I am told I am wrong to believe in spirits because you can't see them or prove they exist?
2006-11-15 02:11:30 UTC
surely this goes for every religion we don't know for sure jesus or any head of religion really existed science proves god did not create us in his image we evolved from ape like creatures so why should I not believe in spirits, reincarnation and life after death
35 answers:
2006-11-15 02:32:08 UTC
well you believe what you want to believe ...

but i personally feel that we should have proof or as close to proof of anything we believe in

i dont like to go by faith alone ...

now in saying this ... i am a medium who speaks with spirit

but i get proof of those spirit and proof is there

so perhaps you should look for this proof also , so that when people say things like " you shouldnt believe in something you cant see or prove "

you can say .... yes you can

i will leave a couple of links where you can find evidence of spirit if you wish to study it some more

and love to you xx
2006-11-15 02:14:44 UTC
How can you prove that George Washington existed? You have to have faith in the writters of history and eye witnesses. That is the same way we know that Jesus really exists.

And if you think you came from a monkey, you have more faith than one who believes God created us.

The test of any theory is whether or not it provides answers to basic questions. Some well-meaning but misguided people think evolution is a reasonable theory to explain man’s questions about the universe. Evolution is not a good theory—it is just a pagan religion masquerading as science.

1. Where did the space for the universe come from?

2. Where did matter come from?

3. Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?

4. How did matter get so perfectly organized?

5. Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?

6. When, where, why, and how did life come from dead matter?

7. When, where, why, and how did life learn to reproduce itself?

8. With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce?

9. Why would any plant or animal want to reproduce more of its kind since this would only make more mouths to feed and decrease the chances of survival? (Does the individual have a drive to survive, or the species? How do you explain this?)

10. How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code) create any new, improved varieties? (Recombining English letters will never produce Chinese books.)

11. Is it possible that similarities in design between different animals prove a common Creator instead of a common ancestor?

12. Natural selection only works with the genetic information available and tends only to keep a species stable. How would you explain the increasing complexity in the genetic code that must have occurred if evolution were true?

13. When, where, why, and how did: a) Single-celled plants become multicelled? (Where are the two- and threecelled intermediates?) b) Single-celled animals evolve? c) Fish change to amphibians? d) Amphibians change to reptiles? e) Reptiles change to birds? (The lungs, bones, eyes, reproductive organs, heart, method of locomotion, body covering, etc., are all very different!) How did the intermediate forms live?

14. When, where, why, how, and from what did: a) Whales evolve? b) Sea horses evolve? c) Bats evolve? d) Eyes evolve? e) Ears evolve? f) Hair, skin, feathers, scales, nails, claws, etc., evolve?

15. Which evolved first (how, and how long, did it work without the others)? a) The digestive system, the food to be digested, the appetite, the ability to find and eat the food, the digestive juices, or the body’s resistance to its own digestive juice (stomach, intestines, etc.)? b) The drive to reproduce or the ability to reproduce? c) The lungs, the mucus lining to protect them, the throat, or the perfect mixture of gases to be breathed into the lungs? d) DNA or RNA to carry the DNA message to cell parts? e) The termite or the flagella in its intestines that actually digest the cellulose? f) The plants or the insects that live on and pollinate the plants? g) The bones, ligaments, tendons, blood supply, or muscles to move the bones? h) The nervous system, repair system, or hormone system? i) The immune system or the need for it?
2006-11-15 04:01:45 UTC
No religious belief can be proven, so, none of it is true, but anything is possible. I believe it is wrong to put a limit on your beliefs. If you can believe in anything supernatural (God, Angels, Spirits, Aliens etc.) you would be self righteous to call someone else delusional or wrong to believe something different than you that also cannot be proven. I think the only people that are completely honest with themselves about religion and Spiritual Entities are agnostics. They admit that, they just don't know... Well, I believe that reality is created by our beliefs. What you believe will ultimately create your reality.

(There is a way to prove the existence of spiritual entities to yourself, but sometimes i believe that it is just our subconscious that creates gods and spirits, (it is just a sort of energy, i tell myself) i have tested it with many differnt gods including Isis, Jesus, Anubis, Set, Loki and other less popular gods. They all seem to bring the same power and feeling although Set seems much darker than the rest.)
2006-11-15 02:33:18 UTC
If we believe in only that which we see, surely our lives would be miserable. Then what happens to dreams and ambitions. What about principle and beliefs. Surely you cant see all that, not at first anyway.

We know for sure that Jesus existed because it is supported by historic records not just the bible. I think what science proves really is that we know no more than we did in the beginning. The evolution theory is not completely there yet. I think the verdict is still out. After all, when and why did human beings stop evolving or is it still on going...

My dear believe in what you chose. Its a free Country or so we are told.
leonard c
2006-11-15 02:37:03 UTC
Its part of our being put on this earth for such a short time .Its all a test if you could see these things there would be no room for free will and we would all be like Zombies .Darwins impossabe theory is the cause of much suffering and saddness cos If there is no creator or divine justice then all is allowed...There is a little creature that can squirt a hot stream of acid at you, in order to evolve there it needed to get the mechanism just right or poof it would explode ,this is clearly impossable no matter how much time you have
2006-11-15 02:32:05 UTC
You are not wrong for believing in spirits I believe in lots of things these being one of them.yeah sure everyone are entitled to believe in what ever they want, I think that people who chose not to believe are scared of what might happen. I believe that every one should have an open mind to this kind of thing.There are lots of unexplained things out there that science cant prove.Some people are more in tune with there guides and spirit than others But that's life. Believe in what ever you want don't let other views cloud what you believe to be true even tho there's no real solid evidence that these things happen. Why would some thing go on for all these years if they wasn't true?something must be happening to keep it going.
2006-11-15 02:22:59 UTC
I have a good counter argument for you (this is the mind of a scientist/engineer who believes in God speaking here!).

You cannot prove that they DO NOT exist either, therefore there is still the possibility that they DO exist!

There you go and good counter argument. You're entitled to believe what you want and we should all be able to discuss our beliefs openly and maturely and accept the fact that we all have different beliefs. The World would be pretty dull otherwise!
2006-11-15 02:32:04 UTC
Ever go to the zoo and find an ape in the process of being evolved into a human being? No, and you never will. Jesus existed because there IS proof. If you seriously want to prove it for yourself He Himself will help you if you ask Him. He says in the Bible that if you search for Him with all your heart, you will find Him. Also "Draw close to God, and He will draw closer to you." Deep down in your heart you know that meddling with spirits is wrong. God also warns us of this in the Bible. If you want real answers, read the Bible. It's the whole truth. You won't need anyone else to teach you right from wrong.
2006-11-15 03:39:56 UTC
Who tells you it is wrong? You carry on believing, it is your right. As to proof, I have absolute proof that our spirit lives on as those who have passed over from this earthly life contact me to pass messages on to the loved ones they left behind. They give me such personal details that only the person I am giving the message to would know - that is my proof. How else could I know, I am not a mind reader! It is not really about religion, but about belief - glad you have got that belief, those that havn't are missing so much. x Ps. for those who think I do it for the money - I don't, much of my work is for free as I like to help others whenever I can.
2006-11-15 02:28:08 UTC
People believe in all sorts of things without any proof - take going to war for example.

No-one has the right to tell you what you can and cannot believe in as long as it is not harming yourself or others. To me God and Jesus are real even though I have never seen them.
2006-11-15 05:03:34 UTC
"Isn't enough that I believe the Garden is beautiful without having to beleive there are faries at the bottom of it too"

Religion is made up by humans who couldn't explain where they came from or why we were. Now we are able to explain most of the reasons religious people are all on the defensive there is no need for religion in society today it is merely an outdated form of control.
michael s
2006-11-15 02:22:22 UTC
Am afraid...there is alot of evidence outside of the bibile that recognises that Jessus was a he is nore believabvle than the hogagooglies that go bump in the night. However, there are theories that as time (the ticking of the clock) from start middle end does not rally hapen in that order...ghosts and the willies are in fact nothing more than images drifting in form another time sequence outside that which our brain sequences......if you believe in all tha stuff.
2006-11-15 03:00:17 UTC
I believe in spirits but not in god or religion.

There is proof (although not scientific) that spirits exist. There is absolutely no proof that god exists. Have you ever heard of a medium who claims to be able to talk to god?
2006-11-15 02:29:28 UTC
The beautiful drama of life is the combination of physical and meta physical elements .... physical elements can be experienced through physical sense organs while meta physical elements can be felt only with meta physical capabilities.

The issue of GOD, Spirits, fortune, luck, 6th sense, astral travel ... etc comes under meta physical issues.

Go ahead with your faith ... you are on the right track - but just understand the issues in a proper way - since they are not physically seen, many illusions are prevailing in the minds of people about these hidden truths

- nothing to worry about them
2006-11-15 02:15:25 UTC
Just experiment. Try not believing, and then try out believing. Spend sometime alone in a forest, park, or at night. This is just something no one knows for sure, so you are lucky enough to try on many different beliefs. You don't even have to intellectualize your spiritual encounters necessary, just go with it, and decide later.
dragon tear
2006-11-15 05:38:28 UTC
I think you can beleive in any thing you belive to be true, as long as you dont dictate to other people who dont belive, to be really deep, to see things is surely the same as to hear some thing and as the saying goes 'if a tree falls in the woods & there is no one around to hear it does it still make a sound?

i belive spirits can contact you, you just have to be willing to hear what they are saying, as with the living how can you hear what some one is saying if you refuse to listern !
2006-11-15 02:28:27 UTC
You are right. People usually believe in things that are fake, and that includes all the Gods that ever were the subjects of human beliefs.

the very word "believe" is contradictory or opposite to words like "know" "understand" "prove" in its essence.

But that does not mean that you should not believe in anything, just accept your beliefs to what they are, nice to have but fake at their foundations.
2006-11-15 02:23:13 UTC
Spirits are demons. Matthew ch. 8 and Luke ch. 8. The demon/s in the men. Jesus expunged them out of the men into the pigs.

Reincarnation and life after death is denied by the Bible scripture Ecclesiastes 9; 5,6.

There is no part of us that survives death.

Simply read your Bible. If you do not believe the Bible, the basis of all spiritual belief, then use your free will that God gave you and believe anything.

Its up to you.
2006-11-15 04:59:05 UTC
God is absolutely real but reincarnation is not.

at the same time ressuraction is real and Jesus is Real and Spirits are real.
2006-11-15 02:24:21 UTC
Anything to do with spirits of the dead are not real. They are demons. I don't know how many people I have told this to on here, as I had terrible experience when I was doing readings and contacting the dead as I thought I was. Look to God! Don't trust anything that is witchcraft or anything that has to do with mediums, spirits, psychics, etc. If you do you will regret it. Trust me on that. God loves you so much!
2006-11-15 02:15:18 UTC
There is certainly nothing wrong with believing whatever you want to believe. It's the people who are trying to tell you what you should or shouldn't believe that are wrong. They have no right to do so.
2006-11-15 02:17:03 UTC
There's nothing wrong with believing in spirits. Whoever told you that is a dork.

I will ring your doorbell and run away!!!
2006-11-15 02:32:41 UTC
you can believe in anything you choose to.

if you believe in silly stuff such as the easter bunny, reincarnation and iraqi wmd then some people will think you are silly.

you shouldn't worry about this: they are probably right.
2006-11-15 02:34:16 UTC
Believe what you want. People believe in God they have never seen.
2006-11-15 02:16:03 UTC
you have every right to believe in whatever you want to believe in, I just personally choose not to believe in things that you can't prove, but it is your choice, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise
David M
2006-11-15 06:18:48 UTC
I earnestly believe there is an invisible custard pie orbiting saturn.

I challenge you to prove to me that this invisible, custard pie does not exist.

If you will respect my custard pie, I will respect your spirits.
2006-11-15 02:15:17 UTC
you are told by who?...who has the right to tell you what you should or should not believe in...stay a free spirit and go your own way...sod em all...keep your beliefs and dont let anyone stop you..after all this is still a free country (JUST)
Andromeda Newton™
2006-11-15 02:14:59 UTC
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions! Anyone who tells you you're wrong is entitled to their opinion too but that doesn't mean you have to believe them either!
2006-11-15 02:34:23 UTC
if i come 2 u n slap or punch u...n then u say that im hurt....i will ask u to show the pain...will u b able 2 do that? but u know u r in pain but u cant show it...sames the case here dear
2006-11-15 02:15:31 UTC
Yea, so do i.............. yet most of the people telling me this, believe in some sort of "god"................ strange that, as they've never seen him or can prove he exists
2006-11-15 05:07:07 UTC
i think es has hit the nail on the head,hats of to you wise one.believe whatever your happy with.
2006-11-15 02:14:40 UTC
Well, exactly - you can believe whatever you like, but it doesn't mean what you believe is actually the truth.
2006-11-15 02:41:16 UTC
can you see heat?

What about cold...

Can you see the wind

can you see gravity
2006-11-15 02:14:22 UTC
God is real. He called me a long time ago but reincarnation isnt true..
2006-11-15 02:20:04 UTC
you need to have faith,hope

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