Yep, your antennae are correct, you have discovered that he has a false god.
Hiram of Tyre came down to help Solomon build a temple for the Lord. (or so he claimed!). This Hiram is one of the 'founders of masonry' (they claim) but Jesus said, 'You shall know them by their fruits'. (Masons sure do think they know more than others and are very judgmental and power hungry, loving money which is the root of all evil.)
So, then what happened after Hiram of Tyre (of Babylonian decent) came to 'help' Solomon? Yeah, sure they built a big, grandiose temple, (which was destroyed!, see Stephen's sermon before he was stoned!) but did this please God? Solomon was honoured by God to be able to build the temple, and he made a condition with God which basically went, 'If you allow me to build you a temple, I promise, I will never have anything to do with the nations that surround us, I will keep this temple pure and I promise you, Lord, I will have nothing to do with any pagan woman."
Uh huh.
So, how did things go when the Queen of Sheba came down to view this magnificent structure?? And how did it go afterwards? She led him into the bedroom, Solomon's promise was broken and then, he ended up with thousands of concubines and they did what?? They brought their own goddess, Ashtoreth into the temple and they even SACRIFICED THEIR CHILDREN on the altars there!!! Facing the east, they cried out to their false gods.
And the masons want this Hiram of Tyre to be such a good founder of their religion? (Yes, it is a false religion, a vine that grows alongside the True vine and chokes out what ever life there is on the True Vine. Someone who cannot discern is fooled by such a vine and does not see that it cannot bear any good fruit.)
Jesus said it is a perverse generation who constantly is seeking symbols. Yep, Masonry is FULL of symbiology (especially in the USA, especially in Washington) and this is not honouring to the True and Living God.
Yes, the charity part is just a coverup for their evil ways, (remember, the love of money is the root of all evil, all evil) and so, they think that their good works and all their buildings will get them into heaven??? The Lord will separate the wheat from the chaff, the goats from the sheep. He will spit out the lukewarm ones...and He says, 'I never knew you!'
So sad that you were never married to the father of your daughter. But seek out true believers in the Living Word, and pray often. Gathering to pray is more powerful than the devil who seeks the weak ones to serve him. Freemasonry is nothing more than devil worship because they put other gods (Horus, Isis, Ashtoreth, etc) before the Great I Am, and they will make men do such vile things that they will be so ashamed of that they will not be able to truly worship God in the Spirit of Truth. They will just go to church or a temple to 'worship' but it is a theatre and God knows the difference.
The only way is to stay close to the True and Living God. Let Him guide you and enfold you in His love and protection under the Blood of Jesus.