In Hebrew, Je or Jeh or Jah means Lord or God. The suffix "hovah" is No. 1943 in Strong's Hebrew Dictionary and has the meaning of "ruin, mischief." It is another form of No. 1942, `havvah,' which is translated "calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness."
Put the two (Je + hovah) together and you get "God of ruin, mischief, calamity, perversion, and wickedness."
The name of the Hebrew God, Yahweh, represented in Hebrew by the tetragrammaton ("four letters") éäåä (Yod Heh Vav Heh), transliterated into Roman script Y H W H. The name was originally derived from the old Semitic root äåä (hawah). YHWH roots from Yah (H3050) and Hawah (H1942), it means "God of wickedness."
Jesus Christ in Hebrew translates to 'May he be forgotten' or 'May his name and memory be blotted out'.
'Satan' in hebrew translates to 'Enemy/Adversary'
But hebrew is a derivative of ancient Sanskrit:
The Sanskrit root word "Sat", also sometimes "Satya" means Truth. "An" is also a shortening of "Ananta" which means Eternal/Infinite/Never ending, etc. The name "Satan" as a whole can also therefore be translated as "Truth Eternal" or "The Infinite and Never Ending Truth".
A study done on elderly clients suffering from dementia using Kundalini Yoga mantra chant of (SA TA N)A MA, showed a very important finding:
-The "Four Kumaras" or great Spiritual Powers were called Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanatkumara. The Four Kumaras were called the "Sons of Brahma". Brahma here appears to be a name for the infinite Energy and Power called "Ether" from which all was created, and the "Four Kumaras" seem to represent the Four All Powerful Elements, Ether being the Fifth and the originator of the others. The Elements are vital to all existence and form the Soul.
-The Sanskrit word Sanaatan or Sanataana which means eternal, fixed, perpetual, ever present, the fixed creation and also Ancient and everlasting.
-The term "Sanatan Dharma" which means "The Eternal Law" or "Eternal teaching of Truth" which was the original name given to the religion followed by the people of the Indu's Valley.
-Santa which in Sanskrit means peaceful, calm and stilled, i.e. the state of Meditation where the mind is cleared and focused on one point. It can also mean "complete" and also "equilibrium".
-SatNam which means "the True Name".
-Satsang which means "the wise".
The Sanskrit word for "lineage", "race" or "descending from" is also SaMtaana, and this was used as a term for Gentile People in Sanskrit. It's interesting that the word for Race or Lineage contains the name Satan within it, as this is yet more proof of the Gentile People being descended from Satan and so deeply connected to our True God Satan. SaMtaana also means "continuous flow", "connection to", "family" and "children".
The name "Satan" has always been associated with great Power and Importance.