would not be populated.
2017-02-12 16:09:02 UTC
Es war kein Apfel, es war eine Pampelmuse.
2017-02-15 22:05:36 UTC
The same thing as would have happened if Harry Potter didn't defeat Voldemort.
2017-02-15 06:22:30 UTC
Their Jewish landlord would have let them stay. Do you not realise they ate his snack for lunch box.
Logos Lore
2017-02-15 03:32:46 UTC
They would of been "fruitful" and multiplied. Eventually, humans would of over ran the garden and there would be climate change. THE END.
2017-02-15 00:05:04 UTC
nothing since its a fictional story but within the made up world of the bible .....who knows maybe they fight off aliens or some ****
Graham S
2017-02-15 00:00:28 UTC
Then we would have not been told that we were damned for eternity to the flames of hell, if we did not Tithe 10% of our gross income and believe an unlikely story written long before a loving God sent his son to be crucified on our behalf as compensation for us being believers in the story....
2017-02-14 22:24:51 UTC
their eyes would never have been opened to sin, they would have lived perfect lives
2017-02-14 03:25:37 UTC
we are now leaving in paradise
2017-02-14 02:36:28 UTC
I will stay with them.
2017-02-14 01:49:10 UTC
God would have sent David, Amy or Jack to eat it...because his plan was to create human race somehow.
2017-02-13 15:44:38 UTC
Lack of vitamin C.
2017-02-13 04:57:04 UTC
We would all be perfect human beings.
2017-02-13 04:53:32 UTC
It is unimaginable. U & I may not be there or here.
Nick Danger
2017-02-13 00:14:42 UTC
There would be a lot of naked people, (except up north of course, significant shrinkage and all).
2017-02-12 22:06:34 UTC
They would have had a close relationship with God eternally on a paradise earth. In addition, they and their perfect offspring could have worked together happily until the entire earth became a paradise. (Genesis 2:21; 3:23, 24) The earthly Paradise would have been mankind’s home eternally.

In regards to the fruit that were eaten: Who said it was an Apple? What was the fruit? The Bible simply does not say, for the vital point is not the fruit but man’s disobedience. (Romans 5:12)
2017-02-12 21:41:19 UTC
They did not eat an Apple. No where in the Bible does it say it was an Apple. Just another falsehood being

put forth.
2017-02-12 20:28:15 UTC
They would have been happy
2017-02-12 16:39:30 UTC
The Bible would have had a different story to explain the condition of the world to its audience.
2017-02-12 16:31:55 UTC
If we assume for the moment that the ridiculous tale is true, then, if Eve was not tempted it would be sat there waiting for somebody else who would be, a couple of generations at most.
2017-02-12 16:17:44 UTC
only the writers would know.
2017-02-12 16:14:15 UTC
It's hard to say what direction the artist would have taken it.
2017-04-24 20:43:46 UTC
eat figs? still have incest though...
2017-02-24 23:35:16 UTC
those aren't apples...

they never did specify what fruit it was...
2017-02-15 10:45:22 UTC
No misery like today.
2017-02-15 10:37:11 UTC
It'd be a lot nicer than now. That's for sure.
2017-02-15 01:34:51 UTC
We would be a Type I Civilization or close to it by now.
2017-02-15 01:01:32 UTC
Nothing, it's just a story.
2017-02-14 20:52:31 UTC
They would be hungry.
2017-02-14 20:26:19 UTC
Then, there would be no sin.
2017-02-14 14:18:41 UTC
They would have filled the earth with their offspring and lived forever in perfect condition. Just like we will in the future because of Jesus" random sacrifice.
Freethinking Liberal
2017-02-14 12:04:22 UTC
As that is a myth, pointless contemplating.
2017-02-14 03:19:38 UTC
We would probably still be hunter/gatherers.
2017-02-14 02:35:54 UTC
We would have all remained in the garden, naked but not ashamed, and God will be coming down in the evening to felloship with us. No sin, evil, hell or rapture

But come to think of it, if Adam didn't eat it, with the growing population in the garden, and the devil lurking around, somebody will eat it
2017-02-13 22:09:39 UTC
Sweetie, it's a construct Moses used to teach theology and it was never meant to be taken literally. You need a good course in the theology of the Old Testament.

You also need to actually read Genesis. There is no mention of apples. Why do you think apples are mentioned-because you have never actually read Genesis?
2017-02-13 18:26:08 UTC
They would have picked them up from the ground and eaten them, of course.
2017-02-13 12:33:15 UTC
To answer your question, Adam and Eve would still live on a paradise earth under God's wonderful arrangement. Then maybe just maybe Adam and Eve would created children who knows but Jehovah. But

God had a purpose a plan in place.
2017-02-13 06:16:22 UTC
The tree was there, not to test them, but as something the one true God would have given them eventually. It just wasn't time yet. We don't leave cookies lying around for our kids just so we can punish them. They get them after they eat their dinner. Same theory with God. If they hadn't eaten it, world would be perfect.
Special EPhex
2017-02-13 05:54:54 UTC
They would have probably advanced to higher plane of spiritual existence, beyond Eden. "Original Sin" means that humans just have to take the "long way" to get 'There'.
2017-02-13 01:06:05 UTC
Apples were not a forbidden fruit. So, nothing would have happened except maybe going hungry if they didn't eat apples.
2017-02-12 17:45:38 UTC
They would have lived on without ever dying...

Because why warn someone about death if it already existed...

(Genesis 2:16, 17) Jehovah God also gave this command to the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. 17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die.”
A Second Witness
2017-02-12 16:50:10 UTC
If Adam and Eve had not eaten fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, all mankind would still have access to the tree of life, and we would know what 6,000-year-old humans look like. All members of the human family could not only trace our families to the original couple, but we could also interact with every generation of that family, between them and us.

After all, with no one pretending that they know better than God, what is good and evil, there would be no sin, and no death sentence.
2017-02-15 04:43:19 UTC
God would have been the best man ever but now he's just a jealous sociopathic asshole
2017-02-14 23:00:06 UTC
They would have remained happy in paradise together with their holy god.
2017-02-14 20:13:51 UTC
Then various religions would not have a nice story to tell pious people.
2017-02-14 20:13:28 UTC
Unicorns would have happened
2017-02-14 17:47:25 UTC
seriamos como vacas estariamos todo el dia pastando. uufff
2017-02-14 13:00:07 UTC
Then they would've eaten oranges instead. They need to eat, dont they?
Big Mouth
2017-02-14 02:25:27 UTC
They would've frickin' starved to death. Now c'mon! Help me pick some of these FREE apples and let's eat the shiit out of 'em before we starve! Apples might grow on trees but money sure don't!
2017-02-13 22:55:50 UTC
Adam and Eve didn't exist. Never in the history of the earth were there only two people alive at once. That's dumb. Their kids would have been retarded.
2017-02-13 20:31:18 UTC
If Adam and Eve have never eaten off the forbidden tree that Jehovah simply told them not to eat from, they would have lived forever in paradise. As a result, mankind would have everlasting life in perfect health, where no one would grow old, get sick and die. (Psalms 37:29) Righteous people will possess the earth and live forever upon. That would have been the result of mankind if Adam and Eve would have never eaten off the tree. For more information visit
2017-02-13 16:09:10 UTC
They didn't eat the 'fruit'. The story is allegorical, look it up. if they had not their would be no one on earth because the Adam and Eve characters would not have mated and had children. An apple was never mentioned, it was just referred to as 'fruit'. In reality it was sex, you know, the 'Original sin'.
2017-02-13 14:24:27 UTC
A paradise. No sickness,no death,no human government,No worries of paying bills,No divisions, strife, hatred, no need of Ransom sacrifice etc.

Psalms 37:9-11;Genesis 1&2;John 3:16,17;Daniel 2:44
2017-02-13 07:49:27 UTC
Sin would not have entered the world, nor death and dying and pain. They would have had perfect children to replenish the earth, and they would have all loved one another, and there would have been no murders, no thefts, no lies, no adulteries, and so on. And they would have been given access to the tree of eternal life, and lived forever.
2017-02-13 04:40:07 UTC
Nothing. There were no apples on the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
2017-02-13 01:45:01 UTC
In know place in the Bible does it say the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad was an apple! At (Genesis 3:1-6) It states: > Now the serpent was the most cautious of all the wild animals of the field that God had made. So it said to the woman: “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?”  At this the woman said to the serpent: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.  But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden: ‘You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die.’”  At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die. For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.”  Consequently, the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was something desirable to the eyes, yes, the tree was pleasing to look at. So she began taking of its fruit and eating it. Afterward, she also gave some to her husband when he was with her, and he began eating it.

(Genesis 1:27, 28) continues: And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.”

If Adam had not eaten the fruit that God told him not to eat, he would still be a live today. But he didn't respect his Grand Creator, Grand Instructor enough to obey his life Giver and Heavenly Parent (Genesis 3:17) So God the giver of life administer disciplined to the proper degree. And to Adam he said: “Because you listened to your wife’s voice and ate from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, ‘You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. (Genesis 3:19) In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”
2017-02-12 17:41:37 UTC
We would have a different fairy story.
Keith J
2017-02-12 16:51:39 UTC
It would have happened eventually later.
2017-02-12 16:23:35 UTC
The World would be Like HEAVEN !!
2017-02-12 16:13:22 UTC
We would still be ruled by our animal instincts. The story is about man developing a conscience (they ate from "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil"). It is the conscience which separates us from other animals. The conscience give us our desire to search for the greater good. As a result it is the conscience that is responsible for all of man's innovations and achievements.
2017-02-12 16:12:33 UTC
The same thing that could've happened if you had not asked this question
2017-02-12 16:09:55 UTC
Pectin deficiency.
2017-02-16 16:47:33 UTC
No children's wards, no loss of every generation, no war, no racism, no death, universal family, global peace, perfect weather, no sickness, animals at peace with humans and each other, no pollution, no hatred, no need for Christ to die, no lies about god, children with parents, two! No politics, no greed, no stress, everyone vegans, I think that's everything!
2017-02-15 07:00:16 UTC
its a made up story
2017-02-15 01:44:07 UTC
It was not an apple they ate. The Bible says the forbidden fruit of good and evil. It was Gods plan for everything that happened. He knew Eve would eat the fruit and give in to temptation. God knows everything that will happen and he has a purpose for everything he does.
2017-02-15 00:35:18 UTC
They probably would've gone for a drive to McDonalds and Adam would've given Eve a junior burger.
2017-02-14 23:47:59 UTC
Fruit or the tree of knowledge between good and evil . What would that fruit be

But the tree at the center of the garden ,that tree ,the Tree of the knowledge between god and evil the fruit of that tree you should not partake.

King James did as good a job translating as they knew how , but words are words and like Clinton said it depends or what your referring to when saying ( IS ) it all depends on what IS is .

I don't know the exact wording , But the exact words matter . translation is important .

Love,,, needs to be defined or you could be talking about sex . and in that case , it would be worded love'em and leave'em . And not too many consider that love . but it is spelled l o v e so translation is important .
2017-02-14 19:21:08 UTC
There would be more apples
No. 44
2017-02-14 02:14:54 UTC
2017-02-14 01:39:59 UTC
They would have made love.
2017-02-13 19:31:18 UTC
it is possible that once in the garden of eden, and finding the magic apple, that adam and eve would board their space ship and return to their home planet. the bigger question remains unanswered, were they really from the milky way galaxy? secondly, why did they slay god and the snake with their ray-guns before they left?

was that even necessary?
2017-02-13 19:14:16 UTC
there is no proof of adam and ever existing.. the world did not start with two people in a book.. .....
2017-02-13 18:10:17 UTC
2017-02-13 17:51:47 UTC
God told Adam and Eve "be fruitful and multiply" before they sinned so if Adam and Eve had NOT sinned then their children would have been born perfect and their descendents would be still alive today unless one of them had sinned. Also Christ would NOT have had to come to earth to die for the sins of Adam and Eve descendents sins since there would have been no inherited sin. Adam and Eve and their obedient children would still be alive today.The earth would be a paradise. Eden would have been spread earth wide. There would be no cemeteries, funeral homes, or hospitals. There would be no colds, flu, or other illnesses that resulted from the imperfection Adam and Eve passed down to their descendants
2017-02-13 15:11:50 UTC
2017-02-13 06:17:19 UTC
2017-02-12 23:52:27 UTC
Christians would say paradise. But as a made-up story, it could have been written that way. But no story is so simple and had it been written that way, there would be no sin and no Christianity as we know it today.
2017-02-12 19:50:59 UTC
It is only primitive fiction. Who said they ate apples? If the fiction writer did not have them eating the fruit of the forbidden tree, he would have written something else to achieve the same purpose.
2017-02-12 16:51:20 UTC
Nowhere in the Bible does it say it was an apple. Get your facts straight.
2017-02-12 16:19:28 UTC
NOWHERE do the Hebrew scriptures from wherein the (frankly very silly) "Adam & Eve" story mention apples....the apple story is the invention of King James & his lackeys in the 1600's....

The Hebrew text uses the word for pomegranate.....and the name "Adam" is also a misrepresentation of the Hebrew אדמה (meaning "earth" or "mud") the unadultered original Scripture is says that Yahweh (the Lord) made MANKIND from the mud, not some chap with a fig leaf named 'Adam'!

So tell me....assuming you actually BELIEVE your God only created one man & one woman "in the beginning", who mothered the children of their sons? Their own MOTHER?

Even the King James Version acknowledges that Cain & Abel had sisters, and that they fathered children with women from the Land of Nod (to the East of Eden)....if Adam & Eve were created alone, where did the population in Nod come from?

Use your Common sense, child....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.