President Hinkley was trying to get across that the concept of Jesus that other Christian Churches believe in is different than what Jesus truly is. We believe that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are all separate beings, but one in purpose. This makes sense with the scriptures in the Bible where Jesus is praying to his Father in Heaven and many other places where he refers to doing his Father's will, and being sent by him.
It is the other Christian churches who have changed the true meaning of who Jesus truly is. Jesus did not teach that he was God the Father, but that he was his Son. It was those who decided that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost were all one being during the conference of Nicene that changed the true meaning of who Jesus Christ truly was. This is referred to as the Nicene Creed and occured over 300 years after the death of Christ. Some even refuse to believe in the literal resurrection where Jesus took up again his mortal body and became an immortal soul in a perfected state. One that could not die or see corruption. This is why we all will have that same priviledge. .
Many leaders of some Christian faith's think he gave his body up and became a non descript floating thing again. In addition, if anyone questions this confusing idea of God and of his son Jesus Christ, they put a guilt trip on the person asking and say that they just need to have more faith, and that they should be ashamed for questioning God. They do not want the questioning person to find out for himself if this concept is correct. They are told that God is beyond comprehension and that mere moral man cannot begin to understand.
It is through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that the truth of who Jesus truly is, and what he has done for us, is fully understood. I believe this is what President Hinkley was trying to get across. Our church encourages the questioning person to find out for themselves through study and prayer.
Which way do you think will lead to finding out the real truth?
Blindly believing whatever your religious leaders dish out to you, our using your own mind and own opportunity to pray to receive the answers to your questions?
After all, the bible does say in James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
Some say that Mormon's are not Christians, which is not true. We believe deeply and sincerely in our Savior Jesus Christ, we just have a greater understanding of who he truly is.
I found a great quote that I think applies here. It states: There are so many people who are afraid of being "taken in", that they cannot be "taken out" of their mindsets.
Have you ever considered that if they are wrong in their understanding of who Jesus Christ is, that they themselves might not be worshiping the true Savior Jesus Christ, but only a misconception of him?