Where can I find a bible that's translated to more modern times?
2010-01-04 19:09:17 UTC
I'm trying to "get right" with God. My parents are Christians and attend Church on Sunday's and I go sometimes, but everything is just so . . . confusing to sum it up in one word. I find it all to be a little hypocritical and I just need answers. I'm having a hard time with everything, and it's hard to beileve everything JUST HAPPENS BECAUSE IT'S GOD'S PLANS. I don't really want to talk about it to anyone, I'm more to myself like that and I would like to know if there's a bible out there that is translated in more modern language. I've tried reading the normal bible, but it's just so confusing and I don't understand any of it at all. Is there any kind of bible out there, like what I'm looking for?
Seventeen answers:
2010-01-04 20:22:34 UTC
Carefully read all this: Well-meaning ppl suggest u use the King James b/c its the only version authorized by a human king [not God] (drawback - its written in older English not spoken 4 over 130 yrs, good in its day but a huge speed bump now, helps promote Biblical ignorance). Others suggest the New International Version (NIV), but its made 2 appeal 2 humanist ideas (a novel/bedtime story/appeal 2 human nature [what ppl like] NOT what the Bible is 4 = huge roadblock). Actually, God's eternal truth that never changes is present in most standard translations but theres roadblocks/speed bumps b/c of various objectives/agendas (i.e. so-called missing bks dont belong in the Bible (see below)). I use the English Standard Version (ESV) b/c its EASIER 2 READ while adhering 2 the real word 4 word 4mat.


Many dont trust God, r stuck in old traditions & miss the right criteria 4 finding the real truth (buying a Bible b/c u like it isnt a good criteria). 4 40 yrs Iv studied the whole Bible, some parts many times. U want a version that gives u the quickest path 2 the truth (least amnt of speed bumps) 4 the best chance not 2 b confused, which u'll hv along the way - especially 4 young ppl - what u feed children spiritually affects the outcome - input = output - Ur approach, methodology, purpose & attitude (in)directly affect what u learn. I hv access 2 30+ translations. Iv found the best 2 versions (1 or 2 others r almost as good but not needed). Why I use these 2:

The wise know there cant b many versions that can b the best/close 2 the old texts. Theres 3 main types of translations with overlaps/mixtures within each category (dependent on agendas/philosophical approach - some may classify some in 1 category when they belong in another - especially within B&C below - 2 a degree more than 1 method may b used 4 readability or depending on agendas/theology concepts - some overuse):

A. Word 4 word with right amount of literal translation method

B. Dynamic equivalence/thought 4 thought - overused Literal

C. Concept 4 Concept/paraphrased - overused Literal

1a. Word 4 Word

I use Bibles based in "word 4 word" with right usage of "literal" (4 readability) translation methods. The reason is they adhere best 2 original text. The translations, best 1rst, r King James III (KJ III) (newest update) by J. P. Green - also published a Literal Translation & an Interlinear Version (IV) - includes Hebrew&Greek, **English Standard Version (ESV) - the "easiest good version" 2 read (related update of Revised Standard Version (RSV - best older 20th Cnt translation).

1b. Older English Versions

Regrettably all other English translations hv inherent problems/errors. Old English versions like the KJV, American Standard Version (ASV, AmV), Revised English Version (REV), Darby & similar versions r written in older English thats not been used 4 over 130 yrs. While it may b poetically nice the Bible isnt about poetry. The Bible's hard enough 2 understand without trying 2 decipher a long outdated language - even word 4 word trans. wont help.

The truth's hidden in the Bible. It takes lots of time & energy 2 mine it as is. Again, many ppl claim the KJV is the only "authorized" version (KJV is authorized by a "human" king not God & has errors). Many older English words rnt even rightly definable any more. Use of OLD so-called "modern" English only helps promote Biblical ignorance, which overrides its value 4 knowing God.

2. Dynamic Equivalence/Thought 4 Thought

B wise stay away from all other (un)popular versions b/c they, 2 1 degree or another hv rewritten passages/verses. While many were well-meaning they watered down/caused significant changes 2 the meaning of God's actual message/block the true power of God's word from being rightly understood.

Many well-meaning ppl tried 2 make versions so-called easier/more pleasurable 2 read - the Bible isnt a storybook or novel. They were trying 2 please humans instead of God. They used dynamic equivalence, thought 4 thought & used some literal/word 4 word methods of interpretation 4 where the original was obviously better. Where these methods went wrong is b/c they tried 2 1 degree or another 2 rewrite verses in their own words (calling them so-called modern English, etc.) or styles (sentence structure/other issues/errors). The more liberally applied the worse the version (especially 4 hidden agendas).

These versions include: The [NASB], RE, NAV, JB, NEB, KJV, NKJV, NRSV, HCSV, CEV, GNB, NCV, NJB & others with similarly applied methods & sad 2 say all Catholic versions [especially with inclusion of so-called "lost" or Apocrypha books, which dont adhere 2 the same foundation/structure, message or contradict God's 66 true books].

3. Paraphrased/Free Translation

This set includes but isnt limited 2 the NLB, LT, NIV, NIRV, NLV, NLT, TNIV, NLV, The Way - Paraphrased + the Message Bible (worst offenders but all versions listed here r almost as bad as these 2 - they make the Bible more like bedtime stories than the word of God). The more liberally applied the worse the version (especially 4 hidden agendas) - perversion 2 1 degree or another.

These translation methods bend/rewrite &/or water down what was originally intended ([un]intentionally 4 various preferences/agendas). If u want 2 know God's actual message dont use these versions - they will give u a distorted picture/message & u could wind up remembering them that way - especially our impressionable children. Use the 2 versions I list under set 1 2 get 2 know what God actually intended.

Then theres other so-called Bibles that cant lead u 2 God - the New World Translation (JWs), BOM (Mormon), the Qu'ran (Islam/muslims) & others claiming 2 b from God, another testament, update or restoration. The true Comforter is God's Holy Spirit not a human.


In reading the Bible 1 must know this - theres many ways that seem right 2 men but its end = death & verses must b judged with right judgment. The Bible isnt 2 b read as a novel or a bedtime story. Many think they can just read it & understand it or its rubbish or pick parts of the Bible not easily understood even by seasoned actual Christians.

No matter how much well-meaning ppl (religious or not) read the Bible they cant find Jesus without going directly 2 Him thru His Biblical instructions (Jn 5:39; 10:1,7; 3:3,5). God outsmarted man - the Bible's the only 1 that cant b properly understood without Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14; Is 29:11-12 - If Jewish ppl cant pierce the veil over the OT without Jesus then 4 sure all gentiles cant) - why theres many interpretations & many thinking its just fairy tales (Jesus came with the sword of division).

The Bible severely warns us not 2 trust humans, not even ourselves, clergy/churches/scholars/scientists (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prov 14:12; Acts 17:11). So carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe or dismiss what I write so u wont make the mistake many have, getting caught up in religious beliefs that wont lead u 2 God (things written about the Bible r by man not Jesus - like books/commentaries).

Note: Neither a label, title, name, its history, # of members, amount of time it existed or whats stated about them means anything - its whats practiced that makes it valid or a lie or not useful (even with respect 2 Bibles). Most Bibles contain the truth but many hv bad errors.

Many miss this - Jesus is the only 1 in history who said He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & NO 1 can know God except thru Jesus (Jn 14:6 - ref Acts 4:12; Jn 5:39; 10:1,7). So "the" whole truth was complete & there4 finished thru what Jesus taught/did or God doesn't know what He's doing & cant b God. The truth is either fully true or its a lie. The full truth cant contain a lie - the absence of any lie. So any so-called new teaching, other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets & teachers r null & void & cant lead u 2 God. But God always knew what He's doing & all Jesus would do.

Jesus couldnt have done nor said what He did unless He fully knew the entire OT (the NT didnt exist @ the time of Jesus) - only possible if God sent Him & the Apostles couldnt write the NT unless Jesus allowed them 2 remember & know His purpose (Lk 24:25-27,45). Only God could cause it.

Religions made many fatal errors. They built religions on what man would like God 2 b like. They cant all b right (i.e. Theres 1 Bible, why so many interpretations? - II Pet 1:**19-21). Religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't know).

I know many Biblical things but most important is do u know about being Born Anew (Jn 3:3,5)? Whats Biblical is built on it (NT - John is the place 2 start, Chap.3 1rst - the whole Bible is connected 2 John). Im not religious under "church" type labels b/c the Bible is about eternal life not how many rituals u can do (wrong use of the Bible - part of why theres many interpretations). By loving the truth 1rst u'll learn the true love of Jesus Christ.

2 begin 2 find our real Jesus, start with Jn 3:1-14 - note: Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus flatout told him he had missed the 1rst most important step - being Born Anew. 2 be Born Anew u must 1rst understand that no1 can live without breaking God's Law = sin that separates us from God (Rom 3:23; Acts 3:19). There4, u must pray 2 Jesus asking Him 2 forgive ur past sins, accept Jesus Christ as ur 1 & only Savior, ask Him 2 give u God's Holy Spirit (Lk 11:11-13; Jn 15:26; 14:26), seek 2 know & follow Him - u always need a Bible (Jn 7:17; Jn 1:12,13; 3:16,17;21; 36; 5:24: 6:37; 8:12; 10:9; 11:25; 14:6; 20:31; Is 34:16; 46:10 - memorize this verse set - later they helped me).

2010-01-04 19:39:44 UTC
I started out with "The Living Bible", which was a paraphrase into today's language. It was so gentle & easy to understand.

Sometimes it can take years before a person grows into liking the King James Version.

Another easy read is the NIV (New International Version.) They even make NIV Student Bibles!

The New American Standard (NAS) is also very easily understood.

If you love words, and the English language, then the Amplified version is fun because it clarifies it.

When I was a child, I wanted to read the Bible so bad, but the KJV frustrated me at times, and I'd put it down. It's nice to know that there are other translations/revisions available. I think the choices are a good thing, not a bad one.
2016-05-26 09:31:19 UTC
There is a modern translation called The Message by Peterson. edit: You seem to focus on the King James. There is a New King James version that is more modern. edit: Scripture is spiritually discerned, so which translation is used really doesn't matter anyway as long as it is reasonably accurate. God the Holy Spirit both led yielded men to write scripture and leads us believers into understanding what is written.
2010-01-04 19:23:14 UTC
Of course, there are literally hundreds of translations out there, you are sure to find one that is suitable for you. I find the antiquated language of the KJV too hard to follow When you are trying to concentrate on the message on the Bible you should have to struggle to understand the language as well.

I would recommend an NIV Study Bible. Study Bibles are great because they give you lots of information in footnotes that help you understand the text. They give background info, alternate translations, cross references, and heaps more. They also have lots of maps and drawings of stuff like the temple and so on so you can get a clear picture in your mind of these sorts of things.

The NIV is a good modern translation and easy to read. But there are heaps of others. There is a website that gives you information about over 100 different English translations so you can decide for yourself which is the best one for you to read. The site is:

The most popular today are: KJV, NKJV (which is the KJV updated to modern English), NIV, NASB, ESV.

Hope this helps you.
people is grass
2010-01-04 19:38:50 UTC
We liked the KJ Life Application Study Bible cause it combines both. It gives you (what we believe to be) the least tampered text plus explanations for most verses. We learned a lot from reading this bible and thoroughly enjoyed. Because the KJ version is not copyright it is the least likely to have been tampered with.

The explanations are in clear modern day English and help you apply all the biblical principles to you daily life. It also gives excellent guidelines as to how to study the bible and options for study plans.
Mike M
2010-01-04 19:17:48 UTC
New Living Translation

New King James

New International Versions (NIV)

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Make sure they are a study Bible
2010-01-04 19:30:05 UTC
get a study Bible, New Living Translation or New International Version are best for younger people.
2010-01-04 19:16:11 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to provide you with the excellent New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures Bible. Just ask them the next time they stop by or go to the local Kingdom Hall.
2010-01-04 19:15:29 UTC
Try a study Bible, they can be found in many different Christian bookstores and will give versus below the verse that usually tells what it means and how it applies to your life.
2010-01-04 19:15:04 UTC
I like the Message Bible.
2010-01-04 19:14:43 UTC
First, you will have to be born again to understand the bible, no matter what translation you get. The bible is meant to be understood with the revelation from the Holy Spirit. The bible isn't like a book in school, it has to be spiritually discerned, not naturally learned ( 1 Corinthians 2:14 ).
2010-01-04 19:16:13 UTC
There are about 20 English versions free to read at
2010-01-04 19:14:50 UTC
Try the New American Bible at the Vatican website. The introductions and footnotes will help a lot.

And as far as you and I are concerned very little happens because it is God's plan. ;)
Your inner Jedi. ☮
2010-01-04 19:19:15 UTC
Not really, it's an ancient book filled with mankind's own biased views. Join the darkside. We've got cookies.
2010-01-04 19:21:08 UTC
You haven't found a version you like?

There are DOZENS of "Accepted Versions"...

"Today we still have dozens of Bible translation versions, with Bible scholars still arguing over the meaning and proper translations of words and phrases. The following shows just a few of the most popular versions:

King James Version (KJV)

The New King James Version (NKJV)

Modern King James Version [Green's Translation] (MKJV)

Literal Translation Version [Green] (LITV)

International Standard Version (ISV)

The New International Version (NIV)

English Standard Version (ESV)

New English Bible (NEB)

American Standard Version (ASV)

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Revised Standard Version (RSV)

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Today's English Version (TEV)

The Living Bible (LB)

New Century Version (NC)

New Life Version (NLV)

New Living Translation (NLT)

Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

Revised Young's Literal Translation (RYLT)

John Darby's New Translation

Weymouth New Testament Translation


(One might wonder what will happen to the "new" revisions a few hundred years from now. Nevertheless, the King James Version still remains the most used Bible in the world today and it will probably continue its popularity long into the future.)"

Be smart and join us here in REALITY...

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2010-01-04 19:19:56 UTC
If it's so confusing and self-contradictory, why bother trying to believe?
2010-01-04 19:15:07 UTC
You can't, be atheist.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.