A question for those who practice the art and science of answering the difficult questions on R&S?
2007-06-04 22:57:24 UTC
(you know who you are) You obviously meditate, contemplate, read, consider, study, and/or have first hand experience. Your answers seem spontaneous and unique. How are you doing that? Do you answer off of the top of your head? Do you have a little ritual you do before answering? Do you spend time meditating on the question? Do you brush up on some reading first? Do you need to have a rapport with the Asker or is it easier to answer the question of a stranger? Many of you are getting better and better at putting abstract ideas into words and I'm curious about it. What's your secret? Do you have an explanation? Are you aware of the process? Step forward and speak your mind, even if you think you know very little.
39 answers:
2007-06-05 04:40:55 UTC
I have an innate knowing, as we all do, in truth; but some people like me, like Emerson, like Ernest Holmes, Jane Roberts and her husband, Robert Butts...we have our abilities honed to a pitch that cannot be denied.

I do answer off the top, but this is so that the answer has less chance of being "muddied" by my ego...I do not do as well face to face, because people are far too impatient, and my thought process will be affected by their energy.

I will stop, and look away for a second or two, and listen for more. I do not hear a voice, but only sense this feeling of movement that I call The Flow. It settles around my shoulders, and I feel it come in, and I feel it "leave". (It never really leaves).

I need not have a rapport...we get better because we all are conditioned to believe in progression, practice. I do not meditate on the question...I scan the page here, and I get a sense that I should respond. I only (for the most part) answer questions where someone needs help, but sometimes I will want to respond, but the "Voice" says "No".

Every time I ever went to see a psychic, or spiritual counselor, they would respond to me with a surprised look, and they would remark how white my aura is...then they would say I am to be a spiritual teacher...this began in the '70s, after years of struggling with my inner urging to follow a path that I couldn't completely see.

That's all I have for you for now...
Doc Occam
2007-06-04 23:25:26 UTC
I hit the 'back' button without submitting about 1/3 of the time. There's definitely a process that's getting more refined (and probably more ritualized), but I think consciousness of it only causes stumbling answers.

Knowing the asker definitely helps, especially when interpreting how seriously to answer the question. I'm a firm believer in enlightenment through humor, so it's good to know when to answer lightly, when seriously, when a stupid answer is the smart answer, and when jesting is a good or bad idea.

My answers aren't always unique, I have a few phrases I've used more than once, but I never copy/paste unless that's specifically what the asker wants ("What are the complete lyrics to...?" or similar).

A lot of times, a question takes some research, and I try to provide it, within reason, although there's a timer ticking in my head, since it's fairly likely that I'm racing against some other answerer for that same website or book. (I actually have three or four books within arm's reach of the computer due to my time here.)
2007-06-07 11:38:40 UTC
Sometimes I stop, take a breath, then just start typing, off the top of my head, sometimes I do some research on the topic before placing an answer..... I don't feel that I answer a question differently for someone I "know", or "don't know", I have an answer, or I don't. Sometimes I will run accross a question, and save it for later, and let it percolate awhile, but most often my answers are off the top off my head.....I don't really have much of an explanation for any of your questions, apart from that practice makes perfect, and the more time I spend on writing, the easier it is for me to frame an answer...
2007-06-04 23:32:39 UTC
I don't know that I answer the "difficult" questions on here, but the majority of the time I try to answer only those that seem sincere. Sometimes I like to answer those that I think are just being humorous. You know what they say about all work and no play. Also, I avoid those questions that are obviously meant to insult or be rude, whatever the belief. I used to answer with a lot of Scripture, but soon realized that most people would rather have a personal answer than Bible quotes. So now I answer from my heart, my beliefs and my experiences, though I will paraphrase what the Bible says. And lastly, I try to remember that these questions are from real people, who aren't so different from me, and I try to be respectful even though we may not share the same beliefs.
Yo C
2007-06-04 23:16:22 UTC
I'm not sure if I answer any of the difficult questions but I try to answer the questions that are legitimate and not just an obvious rant. I try to answer honestly and have my facts straight. I will use references if I can get them quickly. I will also pray about some questions because I need God's guidance in the matter. I am no expert, but I do teach Sunday school so I know some bible. I don't know anyone on this site so I don't have a rapport with anyone. Just try to be courteous. Hope this helps.
2007-06-05 22:25:21 UTC
My answers come from three 'places'.

There are questions which I recognise as coming from people in distress. These are answered from my heart but mediated through my therapist's understanding. I try to hear clearly what the problem is and to answer in a way I think will help. Sometimes I will ring colleagues for specialist input.

There are questions regarding deeper realities. 'Spiritual' if you like. Sometimes they lead me. Sometimes, perhaps, I lead them.

These are answered out of love. The answer is immediate but I will take pains to craft them as well as I may. Sometimes I will look up quotes from books.

(I was only thinking yesterday that, even five years ago, you would not have got the amount of obvious spiritual understanding that we see on Y!A today).

There are those that are just fun. I just respond - as you have to with humour - immediately off the top of my head.

Jon C


And then there are the ones which show you something you hadn't realised, or a depth you hadn't reached.

They just have to be answered with bows.
2016-10-07 01:38:43 UTC
a lot comes off the right of my head after years of learn, journey, and prepare. I even have difficulty memorizing scripture; my thought technique works greater on suggestions and suggestions than on data and figures, yet as quickly as I make the shift, i'm able to seem at issues analytically; it merely takes some attempt to make the adjustment. For scripture, I generally comprehend the respond and the verse, yet I generally might desire to seem up the "handle." generally, maximum questions - even the "puzzling ones" are superficial and one merely desires to comprehend the scriptures greater advantageous. those that are toughest to respond to are those wherein the asker already has a nicely known prejudice which desires to be the two triumph over or addressed. at cases, the respond comes "pouring in" and flows like a river - different cases, i might desire to do somewhat heritage learn, enormously whilst coping with suggestions or ideals I even have not had to handle for a while, or have under no circumstances had to handle. I have not have been given any rituals in the previous answering questions. I actually have a on an generally happening basis habit of analyzing my Bible and prayer, yet I have not have been given any particular time or place to do those. it fairly is a controversy of being waiting "in season, and out of season."
2007-06-05 08:17:16 UTC
Do I qualify for the " group " that you're referring to ? I don't find any question to be " difficult " per se. I see it more as being challanging, it stimulates my mind to wonder. My replies are " labeled " as being an " answer " . . . yet, my replies are really my own perspective, opinion, thought or personal belief.

As far as " how I come to my replies / answers . . . I simply read a question...a thought comes to my mind...and I begin typing my reply. It flows out of me fluidly, naturally and quickly. I don't meditate on it, don't read or inquire of any other source before hand, no rituals, not necessary for me to have any " rapport " with the " asker ". . . I answer any and all as it suits me.

My replies are, as you noted, spontaneous and unique, there is no " secret " to how a reply comes to my mind . . . so no explanation to share. I read a question, a thought / reply comes to mind and I begin typing.

Lifes experiences . . .My being closely in tune with the core the true " voice " of my soul. . . That's what I call upon when sharing a reply. How do I " do that " ? There is no " doing " . . . it's naturally there.

Spontaneously and uniquely my own. . .Replies simply come to my mind. . . it's always been natural to me. How does one explain what is natural to them?

I will share this though . . . since occurances in my life of being intune with the Light of (God) the One more . . .I " see " and express thoughts of emotions and the soul more fluidly. And as far as what that might be about. . . My reply would be...Ask (God) the One . . .I feel Love of that Light...Natural with that Light...We are all one of that Light. That Light is within all to tune into and access. So, maybe ask there ~ ~ Joy ~ ~

2007-06-05 00:12:48 UTC
although i am not sure that i step up to the mark regarding each 'difficult' question, i do like to answer as many thought-provoking ones as i can, and this falls into that category!

only twice have i included research from a book/net, rest of the time i read thru the question once or twice and try not to read other answers as they can distract!

i answer in a spontaneous manner, and the answers usually appear in my head as i type. away from the pc, i do read A LOT, and meditate when possible, and i study other topics, and i have a wide range of experiences so i draw on them, as well as tapping into the consciousness of my ancestors who assist me with my knowledge.

it is only through answering this question that i have become aware of the process in so much detail, so thank you! i will be expanding on that.

blessed be

2007-06-04 23:43:15 UTC
This question is answered spontaneously.

The answer is more of a feeling or gut instinct that I get in the moment.

I usually only become aware of the process "after the moment". However, I it is my experiences that have taught me to "trust the moment"....and to realize that over-thinking can be detrimental.

Kind of a "sometimes it is better to act before you think".

I do realize that logic has a place and time...but sometimes nature takes it's course, and sometimes nature is all that is necessary.

In regards to meditation....that is another story....and perhaps I will have an opportunity to re-experience the silence.
Mysterious Bob
2007-06-04 23:10:47 UTC
I dunno if I count. But I am going to answer anyway and you can't stop me so here I go:

I answer most questions off the top of my head. It's like, when I sit down at a keyboard and start typing about something, stuff just comes up and demands to be typed. Things I know or have seen or thought of as I was typing, they all just kind of pop into my head as I go. I just type what I think of, and I do a lot of thinking while I type. I think I do some of my best thinking answering questions on Y answers.

And let it be noted that just because I answer from the top of my head doesn't mean that my answers are inferior. In fact, I consider my answers very high quality answers compared to some I have seen.
2007-06-07 11:40:29 UTC
I honestly don't know some of the answers I type, until I read the question. That is one of the primary reason's I come to this category. The process of explaining to another person, helps me frame, and clarify my own thoughts and feelings. It works for questions as well, but I still have problems with framing questions that are proactive. I guess I'm born to provoke.

I do have rappor, with many. Some personalities come through the standard font loud and clear, regardless of the name changes, avatars, reincartnations, etc.

I could swear you sound like Elerth Morrow...
Wood Uncut
2007-06-06 15:41:33 UTC
Spontaneity and chance. Sometimes a phrase or word stands out and a search comes across something that seems appropriate. At other times a questions strikes a chord with something already known.

I think a degree of selectivity about what one chooses to answer helps, as does following ones instinct.

Of course, it's just as easy to shoot wide of the target as to score a hit! One can try too hard I think!

2007-06-04 23:03:34 UTC
Even the 'difficult' questions have been asked many times. A lot of my answers used to involve doing some research, when I was answering something for the first time, but now I'm usually just paraphrasing myself.

I don't recall seeing this question before though. Good work.
2007-06-07 21:44:54 UTC
mmmm- I wait, re-read, muse, write, delete,re-write ....

or not! -sometimes I am moved immediately into a clear response that is very spontaneous.

If the question is addressing something that calls for facts, I research, but then try to put what the short answer is into my own understanding and words.

As far as needing rapport, the tone and nature of the question provides that.
2007-06-05 16:58:41 UTC
Questioning and answering the questions has become a process that now seems to inhabit my mind, the obvious thing is that all our questions originate from one place and so to answer the difficult questions is only a matter of looking in the right directions, someone once told me about the infinite number of directions it is possible to look when you are not using the eyes.

I just relax my mind, body and let the awareness flow, this allows my focus to be entirely on the source of the question. :-) and that will be my answer.
Carolyn T
2007-06-04 23:06:44 UTC
Depends on the question. Sometimes I brush up on my reading or find the exact location of the answer. Other times it's something I know from experience so I can give a little more insight into my answer.

I try to do my best and it's nice to know someone appreciates my efforts!
Closed for Remodeling
2007-06-06 17:57:05 UTC
Aww, you're cute! We do the same thing as you Sunman! We see an interesting question and we apply what knowledge and passion we have towards answering it. We don't answer all of them because we couldn't do that with every single one. We get to pick and choose because there are so many so we answer the ones that stand out to us, those are the ones we know most about.

I personally end up answering most questions asked by people I already know though, like you. :)


2007-06-05 20:37:05 UTC
All questions were answered a very long time ago. It's just knowing what happened a very long time ago or was it a moment ago? I like questions that make me look as yours does. Questions and answers are a part of this wonderfull play where we can enjoy ourselves as is intended. We are all the answers to the question, all is in harmony for to have a question without an answer would not be right, as with an answer without a question. Thank you for your question! ~ : )
Black Dog
2007-06-05 05:44:37 UTC
I'm practicing the art and science of answering briefly, as every time I have posted an answer in the last few days, I have had to exercise extraordinary keyboard compensatory practices to keep the words from coming out as gibberish. If you check my list of answers, you might see them getting slightly longer as I gain experience with the method of typing with a badly character-mapped keyboard. So it is with answering difficult questions. Practice with open mind...

6therw5se -e6-3e 6n3y see th5s g5bber5sh....
G's Random Thoughts
2007-06-04 23:05:25 UTC
Many question roll though the list day after day. If you stay around very long you see things repeat, and recognize the varying forms of the question.

The tough questions are more engrossing. If you choose to think about them you will come up with explanations for yourself, which you may later share with others.

Not saying I'm a wise one. But I've wised up considerably from considering questions on my own.
2007-06-04 23:15:47 UTC
I wait for the spark - sometimes sparks start fires, sometimes sparks create light, sometimes sparks make noise *crack*, sometimes sparks create the bridge. The question creates an upwelling, I can lay flat, ride over it or paddle a little and try to catch an edge. If it goes I go. I can assume direction and intention - but must let go after that for I am not the force.
2007-06-04 23:14:09 UTC
Truthfully, I have seen many answers copied and pasted from other areas on the site(and other sites) without listing source. So the answerer is not necessarily the exact originator of the response.
2007-06-04 23:21:00 UTC
But I fear none and study all. That's why I seldom make the first 5 or 10 answers.


What Labels I must carry.

Elder and Librarian of the Lore.
Travis J
2007-06-04 23:13:08 UTC
I listen to GOD. I do not address things with a desire to merely appear of benifit rather than to truly benefit. I honestly seek out truth all the time, and hope all else will seek it out as well.

Sometimes I wish to do something else, then see a question, feel compelled in my Spirit to answer, then respond and recieve a great Grace from GOD to accomplish this Inspiration.

With GOD lie all answers, and HE delights to fill HIS genuine seekers with the Fulness of Life, which includes Provision for Spirit, Soul, and Body, in exactly that order as to ultimate importance (and sometimes I am in the midst of fasting from material things to devote more time to just Prayer and Listening and Works of Faith - though rest and nourishment also have their benefit in sustaining the physical supports to the psychic life, which must wisely choose the spiritual life on which its highest good depends).
Lost. at. Sea.
2007-06-05 20:50:27 UTC
That depends on the question but in general the first idea that cross my mind is probably my best answers. I like simple direct answers from the hearth (or the mind) more than the encyclopedic ones.

Peace to you.
2007-06-04 23:02:32 UTC
I try to surround myself with positive energy, but I have to admit, I get in my moods.

I do just answer off the top of my head though. My thoughts are very spontaneous. Some questions I really have to think about, but many are repeats.
2007-06-07 17:18:06 UTC
Asker is an authoritarian personality! He wants to criticize people who answer questions even before they answer! talk about a controlling attitude!! Relax! Take a walk! Go outside--it's a pretty day.
2007-06-04 23:25:34 UTC
The Bible says to be instant in season and out of season. Also, study to show thyself approved. There are people who do this as a ministry, so it does not surpise me to see realy good answers quickly. Time is a precious commodity of which this world is running out. The Lord is coming soon!
Vijay D
2007-06-05 22:57:32 UTC
When you are clear about your concepts, the answers will come automatically fast.

But if the concept itself is wrong, it may do more harm than good, if one takes them seriously. So our inner self should tell us right from the wrong. Then one can be blind in following that.
2007-06-07 10:59:12 UTC
I become the question... I AM the question.

I become the answer... I AM the answer.

More than this is not needed.
Sister Rulerlady
2007-06-04 23:29:11 UTC
just read a lot and have a lot of otherwise useless knowledge in my head
2007-06-04 23:00:45 UTC
Is this a difficult question? Well, I know you are not talking about me.

So, I'll leave this one for the more analytical. I'm not wise!

Your sister,

2007-06-04 23:00:48 UTC
2007-06-04 23:04:39 UTC
Well sometimes I just remember certain scriptures but I know if it is a person that say hey I didn't see that in the Bible then I check in the Bible or my journal to see the scripture like where its in like o its in Luke on John...its not hard you just have to study the word of God daily...SMILE
Proverbs 1:7
2007-06-04 23:04:50 UTC
Did someone write this question for you?

The way I came up with the theory is that your handwriting is EXACTLY like AT LEAST a few thousand other people on here.. So who was it...
Always Curious
2007-06-04 23:06:59 UTC
It's just stark naked magic! The answers just come to me.
2007-06-04 23:07:30 UTC
I put myself into rant mode. I am at my best then.
2007-06-04 23:10:54 UTC
since i know you aren't talking about me, i will share with you my method. no matter what my answers may appear like to others, i always try to act out of concern for others, i try to see past the question itself, unless it is genuine, and see the fear or pain the asker is going through, and try to provoke introspection from the asker.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.