I have limited knowledge of both. Freemasonry like to influence society, and encourage people
joining them to go further up their ladder to the 33rd level, they do all sorts of stupid tests that are imposed on them, a teaching of self discipline. They then have to make stupid promises not to reveal the method of their influence on the outside world, and how they govern themselves, like swearing on "The Bible", on mutilating ones body, cutting their entrails from within, and removing them.
As if Sacrilege on God's good book is not enough. They learn certain signs, to get themselves in privilege positions which normal people are more capable, also I quote an incident early last century.
This particular Freemason had done a murder, recognised the Judge as a Freemason' and gave him the sign of privilege. This was ignored, the prisoner had a fair trial. Upon attaining the 33rd step on the Freemasonry ladder it is revealed. "That Satan (the brother of Jesus) is the real Christ"
The Illuminati was started in the middle of the 18th century, by a German nobleman, there were
two things I remember. 1. was all houses would be owned by the state. 2. And he advocated World
Pee - Wee.