Hi There --
It depends upon which "Wiccan Bible" you've got -- some (like the one by Janet and Stewart Farrar) are very good; and some are *not*.
You also need to know that spellcasting is an advanced skill set that should not even be attempted until you've mastered the BASICS, like Centering, Grounding, Cleansing, Shielding, Visualizations, setting Wards, Creating Sacred Space (including Casting Circle).
Yes, the very best way to study Wicca is with a good, expereinced High Priest or Priestess teacher. Here (below) are some Resources, which can provide information and networking - maybe even help you find a teacher or Coven. However, be advised that if you're under 18, reputable Wiccan Teachers will require signed permission from your parents or guardians to teach you, and many Wiccan High Priest/esses would prefer that you finish school before attempting to take Wicca training.
If you're over 18, I do teach an (Internet) Wicca 101 Class; if you'd like more info on that, email me Gaia_d@yahoo.com.
CoG - Covenant of the Goddess - http://www.cog.org
CoG is a national organization of (legally-recognized Wiccan "churches) - Wiccan covens, clergy and solitaries -- with local "councils" in many cities.
CoG provides general, basic information, links to resources and other organizations, Groups, Covens, teachers, High Priest(ess)es, and much more.
2. Circle Sanctuary - http://www.circlesanctuary.org
Circle is a Pagan (not just Wiccan) Sanctuary, working farm, and learning center. It offers training, workshops, festivals, networking, and sponsors other organizations (notably, Lady Liberty League (http://www.ladylibertyleague.org) which offers support, resources, networking and advocacy for any Pagans experiencing religious persecution.
4. Witchvox - http://www.witchvox.com
Witchvox is a wonderful resource that offers general, basic information, referrals and links to local and regional resources on Pagan Classes, Groups, Organizations, Merchants, and more.
5. Wicca For the Rest of Us
- http://wicca.timerift.net/ -
One of the better Pagan internet sites; lots of good information, articles, resources, links, networking, etc.
4. “Beginning Wicca” Yahoo Group -
- One of the better Yahoo groups with several High Priests and Priestess members, so there are lots of good discussions and good information available in both the online discussions, and the Files section.
5. Religious Tolerance – Pages on Wicca:
Conflict Between Wiccans and Christians: http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_conf.htm
1. Books And Authors To Avoid:
I don't want to be negative, but since these books tend to be very popular (and often recommended by beginners who don't know better) I thought it might be wise to include just a few words on which books should be AVOIDED due to factual errors or ethical problems: (I can provide more info on this, for anyone who requests it).
AVOID anything by:
Silver Ravenwolf Douglas Monroe's "21 Lessons of Merlin", Kisma Stepanich,
Edain McCoy
Mary Summer Rain
3 . Good Book Resources On Wicca:
a. Ellen Cannon Reed's "The Heart of Wicca" --
NOTE: This is the very first and major book i would reccomend!
b. Starhawk's "The Spiral Dance",
c. Janet and Stewart Farrar's "The Witches Bible" -
d. Ray Buckland's "Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft" –
e. Gerald Gardner's "Witchcraft Today" and "The Meaning of Witchcraft"
Of course there are many, many other good books, and new ones coming out all the time -- These are what might be considered "classics".
I hope all of that is helpful --
Blessed Be - Gaia