Umm, @Nous doesn't have a clue, only unfounded unsupported illogical irrational fabricated (sometimes corroborated) OPINION. As one of the most active persons on this board, almost never a fact. Or are you another cop-out that's only looking for more OPINION? It's not my responsibility for you to find truth any more than my responsibility to prove/disprove your claims; it is yours by burden of proof of your claims whether innuendo, ignorance, you fail w/o support, same as @Nous.
Atheists actually believe the nonsense they have been spoon fed or want to believe so badly they have become willfully stupid and are blind to how nonsensical atheism and evolution are. That's called indoctrination; it leads to delusion by willfully ignoring/denying the evidence and relying on unfounded unsupported OPINION.
In some sense, we are all indoctrinated initially, trusting our peers and having faith in their responsibility to truth, whatever the subject. But our own responsibility overcomes indoctrination when we mature and accept that responsibility in truth to confirm it. Atheists don’t normally take this last step of confirming what they’ve been taught or there wouldn't be any atheists. Christians are used to confirming the Bible and our belief, and do confirm the facts in evidence of our belief, and are consistent with our belief; atheists are not consistent, and cling to a view that requires mindless matter to work miracles, such as causing life to arise from non-living materials and intelligence to come from non-intelligence.
Atheists actually believe the nonsense they have been spoon fed or want to believe so badly they have become willfully stupid and are blind to how nonsensical atheism and evolution are. That's called indoctrination; it leads to delusion by willfully ignoring/denying the evidence and relying on unfounded unsupported OPINION.
Every child by the age of 4 or 5 years is a creationist.. Not because of any indoctrination, just because of ordinary play.. Playing with blocks to build a house, sand castles on the beach, a fort in the back yard, using a bed sheet to make a tent...
By these simple play activities children at that young age intuitively understand the concept of creation... They may not be able to state it in pure scientific terms, but they get it.
The average five year old knows intuitively that God is. It takes years of indoctrination by the Government School System and the mass media to drive this understanding out of a minority. . Lest we forget that the majority of those who convert to atheism do it between the ages of 12 and 15, the rebellious teen years, when the areas of their brain that deal with critical thinking, understanding long and short term consequences and impulse control have not yet fully developed.
Of that small percentage (about 20% of those enrolled in the Public School System) about 70 to 80% will convert back to theism as adults when their brains have been fully developed and they have lived in the real world for a while..
Notice the pattern, teens who's brains are not yet developed to the point they can make an informed decision convert from theism to atheism. Adults with fully developed brains and experience in the real word convert from atheism to theism.. That alone sends a pretty powerful message.
That creation deniers don't get it when a 4 or 5 year old does get it should be a source of embarrassment! Seriously, the average 5 year old has a better grasp of reality than the typical atheist! ROFL