I need gods help! im struggling in life right now :(?
2013-08-27 13:53:04 UTC
I just need to vent. idk.. Well my life is going horrible right now :( i pray and pray and pray. i tell god how thankful i am for the things i do have though. but im 19 and married and have 2 kids. Our life was going good and then it seemed just out of the blue, things took a turn for the worst! We lost our home and we've been living with my father in law and now my mother in law. I have 2 dogs that I love so much and I can't keep them here, I have to try and keep them at my moms house in a gated kennel for outside and they are inside dogs. My daughter who is 7 months doesn't even have her own room and never really has.. Now my son which is 3 doesn't either. We are all staying in one bedroom. I feel like an awful parent for what's all going on in life for us right now. My husband is working and still things are hard for us. Seems like everyday is a battle to get me to stop thinking about all this stuff:\ I just can't understand what I've done so bad in my life to deserve all this. I talk to god and I ask why and I tell him how sorry I am for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. Its not fair for us to go through this because we are good people who do good for others and don't start drama and work for a living and take care of our children. We do the right things and yet we have to go through horrible stuff like this :( I just don't know why! I see all kinds of bad people who do bad things in life, and use the government and don't take care of their kids or that do drugs and waste their money away, but still are living a good life and don't have to worry about struggling. People around me tell me that everyone struggles at one point in life and I guess that's what's happening to us, but why? I have kids.... I have animals...i want my life back! I don't want to be like this and worry and cry all the time. I want my children to have rooms and to have a place to call home... For real, not a place we are bouncing back and fourth from. I need gods help. :(
Fifteen answers:
2013-08-27 13:57:01 UTC
Your doing God a service by loving you kids.

Parents who don't love their kids destroy the world.
Eye Am Eternal
2013-08-27 21:25:58 UTC
Well, I am sorry that you are looking at things from that perspective. I can say this, all that you are looking at is good for you at this moment. You are being worked on. This is the perfect place for you to bounce off of. What I mean is that you should look at what you are good at and become creative. Creation comes from God and you should tap into the creative force within you. If you are not working, I would suggest that you find something of interest and move towards that. It will start to make you feel better and will take your mind off the things you think on mostly. What you focus on will become your reality. You are actually blessed to not be in some place away from family. It is evident that you and his family should become closer and start to do things as a family and enjoy the time that you have. Don't focus on what you don't have, look towards what you can do that will make you feel good. What is it that you like to do. As the old saying goes, "Find what you love to do and figure out some way to get paid doing it and you will never have to work again." You have all the creative skills within and you should tap into it. You see it as you do because that is what you focus on. Look, you could be sleeping in the backseat of a van or car. You could be taking a sink bath at some gas station. Your kids could be going days with no food. So, you are pretty lucky to be where you are. God is looking out for you. You are a special hand picked individual. Everyday you should pray and ask God to send you in the direction that he wants for you. Then you should step out in the direction of your creative adventure. I promise you this, you will start to feel better and as far as you being where you are, appreciate it more and appreciate all that you have and let know that God has something in store for you. You have to take the first step in that direction of creation and all will start to fall into place. You say you want your life back. Well, that is you wanting from the past. Look to the future and love you and love your kids, love your in-laws, love your husband and most of all, just become the vision of love you see in your minds eye. There really are no mistakes, all is well. You just need some assistance on the next step. So, really, look forward and don't turn back. The past is dead and if you keep on looking into the past, your life will stop and you will find yourself stuck right where you are. Look ahead and move in that direction. Once you do, all the Angels and God will rejoice in that and your blessings will just start to rain down upon you and all who you are with will be blessed. Rise up and take hold of the now. Now is all you have and don't get so caught in the past nor the future, just keep going in the direction of your creativity and everything will start to unfold. It is like driving a car at night. You can only see so far with the headlights on, but you always get to your destination. You just need to hop in your life vehicle and drive to your destination you have in mind. See you there alright. Peace....
2013-08-27 21:38:20 UTC
Suffering was not part of Jehovah God’s purpose for mankind. However, the first human couple rebelled against God’s rulership, choosing to set their own standards of good and bad. They turned away from God and suffered the consequences.

Today we are experiencing the effects of their bad choice. But in no way did God originate human suffering.

The Bible says: “When under trial, let no one say: ‘I am being tried by God.’ For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.” (James 1:13) Suffering can afflict anyone—even those who are favored by God.

Why is there so much suffering?

Read the following article and make sure to use your personal copy of the bible to research the scriptures listed. I think you will find much comfort from what you find.
2013-08-27 20:59:07 UTC
When kids are small is hard for both parents to make profit, because mother is taking care of kids.

But Im telling you you are doing the right thing.

Maybe they dont have their own room but they have a mother and father that take care of them.

yo are young and you want things fast..,,be patient. Patient makes it a person that has faith ,,,,right?

Look at the bright things instead of the negatives, ans little by little you with the help of Almighty will build your life the way is supposed to be. smile to adversities. faith and patience.
2013-08-27 21:13:55 UTC
My dear Jessica -

I'm sorry you're stressing out. I hate to be stressed out! And I have seen times in my life when I too wondered what God was doing.

I know its very difficult to see the trials in our lives as opportunities to learn and grow and get stronger in Him but that's actually just what they are. He knows what's going on in your life and He is asking you to trust Him. He wants all those good things for you and your family just as much as you do but if we are to experience the good things He wants to give us - they must come in His time.

He is not punishing you! He is inviting you to cling to Him for dear life! He hopes to teach you patience and grace - forgiveness and kindness. And above all trust. The only way to learn these things and get good at them is practice - practice - practice:)

Check out a great book called The Prayer that Changes Everything - the hidden power of praise by Stormie Omartian. That book got me thru the hardest 2 years of my life and I know it will be a blessing to you as well.

Don't give up on Him! He is still with you and He loves you very much!
2013-08-27 20:55:48 UTC
God won't help you. The idea of a personal deity is childlike and naive. Do you really think that an omnipotent omniscient deity cares about specific individuals and their prayers and confessions and sins? Grow up and get a grasp of reality. Help yourself.
2013-08-29 17:40:20 UTC
That is his proper name so the (G) is a capital letter because there is only one God and his name is God.
2013-08-27 20:56:56 UTC
"Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer."

Life won't get any better if you sit around waiting for Zeus or whatever god to fix things for you...
2013-08-27 21:04:38 UTC
that's how the evil one gets us. we are not under the law, but under grace. grace is undeserved. if you were under the law, there would be punishments for breaking the law, but it applies only to the living. when we were baptized, we died with Jesus Christ. He died for ALL our sins. past present and future, so we wouldnt have to. this is a test; as fire refines gold, so does tribulation refines faith.

say out loud: i will suscceed! (excuse my english) i will get out of Debt! their is a sermon about it on youtube, his name is Joel Osteen, and the sermon is called: "say so." God bless you! this should be a good prayer to pray: O father that is in heaven, your grace is suffiecient, and your love is everlasting. please give me your grace and love so i may conquer the evil one, and may you not leed me to temptation, but into the light of your ways. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
2013-08-27 21:01:35 UTC
im too busy giving aids to babies in Africa...but i will look into your problems as soon as i get a moment.

Your Magical Creator,

Apostle James The Greater
2013-08-27 20:58:36 UTC
Their are many of my Christians that are hurting right now, and we are sorry for the problems you and your family are going through. Our heavenly father, May you give this family and friends of yours all the heavenly help needed to restore them unto the happiness and security and good advice needed forever for them to live their lives with you to their fullest potential individually forever. We ask this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.
2013-08-27 21:06:37 UTC
morality is low or gone for the most part now. kids running wild and free like dogs. they raise themselves virtually.
2013-08-27 20:55:16 UTC
Sorry for your loss. I can't believe God would do this to you.

On another note, why would you want to worship a god this mean? Just something to think about...
2013-08-27 21:15:30 UTC
When the psalmist speaks of going into the sanctuary, he means he came before the presence of God. He actually went into the temple where God had made provision to meet with His people. When he did that, he began to see things from God's point of view. In the temple he began to shift from natural thinking to spiritual thinking. The problem was that he had been thinking like a natural man. Thus, he had gotten himself worked up into a terrible state of frenzy. But wonderfully, in the sanctuary, he begins to understand as he thinks from God's point of view. That is the great thing about the Scriptures. It means that when you come to church or read the Scriptures, you are not coming merely to find something to soothe you a bit; you are coming that you might have your eyes opened, that you might see things as they really are and thus begin to understand life. There are many people who are content to use the Bible only to soothe their feelings when they get upset, but the Bible is not provided for that. It is provided that we might understand what is happening to us in every aspect of life, and that is what happened to the psalmist. He came into the sanctuary, and there he began to think from God's point of view.

The trouble with so-called natural thinking is that it is always centered on self, and natural-thinking people react to their circumstances according to their feelings, moods, and emotions. When that happens to you, your range of vision is narrowed down to only those factors that are troubling you. You cannot think beyond them. When your feelings govern you, they always limit you. That is what was troubling this man.

He begins to see it when he comes into the sanctuary, into the presence of God, because there he begins thinking spiritually. Spiritual thinking is centered on God, and the mind is in control and not the feelings. Then you are not being governed by emotions but by thoughts relating to facts. Thus, your vision is broadened, and you can see other things besides the one thing that is disturbing your emotions. It is made possible only when you enter the sanctuary.

How do we enter the sanctuary today? According to the New Testament, we ourselves are the sanctuary. God lives in us. To draw near to Him is to enter the sanctuary. We enter the sanctuary in various ways: by exposing ourselves to His truth in the Scripture; or by facing truth we have forgotten as we fellowship with other Christians; or by directly praying to God and changing our thinking from natural to spiritual.

Father, teach me this same truth. Keep me from being envious of the ungodly, but help me to enter Your sanctuary and have my mind renewed by Your truth.

In (Psalm 23:2-3a) David enumerates the ways in which the Good Shepherd meets our needs. The first thing He does is to meet the needs of the inner person, the basic needs that we have for nourishment within. The basic needs of a flock of sheep are grass and water. Here is the very picturesque scene of sheep bedded down in grassy meadows, having eaten their fill and now totally satisfied, and then being led by still waters. Sheep are afraid of running water; they will drink only from a quiet pool. A good shepherd, particularly in a semi-arid region such as Palestine, knows where the watering holes are. He knows where the grassy meadows are. And so he leads the sheep into places where they can rest and feed and where they can drink. The picture is one of calm and tranquility, because the basic needs of the sheep are met.

The counterpart in our lives is obvious. It is God who restores the inner person through His Word. As we feed upon the Word of God we see the Lord Jesus there. We draw upon Him, and our inner person is satisfied. The Word of God brings us, first, to the person of Christ. Beyond the sacred page, the hymn says, we see thee, Lord. We see Him, and we eat and drink of Him, and we discover Him to be the resource that we need. As Paul says, Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day (2 Corinthians 4:16). Our souls are restored. How? As we feed upon Him. As we come to know Him, believe what He says, and act on His word, we discover that the inner person is fed.
2013-08-27 20:56:04 UTC
"Don't ask what God can do for you, ask what you can do for yourself first."

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.