2017-09-01 13:28:25 UTC
Religion seems to want to be segregated with certain aspects of human behavior by calling them good while denouncing others by calling them bad.
The reality, however, is that all human behavior is "natural" regardless of whether it positively or negatively affects others. This of course includes everything from rape, incest, murder, and racism to homosexuality and philanthropy.
All of these actions/behaviors are because of our biological and physiological make up. We merely "perceive" these behaviours differently based on the state of our present social evolution. More precisely, we make personal judgments based on the outcome of events and how it affects us.
Whether the Christian god is an actual entity or just a cleverly constructed myth it is clear that human social consciousness has evolved over time.
In the days of the caveman, for example, there was no such idea as the age of consent or consentual sex, period. Sex as an "act of love" came much later in history.
Human reproduction usually occured as an act of violence - - yet no one will argue that these behaviors were simply a manifestation of nature.
So why do religions expend so much effort trying to make it seems as though our dark side hasn't played a critical role in the survival of our as a species?