Pure water, calm water reflects. Impure water, turbid water cannot. Similarly pure consciousness and calm composed consciousness reflects through the omnipresent and can see the truth as it can see within every atom with its presence in every atom.
An impure consciousness, cannot reflect that. An impure consciousness is impure because its activities are material, earthly, mundane, belonging and pertaining to the body and its pleasures and desires, which are called and considered as sins depending upon the quality of thought and actions. When the impure consciousness is able to reflect upon itself and withdraw from wordly activities and confine to the upliftment of the spirit within, into pure soul and pure consciousness, it passes the realm and level of the path-shower who is called Guru whose stature is in between the level achieved and pure consciousness called God. Therefore a yogin who has began his journey in the spiritual path need a Guru who is advanced and who possess a more purified Soul. This is a short cut. Self seeking have dangerous pitfalls and the travel and journey would be lengthy with chances of getting lost.
The cases of people who have kept the God as Guru like Shiva or Krishna and directly seeking directions are not rare. Meerabai in her Bhakthi Yoga had Shree Krishna as her Guru and beloved, and gained Moksha Prapthi. All human beings are in essence source and basic material but not of same quality.
The Cosmic consciousness from which we disintegrate or differentiate, or evolve or get created on its own, is the purest of the pure consciousness. And that purest of the pure consciousness when metamorphosed itself into lower elements like Air, Fire water and Earth, and thereafter nuclear fuse in the form of five great spirits,(Panchamahabhootas), become various living cells, and organs and beings. It deteriorates from a state of Nirguna (devoid of qualities) into a state of quality. A state of quality is disqualification as the highest quality is Nirgun or devoid of qualities. Anything devoid of qualities only can conjoin back with the source.
A human being with Earth having thamas(darkness, ignorance, laziness) as its quality cannot join back to cosmic consciousness. Water with coldness as its quality cannot join back to source, Fire with heat and light as its quality cannot join back to source, Air with movement as its quality cannot join back to source. It is only Ether (space, nothingness,Nirgun(devoid of qualities) when purified to pure consciousness stature can join back to source. That is the pure soul and the passage of Spiritual Yogin is to achieve this purity of Soul inorder for it to join back to source.
The Guru like a father teaching a son to walk can do the same job at the spiritual level. A father does it to child at the physical, emotional and moral level, a Guru does it at the spiritual level. Self is different from thought. Thought is an activity of the combination of Ether with Air. Self is only witness to thought.
Self can join with Cosmic Self or God only if there is a thoughtless state. Thought should be dropped for self to connect with God. Thought in fact is the only obstacle in the way of God connecting with Man. What we try to achieve during meditation is to drop the thought so that God can connect with man. The Micro consciousness can connect with the Macro consciousness. In deep sleep we gets connected as the thoughts are dropped. Therefore the cosmic energy is charged in the human being which give him strength for the work next day. A sleep-less man is an energy-less man. Thoughts are incomplete and imperfect because thoughts are formed from the data fed by the five senses. The five senses are incomplete and imperfect and is designed to material level existance and not for spiritual level of consciousness or existence. Therefore it is important that the five senses are shut down before one enter into the realm of spirituality.
Silence is the language of God. God communicate every second of our life with us through silence. God needs no language to speak to us. A Sun gives life to every life on Earth, but does it speak to the life on earth or the death it created during a famine or drought. It does not , because a Karmayogi if he wile away his time on speech, or thought, he cannot be doing the Karma. Karma is continuous, without thoughts, without speech but only action continuous and eternal. Sun is the Karmayogi.