Is there any history of Jewish-Arab war before the crusades?
2011-07-18 15:58:18 UTC
I'm writing a paper on contributors to Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, and was wondering if there were any wars between Jews and Arabs before the rise of Islam?

Also, any ideas on topics i should include would be appreciated!
1 second ago - 4 days left to answer.
Seven answers:
2011-07-18 20:46:26 UTC
Muslims (mostly Arabs) had conquered Syria, Persia, Palestine, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, Sicily, Southern Italy, Cyprus, Rhodes, Sardinia, Majorca, Crete, and Malta which had been some of the most heavily Christian (and Jewish) areas in the world. The even came within 100 miles of Paris before being pushed back.

Thousands, and possibly millions, of Christians and Jews died during this drive to eventually bring the entire world under Islam.

The First Crusade was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II to check the advance of the Muslims and regain control of the city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

If this defensive war was not fought then we would probably all be Muslim today.

I am sure that some atrocities were committed by individuals of both sides during this war but by most people's judgment this was a just war.

For more information, see:

+ The Crusaders by Régine Pernoud

+ The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (1996) by Bat Ye’or

+ God’s Battalions: The Case for the Crusades (2009) by Rodney Stark

+ Islam at the Gates (2008) by Diane Moczar

+ Seven Lies About Catholic History (2010) by Diane Moczar

+ Wikipedia:

With love in Christ.
2011-07-19 01:06:54 UTC
You should mention that the arabs were always the kindest to jews comparing to the Pharaohs, Romans, Germans and the rest of the world.

In 622 AD Muhammad and his followers were expelled from mecca for becoming muslims, After they moved to Medina, in 627 AD the Muslims got attacked by Quraysh and the jews, the Muslims won and the jews got kicked out.

in Tunisia there is still a large jewish community so is in other arab countries.

The jews have always betrayed the arabs just like they betrayed the Palestinians after they let them immigrate into their land.
2011-07-18 23:09:44 UTC
Jews and Arabs have been having at it since Biblical times. It started with Sarah and Hagar.

The Jews descended from Abraham and Isaac, the Arabs descended from Abraham and Ishmael. Abraham is the Father of both nations and both nations have been fighting ever since.
2011-07-18 23:04:42 UTC
There have been constant Hebrew-Arab wars since the time of Isaac and Ishmael. The Hebrews had to conquer the Arab residents of the Promised Land under God's own direction. See Jericho for example.
2011-07-18 23:06:34 UTC
answer: there has been a history of anti-Jewish hatred and attacks in Muslim lands against Jews but also times of "golden ages" where Jews were somewhat left alone (although they were 2nd class citizens) - this happened before, during and after the crusades.

Pact of Umar, circa 720: Jews and Christians as second class citizens in Muslim countries. Give up a seat to a Muslim, rise when a Muslim enters * conversion to Christianity or Judaism illegal * no raising of voices at funerals * no riding on horses and no saddles

Further restrictions came over time: ridiculous clothing * walking on the left of any Muslim * out of the way synagogues * required to pay a fine to remain Jewish or Christian.

807 – All Jews in the Caliphate of Abbassid to wear a yellow belt, Christians a blue one.

1016 – Tunisia – Jews are forced to convert or leave.

1066 – Granada – a Muslim mob storm the palace and crucify the Jewish vizier and massacre most of the Jewish population. 4,000 die.

1090 – Granada – Jews again attacked.

1107 – Moroccan Jews ordered to convert or leave.

1146 – Jews in Morocco again ordered to convert to Islam or die, thousands fled, the majority were executed.

1148 – 1212 – Granada – Jews forced to convert to Christianity or Islam.

1165 – forced conversions in Yemen.

1190 - Saladdin takes over Jerusalem from Crusades and lifts the ban for Jews to live there.

1232 - Forced mass conversions in Marrakesh.

1333 - forced mass conversions in Baghdad

1435 - Massacre and forced conversion of Marjorcan Jews.

1438 - Establishment of mellahs (ghettos) in Morocco.

1619 - Shah Abbasi of the Persian Sufi Dynasty increases persecution against the Jews, forcing many to outwardly practice Islam. Many keep practicing Judaism in secret.

1790-1792 - Destruction of most of the Jewish communities of Morocco.

1805 - Massacre of Jews in Algeria.

1840 - The Damascus affair: false accusations cause arrests and atrocities, culminating in the seizure of sixty-three Jewish children and attacks on Jewish communities throughout the Middle East.

1921 May 1-4 – Jaffa riots in Palestine.

1929 August 23 - The ancient Jewish community of Hebron is destroyed in the Hebron massacre.

1934 - 2,000 of Afghani Jews expelled from their towns and forced to live in the wilderness.

1941 - The Farhud pogrom in Baghdad results in 200 Jews dead, 2,000 wounded.

WWII – Muslims served in the Waffen-SS in the Handschar units in the Middle East and the Balkans hunting down partisans and Jews for the Nazis. Their German officers wore fez hats with the swastika. The uniform insignia included the swastika and a scimitar

1948-2001 - Antisemitism played a major role in the Jewish exodus from Arab lands. The Jewish population in the Arab Middle East and North Africa has decreased from 900,000 in 1948 to less than 8,000 in 2001.

1948 - During the Siege of Jerusalem of the Arab-Israeli War, Arab armies were able to conquer the part of the West Bank and Jerusalem; they expelled all Jews (about 2,000) from the Old City (the Jewish Quarter) and destroyed the ancient synagogues that were in Old City as well.

1968 - The ancient Jewish community of Hebron, which had been destroyed in the 1929 Hebron massacre, is revived at Kiryat Arba. The community, in 1979 and afterwards, moves into Hebron proper and rebuilds the demolished Abraham Avinu Synagogue, the site of which had been used by Jordan as a cattle-pen.
2011-07-18 23:00:46 UTC
muhammed massacred a tribe of 800 jews in 627 AD by beheading them
2011-07-18 23:03:30 UTC
dont let them fool you with this revisionist so called history that it was all peace and cup cakes for jews under muslim rule before israel came along,

where was israel in the 1929 hebron massacre ? where was it in the 1890 damascus blood libel pogrom, where was it in 1066 in granada in muslim spain ?

i wouldn't call it a war since the killing was only one way

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