Christians, if it turns out that no one is good enough to go to Heaven, would you still think God is good?
2009-01-05 07:48:39 UTC
...And I mean NOBODY makes it. It's just all us people wallowing in Hell, or whatever, and the same 3(?) guys are still kickin' it in Heaven forever. Is God still good if he doesn't accept anyone at all?
27 answers:
2009-01-05 07:57:07 UTC
Before anyone reads this please realise i am not against religion, and to me everybody has a right to believe in what they want. If it is God so be it, if not fair enough.

you cant really answer that simply theres too many variable ideas surrounding if god is good, personally regarding everything i have learnt i feel if there is a god he/she/it does not have to be the god of theism (christian god) simply as that god doesnt make sense hance descartes inconsistant triad, also the idea of evil shows god could create evil if he created everything but again there are theories showing (in theory) he didnt create evil and it is a by product of our free will, however what about if he is all loving (omnibenevolent) and all powerful (omnipotent) how could the acts we witness, murder, rape, peadophilia etc be allowed. However if you want to focus solely on a simple answer to your query i cant give one as each person, once they know the theories, have their own view upon it all.

Mine is that there is no God of theism and there is no all mighty being, (however aristotles theory of causes is the only thing stopping me being a complete atheist), and that we are simply a product of evolution and chance.

Hope this helsp your ideas, just research some of the stuff i have mentioned and come to your own conclusion, regards

P.S remember to look at it from a entirely atheist point of view when researching them as if you look at it religiously you will always end up at the same point, god is almight, all good, all loving etc. (no offence to religious people intended, its just what happens.)
Holly R
2009-01-05 16:04:36 UTC
I think your question makes clear the probability that joining God is Heaven and being cut off from Him is Hell enough. It is impossible to believe that God, at least an all-knowing beneficent God, would create us to be destined for a place in Hell. If any god did that, by definition it would be evil. You must look to the Eastern religions to find such a god.

Actually, we Christians believe that no one is "good enough to go to Heaven" on their own merits. Jesus Christ's atonement for our sins makes us the children of God and acceptable to Him. Faith, not works, gets us into the presence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
2009-01-05 16:02:11 UTC
It depends on who your God is and what you believe.

For the mainline Christians, I think they have lost their way long ago and the only thing left with Christianity is the matter of being controlled by men and "doing what you are told".

I believe in Jesus and the works he's done/doing in this world. But it's been distorted by manipulation and deceit.

I believe that we only know a fraction of the truth and relying on words literally written by man and not listening to the intuition you are giving at birth is holding us back from having a true relationship with your maker and where we really have come from.

As far as being worried that I am never going to make it to heaven...I know when my time comes I will be given a lovely tour of the cosmos and I will be reunited with my family somewhere up there in the sky. Whether it is considered heaven or whatever...for me that is my true home and I will be there once again. No doubt in my mind or in my heart.

Christianity is all about mind control. Jesus had it right teaching about love. If we focused only on love, then this planet itself could become the "new heaven". Until then we go to war, we kill, we hate and hoard in hopes we will maybe make it to heaven one day. What a way to waste your life and not enjoy the blessings we already have here on earth.

I know God is good and God is great...but we make God out to be something he is not. I don't think the human mind can handle the power and true glory God has for us and this planet because of the hate in our hearts. There is just so much we don't understand and are not allowed to even consider because someone didn't write it down for us. God lives in each and everyone of us...but are we listening to what He's been telling us since the beginning? I think not. :)

And for those of you Christians that don't like my answer and judge my relationship with God and give me a thumbs down...shame on you. You should practice what you preach rather than condemn everyone who does not think like you. Think about it...seriously...who are you to judge and that you know more than any other in this world? I have read the Bible and I use the power of prayer, this is what I know from my relationship with the Lord.
2009-01-05 16:04:11 UTC
The guy who said that it was his understanding that only Jehovah's wittiness's and Baptist are going to Heaven is very mistaken. I am Baptist but I have never heard of a Baptist say that only baptist are going to heaven, I do think the Jehovah's believe that or a few anyways, but I can't say for sure. That's just insane whoever told you that. God's son Jesus Christ Died on the Cross for our sins. The one and only true way to get to heaven is believe and receive that salvation that Jesus Christ has paid for your sins. Of course it doesn't mean you can live it up with a sinful life. None of us are perfect. One of my favorite sayings is " I'm not perfect just forgiven" The mystery of God and Jesus Christ will never be revealed on earth. Many Christians have questions about God and why bad things happen. God is love and he created us to love us. The great thing about God is you get to decide wheather or not you want to believe. Anyways I know I'm kind of getting off subject here. But like I was saying all who believe and receive JC as there Savior shall inherit the Kingdom of God.
2009-01-05 15:56:04 UTC
This is not true. God sent his one and only son to earth to make it to where everyone would have a chance to go to heaven. There is no IF's. Before Jesus was born the people of earth sinned and went straight to hell. The word was lost and no one knew the word of God and Jesus came and shed his blood for ALL people to go to Heaven, not just jews and baptists. God loves each and every one of us for who we are. We have to return that love, believe in him, trust in him, and become saved. When you do that, you will be good enough to enter the pearly white gates the day you leave your earthly body behind. You have to live by God though. Everyone sins, but you have to strive to not sin as much. When you do sin, you must ask forgiveness. Pray and talk to God. He is the one person who will never leave your side. You are never alone and God will never give up on anyone. You just have to believe.
Mrs. Eric Cartman
2009-01-05 15:53:04 UTC
Not good but fair :)

The thing is, Christians already believe no one is good enough. We've all done horrible things, been prideful, and put ourselves over others. We've lied and been focused on our own image rather than what is important.

God accepts us because of who he is, not because of who we are.

It's grace and it's a gift. It's forgiveness and love. He died so we could be reconciled to him if we want to. Hell isn't God's personal torture chamber, it's just life without him. We walk in his presence and creation every day even if we don't know it. God isn't going to force someone to be with him if they don't want him at all. You get left with what you chose instead.

So yeah, he's pretty good. I like that better than fair.
2009-01-05 15:52:53 UTC
of course!! If we don't all go to heaven there must be a reason. I don't believe in Hell though. I think earth is pretty much Hell. I also believe we have to keep coming back until we get it right. Hopefully I've done a good enough job this time, I don't want to come back here again. I don't know about you but I've had enough of this planet and all the stupidity that's in it.
2009-01-05 15:59:29 UTC
Yes, God would be good even if no one made it to heaven- because God is Holy, and God is love. We all deserve to NOT go to heaven. In His love and mercy and grace, the holy, righteous God made a way that we can be in heaven- through the shed blood of Christ. God is good, ALL the time, God is good.
2009-01-05 16:15:58 UTC

No one is good enough to make it to heaven.

When JD comes, everyone will believe God judged righteously and fairly. Yes, even Atheists and such like.

That isnt going to happen. God promised eternal life to those who trust in His Son. God promised not to leave us nor forsake us. Further Jesus promised He wouldnt cast out those who come to Him.

I recommend reading John 6:37
2009-01-05 15:59:35 UTC
Nobody human is good enough to go to heaven.

Those who believe entry into heaven is based on good deeds cannot answer the question of "how good do you have to be to get into heaven?" No more than one sin, two sins, ten sins, where is the line?

The reason nobody can answer that is because it isn't by our good deeds that one "buys" their way into heaven. ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Even one sin has stained our soul and creates a chasm between that person and God. God is holy and perfect, and from his perspective we are ALL unworthy, from Mother Theresa to Hitler. For sinners to argue whom among them is more deserving of heaven is like whores arguing whom among them is the most virtuous...

God loves you more than you love yourself. God loves us more than you can imagine and God wants to be with us. But because God is holy, we cannot be in his presence with the stain of sin upon our souls.

However God, the Almighty Creator, fixed this problem. God took human form as Jesus and permitted himself to be tortured and killed as an innocent blood offering to erase the stain of sin on our souls. He loves you this much. This act by a loving God bridged the chasm between us and him. God, through Jesus, bore the punishment that was due to us for our disobedience from God. To ignore the sin, is to trivialize the offense, and therefore trivialize God. Our sin is a great offense, which required a great punishment. God loves you so much, that he bore this punishment for you. NONE of us are worthy of this gift, but God offers it through his grace. All you have to do is accept it. It is his free gift to you because he loves YOU.

Salvation is a free gift of God, which requires that we give nothing in return. We need only "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved..." (Acts 16:31).

Eternal life is a "free gift" (Romans 5:15-21; 6:23), which cannot be merited by good works, or lost by bad works.
2009-01-05 15:56:17 UTC
If there are ten people - 9 people steal and assault each other and one says it is wrong so he puts the other nine in prison - is that one person bad for doing it? (of course not) It does't matter whether we make it or not - we don't deserve to anyway.

He will anyway - because of his promises - however I'm guessing you don't believe that anyway.
2009-01-05 15:56:52 UTC
God is ALWAYS good. Everyone on earth makes mistakes but this thing called: FORGIVENESS is a blessing in itself. I believe he will make a way out of no way. I'm not doubting him, GOD IS GOOD.
Ric L
2009-01-05 15:52:17 UTC
No One is good enough on their own accord. That's why there is a need for a Savior, which I believe was Jesus Christ. God is good, but also just.
Rodney H
2009-01-05 15:53:06 UTC
Jesus has said,"Whoever comes to me I will not cast out." The scripture also says,"He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to the saving knowledge of the LOrd Jesus Christ. The Bible also predicts that millions will be saved
2009-01-05 15:51:47 UTC
To me, God will always be good. No matter what.

It would make me rethink about my own life to see where I went wrong. From what I have learned in life, when things go wrong, I usually have a blame in it.
2009-01-05 15:52:59 UTC
That's not the God I believe in. I guess it depends on your definition of "good" as well. Clarify?
2009-01-05 16:14:24 UTC
God is Gracious.
2009-01-05 15:52:36 UTC
yes because god is the creater of earth,we should be good to all types of god and remember that only they can change ur future or distroy it
2009-01-05 15:52:15 UTC
Heat rises. Maybe Heaven is hot.
C. L. Richardson
2009-01-05 15:51:05 UTC
What do you mean "if"? It is already so. No one is good enough to get to heaven. Everyone falls short of God's perfect standard. That's why he appointed his own perfect Son to stand in our place at judgment. We get to heaven -because- God is good. Yes, he is good, and every good thing comes from him.
Melissa M
2009-01-05 15:54:25 UTC
no one is good enough and we all deserve hell...

BUT through Jesus he cleanses us and makes us pure if you ask him to be your savior, then undeservedly he gives us the gift of heaven.
The Mommy Delivered
2009-01-05 15:51:37 UTC
yes! I actually believe that NO ONE deserves heaven, its just by grace if I do get to god just to not allow imperfection into his kingdom when he requires perfection?? absolutely
2009-01-05 15:53:21 UTC
why would average people being unacceptable make God bad, it's our own fault.
2009-01-05 15:55:04 UTC
All children go to Heaven.

Your question is therefore baseless.
2009-01-05 15:53:08 UTC
i dont even know what i believe.

everybody has imperfections.

some are worse then others.

but who is to judge?

and would if be fair?

nobody really knows.
2009-01-05 15:52:09 UTC
god is god, no matter what.

obviously he isn't the one

that wouldn't be good

if he didn't accept other

people into heaven.paha
Saint Nearly
2009-01-05 15:51:11 UTC
It's my understanding only the Baptists and Jehovah Witnesses will make it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.