Seriously, Why would God create us just to send some of us to Hell?
2009-06-15 15:33:08 UTC
I know we were put on the planet to worship and believe in God, but would we not be better off just not having been created at all. I worry every day about the horrible world I have brought my little girl into and to add insult to injury, now she MUST find faith in God or she will go to Hell. Why would our loving, all knowing God (no sarcasm intended) create us knowing some us would burn for eternity. What are your thoughts?
35 answers:
La Sirenne
2009-06-15 15:38:56 UTC
Absolutely- to be controlled by fear is a living hell.

Thankfully, it's not true.

Have a nice day.
2009-06-15 15:42:56 UTC
Some people believe, from the christian faith, that we are all with sin because of free will. We are now all born with sin due to Adam and Eve and on top of that we bring more sin on ourselves However, this is just one religion, there are so many others that we can't say are wrong or right They also contradict each other and then there is also the theory of evolution. If you worry so much about god and how he works and how to stay out of his wrath then what are you going to do if the religion you were following is not the ultimate one and then, what if there is no god. Let your child live without religion until they have reached an age where they can choose their own religion if any. Hope this helps x
2009-06-15 15:46:10 UTC
Honestly, this is a very good question. I, too, have wondered endlessly about it. I know I'm going to be hated or criticized for the words and things I'll say but personally, I believe that God was just a creation of "wise" ancient men who sat around and put together a story to make people believe that something was out there to help them in times of need. I also believe that the old men created Hell and Satan to scare people. But that's just what I believe. I don't necessarily believe in God, the Lord, himself nor do I believe that people who are "sinful" are destined to Hell. Religion is the hardest subject to understand and it's great that you're worried about you're daughter. But truth be told, Religion is just all about strict standards and rules and what can be done and what can't be. I know for sure that I do not believe in God but I also know that I am not going to hell either. Where will I end up?.... Who knows, really? If God really is loving he wouldn't have made Hell. If God was as forgiving as people claim, no one would be sinful.
2009-06-15 16:01:19 UTC
well, lets not talk about thoughts, but instead , the TRUTH. Remember how satan became the devil? He used to be a very powerful angel and a servent of God. ..then one day he decided that he wanted to have more power then God. Well, of course since God is All-powerfull over everything he has created, he had to cast out satan from Heaven and satan became a fallen angle. So even though sin originated from Adam and Eve, it started first with the mistake that Satan made., to we have good and evil. God is controll of good, and satan is in controll of Evil. So yes, Satan is very powerfull, but not AS powerful as God. But, its as simple as this. God loves us sooooo much that he wants us to make the choice on our own to love him. He tells us 3 different ways that he exists, so the choice is ours. You also may think God is a mean God, but he tells us that he must punish those who he loves..and most of the time anyway, we probably were NOT following the commandments that he has given us. .......but back to what I said about how we know that God exists and we have no excuse. well, he says in the Bible that for one, he shows us that there is a God through seeing the creation. We must be open-minded and soft-hearted to understand that a man has not created the world, but God has...and second, God says that each of us have a desire in our heart to worship something..example: if you are not a christian and you spend most of your time watching tv, and cant live without it because youre obsessed with it, then you have made tv your idol, even if you didnt realize it. so, if youre really into something like even sports, you pretty much love it so much and idolize it. ....third, God gave us the Bible. The Bible explains everything. Even if its hard to understand, just remember that the most important thing is to love God, and try to do whats right. As long as youre loving God, you are obeying the most important COMMANDMENT. So dont wory if you dont understand who God is and why things are the way they are. Just trust that he is right, and have faith that he is awesome and powerfull and knows everything!!! its exciting to worship God. I love it!!!!!!! >peace
2009-06-15 15:40:31 UTC
"I know we were put on the planet to worship and believe in God"

Stop right there. You know no such thing. You BELIEVE it. Okay. Carry on.

"Why would our loving, all knowing God (no sarcasm intended) create us knowing some us would burn for eternity."

Caution. You are now approaching an insoluble paradox. Loss of faith is imminent.

"Some people belong in hell, don't you agree?"

In your case... I am inclined to agree. If people like you go to Heaven, it would spoil everything.
2009-06-15 15:56:14 UTC
Ok well you judging God and his reasons for life doesn't make you a good example for ur child. God put us on this world so we could make choices for ourselves and to see if we follow our religion like we should. I think life is a test. Stop questioning God people go to hell because they choose to sin and no believe in God. Their own fault.
2009-06-15 15:44:55 UTC
My thoughts? These are not mine, they are Gods. God did not create us to go to hell. He created us to have a personal relationship with us. We are the ones that sinned and messed that up. If God just created us to go to hell, do you honestly think that He would have sacrificed Jesus for us? That is how much He loves us. We have to remember that God is holy, and there has to be payment of sin, it will either be ours (which we deserve) or Christ's. Both you and your little girl have that choice to make.
2009-06-15 15:50:52 UTC
Just teach your little girl Moral Values. Plant that seed in her heart that teaches her right from wrong. Take her to church so she can learn the word of God and apply it to her everyday life. If she (and you) are spiritually strong the wickedness of the world won't affect you. Also... there needs to be a place where God must send the wicked. Just like we got Jail... God has Hell!
2009-06-15 15:43:20 UTC
He didn't, but please don't stop reading, this actually makes sense.

God created us to love us. He gave us a free will, because if he made us without it, the love wouldn't be real. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they committed the only sin that they could've, resulting in an imperfection in mankind. He and His love is perfect, so the only thing that can be around him must be perfect. We aren't perfect. He sent His Son to die for us as a sacrifice for our sins, and this sacrifice and forgiveness would make us perfect so we could be with him in heaven. He didn't make us to send us to Hell, He made us to be with and trust in Him, so those that don't or cause others to fall away can't be with him (unless of course they ask for forgiveness and trust in Him to help them live they're lives for Christ)
2009-06-15 15:57:51 UTC
Well, first of all, that's a reason we have a choice. God didn't want to force us to believe in him, if He wanted it that way He would've made us all brain-washed robots. But He gave us a brain, full of intelligence and emotions. He gave us the ability to choose what we want to believe. He wants us to be happy to worship him, not forced. Of course God's not happy that some refuse to believe. So the best we can do is to show the way to others. As for you're daughter, it's great to know that you care and are worried for her. Just show her His word but don't force it, as God doesn't, and hopefully she will understand. Trust God and don't worry, He'll touch her heart. :]
2009-06-15 15:37:57 UTC
Eze 33:11 Say unto them, [As] I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?


Isa 45:9 "Destruction is certain for those who argue with their Creator. Does a clay pot ever argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, `Stop, you are doing it wrong!' Does the pot exclaim, `How clumsy can you be!'

Isa 45:10 How terrible it would be if a newborn baby said to its father and mother, `Why was I born? Why did you make me this way?' "

Isa 45:11 This is what the Lord, the Creator and Holy One of Israel, says: "Do you question what I do? Do you give me orders about the work of my hands?

Isa 45:12 I am the one who made the earth and created people to live on it. With my hands I stretched out the heavens. All the millions of stars are at my command.
2009-06-15 15:39:19 UTC
I think God created us because he wanted to see how we would react together and if we would thank him and praise him. People who don't believe will not burn in Hell, but if someone does something bad, they WILL burn in Hell. Those are my thoughts. I believe, but I don't go to church or pray or anything. Hope this helps! Have a nice day!
Stevie N
2009-06-15 15:39:40 UTC
He gave us life it is up to us to do something with it. If we waste it and harm others it may be because we are damaged goods, like a cracked egg.

Sometimes you get a nice clean dozen, sometimes you get a cracked egg. We all do the best we can. God knows we are not perfect but he expects us to try and be kind to others etc. I would not scare my little girl but teach her to pray because that helps us all.

Some people belong in hell, don't you agree?
2009-06-15 15:36:35 UTC
Why would God send us to hell for not worshiping God? Isn't that an inferiority complex? If a person lives a good and honest life as an atheist, how would that qualify them for damnation if any deity was truly loving?

How powerful is any deity who needs to be feared?

Why would a God create a realm of punishment if any god is powerful and omniscient enough to control his or her creation? If a deity supported "choice," why would hell ever be an option if God wasn't just a sadistic bastard?
2009-06-15 17:06:58 UTC
I will try to address your question. God created man much like he did the angels with the gift of free will. I view god as someone who was alone in a void and felt the urge to create something he could be proud of. His masterpiece was mankind, first were Angels, then the Earth, and then animals. But we were his last and most precious creation. With the fall of Lucifer to the earth and hell being created, it provides we who believe and God with perfect justice.

God created us as his children not his slaves we are to worship him but in truth when you look at worship is it not simple appreciation for what god has given us? much like all we want from or children is for them to grow up and become good people we can be proud of, God wants the same. I believe God knows and sees all, but he does not control all. God doe snot send us to hell, we send ourselves there. The definition of Hell is eternal separation from God, So we wander in darkness for eternity without THE LIGHT, or LOVE which both are from God.

We are the masters of our fate, if god created us to fail that would be pointless, and that is not the case. We all are given choices to make in life, you can choose to embrace your father and listen to his words as he has been were you have been, and done what you have not even thought of to do, listen to your father in heaven and on earth and usually you end up on the right track, But don't listen to your father or mother for that fact and you could fall off the tracks and find yourself alone or a failure, it's worse if you betray them. Your parents will love you forever but may not be able to accept what you have become, I view God in the same lens he loves us all and wants all of us to go to heaven to be with him, but we as his children choose to shun him curse him or not even listen to his words, and like any parent he will not accept you into his home because you do not respect him as you know you should.

I hope this helps you.
2016-10-31 08:28:38 UTC
God is honest, he will in user-friendly terms punish undesirable people, i propose if somebody replaced right into a killer does he deserve residing with good people in heaven? No He can't purely throw each and all of the people in heaven .. they don't belong there in user-friendly terms good-lively people who deserve residing happy pass there! to illustrate; in case you have been a chairman and considered one of your co-workers replaced into working VERY annoying he gets promoted yet, if the different one replaced right into a slacker of direction he may be warned then fired i don't understand approximately your faith yet us as Muslims we've each and all of the solutions interior the quran and different books that have been written by utilising people who stay with our prophet Mohamed (P.B.A.H) and that all of them make experience to us and in user-friendly terms on your coaching, some Muslims rather supply undesirable impressions to people, so do not decide Islam(our faith) by utilising what you spot from some people and media. you may a minimum of study out quran translation so which you already know what I propose =) All maximum suitable to you
2009-06-15 15:40:36 UTC
god did not create us to put us i hell but its because of what eve did in genesis eating the forbid in fruit; man then lived in sin and the punishment for sin is death. so he sent his one and only son so save us, by living a sinless life and then getting crucified so that we wont have to perish but have eternal life
2009-06-15 15:41:37 UTC
We made the world as horrible as it is today. You can't blame God for our f@ck-ups. God gave us choices. He basically said here's your life, follow me. We are a virus on God's perfect creation. To understand this better, watch the matrix (1) and agent Smith explains it best.
2009-06-15 15:39:11 UTC
He didn't. But most people have decided they'd rather be in hell than to recognize God for who He is. I'd say it's free will, but it's much more than that. It's more of a demand. People demand not to have to honor God and He says ok, but your transgressions against my authority comes at a price.
2009-06-15 15:41:19 UTC
God does not send us to hell. We do. Everything that happens (I know its cliche) happens for a reason. God wants us to go through pain and suffering, but it is all to see how we handle it and how we find ourselves and him in the process. Its is when we give in to satan's and the world evil that we lose ourselves and our connection with God and are doomed to hell.
Darth Veda
2009-06-18 10:13:39 UTC
God will eventually save all of us from sin and suffering and share His complete happy experience of eternity with everyone...

God is fair... Overall, in each person's entire infinite history, we will each experience the same mount of happiness and unhappiness that God experiences in His entire infinite history. We each experience the same amount of unhappiness - whether through our compassion and self-sacrifice, or through our being disciplined because of our unforgiveness and stubbornness to trust ourselves to God.

Iyehuweh God (Yahuweh/Yahweh), our glorious Entertainer, is crazy but not mad. He makes us to sin and so make Him unhappy, so that He can demonstrate His love for us by suffering for us, in such a way that it makes us righteous, so that we make Him even happier than before and cause Him no further unhappiness.

God reconciles all to Himself through Jesus Christ, Who makes peace through His shed blood and crucifixion (Col 1:20). Jesus is the Lamb of God Who takes away all the sins of all the world (Jn 1:29). The creation itself, also, shall be freed from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God (Rom 8:21).

Hell's punishment is not forever but until the end of the eons - eonian punishment. People don't sin enough during their mortal lives for God to choose endless punishment besides it would spoil the future of eternity to have a section continually reserved for endless torture...

People are made by God to rebel against His ideal will for them and then offered a choice - forgiveness of their rebellion, or, punishment for their sins until they have paid the last 'penny' (Mt 18:23-35, Lk 12:54-59)... After punishment, those who went through torture in hell come to realise they need faith on God to succeed in life and they are joined into God's kingdom so that they cease from sinning and are rewarded for their compliance...

There are two bible translations which consistently uphold the doctrine of Universal Reconciliation with God, and the future union of all beings to experience God as the all in each of us. For a free download of these bibles you can try this website:

An outline of the bible references which support Christian Universalism has been posted at this webpage:
2009-06-15 15:39:13 UTC
Napoleon Complex.

Or sheer boredom.

That is if there was a god. Since there isnt, I guess you can make up any reason you like now cant you?
LORD Jesus Witness
2009-06-15 15:36:47 UTC
Why would humans choose to sin and go to hell when God gave us all the potential to go to heaven. THAT is the question.
2009-06-15 15:38:20 UTC
Degrees of punishment; Degrees of Reward
2009-06-15 15:37:53 UTC
Becuase he gave us free will.

I know sometimes I wish we never had it.

If we never did, we couldnt miss it right?

anyway, Its our own choices that lead us there.

Why not do something just because not all of it will end up perfectly?
2009-06-15 15:38:12 UTC
Once your create everything and can do anything you want for so long it gets old.

He then resorts to what people do with magnifying glass and ants. He just wants to amuse himself for awhile
2009-06-15 15:37:08 UTC
if you seek God you will find him its wanting to know God. Free will.

From there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him

if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Deuteronomy 4:29
2009-06-15 15:37:28 UTC
God created us all

He gave us each a choice

He honors that choice

If you choose to go to hell, it's on you, He tried to give you away out.
2009-06-15 15:46:27 UTC
See how evil and sadistic he is? people still worship him, how disgusting.
Gorkbark Porkduke Gefunken Fubar
2009-06-15 15:36:41 UTC
Well he created Hell, too, so he has to use it for something.

Store the riff-raff.
big red
2009-06-15 15:54:03 UTC
because He loves you
2009-06-15 15:36:56 UTC
I know, the whole concept of Christianity is foolish in my opinion
2009-06-15 15:38:02 UTC
uhh.. no one knows. But we are here for a reason!

go to church.. pray..
2009-06-15 15:37:30 UTC
its fun watching some one burn
2009-06-15 15:36:34 UTC
He was bored...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.