Nobody human is good enough to go to heaven.
Those who believe entry into heaven is based on good deeds cannot answer the question of "how good do you have to be to get into heaven?" No more than one sin, two sins, ten sins, where is the line?
The reason nobody can answer that is because it isn't by our good deeds that one "buys" their way into heaven. ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Even one sin has stained our soul and creates a chasm between that person and God. God is holy and perfect, and from his perspective we are ALL unworthy, from Mother Theresa to Hitler. For sinners to argue whom among them is more deserving of heaven is like whores arguing whom among them is the most virtuous...
God loves you more than you love yourself. God loves us more than you can imagine and God wants to be with us. But because God is holy, we cannot be in his presence with the stain of sin upon our souls.
However God, the Almighty Creator, fixed this problem. God took human form as Jesus and permitted himself to be tortured and killed as an innocent blood offering to erase the stain of sin on our souls. He loves you this much. This act by a loving God bridged the chasm between us and him. God, through Jesus, bore the punishment that was due to us for our disobedience from God. To ignore the sin, is to trivialize the offense, and therefore trivialize God. Our sin is a great offense, which required a great punishment. God loves you so much, that he bore this punishment for you. NONE of us are worthy of this gift, but God offers it through his grace. All you have to do is accept it. It is his free gift to you because he loves YOU.
Salvation is a free gift of God, which requires that we give nothing in return. We need only "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved..." (Acts 16:31).
Eternal life is a "free gift" (Romans 5:15-21; 6:23), which cannot be merited by good works, or lost by bad works.