No matter how your question gets answered,there will be those that will always disagree.
So let me give a few facts that the pro-gay marriage proponents ignore.
First of all,in general,the lawmakers and courts have all but banned marriage all together.
There is no advantage for married men and women over same sex couples.
Single people get a higher standard deduction on their tax return.
Married couples get a slightly higher standard deduction,but when you split it 50/50,it is less than the single standard deduction.
All home owners get the same tax breaks as far as mortgage interest,property taxes,etc. on their tax returns.
As for legal and medical issues,everything has to be in writing,from wills to medical powers of attorney.
Want to donate an organ? Not only do you mark your drivers license,but you also have to tell your spouse and children,but you also have to put it in writing in a living will and then tell at least 6 people as witnesses.
You have to have an advanced medical directive in place plus a medical power of attorney so someone can make medical decisions for you in the event you are unable to do so.
You have to have a power of attorney for someone you really trust,to take care of your finances and pay your bills if you are not able to do so.
2 single can buy a house,if 1 decides to leave,they can either sell the house and split the money or 1 can buy out the other.
In a marriage,lawyers get involved and then the fighting over the simplest of things begins.
Then there are the alimony and support issues,child custody,visitation,etc.
A single person can adopt a child and then give a guardianship to a partner.
This would allow the partner to act as a parent also.
In the event of a split up,the guardianship can be revoked-no legal hassles.
As it stands right now,if I should become incapacitated in anyway right now,my wife couldn't make any decisions for me - the doctors could do what ever they wanted even if it is not what I want.
A single person is in the same boat,unless everything is in writing and witnessed.
There is another problem for the issue:
The Marriage Protection Act.
It is a Federal Law and state law cannot violate or override federal law.
Marriage is not a Constitutional right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
It is a function of the church and the governmental intervention violates the "seperation of church and state" clause of the U.S. Constitution.