What did Mother Theresa do?
2010-11-03 22:08:10 UTC
This might be long but..

So we were at school discussing inspiring women. I suggested we should write Mother Theresa. My English teacher didn't agree with me so she didn't put her up on the list. I asked her why. She said there were things that Mother Theresa did but since we are a Catholic school, it wouldn't be right for her to tell me. So then she just told me to Google it.. but I haven't found anything negative about her yet. And I'm really curious.. so can someone please tell me what she did?
Thirteen answers:
2010-11-03 22:22:19 UTC
Here is an excerpt from an episode of Penn & Teller's "Bullshit." In it, they address some of the negative side of Mother Teresa's life, showing that she isn't great humanitarian that she proclaimed herself to be.
2010-11-03 22:22:38 UTC
What a wonderful question. Congratulations for asking it. I wish more people would ask more questions like that. Why did the Vatican Support Adolph Hitler (For Example).

Okay, mother Theresa was a manufactured saint. The Catholic Church made her up. She was a terrible woman who actually believed that suffering was the way to salvation. She took in the critically ill and dying and allowed them to suffer without medication of proper care. She accepted donations to help these people and spent all the money on expanding her own centers instead of on medications or doctors services for the dying. Reports also indicate that she was a very nasty woman who criticized anyone with empathy for the dying.

A very good program for a quick review about Mother Theresa is "Penn and Teller's Bullshit." Here are the links. This will help you along as well as be entertaining. I would not use it as your only source of information but it will point you in the proper direction and give you some other references.

Good Luck!
2015-12-12 10:38:37 UTC
I know more than one nun who absolutely hated Theresa. She did allow people to suffer because she thought it was holy and brought them closer to god. She denied them pain relief and yet when she became ill she had the best health care possible.
2010-11-03 22:56:23 UTC
Many people say that Mother Teresa never cared for people actually and left them to die..

But I want to ask those people that spread lies, have they ever stepped into India? Not the tourist areas but the actual villages where she worked in? In the slums?

Take a look at an Indian slum.

You need to personally see the conditions of local small Indian hospitals too, they have rats and roaches all over.. They are not cared for.. How many patients have had their ears and toes eaten up in the nights by rats!

Thats how her homes happened to be, even though they tried their best to keep it clean, after all a slum has all kinds of 'filth' in the form of insects..

This is where Mother Teresa started her work.. in the slums.. Give her a break..

Who would willingly enter a slum?

BTW I'm an Indian and automatically my nose scrunches up when I pass a slum in a taxi, thats how filthy we find it..

My neighbor joined Mother Teresa's missionaries and she came back after 3 days because she could not do it, it was too tough to handle

Teresa wrote in her diary that her first year was fraught with difficulties. She had no income and had to resort to begging for food and supplies. Teresa experienced doubt, loneliness and the temptation to return to the comfort of convent life during these early months.

She wrote in her diary:

Our Lord wants me to be a free nun covered with the poverty of the cross. Today I learned a good lesson. The poverty of the poor must be so hard for them. While looking for a home I walked and walked till my arms and legs ached. I thought how much they must ache in body and soul, looking for a home, food and health. Then the comfort of Loreto [her former order] came to tempt me. 'You have only to say the word and all that will be yours again,' the Tempter kept on saying ... Of free choice, my God, and out of love for you, I desire to remain and do whatever be your Holy will in my regard. I did not let a single tear come!

Teresa received Vatican permission on 7 October 1950 to start the diocesan congregation that would become the Missionaries of Charity. Its mission was to care for, in her own words, "the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone."

Currently she has more than 6000 nuns and a thousand brothers in more than 800 different homes for the old, sick, orphaned, for women, etc worldwide..

I go to a home close to my place and it is so depressing to see the little kids, crying all the time, most of them less than a year old.. All of them are abandoned kids.. Its really a pitiful sight and I have always cried when I go there..

She did receive criticism by various individuals and groups, including Christopher Hitchens, Michael Parenti, Aroup Chatterjee, Vishva Hindu Parishad, against the proselytizing focus of her work including a strong stance against contraception and abortion, a belief in the spiritual goodness of poverty and alleged baptisms of the dying

Christopher Hitchens often speaks out against the Abrahamic religions, or what he calls "the three great monotheisms" (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). In his book, God Is Not Great, Hitchens expanded his criticism to include all religions, including those rarely criticized by Western secularists such as Hinduism and neo-paganism.

2010-11-03 22:14:39 UTC
Your English teach in your Catholic school is nuts. What she said and did makes no sense whatsoever. I'd report her to the principal if she couldn't come up with a damned good excuse for her irrational behavior regarding Mother Theresa.
2010-11-03 22:16:20 UTC
Imposed her fetish of suffering on the poor of Calcutta. Her "hospitals" were warehouses of people dying agonizing deaths and she denied them even palative care. She spent most of her time courting the media and raising funds.
Dreamstuff Entity
2010-11-03 22:11:56 UTC
She was a fraud, pretending to be bathed in divine light when it was the effect of a new type of film, telling women they'd be tortured forever if they divorced abusive husbands, prolonging the pain of terminal patients but denying them pain medication to offer their pain as a twisted sacrifice to a god she struggled to believe in.
2010-11-04 10:07:29 UTC
She gave her life up to serve the poor...

Maybe your teacher needs to learn a thing or two. I would actually report her/him to the Principle. Obviously, there is some bias there and well.. this in itself is a hindrance to faith formation.
Erika Cullen
2010-11-03 22:11:30 UTC
2010-11-03 22:10:31 UTC
Before she gained the attention of the world, she was a stripper, prostitute, and opium junkie. Look it up.
Think Tanker
2010-11-03 22:10:12 UTC
What is done is by RC church. She was just a show girl.
2010-11-03 22:09:48 UTC
She sacrificed herself for the destitutes!
2010-11-03 22:08:54 UTC
she fed the poor and encouraged many...she was her

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