The vote to repeal Gay Marriage in Maine is practically tied right now. How do you feel?
2009-11-03 19:48:34 UTC
Ahhh this one's a nail-biter! (((
Right now, I've got:

Yes — 108,799 50.0%
No — 108,762 50.0

Yes would get rid of Gay Marriage :(
No would allow it : )

Your thoughts?
39 answers:
2009-11-03 19:58:01 UTC
It is sad that 50 percent of the state feels it necessary to go out of their way to spread their hate. If we need to solve overpopulation, we can find the bigots who voted against equal rights for everyone and put bullets in their heads since they don't like freedom.
2009-11-04 08:31:12 UTC
The majority can never be trusted to look out for the best interests of a minority. That's why there are Bills of Rights that are immune to majority rule. I'm sure if it was subject to popular vote, the White Christians in the country would vote to strip all others of their rights and property.

Likewise, the subjugation of women continues in 3rd world countries because only the men have the right to vote and own property, thus placing them in a de facto majority at the polls.

The majority votes the way it does because it itself is not at all affected by the results.

That's also why Congressmen so freely give away "bailout" money -- it's not their money.

Btw, as of this morning's news, the final tally was 53% Yes. The paper also noted that similar anti-gay marriage measures have won in all 31 states that have put the issue to popular vote. Again, state constitutions need to be amended if necessary to prohibit civil rights issues from being put to popular vote. The late Martin Niemoller said it all:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me. "
Ralph T
2009-11-03 20:17:41 UTC
No matter how your question gets answered,there will be those that will always disagree.

So let me give a few facts that the pro-gay marriage proponents ignore.

First of all,in general,the lawmakers and courts have all but banned marriage all together.

There is no advantage for married men and women over same sex couples.

Single people get a higher standard deduction on their tax return.

Married couples get a slightly higher standard deduction,but when you split it 50/50,it is less than the single standard deduction.

All home owners get the same tax breaks as far as mortgage interest,property taxes,etc. on their tax returns.

As for legal and medical issues,everything has to be in writing,from wills to medical powers of attorney.

Want to donate an organ? Not only do you mark your drivers license,but you also have to tell your spouse and children,but you also have to put it in writing in a living will and then tell at least 6 people as witnesses.

You have to have an advanced medical directive in place plus a medical power of attorney so someone can make medical decisions for you in the event you are unable to do so.

You have to have a power of attorney for someone you really trust,to take care of your finances and pay your bills if you are not able to do so.

2 single can buy a house,if 1 decides to leave,they can either sell the house and split the money or 1 can buy out the other.

In a marriage,lawyers get involved and then the fighting over the simplest of things begins.

Then there are the alimony and support issues,child custody,visitation,etc.

A single person can adopt a child and then give a guardianship to a partner.

This would allow the partner to act as a parent also.

In the event of a split up,the guardianship can be revoked-no legal hassles.

As it stands right now,if I should become incapacitated in anyway right now,my wife couldn't make any decisions for me - the doctors could do what ever they wanted even if it is not what I want.

A single person is in the same boat,unless everything is in writing and witnessed.

There is another problem for the issue:

The Marriage Protection Act.

It is a Federal Law and state law cannot violate or override federal law.

Marriage is not a Constitutional right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

It is a function of the church and the governmental intervention violates the "seperation of church and state" clause of the U.S. Constitution.
2009-11-03 21:23:17 UTC
According to evert nedia source, a no victory would "blunt Conservatives argument" while a yes would be "a tragic defeat."

But what no source is saying is that small towns (low tech) report last and are probably going to be strongly against gay marriage. I would like to see gay marriage defeated in Maine so they can shut up and practice this great love of theirs in private without the headlines.
2009-11-03 20:32:18 UTC
I think it is wrong to deny marriage to the LGBT community and I hope Maine continues to allow same sex marriage. But the final outcome of the vote should be respected which ever way it goes.
2009-11-03 19:56:33 UTC
Let people marry whomever they want. Why should heterosexuals get to marry the person they love, but homosexuals cannot marry the person they love? I'm not gay, but that's how I feel and I have yet to hear a single good explanation for it. But I also realize that there will be no good explanation because it is based soley on unacceptance of those who are different. It doesn't threaten society in any way whatsoever.
2009-11-03 19:53:58 UTC
Christians are obviously voting in favor of gay marriage, yet we will still be called bigots with or without a win for gays.

You don't pass a law without Christians voting for it.
2009-11-04 05:25:15 UTC
Gay marriage doesn't satisfy life's purpose

People pushing gay marriage keep saying this is a religious issue. That is not true. Everyone needs to answer the question of “What is the purpose of life?” Leaving religion out of the answer, as well as the Bible and personal opinions, there is only one answer that can be given that will satisfy the laws of NATURE. That answer is: “Reproduce yourself and your species.”

Can two female or two male marriage partners conform to this law? No! So, this is not a religious issue alone. It is an issue that defies the laws of nature. The animal, bird, fish, insect, and plant kingdoms all live this law. They reproduce themselves as per nature's laws.

If any of these kingdoms failed to live this law, their kingdom would become extinct in a short period of time. If the plant kingdom failed to live this law, there would be no food for man or animals to eat. We would soon become a dead planet.

Only man wants to defy this law of nature. In so doing, they become destroyers of, rather than contributors to, the human race.

Gay radicals are bent on re-defining marriage and society, thus changing the human experience. What they are promoting is motherless and fatherless children.
Jess H
2009-11-03 20:04:41 UTC
They need to stop putting human rights up to vote; that's what I think. If allowing African-Americans the right to drink out of public fountains was put up for vote, they STILL wouldn't be allowed to in the South.
2009-11-04 03:00:22 UTC
I'm just happy that my vote helped to defeat this nasty gay marriage law! Hurray for the common sense of Maine voters!!
Kevin S
2009-11-03 21:01:55 UTC
I can't believe the lengths some religious people will go to to prevent others from being happy.
2009-11-03 23:01:46 UTC


A black person is born BLACK. A gay person has made a conscoius decision to conduct themselves in a manner known as HOMOSEXUALITY. Just as a smoker has made a conscious decision to smoke, so has a gay chosen to take part homosexual behavior.PERIOD.....

Gays are now in the faces of average people and if those people don't agree with their "homo" habits, then gays will call you a bigot!! If a NORMAL man doesn't like your life style, then good for wanna play house. But, if marriage between 2 of the same sex is allowed to continue, who knows, then pet owners will want to marry their dogs and cats, just so they can have benefits Tooo.. Where will it all end????

Great job voters of Maine and California, great job!
2009-11-03 19:53:55 UTC
I'm not really for or against gay marriage, although I'm a little on the opposing side of it. I support civil union though. In this case though I think it would be wrong to repeal it. If they were given the legal permission to get married thats messed up to take it away from them.
2009-11-03 19:52:35 UTC
When do the have a vote on whether to repeal opposite marriage?
Champion of Knowledge
2009-11-03 20:17:39 UTC
I feel like it could go either way.
2009-11-03 19:58:18 UTC
Yes...another step for good reason to lock closets.
2009-11-03 19:54:48 UTC
If it passes, we should all go take it in the butt out of spite.
2009-11-03 19:53:01 UTC
NO!!! What harm will it do to any other people if two men get married? I say what ever floats your boat, as long as I am not on board:) They have a choice to marry whom they wish:) Let them do it:) If it has nothing to do with you then you shouldn't care:)
None Y
2009-11-03 20:17:31 UTC
If I lived in Maine I would vote yes
2009-11-03 19:52:51 UTC
let the people get married, marriage is supposed to be a guaranteed right by the constitution. people are so busy trying to control other peoples lives and they can't even handle their own.

as long as you love someone who gives a damn about the details?
Dress'd like a trucker
2009-11-03 19:57:23 UTC
Yeah, its all great for gays to get married until they start claiming their dependents on taxes, shafting Uncle Sam. Of course only economists know this. Gays will never admit to it but that is the only reason they want to get married. Nothing wrong with being faithful to another person and wearing a ring.

Maybe its my background but I personally think only men and women should get married, next are we going to marry dogs and cats that have sex?

By all means, thumbs down me. I know the truth, I don't care about homosexuality but I do care about America and its economy, so sue me.
2009-11-03 19:51:44 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they keep the law that gives equal rights to gays. Have you posted this in the LGBT section of YA?
2009-11-03 20:01:12 UTC
I am for 1 man - 1 woman. The unintended consequences of the other is beyond our present passion about the surface issue.
Michael K
2009-11-03 19:51:41 UTC
Hopefully, gay marriage will be upheld. Equality is needed in America. If I lived in Maine, I would vote "No."
2009-11-03 19:51:09 UTC
Rights like these shouldn't be up for a vote.

They're guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.
2009-11-03 19:59:31 UTC
Love and let love : )
2009-11-03 19:51:08 UTC
This USED to be a free country. I liked that. Vote no
The Doctor
2009-11-03 19:51:34 UTC
"No" is ahead of "yes" right now.
St. Alia
2009-11-03 19:51:15 UTC
I'm saddened that 50% of people in Maine are bigots. :(

I hope they maintain their right to marry.
2009-11-03 19:50:58 UTC
Is Maine gay?
2009-11-03 19:53:38 UTC
Personally, I will stick with God on this one and not allow it.
2009-11-03 19:53:17 UTC
Yes! dont let gays marry!! its not right
2009-11-03 19:52:09 UTC
I am overcome with indifference. Who cares?
Beletje_vos AM + VT
2009-11-03 19:51:09 UTC
I hope the "no" is increased!!
2009-11-03 19:51:02 UTC

Allow them to get married.

That's what I think
2009-11-03 19:53:07 UTC
it should be repealed everywhere....
2009-11-03 19:52:42 UTC
Kinda pissed. seriously WTF is wrong with people? Leave they gays alone.
2009-11-03 19:52:13 UTC
hope yes wins
2009-11-03 19:52:09 UTC
NATURAL - two become one flesh


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