Can you clear up these questions about being a Mason?
2011-02-10 09:19:14 UTC
So my boyfriend is in the beginning stages of trying to become a Mason. It seems like ever since the word "Mason" has been in our home his entire attitude has changed. He talks about how Masons basically have a free pass in life and how they can get away with things other people cannot. He talks about wanting to take over the world (seems a bit silly to me) and Masons are in charge of how this world works.

Then you read about how some people believe being a Mason is basically being a part of a cult instead of a fraternity, but then others say it is about charity, love and faith. I think I finally understand that Masons do not discuss politics or faith (correct me if I'm wrong), but why do they get so much bad press? And which is it really about? Is the charity part just a cover up to more that is going on?

And why has he become so power hungry since the Masons have become a part of his life? I feel like they are brainwashing him. I mean, we can't go anywhere without him making certain hand gestures and looking for the masonic symbol. He has definitely put the Masons in front of me and his daughter and I don't know if I can take it much longer. It has become an obsession.
Fifteen answers:
2011-02-10 09:23:37 UTC
I am a Mason, never heard of a "free pass." He needs to calm down.

Rev. Neil
2011-02-10 09:36:44 UTC
Your boyfriend sounds young. He obviously is joining for the wrong reasons and will be disappointed. Going around making hand gestures is actually against the rules and could get him booted out. As for taking over the world. Well good luck with that. Most lodges cannot organize a successful bake sale without extreme difficulty.

The Fraternity gets a lot of bad press because it is so old and because for hundreds of years the Vatican was against it. Even the Nazis put Freemasons in concentration camps. But then the Vatican and the Nazis worked together on a lot of projects. The truth is the Masons are quite harmless. However you cannot convince some people of that. They adopt the "don't confuse me with facts, my mind is all ready made up' approach.

There is bound to be some enthusiasm in him but it seems to have gone to extremes. No Mason will ever put the fraternity before their wife and family or risk being suspended and in most jurisdictions the people from the lodge will actually talk to the wife or girlfriend to explain things to her and see if she has any questions. You should ask about this.

As for brainwashing, It would make things a lot easier to run the bake sale, but go against everything the fraternity stands for. Everyone has to join of their own free will and cannot even be asked.

I believe your boyfriend is excited now and thinks that the fraternity will be as you say a free ticket through life but that will not be the case. I suspect that once he figures this out then he will lose interest and quit. However if he grows up and learns that it is really about teaching responsibility then he will be a better father, husband/boyfriend and you will see some benefits personally.

Good luck with that. Feel free to contact some of the Masons on the internet and ask more questions. They are pretty open for a society with secrets.
2011-02-10 09:29:46 UTC
A lot of people talk like that when joining the Masons... then they get in there, get their 3rd degree and find out that the majority of it is simply sitting around, talking **** about other people and putting on charity events for local foster homes, homeless shelters, etc... The Masons are not in charge of how the world works lol

It's not a cult, there really isn't any religion involved outside of an open bible and prayers before and after meetings, dinners, etc... Outside of that, they don't even talk about religion OR politics.

It's new and exciting to him, so he will be going thru all that stuff for a time, but it will get old and that will quit.

Pagan - married to a 32nd degree Mason
2011-02-10 09:26:19 UTC
Freemasonry is pretty much like a fraternity. They have secret rites of initiation, a body of symbols, and private meetings but that's pretty much it. In communities, they do more charity work than anything else.

Now the problem here is that either A) your boyfriend is having a laugh B) he's crazy because the Masons have nothing to do with trying to "rule the world" or C) he's joined some group that claims to be Masonic but has nothing to do with actual, real Freemasonry (which is all about brotherhood, charity, etc).

Freemasons get so much bad press because they keep their rites secret, so idiots assume that something bad is going on, instead of a group of people trying to preserve the meaning of their rites by not broadcasting them to the rest of the world to appear on MTV or gods know what else. 99.99999% of Masonic lodges require faith in a Creator, whom they refer to in vague terms, making fundamentalist religious groups (like certain groups of Christians) believe that they're worshiping some "false god" other than their own.

Its not really the big deal that everybody makes it out to be.
2011-02-10 09:43:04 UTC
He should calm down after awhile, so don't give up on him just yet. Sometimes when we get involved in a new thing we all go overboard a bit. Remember when you were dating him?

Someone else below asked, "What is a mason"?

I think a mason is a Jar with a lid on it filled with nothing but Stale Air, and sometimes a few cherries. The Cherries being the good and wonderful things they do for people, like the Children in the Hospitals.
Bolide ⌡shinning bacon of hope...⌠
2011-02-10 09:25:34 UTC
Sounds more like your boyfriend has been filling his head with internet nonsense about the Masons more than any "brainwashing" he has received from any Mason.

It is primarily a group of middle aged middle managers who engage in silly rituals with a straight face, do good works for their communities, and do social networking.

While politicians do join the Masons for votes, this organization has nowhere near the storied power it had in the 18th and 19th centuries: Aside from the mentioned politicians there are very few powerful men in the Masons anymore; mostly cubicle dwelling memo shufflers and salesmen now.
2016-11-29 11:26:15 UTC
Your bf is stupid, being a Freemason has no longer something to do with that conspiracy stuff. And sure, it incredibly is in basic terms a fraternity of previous adult men with funds of all races, and hardly even ladies. To be a Mason additionally, you will desire to have a faith, to be sure that me i could no longer be a Mason simply by fact i'm an Atheist i ought to by no ability get in.
R. C.
2011-02-10 10:18:04 UTC
Not all Masons are power hungry, looking at world take over. It's actually not who they were designed to be. There are secrets there, and they lie within signs and symbols, because historically and presently signs and symbols have significant meaning. If he's attending their meetings, he may be being brainwashed, as you put it. I believe from what you said, it'd be more indirect than direct.

He'd be an initiate into masonry, at a low level. It is not until the 30, 32 and 33 degrees that he'd have this option to be part of this group you talk about in "taking over the world". Oh it goes much deeper than that at those levels. They use ancient magic, which when not used for good can be used for evil, such as invoking demonic entities to assist with their agenda. Many who are part of the agenda are possessed themselves. They accept Lucifer as being their god. Many of our political leaders, and other leaders around the world are 32nd and 33rd degree Masons. I don't believe everyone at those levels are part of this demonic agenda, only the few who have proven themselves worthy to truly hold the secrets of all that is going on behind the scenes.

Master masons or 3rd degree who I've heard speak or have heard from range in their religious affiliations. Many use the little bit they are taught to help their neighborhoods, again behind the scenes, but being used for good not the opposite. Where he wants to go, with the world take over etc., or bringing in the New World Order, sets him to be wanting to be part of the Antichrist and his agenda. That's right, the true, Antichrist from the Bible. With his attitude and wanting to take over too, that's who he's wanting to be part of. But those who are part of that group don't run around obsessive or half ****** as he's doing. Do that down the road, he may end up needing to invest in a coffin. They are extremely organized, totally committed to secrecy and what they do. You could have them over for dinner, and they'd leave without you having any clue of what they do or who they are about.

Buy him a book to read, "Morals and Dogma" by Albert Pike, who was one of the most famous Masons of all time. It will really open your eyes to what your boyfriend is wanting to take part in, and may open his eyes to whether or not he decides to take part in this or not.
2011-02-10 09:23:10 UTC
Free Masonry is a very secret society, in which you must be very active in it to top the ranks. This might be why he is being power hungry, he wants to be a higher rank in the society. Some people say Free Masons worship the devil, others say they worship God. It really is unknown for they have kept it a secret a long time.
2011-02-10 09:22:08 UTC
Personally I am against any secret organization, but my father n law is a mason and I never heard him talk about free pass, new world order, ect...
Got Proof?
2011-02-10 09:22:58 UTC
If a group gets together to perform rituals based on supernatural beliefs, it's a cult. Period. From my experience, the Masons are like any other lodge, club, or cult. Bunch of grown adults who want to have secret signs, handshakes, beliefs, etc. Mostly they drink, gamble, and gossip together.
2011-02-10 09:33:52 UTC
Yep, your antennae are correct, you have discovered that he has a false god.

Hiram of Tyre came down to help Solomon build a temple for the Lord. (or so he claimed!). This Hiram is one of the 'founders of masonry' (they claim) but Jesus said, 'You shall know them by their fruits'. (Masons sure do think they know more than others and are very judgmental and power hungry, loving money which is the root of all evil.)

So, then what happened after Hiram of Tyre (of Babylonian decent) came to 'help' Solomon? Yeah, sure they built a big, grandiose temple, (which was destroyed!, see Stephen's sermon before he was stoned!) but did this please God? Solomon was honoured by God to be able to build the temple, and he made a condition with God which basically went, 'If you allow me to build you a temple, I promise, I will never have anything to do with the nations that surround us, I will keep this temple pure and I promise you, Lord, I will have nothing to do with any pagan woman."

Uh huh.

So, how did things go when the Queen of Sheba came down to view this magnificent structure?? And how did it go afterwards? She led him into the bedroom, Solomon's promise was broken and then, he ended up with thousands of concubines and they did what?? They brought their own goddess, Ashtoreth into the temple and they even SACRIFICED THEIR CHILDREN on the altars there!!! Facing the east, they cried out to their false gods.

And the masons want this Hiram of Tyre to be such a good founder of their religion? (Yes, it is a false religion, a vine that grows alongside the True vine and chokes out what ever life there is on the True Vine. Someone who cannot discern is fooled by such a vine and does not see that it cannot bear any good fruit.)

Jesus said it is a perverse generation who constantly is seeking symbols. Yep, Masonry is FULL of symbiology (especially in the USA, especially in Washington) and this is not honouring to the True and Living God.

Yes, the charity part is just a coverup for their evil ways, (remember, the love of money is the root of all evil, all evil) and so, they think that their good works and all their buildings will get them into heaven??? The Lord will separate the wheat from the chaff, the goats from the sheep. He will spit out the lukewarm ones...and He says, 'I never knew you!'

So sad that you were never married to the father of your daughter. But seek out true believers in the Living Word, and pray often. Gathering to pray is more powerful than the devil who seeks the weak ones to serve him. Freemasonry is nothing more than devil worship because they put other gods (Horus, Isis, Ashtoreth, etc) before the Great I Am, and they will make men do such vile things that they will be so ashamed of that they will not be able to truly worship God in the Spirit of Truth. They will just go to church or a temple to 'worship' but it is a theatre and God knows the difference.

The only way is to stay close to the True and Living God. Let Him guide you and enfold you in His love and protection under the Blood of Jesus.
2011-02-10 09:27:04 UTC
If he ever gets saved, God will lead him away from the Masons.
2011-02-10 09:23:29 UTC
What's a mason?
2011-02-10 09:22:52 UTC
He is a part of something bigger now. You would do well to leave him be.....(dramatic silence)


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