Why are so many Anti-Catholic?
2006-02-06 10:23:49 UTC
What has the Catholic Church done to you that you would find it necessary to bash us?

We believe all the same things that other Christians do.

I don't want to hear a lot of garbage about "child molesting Priests" either, unless you can show me that Catholic Priests are the only religious leaders that do this.

Honestly, why do you hate us Catholics so much?
Eighteen answers:
2006-02-06 10:32:06 UTC
I don't bash catholics, nor preach against it. I just don't understand why you pray to Mary, when Jesus never taught us to. When His disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray He said to pray like this, our Father which art in heaven......

Mary was blessed mother of Jesus, But Jesus said no one comes to the Father but by Me.

I don't hate catholics, I just don't understand them, like many others.

It's good to have a forum like this to try to understand each other and their feelings.

It's a small world after all.
2006-02-06 18:42:17 UTC
The popes & other big wigs of the church have taken it upon themselves to "make up" stuff as they went along. (1) A pope decreed "popes R infaluable" (1500s?) (2) Mary's body is in heaven (1930s I Think) (3) preists must B celebet (1800s?) (4) mortal sins (5) Limbo. The list goes on & on & on & on. Where do they get thius stuff? It's NOT in the bible. When U ask a preist deep probing questions they tell U 2 "have faith". I was born & raised Catholic, Attended catholic school was phisically (not sexually)abused by the nuns. NO BASHING HERE, PAID MY DUES!
2006-02-06 18:31:56 UTC
It's not the molestation. See, the priests begin an obsession in purity, kids are the obvious fascination. They have to repress their sexuality or feel guilty and sometimes let their dirty fantasies become reality.

It's purely psychological. Now the problem is the catholic church relocates them and explains their behavior as demonic influence. They allow pedophiles to continue practicing because they believe in Satan and God, and by the UNited states standard, that's unacceptable.

Ok. Lets be humble, but also, lets build a ginormous city with the most lavished buildings and ask all our members for 10% of their income. I dunno, I've never heard on the new catholic churches donate to relief fund, just good people volunteering that are part of churches to help. The instituton isnt impressive.

I dont believe than people are more holy than each other. Confessing to a person is not better than confession to god himself. Because the man gives you a random phrase to chant doesnt mean its the perfect remedy to 'fix' the sin and make good with god. It's just bizarre. plus the talking in tongues thing, yeah, how about no.
Jon Daigle
2006-02-06 18:35:03 UTC
Well, when you have a significant number of molestations MORE than any one else, one does begin to wonder.

Also, having one worship a peice of bread as god is idolatry.

Doctrine has also been changed. The early church baptized in Jesus name, the church now does it in the name of the father son and Holy Ghost. Historians, including Catholic Historians, acknowledge this...BUT in order for a sacrametn to be valid it must have BOTH matter and form.

The Catholics put doubt in the Eucharist of the Anglicans because they changed the form, yet will not change the baptismal form back to the christological version.

Many times some of this change, is not change, but theological evolution/productions in progress.
2006-02-07 08:39:56 UTC
That's quite a large claim.

But what do you expect if you're living in this world?

1 Peter 4:12-14

"12Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; 13but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. 14If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you."

Nothing to be bitter about...

I'm just wondering- what's the Church's position on salvation? How do you get it? Can you lose it?
2006-02-06 19:47:15 UTC
I don't hate the catholic people, but I hate the catholic doctrines. For catholics Salvation is not by faith alone, but by works, then there is the doctrine of purgatory. Then they believe pope is infallible, Mother mary is the queen of heaven and she also participates in bring us our salvation, then they give a lot of importance to traditions. Catholic doctrine says that no one out side of catholic church will make it to heaven, which includes all protestants. there are a lot. I am sure most normal catholic people don't know all this. I am sure the link below will help!!
2006-02-06 18:37:51 UTC
I don't hte Catholics, for goodness sake my dad used to be one! But let me ask you this, Do you believe that you can get to heaven by good works? That's the difference, I believe that it is by faith alone. There are some practices that are not in sinc with the Bible, but almost all churches have that. I think main difference is works or faith. I don't think Christians hte the people themselves, just maybe some things that they do. True not only Catholice molest children but of course Christians are going to hte it, they'd hte it if someone in their own church was doing it. Hope I answered your question!
2006-02-06 18:49:38 UTC
Three (Fwd) Wishes: Grace => Mercy => Peace(Rest).

Survey says: trend is toward catholic: universal(global);

not away from it, nor against it, as ye do err suggest.

Perhaps you don't (yet) know the difference bewteen

Roman Catholic Chruch and the Catholic(Universal) Church.

Pope John-Paul II: "the long tradition of sacrifice must continue in the third millennium" (1999 quote)

JC said God said: "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice"

(Pst - what JC said God said is same in both the OT & NT)

As to whether there's a third millennium of AD, perhaps

you could reference "converted" Peter (1st Pope) who said

"be not ignorant" of 2Pet 3's ref to Acts 12 and Rev 20:

one day as 1,000 yrs AND 1,000 yr as one day.

In which things are an "allegory": said to "bewitched".

At least I agree with one thing you said: many christians "believe" in being Roman Catholic or Protestant; when Bible says in the third day they ought to "know" better. Ye shall "know" the truth... shall make you "free": free of being sow dog gone Son of man division-all & Adamic soulish.

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus => Christ with you => all. Amen.

GodShew: www leader for "prophetic third day" not millennial
2006-02-06 18:38:39 UTC
to me catholics are jsut ignorant they believe a bunch of rubbish that is not in the Bible, they say it is tradition, but traditionas are made by men not God so i dont know why they add them into the truth. i think catholics are just willing ot obey the church leaders without doing the work to really know what the bible says. the pope over the years have schanged thier minds so often that its clear they are not following God but thier own imagination, the catholics have the truth but ists very mixed up with thier own ideas. feel bad fro them becasue theyare often lead astray.
2006-02-06 18:55:43 UTC
I don't hate Catholics, but I think their organization is corrupt and sometimes evil.

The reason is that they systematically covered up the rape of children for years while claiming to be people of God.

Your question is like saying "waht's wrong with osama bin laden, and I don't want to hear garbabge about blowing up buildings unless you can tell me that only he ever blew up a building." It sounds rediculous.
2006-02-06 18:30:39 UTC
Because the catholic Church is a Sect who is violating free will of people.

Have you ever heard from Jesus that he was telling to his Apostols, after my Death I need that someone is replacing me and calling himself Representer of God on Earth. Pure nonsens. Who need's a Pope?, when we have God inside of us....
2006-02-06 18:30:27 UTC
well it might be that we arent as enthusiastic as other religions, like how baptists and methodists jump up and sing with joy, while we just sit and pray. it could be that we also perform exorcisms that involve wierd things, but i dont think that there is any reason to hate us. also, i am wondering, are the saints for catholics only or all of christianity. if you know, then tell me if you ever happen to answer any of my questions.
2006-02-06 18:31:01 UTC
Well for one, the Catholic religion are anti birth control and are helping to spread HIV by teaching HIV ridden countries in Africa and such places not to use condoms.

Two - They are completly demeaning to women. They dont treat women as equals.

I could go on....
2006-02-06 18:29:25 UTC
I'm a christian! I don't hate you! I have plenty of catholic freinds. We just don't agree on somethings. :)
2006-02-06 18:25:38 UTC
well me im not a catholic basher, but i just dont find catholic church for me, lets just say i dont agree with your beliefs, acts and others..
2006-02-06 18:27:57 UTC
Why so many anti everything?
2006-02-06 21:49:15 UTC
Yeah, it's not like the palpacy has done anything wrong at all...

In the year 440 Pope Sixtus III (432-40) was tried for the seduction of a nun.

Pope Leo I (440-61) was a warped and sadistic torturer. He made his victims confess that they mixed semen with the sacrament and used young girls at the altar for the purpose. He was the first Pope to claim the right to put anyone who disagreed with him to death.

Pope Stephen VI (896-97) had the body of his predecessor, Pope Formosus (891-96) dug up, dressed in papal vestments, set on a throne and tried for perjury and coveting the papacy.

Pope Sergius III (904-11) enjoyed sex with underaged girls. According to the historian Baronius, Sergius III was "the slave of every vice". When he was 45, Sergius took a 15- year-old mistress - the affair produced a son who went on to become Pope John XI.

It was said that Pope John XII (955-64) invented sins that had not been known since the beginning of the world and whole monasteries spent days and nights praying for his death. He turned his home, the Lateran Palace, into a brothel. He used the papal treasury to pay off his gambling debts. He died on May 14th 964 aged twenty-four, after he was caught in bed by the husband of one of his mistresses in 'the very act of adultery'.

Pope John XIII (965-72) {There was more than one John XIII } was condemned as an adulterer who "defiled his father's concubine and his own niece". He was said to have died at the hands of an enraged husband, caught in the act of adultery - just like his dad, Pope John XII.

The child-pope Benedict IX (who became Pope at the age of 12!) was bi-sexual, sodomised animals, ordered murders and dabbled in witchcraft and Satanism. He loved to throw wild, bi-sexual orgies. Benedict IX held the post of Pope in the years 1032-45 and 1047-48. He was described as "A demon from hell in the disguise of a priest...", and St Peter Damian said of him: "That wretch, from the beginning of his pontificate to the end of his life, feasted on immorality". Dante estimated that under Benedict IX the papacy reached an all-time low in immorality and debauchery. When he was 23 he survived an assassination attempt (strangling at the altar during Mass). Benedict went on to marry his cousin and sell the papacy to his godfather, Gregory VI.

In the year 1095 Pope Urban II introduced the callagium, a sex tax which alllowed the clergy to keep mistresses, provided they paid an annual fee to the papacy. This had the immediate effect of reducing the use of concubines and hugely increasing clerical homosexuality.

Pope Anacletus (1130-8) committed incest with his sister and several other female relatives. He enjoyed raping nuns.

Pope Celastine II (1143-44) had a certain Count Jordan condemned to a horrible death, he was strapped naked to a scalding iron chair while a red-hot crown was nailed to his head.

Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) instituted the approved method of interrogation of suspected sodomites. In order to make them confess, suspects were lowered naked onto a red-hot spike. This method was kept until the year 1816.

Pope John XXII (1316-34) excommunicated fellow clergymen for not paying their taxes.

Pope Benedict XII (1334-42) was such a hardened drinker that the expression "drunk as a pope" became popular in his lifetime.

Pope Clement VI (1342-52) was described by Petrarch as "an ecclesiastical Dionysus with his obscene and infamous artifaces". Clement VI slept with prostitutes and had dozens of mistresses. When he died, fifty priests said Mass for the repose of his soul for nine consecutive days, but it was generally agreed that this was not going to be nearly enough to prevent the dead pope from going directly to hell.

Robert of Geneva was well known for his ability to decapitate a man with a pike. He became Pope Clement VII (1378-94) and was 'much given to fleshy pleasure'. He surrounded himself with page boys, whose jackets, it was noted, shrunk from being knee length, to mid-buttock 'or even worse'.

Pope Benedict XIII (1394-1417) gave a dispensation to the twenty-nine-year-old Richard II of England to marry Isabella, the seven-year-old daughter of the King of France.

Pope Pius II (1458-64) had been a well known author of erotic literature, and had fathered about 12 illegitimate children.

The homosexual Pope Paul II (1464-71) liked to see naked men being racked and tortured. Alledgedly, he died of a heart attack whilst being sodomized by one of his favourite boys.

The Sistine Chapel was built by Pope Sixtus IV (1471-84). He had six illegitimate sons, of which one was the result of an incestuous relationship with his sister.

Pope Innocent VIII (1484-92) sired eight illegitimate sons and probably as many daughters, of whom he openly acknowledged. His reign as Pope was known as 'The Golden Age of Bastards'. He authorised an inquisition against those thought to be witches. On his death bed a wet nurse was found for his final craving - woman's milk.

Pope Julius II (1503-13) who commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the the Sistine Chapel, was a paedophile and spent much of his time with small boys and male prostitutes.

Pope Paul III (1534-49) enjoyed an incestuous relationship with his daughter. To gain control of his family inheritance, he poisoned several relatives, including his mother and neice. He killed two cardinals and a Polish bishop to settle an argument over a theological point. Paul III was probably Rome's biggest ever pimp - he kept a roll of about 45,000 prostitutes, who paid him a monthly tribute.

Pope Julius III (1550-55) sodomized young boys, of which one was his own, illegitimate, son. He appointed several handsome teenage boys as cardinals. Cardinal della Casa's famous poem In Praise of Sodomy was dedicated to Pope Julius III.

In 1932, Pope Pius XI (1922-39) as well as condemning contraception, ordered German Catholics to drop their hostility towards Hitler. He also backed Mussolini's invasion of Abyssinia.
2006-02-06 23:15:34 UTC
religious nazi party is what i think

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