It's the subtleties of mormon living that get to the non-mormon after a while, when it begins to slowly creep in that.... mormons think they are superior to non-mormons of any group. Not just in the religious arena, but cultural, social, intellectual, etc.
They put their morality on a pedestal above all else, including their faith in God, as you can tell by Honesty's answer. Not that he's wrong about encouraging his children to associate with decent kids, but there's something... wrong... about his tone that you can't quite put your finger on, isn't there? Where's the compassion, tolerance, and general feeling of fellow humanity for others that have what they deem as "lesser" or "differing" morals than he believes should be the standard? It's subtlety absent, and it will slowly dawn on you while living among them, that mormons cannot fake that for long, simply because they don't really want to. Especially in Utah. Surprise.
Do they help each other? Yes. Do they help non-mormons? Yes. IF there is a possibility of there being something in it for them that you have. YOUR beliefs. They expect them to change--to theirs. Never by open attack, but through that friendly back door. They are deliberately taught--draw outsiders into the LDS by being nice, empty the elderly's pet litter boxes, bring a harried mom to the store, befriend them. All, while talking about everything BUT mormonism. That comes later, when they think they have you in the palm of their hands. They are advised to not become close, personal friends because the world (which is everybody else) can never be true friends with highly moral people ("like us"). Unfortunately their main objective is not helping to just help, from the goodness of their hearts. They expect something for their troubles, and its for YOU to change. Never them. Their beliefs are 'perfect' just the way they are. They do not make friends just because they 'like the cut of someone's jib'. Most often, adult mormons cultivate friends with outsiders--and you will definitely be that--to increase their church's numbers. A feather in their cap is more important to them than enjoying a good, decent, caring friendship between two like-minded people. Because they don't consider ANYONE "like-minded" unless its another mormon of their caliber. Be nice and friendly is a mormon mandate, but... do not make friends without the intent of eventually guiding them into the LDS "fold". If the person resists? Subtlety drop them and go find others who are more willing. Honestly vaguely implies most non-mormons drink, smoke, take drugs, watch porn (ha!, but that's another story) --- have lesser morals. That is the least common denominator of mormonism's reality. Us mormons vs. depraved society.
I once lived in Utah, in a 99% mormon saturated area, never knowing a non-mormon until I was in grade school. Everyone I knew was mormon. It's not quite as homogenized now as back then, but its still the same culture. People who were non-mormon were not treated with genuine kindness, but from a cool, shallow standpoint of "We are the moral majority. Conform or die." I saw this happen again and again even when I was a very young child. It bothered me why there was this invisible wall put between the two groups just because of a religion? Because that's exactly what will always be. Us vs. them.
If you accept such a mindset, you can still remain Catholic, but only after offering them lip service to how wonderful their religion is. If you own such a shallow framework for friendship, you will do just fine in heavily mormon Utah. They will love you for it. Also, expect your kids to come home with mormonism-based schoolwork. Never Catholic. Expect your kids to pick up the alternate language of mormonism's social realm. Expect your kids to learn how to similarly lie with ease, to you and to themselves, in order to achieve their goals. It's the culture. If you can live with such things, go for it. I left at 25, never to return. In fact, I FLED the entire state's smothering atmosphere, with a borrowed trailer with everything we owned piled on it. Were we immoral people? Not at all. We had left the LDS and became Christians, yet our all-mormon families did not want to accept that, so started secretly hammering into our small, frightened children that mormonism is more important than love for their parents. Their arrogant doggedness became THE best thing that ever happened to us as a family to this very day. We all blossomed in the freedom of the open, giving world outside Utah. Each of our children are now happily married with families and wonderful careers of their own. My husband and I have long passed our 50th wedding anniversary, still happily married. We do not smoke, drink, take drugs, or curse then watch porn. But we also don't conclude those things as making up the whole so-called "immoral" person like mormons tend to. For a mormon to focus on a person's heart instead of their behavior? Can't be done without a rare and exceptional effort. You will find more forgiveness from mormon converts than lifelong mormons, too. They tend to retain more accepting shreds of their former life.
Sorry for rambling on, but this very thing is the basis for my utter disgust in how Utah is allowed to be managed. Utah's insidious and palpable culture of mormonism, the Us mormons vs. Them rut. Keep that in mind, and never allow yourself to forget it. There will be ugly consequences if you do. Good luck, and God bless.